
The most entertaining incarnation

Systems. Everything has a system. Society is a system. You wake up and have a system you use to get through your day. So what is a Bad systems and good system? Rowan Enzo was literally a girl two seconds ago, trying to live a peaceful life away from his family. Working hard everyday to get his younger brother out of the foster care system. Yet now he finds himself in the most uncomfortable situation possible. He would rather go to hell than be in the world he was sent to. He thinks it's unfair how his whole life got turned upside down because he is some 'chosen hero' that is to save a bunch of random people he doesn't know. After getting a different 'sin' system from the rest of his fellow players, he has to figure out what he wants to do with it. ----------------------- My entry to the WSA competition. Hopefully it's a good story worth of your votes and coins. [update; chapter a day at around 3pm CST.] Hope you will join Rowan and I's journey as we grow and get better. Don't expect happiness from this story after the first arc. ————————————- Cover credit: @Haku_mado twt (I think)

HouseholdAuthor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
71 Chs


Rowan started sweating profusely. 'Bitch! How do you expect me to know when I barely interacted with the guy?!' He and Kira stared at each other, neither blinking first. 'His username was Itzcomleyx... So is his name comley? Is that a royalty name? She called him chase!'

"Hey, that's not fair! I barely saw the guy, how am I supposed to know?" Rowan asked awkwardly.

"If you looked enough to describe his appearance you should know." Kira pushed on.

'If she finds out I lied, I might be the person she kills this year.' Rowan was now starting to sweat buckets.

"His na-"


"ROWAN I WON! DID YOu see..." Hunter busted through the door, stumbling upon Kira and Rowan's awkward moment. He looked between the two, eyes darting back and forth. He then slowly started closing the door again before Rowan stopped him.

"OH MY GOD! I FORGOT OUR DEAL! Hahaha!" He yelled as he stuck his head in the door gap, startling Hunter. He was loud making sure Kira could hear.

"YES YES COME I GOT IT FOR YOU!" Rowan spoke and dragged Hunter in his confused state away from their room. 'Shit I forgot about untitled but it's too late now! I'm sorry buddy for leaving you with the monster!' Rowan thought.

"You saved me!" Rowan spoke to Hunter as he held his chest. "I was about to die!"

"Poor you. You have to room with that savage." Hunter replied. "BUT DID YOU WATCH MY FIGHT?"

He was soaked in sweat and breathing heavily. Fights that are equally matched usually need a lot of endurance and stamina.

"Of course, you kicked ass!" Rowan replied. "The poor skeleton dude."

"Yeah, I felt so bad for him..." Hunter's mood began to damben as the two walked in the hallway towards the cafeteria.


A voice boomed from behind. Rowan and Hunter both looked back to see who it was.

"STAY RIGHT THERE!" Sky yelled as she ran quickly to catch up to the duo.

She snatched Hunter's wrist and dragged him away just as quickly as she arrived. Rowan was left standing there, puzzled. Sky zoomed with Hunter right behind her to a room in the far corner of the building. She threw him in and locked the door after they were both inside.

"Huh? Huh?" Hunter made confused noises as he stood there not knowing what to do. The number 1 was in front of him and they were alone, together, in a tiny room.


Suddenly his brain exploded into smoke and he started to go down.

"HEY! HEY!" Sky yelled as she rushed to him before he fell. "YOU OKAY?"

"Yeah just give me a minute!" Hunter said, still laid out with his finger up.

"We don't have a minute!" Sky spoke before grabbing Hunter's arm and slamming it onto a power scaling machine. This was the room all the different machines were kept in, ranging from power scales to arm wrestles.

" NO, WAIT!" Hunter tried to protest but it was too late.



Putting his head down, he tried to hide his face in embarrassment. He found out the first time that he had no powers and ever since then made sure to keep quiet about it. Now The number 1 player has seen it.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Sky burst into a fit of laughter.

