

As Desmond and his family made their way into the Inner City, an entourage of soldiers surrounded them, their watchful gazes fixed upon the group. Unlike the desolate and lifeless streets of the Outer City, the Inner City was a vibrant hub of activity, bustling like a thriving port.

Each building in this area exuded opulence, adorned with intricate and expensive decorations that caught the eye. A towering wall stood as a demarcation, separating this privileged enclave from the less fortunate residents of the Outer City, hinting at the heightened security and quality of life within.

As they ascended to higher ground, a refreshing breeze swept through, carrying with it the tantalizing scents of the nearby market district, where a myriad of stalls beckoned with their colorful displays.

"Ah, greetings, Master Noel," a chorus of friendly voices rang out, directed towards Noel, who confidently led the way. Her military uniform proudly displayed the emblem of her rank. Standing alongside her, Leona stood out amongst the crowd, radiating an even more striking presence that captured the attention of countless onlookers.

Eyes were drawn to her, unable to resist her allure. And by her side stood Alice, a picture of adorableness that elicited envy from the spectators, their gazes inevitably turning towards Bastian, the fortunate man accompanying such captivating women.

The soldiers, positioned as guardians and escorts, diligently maintained a protective barrier, keeping the eager crowd at bay, preventing them from encroaching upon the family's path.

Meanwhile, Desmond found himself captivated by the scene unfolding before him. The people, their attire reminiscent of the Middle Ages, blended seamlessly with the architectural marvels surrounding them. Observing their expressions, their mannerisms, and the lilt of their speech...

This is truly my reincarnation, Desmond mused, the realization dawning upon him.


After a leisurely stroll through the bustling market district, Desmond and his family finally reached the grand gate that marked the entrance to their new residence. Twin pillars of solid concrete stood tall, towering over thrice the height of an average adult, while an imposing iron gate formed a formidable barrier in between.

Adjacent to the gate, a sturdy wall enclosed the property, slightly shorter in height compared to the imposing gate. The walls lacked footholds, designed as a one-sided fortification that provided protection from the outside world.

Gazing at the expanse of land that would soon become their new home, Desmond couldn't help but deduce that the previous owner must have held noble status. The sheer grandeur of the estate spoke volumes about its history and prestige.

Noel extended her arms, her voice filled with warmth as she welcomed them. "Welcome to your new house," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with pride. Behind the formidable iron gate, a breathtaking vista of rolling meadows stretched out, extending as far as the eye could see.

"I apologize for the inconvenience. The coachman is running a bit late, so we will be using a carriage instead of walking," Noel added, her face twitching with a touch of frustration.

Desmond's gaze caught the subtle glare she shot toward a man standing at a distance, unmistakably the coachman. The poor fellow stood there, hat in hand, seemingly aware of Noel's dissatisfaction.

Curiosity stirred within Desmond as he silently called upon the system. "System, can you scan the area?" he inquired inwardly. With the view behind the gate captivating his attention, he saw no harm in examining the land that would be his abode for years to come.

The system swiftly responded, and as Desmond commanded the scan, an ethereal energy emanated from him, piquing the curiosity of Noel and his parents, drawing their attention to the phenomenon.

"I'm just a baby, I'm just a baby," Desmond muttered to himself, his words serving as a reminder of his true age. Yet, even as he spoke, Noel's gaze lingered on him for a moment before a transparent screen materialized, obstructing Desmond's line of sight.

[System conclusion: Detected an anomaly underground, emitting weak abnormal energy]

"Underground, huh," Desmond thought, contemplating the revelation. "System, can you mark the location?" he requested. Instantly, a yellow dot appeared on his mini-map, indicating the precise position of the detected anomaly.

"Woah," Alice gasped in awe, her tiny hands tightly gripping the iron gate as her mouth hung open. Her gaze fixated on the vast meadow beyond, where countless birds soared through the sky. But it was a particular species that captured her attention—a creature with long ears, playfully hopping through the meadow, leaving Alice transfixed.

Noel gracefully squatted down, her smile warm and tender as she gently rubbed Alice's long, silver hair. "Little princess, can you do me a favor?" she asked, her eyes filled with kindness and a playful sparkle.

"What is it, big sister?" Alice replied, her voice brimming with curiosity. However, her gaze remained fixated on the captivating scenery beyond the gate. Her eyes transformed into stars as she caught a glimpse of a faint shadow, resembling a castle nestled amidst the vast meadow.

Just then, the resounding sound of horse hooves reached their ears. The coachman, who had stood beside Noel moments ago, had now taken his place on the carriage.

"Sweety, come here," Bastian called out to Alice, his voice infused with soft affection. He couldn't help but cast a tender gaze upon his daughter.

But it was evident that Alice remained unmoved, her body rooted in place, unwilling to part from the iron gate. Her father's call seemingly went unnoticed.

