
The Most OP'est Titan (AOT fanfic) (On Hold)

Our MC, Asriel who is a 20 years old university student, after reading the latest series of attack on titan (by latest I mean the one where Mikasa was treated like shit) he felt extremely sad and angry about how the plot is going decided to go out and vent. Little did he know he would get the chance to change the fate of those characters. Also spoilers alert! Please read at your own discretion. This is my first time writing and just writing for fun. And because I feel really really sad about Mikasa's fate. (I wrote this when that chapter came out so.....yeah) This is a work of fiction, I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content or plot or story and whatnot, except the original characters. Cover picture is not mine, all credits goes to wallpaperplay.com

Aldunhokoron · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Sealing The Wall

Back to the present time

Hearing that Annie is fine and the way her Eru was acting, Mikasa dismissed her worries for Annie. Even though she finds Annie to be annoying and was always trying to take her Eru's attention and that she would quarrel with her every now and then, she got along with her.

Mikasa and Asriel made their way towards Eren while subjugating any titans that were in their way. As they got closer they saw Eren lifting the huge boulder on his shoulders making his way towards the hole in the wall.

" Ohh, it seems Eren is finally doing his job. About time." (Asriel)

" More titans incoming!!!" shouted one of the elite.

" Hmm, its a lot more than I thought it would be. There weren't this many titans in the anime or manga. Its almost, let's see, 2, 4, 6, hmm about 50....more or less. I guess it's time for Operation...*dramatic pause*.....Awakening Of The King!" murmured Asriel.

" Asriel! Mikasa! What the hell are you doing standing there! We need to protect Eren from those titans! Move!" commanded Ian as he moved passed them, following Eren.

" Mikasa! Asriel! Are you guys alright? Are you hurt? I have some medicine if you guys need any." said Christa as she arrived beside Mikasa and Asriel.

" Christa, where are the others?" asked Mikasa.

" They are at the front, protecting Eren. Where's Annie?" (Christa)

" Ah don't worry about Annie she is having a little bit of 'fun' right now," replied Asriel with a chuckle.

" Fun?" asked Christa cutely while tilting her head to the side a bit.

Before Asriel could reply they saw a huge red lightning bolt coming down from the heavens from the corner of their eyes, striking the earth with an ear-shattering sound.


Dust and sand were kicked up from the impact and a huge sonic boom spread out from the epicenter, decimating a few buildings near it and causing the nearby titans to fall down with some of their limbs cut off. The impact caused a smokescreen and from within the smokescreen, a silhouette of something large could be seen moving. Everyone looked towards the impact zone to see what happened and they were frightened out of their minds when they saw what it was.

" Wh...wha...what IS that thing!!!???" asked one petrified elite.

" Shit! This day couldn't get any worse!" cursed Rico.

" Ian! We can't handle another colossal titan! Even if it looks like half of it! We need reinforcement!!" (Mitabi)

" Rico! Send the signal for reinforcement! The rest of you! Keep Eren safe! I will go stall for time!" (Ian)

" Are you craz....." before Rico could retort the silhouette made a cutting motion with its hands, even though it was big it's movement was extremely fast. That movement, in the eyes of ordinary people, was like a blur, making the dust and sand around it to clear.

" Mein Gott! " (???)

" Hmm????" Asriel looked around with a confused expression when he heard a familiar childish voice. Mikasa and Christa were still shocked by the scene to notice anything wrong with him or hear the small voice. [Must have been my imagination....or maybe she somehow opened a portal here? Nahhhh I must be trippin.] thought Asriel. Mikasa or Annie has yet to see what Asriel's titan would look like although Mikasa has seen what Annie's titan form is so she was shocked by the magnificent view of her beloved. She knew that it was Eru's titan form cause she couldn't imagine anyone else having such a majestic form.

The silhouette, now fully revealed, was a 30m titan with a crystalline hand that was in the form of a huge red and black double-edged great sword, it's skin was grey with muscles that seem to be as hard as.....well...crystal, titan crystal, cause normal crystal ain't hard enough for comparison. It has short spiky white hair and burning blood-red eyes. Its face was triangular with massively exposed rows of teeth that were reaching all the way towards its ears which are pointed upwards.

