
The Most Incompetent Person In This World

Sir_Smurf2 · Fantasy
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290 Chs

Extremely Unexpected Change

The place was a small cottage in front of the acid lake, the goal of this trial.

Right before the small cottage was a huge, natural acid lake. Since it was always emitting toxic gas, a normal monster

wouldn't approach the same.

Nevertheless, that was the place where me and the happy fellas from the subjugation picture book were waiting.

Girimekhala used his barrier to surround the cottage, protecting it so that even the acid lake couldn't touch the cottage.

Once the game was cleared and we secured the necessary population, we could turn this acid lake into main ingredients for

our industry.

Anyhow, we decided to try in the land that no one had ever set their foot before but,

「A request for meeting, is it…?」

I ended up stumbled into an unexpected situation, namely the fact that Gil requested a meeting with me.

The fact that he recognized me was absolute proof that his memories had returned.

Gil was supposed to beat that sea bream-headed monster before he could reach this place, the goal.

「Well, that's a natural decision. That monkey will never be able to reach this place otherwise.」

「Asta, are you sure about that? That fish head is just a small fry you know? The current Gil should be able to defeat that fish


Hearing my remark,

「Excuse me Shifu, that fish might look like small fry from your perspective but, in accordance to common sense, that

monster is bad news.」


Zack completely denied it without giving me any chance to retort.

「Of course! Everything else is a small fry from Kai-sama's perspective! That's why he's Our Supreme Ruler! An absolute,

inviolable existence!」

When Oboro shouted such a passionate yet baseless remark,

「I agree… Even the worst wicked god is nothing more than small fry. This charming way of the strongest existence's

perspective isn't something that lowly bug like us can do.」

Lucas muttered such dangerous words with expression of reverence while joining his palms in front of his chest together.

「You guys, could it be that you can't defeat that small fry?」

I mean, that fishhead monster only looks a little stronger than the goblin who rarely came out from the forest to steal

livestock. If they couldn't even beat that kind of small fry, I guess they still need some special training from me.

「As if that thing can defeat me!」

Zack quickly stepped forward as he spoke, shook his head to the side,

「Nonsense! I can slaughter that thing before breakfast!」

「It won't even count as a battle!」

Both Lucas and Oboro added so while tapping their chest with their right fist.

「The lowly human has actually treated the infamous commissioned officer of the evil army as nothing more than small fry.

This must be the end of the world.」

Asta shook her head while giving a meaningful look on her face.

Okay, I know already. Let's go back to the topic.

「Anyhow, I assume that all of you agree in the fact that Gil won't be able to reach this place, right?」

The trio nodded together.

In the first place, Gil was imperfect. Since that was the case, I should respect Zack and co's opinion as humans, this was the

reason why i called them to this place. I mean, the current me truly sucks when it comes to appraising someone else's

strength after all.

「Then, let's make small adjustments to the original plan.」

Though Gil couldn't reach this place, he managed to make a demand to have a meeting with me. In short, his memory was

at least returned. He at least cleared the minimal passing mark, namely willing to save the monster in North Grand.

Seeing that Gil's strength was insufficient, I wouldn't give him an unreasonable task either.

In that case――

『Princess Rose, Somni, and Tetle are waiting in the next room.』

The skeleton man beside Lucas, Deimos, stepped forward, saluted at me, and then gave me some sensible advice. This guy

was as sensible as ever. 


「I see. Well, let them judge for themselves.」

I nodded to Asta and then entered the room next door.