Hunter's red face became even hotter getting the reaction he expected. Sky on the other hand was thinking something completely different. 'This must mean his Ahi core is just overflowing with energy. If he can somehow open all the gates to the fullest...' She thought with an excited expression.

"Somebody with no Ahi and somebody overflowing with it. This will be interesting!" she spoke, mentioning to her and the red haired boy she was going to train.


Rowan walked into the hall to see CZMT sitting at one of the tables with his system open in front of him. To his side was the usual, name, level and Ahi bar.



Amir Ahmed


Power level: 385

Level: 17

Race: Mermaid

Type: Reincarnation

Channel: None

Achievement: [placed 10 ' District 3: Action, competition.']

Sponsor: None

Fan-club: None

Weapons: [Water created sword (11)]

Coins: 0


Mental: [True sight 12(10)] [Locked vision(10)]

Physical: [speed: 12 (10)] [strength: 17 (10)] [Durability: 11 (10)] [Endurance: 22 (10)] [Ahi: 43 (10)] [Agility: 76 (10)]

Yin-yang: No skills

Elemental: No skills]

'He's not even signed to a channel.' Rowan thought. 'Now that I think about it... Where's my chat?'

'Us group contractors can't film inside that building.' Talis answered. 'If you had a personal channel then you could but not now.'

"Ohhhh." Rowan said as he sat down. 'Everybody seems to have this 'true sight' skill." he thought as he pulled up his system. He clicked on the 'buy' right under the skill adding it to his profile. He now had zero coins as well as the 'true sight' skill.

Suddenly Massin walked into the big room and passed by the two seated to go to the gym.



Mass Kujo


Power level: 687

Level: 18

Race: Gashadokuro

Type: Traveler

Channel: ThatOnePurpleFairy

In chat: 2

Achievement: [placed 8' District 3: Action, competition.']

Sponsor: None

Fan-club: None

Weapons: [regular metal sword (11)]

Coins: 400


Mental: [True sight(10)] [Locked vision(10)]

Physical: [speed: 36 (10)] [strength: 12 (10)] [Durability: 24 (10)] [Endurance: 37 (10)] [Ahi: 39 (10)] [Agility: 51 (10)]

Yin-yang: No skills

Elemental: No skills]

Rowan thought the others must have been in their own rooms and was about to leave for the waiting room before he heard a voice beside him.



Rowan jumped back not expecting someone to be right behind him. H0gal was standing there smiling brightly at Rowan's reaction. He walked closer to him as Rowan huffed holding his chest.

"So you're my next opponent," he bent down to look at Rowan.

Rowan was tall enough being around 5'11 but H0gal had him beat at 6'3.

"If you couldn't even sense my magic from that close, you might as well give up now." H0gal spoke. "I might kill you in that ring!"

Amir and Mass's attention was now on the two players in the middle of the room. Rowan looked over to the side to see Ikra standing at the entrance.



Azura Blythe


Power level: 760

Level: 18

Race: mermaid

Type: Traveler

Channel: GenieFairy

In chat: 3

Achievement: [placed 7' District 3: Action, competition.'] [2,000 Bat swings]

Sponsor: None

Fan-club: None

Weapons: [metal bat (32)]

Coins: 100


Mental: [True sight(10)] [Locked vision (10)][Readers abilities(20)]

Physical: [speed: 36 (10)] [strength: 45 (10)] [Durability: 12 (10)] [Endurance: 32 (10)] [Ahi: 14 (10)] [Agility: 38 (10)]

Yin-yang: No skills

Elemental: No skills]

As Rowan was distracted by her profile he felt a sharp pain from the side of his face.


H0gal punched him hard across the face making Rowan stumble back. He spits out blood as he wiped his nose, hissing in pain.

"Hehe, weak," Rowan said. "With the beating I got from Kira, this is nothing."


[ PRIDE has leveled up ]

"HEY, HEY, HEY! I like you!" H0gal yelled with enthusiasm as a wide smile spread on his face. "Let's fight! Right here right now."