It retracted it's blade-like hand before seeming to realize something and shook its shoulders a bit. While people were thinking why it did what it did, the mysterious titan was suddenly slowly covered up by a crystalline armor of red and black.

*cue an epic suit up scene with epic bgm, preferably Turbo Killer starting from 0:23 with crystals growing slowly from various parts of the body starting from the legs to the head like a foundation then at 0:39 all the intricate designs would be carved in quickly by a red glow starting form the chest to all over the armor and all the way up to the helmet where the eyes would suddenly burn bright red, or one of the ost from doom also works*

Finally, after the crystals grew to make an armor the end result was that of dedric armor look-alike from skyrim with the helmet combined with jagged crown, there are 12 transparent sharp crystal spikes making up the crown. Two bright red glows could be seen from within the helmet while it's entire face was drowned in darkness. Afterward, the titan slowly walked towards Eren while slicing up any other titans in its way. People were too shocked and scared to react and the titans too were seemed to be frozen on the spot, without any movements. Eren too was frozen in his track.

Only after sometimes were the people came back to their senses from the rhythmic thumping from the 30 m tall armored titan.

" Oh god no....no.....no! This is a nightmare! It has to be! I'm still asleep, that's right! I have to wake up or else commander would kick my ass haha hahaha" laughed a delirious elite.

Rico fell down on her butt like a puppet that was cut of its strings. " This is it.....we are all going to die..." said Rico with lifeless eyes.

" We....we must protect.....Eren.....we have to....." said Ian with a shiver in his voice.

Somewhere underground....

" How does it feel to lose all your limbs, hm? Thinking of making me your wife? Wanting to cut my limbs!!!?? How does it feel I wonder hmm?" asked Annie with a sadistic smile.

" Gahh, I... I....please...." (Bertholdt)

" You must be wondering how you are not healing or that you can't transform into a titan? Fufufu you see, I learned something from my beloved Az that could neutralize titan shifters' powers for a while if you seal off some points on the human body. Now, for lusting after my body, off with your dick!!" said Annie as she cut off his manhood.

" Arghhhhhhhh" screamed Bertholdt.

[Heh, Az has way more efficient methods to neutralize titan shifters' power but he doesn't need to know now does he fufufu.] thought Annie.

Suddenly she felt a tingle up her spine and felt warm throughout her whole body as she sensed something familiar from the surface and looked towards it with a loving smile. As for Bertholdt, he was facing a totally different sensation, he felt that his body was being bitten by thousands of ants and felt like the whole world was crashing down on him. With that sensation and with the pain of his dick being cut off, he fell unconscious shortly after.

On the surface...

" No! No! That's impossible! Gahh" screamed Reiner in pain. He was in a house somewhere near the 30 m titan. He too was suffering the feeling of thousands of ants biting his body.

" So that's Eru's titan form..." muttered Mikasa in a small voice, still in a daze looking at the titan. As Christa wasn't in the know yet and didn't want to make her feel left out again Asriel made Christa faint as he wanted to tell her about him later.

Asriel's titan moved towards Eren who was still frozen but now facing his direction with its mouth open and took the huge boulder with just one hand.

" Let ME do it, you look like you are about to be crushed by it," said Asriel in a voice like that of the Demonic Voice stating the Slayer's Testament in Doom or those brutes in halo but a deeper voice, and walked towards the hole. The titans on his way were shredded into meat paste.

" Hmm...this boulder won't do.....let's pluck it up with some crystals," said Asriel and stomped hard on the ground. Soon, a huge rainbow crystal wall like that of bifrost blocked off the hole completely.


" Hmm?" Asriel turned around when he felt something hit his neck area.

" Tsk..." (mysterious figure)

The figure landed beside Armin who was watching Asriel's titan in awe.

" Oi, brat.....what the hell is going on here? Why the hell is there a titan with human armor," asked the mysterious figure.

" Huh....eh....ah..." Armin stuttered as he was once again stunned. In front of him was the strongest human that was ever known, the hope of mankind, captain of the special operations squad of the Survey Corps...Levi Ackerman....has entered the game.


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