
The most powerful reincarnator

300229aj · Urban
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2 Chs

The man in-between.


That is what Troy felt as he floated through space. As he slowly floated around he started to see a man. This man didn't look special. He looked like a homeless wizard without the hat.

Troy couldn't help but chuckle at the comparison. The man smiled like he could tell what Troy was thinking.

"I'm not a wizard," the man said with a smile, "I am the one who gives the choice."

"What choice? Who are you and why can't I feel anything?" Asked Troy in an angry voice.

The man chuckled like he was watching a child give orders to an adult. "You have two choices. The first is to stay dead and go to the other side for something undetermined. The second is to go back and live with the hope of becoming better so that when you are judged you can rise. So which is it."

"What's your name," Troy asked with less anger.

"I don't have a name that you could understand but I suppose you could call me the man in-between." The old man responded.

"Could you explain what is happening." Troy asked. Right now he could tell that the man in front of him was powerful so powerful that he thought that Troy was as insignificant as a grain of sand at the beach.

With a sigh the man spoke, "Right now you are between the place of the living and the dead you would normally go straight through to the place of the dead but for some reason you stopped here, so now I'm giving you the choice I give to all the people that meet me here If you choose the second choice you will go through to the land of the dead and face whatever waits for you. If you choose the second I will reincarnate you to another world as a baby in a womb with one wish that you can ask of me so what do you choose."

"If I pick the fist option I get only one wish right, but it can be whatever I want like infinite power or something." Troy said getting exited. You see Troy was not only powerful he was also quite smart so he was already thinking of what his wish would be.

"Yes anything as long as it's within my power" the old man said, "also I will implant a memory so that you will know what you wished for when you are reincarnated."

With this Troy started to think harder and after thinking for several minutes came up with an answer "I want to keep the memory of my past life"

The old man seemed a little surprised with his answer but in the end said, "You are the first in many years to ask this, but I will grant you this wish," and with that Troy felt like he was pulled into a whirlpool and lost consciousness.