"Alice, listen to your father. The carriage is waiting," Leona chimed in, observing her daughter's excitement. Both she and her husband couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt. For years, their journey had been nomadic, pausing only briefly in a few cities. Alice had spent her early years aboard a ship, so it was no wonder that the prospect of having a place to call home filled her with boundless joy.

"Yes, mom," Alice finally relented, standing up and grasping her father's hand. Yet, the lingering excitement in her eyes was unmistakable as she glanced back at the awaiting carriage.

The carriage, drawn by two majestic, armored horses, stood ready, its coachman taking his place beneath a small wooden roof that provided shelter. The rectangular carriage boasted a dark, finely crafted wooden frame. Two doors adorned each side, with the lower half made of wood and the upper half composed of glass, revealing only the passengers' heads.

Adding a touch of extravagance, the carriage boasted intricate golden carvings adorning its body, while the horses' armor shimmered in pure gold, lending an air of opulence to the already impressive vehicle.

Observing Alice's infectious excitement, Noel couldn't help but sigh. "This carriage was exclusively designed for the kingdom's elite," she explained, her voice tinged with a mix of admiration and explanation. "The fine dark wood you see has been infused with a special magic material, rendering it highly resistant to attacks. Additionally, there are several magic crystals embedded at the corners, with each crystal capable of storing a single spell."

"But the most remarkable feature lies in one of the crystals," Noel continued, her excitement growing. "It contains a dimension spell, allowing the carriage to transport more than ten people at once!"

As Noel shared this information with a sense of pride and enthusiasm, she attempted to showcase the magnificence of her master's creation. However, her joy quickly dampened as she realized that Leona, too, was a master witch who possessed the ability to cast dimension spells.

Her embarrassment grew, her face turning a shade of red. The urge to find a hole to hide in washed over her, but she composed herself, reminding herself of her role as the representative of the North Kingdom.

Clearing her throat, Noel addressed Alice's eager question. "Can I enter?" the little girl asked, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. Although her parents had taught her to seek permission, her impatience was palpable, as if she could barely contain herself from entering without asking.

"Of course," Noel replied with a warm smile, granting Alice permission to enter.

"Wow!" Alice exclaimed, her excitement uncontainable. Without waiting for her parents' approval, she bounded into the carriage, her eyes widening in astonishment as she beheld the vastness of the interior. The contrast between its outward appearance and its spaciousness within left her momentarily awestruck.

With a hint of pride, Noel and the rest of the group entered the carriage after Alice, eagerly awaiting Bastian and Leona's reaction.

Bastian and Leona found themselves taken aback by the extravagant and lavish decor adorning the interior of the carriage. It had been years since they had been surrounded by such opulence. In the past, everything had been meticulously prepared for them, but now...

Their longing gazes softened as they exchanged a glance and offered Noel a grateful smile. "Thank you, Ms. Noel," Leona expressed, a sense of contentment spreading within her. It seemed that their decision to join this kingdom had been a wise one after all.


As the gates swung open, the carriage ventured forth onto a path lined with white stones, its sides adorned with low walls to guide the vehicle along its designated track.

The path led towards a hazy silhouette of a rugged-looking castle nestled in the heart of the meadow. Alice, perched near the window, nearly leaped in excitement as she witnessed rabbits playfully hopping and darting alongside the carriage. A flock of swallows circled above, as if offering a welcoming dance to the newcomers.

Noel and Bastian's family were accompanied by their assigned soldiers, who patiently awaited their arrival at the outer gate. Only a select few of Bastian's subordinates, including maids and a handful of servants, joined them inside the carriage.

After a few minutes of traversing the picturesque landscape and relishing in its beauty, the carriage eventually came to a halt in front of the castle. From a distance, the structure resembled a grand castle, but upon closer inspection, it revealed itself to be a magnificent mansion adorned with patches of moss and overgrown wild plants. It bore an appearance of abandonment, as if it had remained untouched for a considerable period.

"Apologies for the disarray," Noel offered with a hint of awkwardness. "This house once belonged to a duke, but after the rebellion, it fell into disuse. The scenic surroundings and the vastness of the land made it unattainable for many commoners until now."

Noel couldn't help but feel a pang of discomfort as she presented the family with a house in such a state, knowing it wasn't the ideal welcome she had hoped for. However, circumstances had left her with no other option.

The moment Alice disembarked from the carriage and caught sight of the mansion's dilapidated appearance, her earlier excitement morphed into fear. A shiver ran down her spine, and she instinctively sought refuge behind her mother, seeking solace and reassurance.

Bastian, however, exuded confidence as he surveyed every nook and cranny of the mansion. "Not a problem at all, Ms. Noel," he declared, his voice carrying an air of assurance. "This mansion simply needs a good cleaning."

As Bastian and his family stepped through the threshold, the sound of the creaking door reverberated through the air, unsettling Alice even further. To add to her apprehension, she noticed an abundance of cobwebs clinging to every corner. The interior, although vast, showcased a grand red-carpeted staircase positioned in the center of the room, leading up to the second floor. Above the staircase hung a massive chandelier, casting a dim glow throughout the space. The staircase branched off in two directions, each leading to a different section of the mansion.

