
The Most Powerful

So our MC, a guy named Raymond was visited by our beloved Truck-kun and then met the god of wishes who grants him 5 wishes and reincarnates him into the MHA world... Ok I want to start by saying I'm a noob author here and this is my first book ever, you don't have to read or even give stones for the book as I think it would be better to save them and support actual quality books and not this one i just picked up for the fun of it. Second i am capable of taking constructive criticism as i have prepared myself mentally when i decided to start writing so please don't hesitate to send them my way. All i ask is that all criticism is sent for the betterment of the book and hopefully my writing skills and not done out of spite or any other immature reason. I would also like to state that whenever i write i occasionally put myself in the MC's shoes so as i write even i don't know where this story will lead to, i just hope i don't disappoint myself. I would also like to state that whenever i write i listen to music, this greatly affects my mood and i want readers to understand if sometimes MC seems a little weird or does something out of character that its actually me or rather the music i'm listening to at the moment thats the issue. There will be a few OC in order to make things more interesting as the MC will turn into an OC himself as i will show in the book, and as most have realized by now my grammar isn't the best but thats why i want to write this novel so that i can improve. Now I hope you enjoy the book as you read on. thank you.

T_Gold · Anime & Comics
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After getting used to the unusual feeling passing through him, Raymond then turned towards ROB who was still furious about being tricked by him and proceeded to finish said"So like i was saying before i was beautifully interrupted." Raymond said with a mocking smile towards ROB before continuing, "I would really appreciate it if you could reincarnate me in the my hero academia world."

ROB hearing this was not happy at all and if anything felt severely insulted by Raymond as he had expected him to choose for a world with one of his wishes. ROB felt this way because that was simply how things went, or at least how they had been going for a long time. ROB expected Raymond to use his first wish for an Overpowered ability(but not insanely overpowered), his second wish for the kind of family he wanted to be born in or how he wanted to look in the new world, and lastly his final wish for the world he wanted to go to.(Not counting the other two wishes as ROB only gave Raymond those since he was in a very good mood prior.)

However Raymond had defiled all his expectations by essentially making himself god if one were to think about it. ROB wanted nothing more than to kill Raymond because of his trickery but Raymond had already predicted this long before and so thanks to his third wish ROB was unable to do anything to him directly.

ROB eventually gave up on trying to kill Raymond and even decided to reincarnate him in the MHA world as he desired. The reason ROB agreed to this was because even if ROB decided to reincarnate him somewhere else Raymond would still be able to get out and move to the MHA world if he wanted, and most importantly ROB wanted nothing more than to never see Raymond's face again so he quickly sent him on his way but not before sending one last glance of pure malice to Raymond and one more filled with anger at an undetermined location where Truck-kun was because he was confused as to why his friend didn't send this treacherous soul down the express path.

Raymond while leaving the spiritual realm in which he was in noticed ROB sending him a glance of hate to which he replied with a mocking smile of his own. After which everything became dark again, but soon a tunnel of light appeared in front of Raymond to which he responded by actively trying to leave through that tunnel.

Raymond eventually came out of the tunnel to meet four individuals. The first was a man who had picked him up with his disposable gloves sulked in blood and a face mask on to which he instantly connected him to being a doctor.

The second was a women who looked pale white as if she skin had never felt sunlight in her entire life, the third person he saw was right beside the woman and was a tall man with white hair and red eyes who had a very happy expression on his face, and the final person being a woman with the with the same look as the doctor and Raymond assumed her to be the nurse before the doctor began saying, "Congratulations madam, the operation was a success." he said as he handed Raymond over to his mother.

Raymond's mother had blonde hair and green eyes that looked at him compassionately, she also had extremely pale skin but Raymond took that as her just going through child birth. After a while of both her and the man who he assumed to be his father looking at him for a while his father then began to speak saying, "What do you want to name him." to which his mother seemed to look indecisive of.

"I don't know she said" then taking her eyes of Raymond for the first time and turning it to her husband and then said, "What do you want to name him?" to which his father responded saying "I don't know."

Raymond was confused as to why they were so indecisive and why they didn't pick a name for him before hand but all those thoughts quickly left him as he felt his buttocks getting hit by the doctor who finally realized that Raymond hadn't cried once since he was born and then decided to help him out by making sure nothing was wrong with him.

Raymond immediately burst out in tears while his mother seemed upset and hurt at first she understood what was going on and was quickly calmed by the doctor who later apologized for not noticing such an important detail at first and was scared of having his license revoked because of this.

Raymond's mother then said while he was crying, "How about Urek." she said, "Yes, Urek would be a great name" replied his father, and so Raymond's name became Urek.


2 years later

Two years had passed since Urek first came to this world and during these two years he learnt that his mother was of polish decent and his father was American. Urek also learnt that his family lived in japan and were relatively rich themselves as they had many mansions and properties all around the world but resided in japan as it was currently the safest place within the world thanks to its number one hero All Mights presence.

Ureks last name was Mazino which he found extremely funny considering he was aware of a fictional character within the tower of god series who was also named Urek Mazino. Not only did Urek have the name of this character but he also had his looks to. Urek was a very small kid with ash blonde hair and red eyes.

Urek was currently not in a mansion but instead in a relatively modest home which was simply as normal as the term normal could be. This lifestyle change happened a year ago when Urek's parents decided to abandon the high life and instead live normally among the middle class. This stemmed from the fact that where they stayed before was more or less isolated and they believed because of this Urek had no friends therefore gave up on all that after buying a home in Musutafu city.

Urek also learnt during this time that he had been reborn the same age during the time as Izuku Midoriya, and had even run into him a few times but unlike cannon he wasn't as timid and was a bit more out going while still being a wimp of course.

Urek had also run into Bakugo before while they were playing but left as al the other kids made a joke about his features being extremely similar to Bakugo's. Urek simply took this as them behaving this way since Bakugo hadn't yet awakened his quirk and put them in their place.

Another thing Urek had realized was that he was able to use his fourth and fifth wish from birth where he instantly wished for a couple of blessings, one being accelerators battle IQ, another being that he wished for the ability to be revived once after dying. These were his two instant wishes as not only were they unnoticeable but they were also all very useful. Urek didn't grant himself any visible ability yet because he didn't want to be questioned about how he could use his abilities already, and he was still thinking about what kind of ability he would have.

The reason Urek thought this way was that it was simply impossible to have more than one quirk in the MHA universe as even Todoroki only had one which was a mixture of two quirks. Urek wanted an ability that was amazingly overpowered and was able to give an answer to the other abilities he planned on giving himself in the future if others where to ask how he may seem to have more than one quirk.

Urek decided that he ability he would have officially would be Molecular/Atomic and energy control. His reason for choosing this ability was that not only was it insanely overpowered on its own it was able to give an answer to pretty much all of the abilities he planned on giving himself in the future, and it was convenient since his mother has a seemingly lightning quirk at first glance but was actually a quirk that let her basically harness raw energy in the form of lightning. His father on the other hand had a quirk that let his distort objects he touched into what ever he wanted as long as the atomic composition of the object touched allowed for suck a change.

Both his parents had extremely broken quirks already so when his manifests which would be even more broken than theirs it would make sense where it came from, and like that two years past.

A/N: Sry this chapter was shorter than the last one i had a lot of work to do but i will try my best to make up for it by getting three chapters out tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed it :)

Some OC's will be introduced in the next chapter so pls expect some major changes to cannon and a few Original arcs going forward.

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