
The Most Powerful

So our MC, a guy named Raymond was visited by our beloved Truck-kun and then met the god of wishes who grants him 5 wishes and reincarnates him into the MHA world... Ok I want to start by saying I'm a noob author here and this is my first book ever, you don't have to read or even give stones for the book as I think it would be better to save them and support actual quality books and not this one i just picked up for the fun of it. Second i am capable of taking constructive criticism as i have prepared myself mentally when i decided to start writing so please don't hesitate to send them my way. All i ask is that all criticism is sent for the betterment of the book and hopefully my writing skills and not done out of spite or any other immature reason. I would also like to state that whenever i write i occasionally put myself in the MC's shoes so as i write even i don't know where this story will lead to, i just hope i don't disappoint myself. I would also like to state that whenever i write i listen to music, this greatly affects my mood and i want readers to understand if sometimes MC seems a little weird or does something out of character that its actually me or rather the music i'm listening to at the moment thats the issue. There will be a few OC in order to make things more interesting as the MC will turn into an OC himself as i will show in the book, and as most have realized by now my grammar isn't the best but thats why i want to write this novel so that i can improve. Now I hope you enjoy the book as you read on. thank you.

T_Gold · Anime & Comics
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During these four years Urek had also wished for the blessing or rather for the Noble Phantasm Sha Naqba Imuru. The version Urek created was slightly different from the original as in, Urek had the ability to see the names and quirks of anyone he lays his eyes upon, he is also able to see some of their deepest thoughts and wishes if he concentrates close enough.

Another thing that Urek had begun planning was the exact moment when would awaken his quirk. Urek planned on doing so at about twenty six days after his birthday, however something unexpected had happened four days before his birthday.

Ureks family got a call from the American heroes department stating that Ureks uncle and Aunt had died in a plane crash. Ureks parents did not take the message well especially his father Derian Mazino. Ureks uncle, and his fathers twin Dylan Mazino was Ureks fathers only direct blood relative after their parents had died three years before Urek was born.

Urek first met his uncle when he was a few months old, this was during the time when Urek and his family lived in their mansion and hadn't moved. Urek found his uncle to be a bit of a talkative as he and his father never once stopped talking about missed times so he assumed that they hadn't met each other in a while.

Urek found out that his uncle's wife had given birth a few months after his own birth so Urek expected that his cousin would be coming to live with them soon since Ureks uncles wife was an orphan with no family before she got married, Urek and his parents were his cousins only living family.

Ding Dong~

Urek heard the door bell ring and he was called downstairs a few minutes later by his parents. 'It seems he's here.' Urek thought to himself.

"Urek come say hello to your cousin!" Urek's mother Maria said as she called for him. "Coming." Urek responded as he came downstairs to meet the person he predicted he would be living with for the next few years.

Contrary to what Urek expected Liam his cousin wasn't at all the broken down and edgy kid he thought he would be when he arrived, instead he was smiling brightly and seemed to be the kind of person who could never be in a bad mood.

This initially caught Urek of guard as he was not expecting this but he quickly regained his composure as he analyzed this cousin of his. Liam had long white hair and calm blue eyes which directly contradicted Ureks red eyes.

As Urek analyzed him he began to realize that the cheerful face he initially saw on the outside was nothing more than a mask Liam was wearing. He saw that Liam's eyes used his seemingly enthusiastic look to cover the bagginess in them showing that he hasn't slept in a while, his fingers were also chipped greatly and one was even cracked slightly meaning he had scratched them on hard surfaces occasionally and his cuticles greatly damaged.

Urek was confused as to how all these details were missed by the ones who brought him here and how even his parents hadn't noticed them yet, but then it hit him that the people who brought Liam here probably didn't care enough to notice his depression and his father was to busy accepting his brothers death, while his mother was just happy to see that Liam had survived from the plane crash to notice these minor details.

