
[4] Cardis's Invitation, Chloe's Request

"As of today, I have been assigned to take care of Prince Yannis's affairs. My name is Marion Ciara."

She bowed politely and introduced herself.

There was no mistaking it.

After all, she was an undisputed main heroine from "Eternal Heart."

She had slightly eccentric, wine-red, glossy hair tied in a short ponytail, with crimson eyes that added allure to her sharp features.

Her tall, slender figure and slightly imbalanced ample bosom had captivated many players. Unfortunately, "Eternal Heart" was sparsely populated.

[Marion Ciara's Image]

The Ciara family, her ancestral home, had been a prestigious noble family that produced successive heads of the knight order since the founding of the Eldoria Kingdom. However, they faced a decline and were on the verge of dissolution by the start of "Eternal Heart."

Marion had devoted herself to swordsmanship since childhood and became one of the top physical attackers in the game.

Recognized for her sword skills, she dreamed of becoming the commander of the kingdom's knights one day and reviving the Ciara family.

However, it was unexpected that she would become a palace maid before the main story began.

Certainly, the Ciara family, despite its decline, still held the title of Earl, and she had the qualifications to become a palace maid. Maybe she volunteered as a maid herself to support her family.

And of all things, she was assigned as a maid to someone notorious as me.

"Lord Yannis?"

"Huh? Oh, no, sorry. I was lost in thought..."

Marion spoke to me, and I hastily replied apologetically.

Anyway, what I wanted to say was that I had decided not to interact with the protagonist and heroines to avoid a bad ending, but here I am suddenly encountering one.

Damn it.

"S-so, you came to greet me because it's the first time, right? That... it's okay, right?"

"Yes. From now on, please take care of me."

Marion lifted the hem of her skirt and curtsied.

As expected of someone who had been trained, her graceful movements were beautiful.

By the way, she was set to be two years older than Yannis, so at this point, three years before the main story, she would be fifteen.

In my previous life, I was a university student, older than her, and currently, I was the third prince. But I rarely had the chance to talk to girls, so I didn't know how to handle this situation.

"S-so, please take your time. If you have anything, just call me."


I said, trying to be as friendly as possible, and Marion looked at me with a puzzled expression.

I wonder if it's because I have the face of a little scoundrel, and my smile felt creepy. I should be careful.

"Well then, excuse me."

She bowed deeply and left the room.

At that moment,

"...how unlucky..." I heard her mutter under her breath.

...I knew from the moment she entered the room that she was disappointed.

Did she think I hadn't noticed the disdainful gaze she had been giving me since she came in?

Probably. After all, I'm the notorious 'Incompetent Trash Prince.'

I stared at myself in the mirror, looking as if I were about to cry.

Pathetic, this was not me, crying over something like this, even if I am an introvert I would never do this, having only problems with socializing.

These are the feelings of Yannis.

The past of Yannis, before he regained his memories, which was not depicted in "Eternal Heart."

Since childhood, he had been compared to his talented older brothers, Cardis von Eldoria and Raphael von Eldoria, and eventually, he was stamped with the label of 'incompetence'.

Despite desperately trying to catch up with his brothers and gain recognition from his parents.

But no one recognized such efforts.

On his tenth birthday, the Queen, 'Margaret von Eldoria,' his mother, said to him,

"You can't even be of help for Cardis, so at the very least don't hinder his progress by being on his way."

Now, I am Yannis, even though my previous personality is taking over it slowly.

So... even though I don't want to, I can understand Yannis's feelings.

Anger, sadness, pain, suffering, loneliness, and frustration.

I clenched my fist tightly and struggled to suppress the emotions that seemed to burst out at any moment.

So instead of 'not wanting', I decided to remember it properly, this shall be the driving force behind his comeback.


"Lord Yannis, I've received a message from 1st Prince Cardis attendant. She wishes to dine with you today."

It had been exactly one month since Chloe became my personal maid. Just my luck, she brought me news I didn't want to hear.

In this past month, Chloe and I hadn't exactly formed a friendly relationship.

Aside from my efforts to avoid contact with the characters from "Eternal Heart," she reciprocated by keeping our conversations strictly professional. Occasionally, she would mutter complaints or make audible sighs, giving off an unpleasant vibe.

You might be wondering why I don't just dismiss her if she's causing me trouble. Well, Chloe is one of the main heroines in "Eternal Heart." If I were to do something like that, it would undoubtedly lead to more bad endings when the main story kicks in. I don't want to trigger unnecessary flags.

Anyway, the current issue at hand was this dinner invitation from Cardis.

The root of the problem was that Yannis, in an attempt to gain recognition from his mother, Margaret, was trying too hard to curry favor with Cardis.

What a brown-noser.

