
The Most Powerful

So our MC, a guy named Raymond was visited by our beloved Truck-kun and then met the god of wishes who grants him 5 wishes and reincarnates him into the MHA world... Ok I want to start by saying I'm a noob author here and this is my first book ever, you don't have to read or even give stones for the book as I think it would be better to save them and support actual quality books and not this one i just picked up for the fun of it. Second i am capable of taking constructive criticism as i have prepared myself mentally when i decided to start writing so please don't hesitate to send them my way. All i ask is that all criticism is sent for the betterment of the book and hopefully my writing skills and not done out of spite or any other immature reason. I would also like to state that whenever i write i occasionally put myself in the MC's shoes so as i write even i don't know where this story will lead to, i just hope i don't disappoint myself. I would also like to state that whenever i write i listen to music, this greatly affects my mood and i want readers to understand if sometimes MC seems a little weird or does something out of character that its actually me or rather the music i'm listening to at the moment thats the issue. There will be a few OC in order to make things more interesting as the MC will turn into an OC himself as i will show in the book, and as most have realized by now my grammar isn't the best but thats why i want to write this novel so that i can improve. Now I hope you enjoy the book as you read on. thank you.

T_Gold · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Gods Rules. . .

I'm back for real now. Schools over so i got enough time to write as much as I want and please expect daily releases from now on or maybe once every 2 days at least as I may be sick or just lazy that day its summer after all and I have work.

Anyways enjoy the chapter as i'm going to increase the pace of the story from now on. also if you find spelling errors please tell me so I can fix them by updating the chapter.

Word count: 1151.







Two weeks have past since the time Urek and Liam had their conversation. During this time Urek had learned a lot about both Liam and Apollo, or rather himself.

During this time Liam had stopped his usual rants about his parents and this made Urek's parents glad as they finally felt like Liam had begun to think of them as his own parents and not some distant relative which he was living with for the holidays.

Liam was also suppose to awaken his quirk about a week after their conversation but Urek had intentionally stopped it because the quirk Liam was naturally suppose to awaken was not the kind of quirk Urek wanted for him. Liam's original quirk was shadow movement which gave him the ability to enter shadows and move through them.

This ability came with a good amount of limitations as Liam was not able to bring others into his shadow world, he also could not interact further with the physical realm other than listening and seeing what the shadow he was possessing saw and heard so naturally the angle in which the shadow was at would play an important role in how he used this ability if Urek had not interfered and completely changed his ability.

Liam was also unable to leave from shadow to shadow unless they were connected to each other. And if the shadow which he possessed were to disappear due to whatever reason he would be forced out of it. Due to the nature of Liam's ability and its limitation it was obvious that this was the perfect ability for spying and it wan also the perfect escape ability if used during the night.

'It wasn't a bad ability, it simply wasn't good enough' Urek thought to himself as he looked at Liam with his eyes which he has modified to let him see the quirks and emotional state of those he focused on, and for Liam all Urek saw was.

Name: Liam Quirk: Shadow movement(Sealed) Status: Thinking

Urek and Liam were currently at home in their room as they shared one since Liam had told their parents to neve bother trying to get him a room, of course they at first rejected this thinking that Liam was still being distant and didn't yet think of them as closely as they had initially thought, but Urek came to his rescue after explaining to their parents that Urek and Liam had simply gotten closer so Liam didn't want to move to another room.

They were still reluctant but eventually agreed to it as Urek and Liam were passionate about sharing a room together.

Urek was currently on his bed while Liam was reading a book om psychology. 'I want to give him a better one but I don't want it to be extremely different from what he has now as Liam's quirk was the same as his moms quirk since his dad was quirkless.'

"I have a suggestion" Apollo spoke but only Urek could hear him as he was his subconscious.

'I'm listening' Urek thought to himself as Apollo continued sating "Why not grant him the ability of darkness manipulation as not only is it significantly more powerful than his current ability but it also bears good amount of resemblance to his mothers ability."

'Well that's a great way to say the obvious, what did you think i was gonna give him? light manipulation?' Urek thought with anger as Apollo had simply said the most obvious thing possible. Urek wasn't in deep thought because of Liam's ability, he was in thought because he was thinking of what kind of limitations he would place on the ability so it doesn't break this worlds rules as Urek realized something during his years in this world which was that this world had rules.

Urek himself didn't have to follow these rules as he was an anomaly that shouldn't be in this world in the first place but everyone else had to follow the rules this world had as they were of the world. He realized this when he had experimented on a thug he found near the play ground that Ureks mom had been dropping both him and Liam. He gave the gangster the rinnegan and isolated him in a domain within the space fragments of the world and ordered the gangster to use it's abilities to fight Apollo who he had temporarily granted the body of Naruto for his entertainment.

The thug was at first on cloud nine after he performed 'Chibaku Tensei' and feeling the sheer amount of power he had he even at one point considered fighting Urek but instead tried making a deal with Urek where he would be allowed to keep the power if he beat Apollo. Urek agreed to this of course as he had already prepared the 'nine tailed plot armor' to guarantee that the gangster wouldn't win but instead the next series of events shocked him greatly.

The gangster tried using 'Chibaku Tensei' again but this time he summoned over ten of them before which he completely exploded. Urek after getting after his shock experimented for six days with different thugs and small scale villain's before realizing that this world had a power cap or rather the power system of the MHA world was more complicated than he had originally thought.

It turns out that the ability that Urek had granted the first man was stronger than what this world permitted its inhabitants to posses. he also realized that the more overpowered an ability was the more limitations or draw backs were needed to make it work. Urek then with the help of Apollo theorized that abilities in the MHA world were not based on science or anything of the sort so therefore something else had to be causing this phenomenon. It couldn't have been magic for obvious reason so it has to be based of the same thing that granted Urek his wishes whenever he wished for them making Urek to believe that just like the ROB he had met when he was first reincarnating there was also a deity like being who both governed and empowered the world of MHA.

'If i'm going with shadow manipulation, i already have a set of limitations ready but I don't know if the amount is enough. I cant experiment on thugs either since the missing amount of them has alerted the police to be on the lookout for a vigilante.' Urek thought to himself.

As of this moment the current Limitations that Urek had come up with were the mere standard ones which included stamina drain from ability usage, as well as weakness against light based abilities but it was still not enough as yes this certainly made the ability work but there was a particular function that Urek wanted Liam's ability to have and that was the ability to....