"Hello." Urek said with a fake smile of his own to Liam to which Liam surprisingly seemed to notice and responded saying "Hello." After the brief exchange there seemed to be an awkward silence in the house as Ureks mother told Liam to go to Ureks room and freshen up since she didn't want Liam staying alone at this time as he was going through a lot.

two weeks had passed since Liam began living with Urek's family and thanks to Liam's presence Urek's father seemed to have come out of his depression earlier than expected as he needed to man up and take control of the family business. One year after Urek was born his father retired as CEO of the Mazino empire and gave up his position to his younger brother Dylan Mazino. However now that his brother was dead, in order to continue the family line Ureks father took over the company again and due to the fact that the company was currently in chaos he had began coming home later than usual, sometimes not even coming home at all.

Ureks birthday had also come during this time but it wasn't really celebrated since tragedy had just recently struck their household. Urek had also postponed his quirk awakening to happen fifteen days after his appointed schedule as it wasn't convenient to awaken his quirk at a time like this.

Urek had also been studying Liam during these past few weeks and he noticed something that everyone in his family did as well. Every time Liam got something from them he would always talk about his parents paying for it later, or his parents picking him up later whenever it was time to sleep. Urek's mother didn't take it well as it broke her heart whenever Liam would say something like that as she felt like she wasn't making Liam feel at home enough, it also acted as fuel for his father to work even harder as he seemed to think that if he stabilized the business quickly enough he would be able to make enough time for him to spend with his family.

Urek on the other hand seemed to just be pissed of at Liam. His reason wasn't just because he was heartless but it was because he was irritated at his unwillingness to accept the fact that his parents were dead.

It was nighttime again now. Urek and Liam were getting both their beds ready to go to sleep after which Liam came in front of him and did a 90 degree bow before saying."I am sorry for the inconvenience, I promise when my parents com-" he didn't finish what he was saying before he was interrupted by Urek who said coldly."They are not picking you up."

Liam stayed silent for a while before saying with a smile "Yes they will." This got Urek even more mad than he was before, 'Why does this kid piss me of so much' he thought to himself before saying"No they wont, your parents are dead." and immediately he said so Liam retorted quickly without his occasional smile this time "No they are not!". "Yes they are, they are dead, never picking you up regardless of where you are and they are never paying for anything for you again, get used to it." Urek said coldly as he got closer to Liam.

"Not they aren't!!" Liam yelled as he threw a punch at Urek to which he simply dodged before punching him straight in the guts and followed with a roundhouse kick to the head. Liam quickly got up and tried attacking again but each time he tried going on the offensive he would get the crap beaten out of him by Urek.

'What the hell am I doing' Urek thought to himself as he found himself being stupidly emotional to the point he was convinced he was being mind controlled, but regardless he continued beating up Liam and this went on for a total of four minutes before Liam was unable to move anymore as Urek simply sat on him.

Liam was visibly crying as he felt useless and Urek simply stared down at him closely before saying, "What exactly happened?" Liam was clearly shocked at this but saw it as Urek mocking him although he still replied, "What do you mean" Urek could tell that that wasn't really a question but was Liam's way of trying to end the conversation but he still went on without caring for the others thoughts as he said, "I mean how exactly did your parents die, and don't give me that bullshit about it just being as accident like those cops said." Urek said as he looked at Liam again with the latter staring back this time before saying "What more do you want to know, an accident happened and the heroes could only save me." Urek could tell that there was anger and hatred in his voice as he said that. "Listen." Urek said, "You don't wanna talk about it? fine, but know this." He said as he stared down at Liam again before continuing "Right now I'm probably the only one who is going to truly listen to you."

A/N: Alright. sorry i haven't updated in a while as i have been very busy recently.

- So this chapter we were introduced to Liam and he seems to be a very interesting character to say the least

- He also seems to have a hatred for heroes as Urek also seems to notice this.

- Why do you guys think Urek got emotional from Liam, could he really be mind controlled?

Thx for reading and pls leave your thoughts in the comments. also for those wandering Liam was originally named Damon but i felt the name Liam fit better with his character kai was also an option.

Thanks for reading and please leave your thoughts in the comments.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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