
Escape 2


A powerful explosive sound came from behind. One of the personnel who bounced off was seriously injured. Soon other personnel rushed to him.

Julian seized the opportunity by running perhaps through the front door. He didn't know the exact destination. Most importantly now, he had to get rid of them.

The sound of gunshots aired, attracting the attention of the people in Syahbandar. Julian must immediately find a place to find, because from there it is impossible.

Until finally he arrived at a place filled with containers loading goods. arranged in such a way as to form a maze.

Julian stuck his broad back behind one of the containers. While his gaze continues to lurk in all directions.

"How did the police find me so quickly? Could this be Fatur's work?"

Suddenly dimly, Julian caught the conversation between two people. One of them is Luna's voice. Julian is very familiar with that distinctive and shrill voice

Julian crept to the other side of the container. The longer he could clearly catch Luna's voice arguing with a male voice.

"You are outrageous Broto! Why did you call the police when Julian was in the house!" snarled Luna angrily. Even though the man had intended to help Julian to escape. But actually the opposite.

"Hahaha... Luna, Luna why bother helping a fugitive. You want to ask for the law heh!" said the dark-skinned man with curly hair.

"But you're a liar Broto! You've gone back on your quote!"

"Haha... Never mind Luna, you don't know what if someone said that you caught Julian worth 1 billion? It's not bad if you divide it by two? We'll be rich!" said the man excitedly. Julian didn't think there would be such a contest.

"Tch! I don't want to accept the money from selling a friend. That's a cheap name!" said Luna.

"Then what's the difference with you, playing games! You sell your body for money! What do you call that if not cheap? What a hypocrite!" replied the cruel Broto.

Julian could empathize with Luna's heart. It must be painful to say that even though it's true. However, he knew that the girl was quite tough.

"I hate you, Broto! From now on! Don't see me again." said Luna before leaving. However, his steps were held back by Broto.

"Where are you going to tease? Come serve me first," the man chuckled as he hugged Luna tightly. body music slammed into the container body accompanied by the sound of Luna struggling. Broto excitedly lifted Luna's tank top.

Broto's body staggered as he was hit by a kick from the side. He collapsed in pain. In front of him now stood a man with perfect male posture with very strong muscles all over his body. Broto is dashing with marines who are very similar to this man.

"Dare you touch Luna, I'll break your neck!" threatened Julian in an emphatic voice.

For a moment Broto looked closely at the man's face, until he realized that he was the fugitive who was posted in many media. Being rushed everywhere.

"I'm very lucky tonight, to be able to meet a petty class like you. Luckily you're not great enough yet. Unlike me, I used to be paid undetected at all," said the man cheerfully.

Julian raised the right eyebrow, without answering a word Broto who kept hurling himself up and blaming Julian.

Instead of being right, Julian felt that the man looked stupid for spouting a crime that should have been kept under wraps.

"Now your history is over. Soon the police will find you here and you will end up in the execution pit." Broto continues to litter. his laugh out loud. annoying.

Julian closed his eyes. His hands clenched tightly. Already want to hit the limp mouth that resembles that woman.

"The police! Julian is here! Let's get him!" suddenly Broto shouted loudly. However, his voice was no longer heard because a strong bomb hit him until he passed out.

Julian surprised the second as his successor. Then the man turned to Luna who froze with sad eyes.

"Julian, I'm sorry. I didn't know that Broto would betray me,"

"No need to apologize. I've heard it all before."

"You're not angry are you?"

"Why am I angry? You have good intentions to help me. I should be grateful to you," said Julian, stroking Luna's loose hair. Julian did not know that touching it had managed to stir Luna's feelings.

"Julian," Luna whispered. Julian who originally revealed Luna's crown turned to a pair of eyes that were beautiful because of eyelashes.


Luna bit her lip. He had never been this awkward when it came to Julian. He'd been holding it in for quite some time, it seemed like now would be a good time to say it before leaving.

"What are you talking about?"

Luna reveals a spy pair that holds a lot of that stuff. It is reflected in his smooth attitude when he is with Luna now. Luna's feelings became increasingly uncertain.

"I, I..." Luna stuttered. He hated the way he was now. The man was too charming. Handsome, dashing, charismatic. It is very possible if there are women who are not so deeply fascinated, including himself.

"Speaking of which. I have treated you like my own sister," said Julian like lightning struck the heart. Adi? Luna thought did not accept.

Luna enjoys being together in the past. So does Julian. Cool riot buddy. You could even say they are the perfect bed partner. However, what Luna regretted. He didn't like the feeling of their relationship at all, so they were just friends and nothing more.

"Get out of here quickly! Before the police find you!" Luna spoke after a long silence. To Julian's surprise the woman was crying.

"Luna, why are you crying?" asked Julian. Luna lifted her head. Holding back tears.

"Never mind, don't mind me! Go! Save me!"

"I'm not leaving until you tell the truth, Luna," Julian explained. The man quite understood Luna's attitude that he was hiding something from him. But Julian wasn't a psychic who could penetrate the depths of a person's heart.

He was originally focused on running away now with Luna's thoughts. During the time he had known her, Julian had never seen Luna emotionally. Is it possible that this woman is sad because she is the one who will go far.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to them, a woman peeked behind another container. In the shadows, he could see a lovebird that matched perfectly. while the slender, beautiful man was so burly that it was appetizing.

"I won't be calm if you don't reveal everything Luna. Have I had something wrong with you all this time to make you cry like this?"

"You're not wrong Julian, I just wanted to ask you before you leave."

"What's that?"