
The most powerful Cannon Fodder in the Universe

Its always the main character of the story who raises, to the top however that is to be expected, its predictable, but what if an actual cannon fodder the weakest being in existence, destined to die by fate, with no cheat code or over powered system, is able to become the most powerful cannon fodder in the universe, to be able to work under cover, use his brain, to orchestrate the most powerful beings, he has never being gifted by the gods like favourable, he is just a side character like all of us. His only trump card is the ability to see the future. Now you may say well, that is cheating and op item. Well, he later, realizes that he is about to die in a month, and not just him, the whole planet itself. Through this book, he realizes, just how weak he is, as there is no item in the future, that could cure his talentless body. He will now have to use his wits to orchestra the largest galactic power houses of the universe. 'Spoiler alert' he does have a god like skill, Yep, it is undead presences, meaning, his presence, is as if he is dead. As you can imagine he has tricks, but can he use them well in a universe of talents? Well this character, is a master mind, that becomes crazy at the end. Only if he could have one more chance, to be the most powerful cannon fodder in existence would he truly reign in his own, creativity of humour, wits character, and a world filled with life, join him, to see what a master mind, trickster, sale man in a fantasy world, cult leader, alchemist, teacher, cheater, and the greatest con man, who is also one of the most wanted man in the universe while being the rumored ghost. What he does to the world, shows the ways to use power beyond brute force, he is unpredictable that is his cheat code.

Nicolas_Ruiz · Fantasy
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2 Chs

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chapter 2 and more will be released tommorrow.