Noel proceeded to explain the layout, pointing out the key areas on the first floor. "In front of the staircase on the first floor, you'll find six rooms designated for maids and servants," she detailed. "Towards the back of the staircase, there's a dining room that includes the kitchen, along with a small-sized bathroom and a nearby storage room."

With Noel's guidance, the group began their exploration, venturing into the various rooms on the first floor.

The maids' and servants' quarters, appearing rather modest from the outside, proved to be more spacious than anticipated once they stepped inside. Each room comfortably accommodated two occupants and was equipped with a medium-sized wardrobe.

Bastian promptly signaled the maids to begin tidying up the rooms, while also dispatching a messenger to inform his other subordinates aboard his ship of their new abode.

Upon entering the dining room, their attention was drawn to a vast glass window adorning one of the walls, offering a breathtaking view of the expansive meadow. Adjacent to the long dining table, the kitchen stood adorned with various utensils suspended overhead.

Bastian and his family were genuinely pleased with the mansion they had been assigned. It possessed a certain charm that only required a thorough cleaning to transform it into a beautiful and comfortable place to call home.

Having completed their inspection of all the rooms, they regrouped in front of the staircase, listening attentively as Noel provided a detailed overview of the second floor's layout. "On the left side of the second floor, you'll find three rooms—a larger bedroom and two medium-sized bedrooms," she explained. "On the right side, there are two rooms—a library and a spacious bathroom—accompanied by a balcony situated in the middle."


A couple of hours later, having meticulously examined every nook and cranny of the mansion, the family found themselves once again standing at the front door.

"We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Grandmaster Weston for providing us with such a splendid residence," Bastian spoke earnestly, bowing alongside his family. Alice, still acclimating to formalities, inclined her body forward while raising her head to address Noel.

"We also want to express our appreciation to you, Ms. Noel. Your explanations and guidance have been invaluable to us," Leona added, her voice filled with gratitude.

Leona understood the demands placed upon a master witch's time and recognized that Noel could have easily delegated the task of acquainting them with the mansion and ensuring their safe arrival. However, Noel's personal involvement signified the importance Grandmaster Weston and she placed on this family's presence within the kingdom.

"No need for thanks, it was my pleasure. This was no inconvenience to me at all. Seeing new faces joining our kingdom brings me great joy, and I also took the opportunity to personally assess my subordinates' dedication," Noel responded, her tone carrying a mischievous undertone. She offered them a sly smile and a playful wink.

Bastian and Leona exchanged stunned glances, a sudden realization dawning upon them. They recalled Grandmaster Weston's earlier mention that they would be placed under his disciple's command upon joining the army.

Before they could react or voice their thoughts, Noel let out a chuckle. "Well, if that's all, I shall not further intrude upon your time. I have my own duties to attend to," she remarked, seemingly unfazed by their surprise. Without waiting for a response, she swiftly departed, leaving the family standing there, contemplating the intriguing turn of events.

In the tranquil embrace of the night, every object meticulously transferred to the grand mansion, Bastian found solace in the sanctuary of the library. Bathed in the soft, ethereal glow of the moon, the room exuded an air of serenity, casting delicate patterns that danced across the lush expanse of his yard. The subtle interplay of light and shadows breathed life into the space, as if the very essence of nature had found refuge within those walls.

As Bastian's gaze traversed the tranquil scene, his senses honed in on faint movements amidst the meadow. A flicker of instinct coursed through his veins, compelling him to reach for the sword concealed beneath the sturdy work table. Before his hand could clasp the hilt, a pair of hands, gentle yet confident, enveloped his neck from behind, their presence unexpected yet strangely reassuring.

"Easy now, my love," a voice as velvety as a summer's breeze whispered into his left ear, its seductive allure intertwining with the fabric of his senses. The tension that had gripped Bastian's body began to dissolve, replaced by a soothing calmness that emanated from the familiarity of the voice.

Turning around, Bastian beheld his wife, draped in a faint white gown that accentuated her delicate form. A play of moonlight on her figure revealed a tantalizing glimpse of her feminine contours, teasing his senses and quickening his pulse. Her cheeks adorned with a blush, she appeared irresistibly seductive, a vision that stirred desires deep within him.

"You've taken me by surprise, my love," Bastian murmured, a smile forming on his lips as he stood up, his eyes locked with hers. In the subdued glow of the lamp, she seemed to glow with an otherworldly radiance, her presence a beacon of passion in the night. His hands, guided by a magnetic pull, ventured beneath the folds of her gown, caressing the contours of her most intimate self.

Leona's cheeks flushed even deeper, turning the hue of ripened tomatoes, as a mixture of sullenness and desire filled her tone. "You fool," she retorted, her voice carrying a hint of playful reproach. However, her words were accompanied by soft moans that escaped her lips, betraying the pleasure that surged within her.

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