According to Yannis's memories, Cardis seemed to keep me around thinking I might be useful in some way, given the fact that I was his younger brother. Though the vibes I recall from Cardis's gaze weren't exactly brotherly.

But here's the thing—Cardis is two years older than me, and she's supposed to be a first-year student at the Royal Academy.

The Royal Academy mandates even royal family members to stay in the dorms, so why is he here at the Eldoria Palace? I haven't seen him once since I regained my memories, and it gives me an uneasy feeling.

Well, I have a bad feeling about it, but if I decline, it might lead to more trouble.

What a hassle.

"How do you wish to respond?"

"...Let him know I'll join him."


Chloe gracefully bowed and left the room promptly. Her movements were flawless, though she occasionally expressed dissatisfaction with a mutter or a sigh.

Already used to it, I ignored her.

I knew she occasionally slacked off on her duties... but

Oh, right.

A brilliant idea struck me. At the dinner event, I would push Chloe onto Ciara. That way, I could distance myself from the heroine, and at the same time, Chloe might become Ciara's attendant, potentially supporting her dream.

Killing two birds with one stone.

"Hehehe... This takes care of one of my concerns."

Well, given that I'd be reassigned after only a month as her master, people around me would probably think I'd fallen out of favor. It's convenient being the disliked Yannis at times. Painful to say, though.

"Alright then. Let's get going."

And with that, I left the room, heading towards the training grounds. Ever since I took over Yannis, I've been diligently training, working my bones every day.

Not only that I have been also researching about the locations of weapons that can be replaced for Yannis's Death Scythe.

After all, I don't want to die in some event, and it's crucial to get stronger.


"The real problem is how to get stronger fast and effectively."

In Yannis's memories, this world didn't have a concept of levels like in games.

To max out your stats, you had to train and become stronger.

Simple, but how does one raise magical attack and magical defense when they lack magical skills?

Standing in the middle of the training ground, I instinctively tilted my head. I mean, when it comes to physical training, it's pretty straightforward—just train your body until it improves and gets stronger.

However, if we follow that logic, repeatedly using magic would enhance magical power.

Yet, Yannis, unfortunately, only possessed physical skills, leaving no way to use magic.

I sighed.

If that's the case, maybe I should get my hands on a weapon with magical skills and train with that.

In "Eternal Heart," some weapons came with unique skills. Perhaps, if I used a weapon with magical skills, I might be able to train magical attributes. It's not confirmed, but it's worth a shot.

In this world, where the concept of skills exists but not levels, it feels somewhat lacking. But then again, the reverse is also true.

"In any case, what I should do is max out my physical attributes and become a bit more... capable."

From there... Well, there's no lack of methods.

It's not that there are no methods, it's just that if I know another effective method, then I would.

Anyway, for now, I'll give it my all with what I can do.

I took a wooden sword and started swinging it relentlessly.

"Nine hundred eighty…" Sweat trickled down my cheek.

"Nine hundred ninety...!"

"One thousand!"

After completing a thousand swings, I collapsed on the spot from exhaustion.

Well, it's not like I'm fat, but my somewhat unfit body held up quite well...

I casually touched my slightly protruding belly, contemplating why a body shape with a belly sticking out feels more embarrassing than being overall overweight.

Well, regardless, to get rid of this flabby belly, I need to diligently work at it.

Above all, I made a promise to Cardis

In three years, I'll become a man worthy of her... huh?

When I tried to get up, I noticed a girl with sapphire eyes in my field of vision.

Wait, why is she here!?


"Prince Yannis, well done."

I involuntarily raised my voice as she approached me and wiped away my sweat with a handkerchief.

"S-so, what happened to you?"

Flustered, I blabbered.

"His Majesty the King graciously permitted me to stay here in the capital until I enter the Royal Academy."

"A-ah... I see."

In other words, Chloe is now within easy reach, and I suddenly realized something.

She's probably assessing whether I'm suitable as her fiancé and planning to report back to her father, Duke von Eldoria, to annul the engagement.

Thinking about it makes me a bit sad, but I don't want to cancel the engagement with my favorite heroine just to avoid a bad ending.

I can't afford to show any moment of weakness.

That's what I thought, but...

"However... Prince Yannis, you've been working hard to fulfill our promise from a month ago."


Unexpectedly, Chloe praised me.

Caught off guard, I couldn't help but laugh. It's not like I wouldn't be thrilled if she complimented me directly. Quite the opposite.

"I... I have no talent, and I've been lazy for so long. To stand beside you as your fiancé in three years, I must work harder than anyone else."

"I see..."

She said, and for a moment, Chloe showed a slightly sad expression, but she quickly returned to her usual self.

"And...um, if it's alright with you, could you allow me to assist you in your training?"


Surprised by her request to help with my training, I couldn't help but let out a dumbfounded voice.

Next chapter