
The Mortal wants to Ascend

Embark on a journey into the heart of chaos; A tale where worlds burn, monstrous forces emerge, and cosmic entities cast their shadows. As chaos unfolds, heroes rise, navigating the unpredictable odyssey ahead. Join our protagonist in this riveting narrative where inner strength and cunning intellect pave the way to triumph over unimaginable challenges. Awakening in a world on the edge, what will you do? I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/344113/fictions

Ian_Diakor · Fantasy
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19 Chs


Astor's voice resonated in the magical forest, creating an atmosphere of both mystery and enlightenment. The group, now gathered in a circle, absorbed every word as he unraveled the secrets of essence manipulation.

"The spirit," Astor intoned, "is a force that exists beyond our physical reality. It's the ethereal essence that shapes our true forms, our connection to the unseen forces that govern our world." He allowed a moment of contemplation before continuing, "By harnessing the power of our spirit, we can transcend the limitations of the physical realm and become something greater."

The forest seemed to lend an otherworldly quality to his words, as if nature itself acknowledged the profundity of the knowledge being shared. Astor shifted his focus to the emblem on his wrist, the intricate tattoo of the sigil piercer. "Behold the sigil," he declared, displaying the symbol. "A mark created by blending a substance derived from my spirit animal, with my elemental power. Through meticulous manipulation of both spirit and element, I imprinted this sigil onto my very being."

The members of the group observed the symbol with a mix of awe and curiosity, their eyes tracing the contours of the intricate design. Astor's next words carried a weight of significance. "Sigils are the key to unlocking extraordinary techniques. While mastering basic shapes showcases your control over the elements, it is through these symbols that you can unleash the full potential of your spirit and element."

With a wave of his hand, Astor conjured a small, shimmering sigil in the air, a testament to the potency of his knowledge. "This sigil allowed me to master the rank 2 sigil piercer technique without the need for extensive practice. It streamlines the connection between your essence, spirit, and element, enabling you to perform incredible feats with precision and efficiency."

Astor's demonstration of the piercer technique was nothing short of mesmerizing. The atmosphere shifted as eight ethereal tentacles materialized from his back, their liquid-like form gleaming with a faint sheen. With a swift and graceful twirl, the tentacles coiled together, transforming into a dynamic drill-like formation.

The air resonated with the power that emanated from the spinning vortex of energy, creating an ethereal spectacle. The spiraling tentacles left behind an impression of both elegance and deadly precision. As the drill whirled through the air, a vivid projection formed in the minds of the onlookers – a chilling vision of devastation, hinting at the catastrophic outcome that awaited anything caught in its path.

Astor's control over the elements was a testament to his mastery, leaving his companions in awe of the untapped potential within each of them. The demonstration marked a pivotal moment in their initiation, elevating their understanding of elemental manipulation and inspiring a collective determination to unlock their latent abilities.

Astor, still exuding the residual energy from the piercer, began his explanation of the complex world of sigils. His gaze shifted among his companions, each of whom bore expressions ranging from awe to curiosity.

Astor: "What you just witnessed was a combined sigil – a fusion of two distinct sigils. This particular technique is known as the Rank 2 Piercer, which combines the rank 1 sigils of puncture and driller."

Darian, with a furrowed brow, was the first to voice his thoughts.

Darian: "Combined sigils? I thought we just had to master one to be effective."

Astor, with a knowing smile, responded.

Astor: "Mastering a single sigil is crucial, but combining them enhances your versatility. Each rank of a sigil increases its potency, and combining two of different ranks results in a technique stronger than the sum of its parts."

Kael, ever the narcissist, chimed in with a hint of skepticism.

Kael: "So, what's the big deal? Can't we just focus on mastering powerful sigils individually?"

Astor's response held a touch of sagacity.

Astor: "Indeed, you can. But combining sigils opens doors to unique and unexpected possibilities. It's about understanding the synergy between different elements and creating a personalized approach to combat."

Lucien, always the strategist, sought more clarity.

Lucien: "How do we even begin to understand the synergy and create our own combined sigils?"

Astor: "Start by mastering individual sigils. Once you comprehend their essence, experiment with combinations. It's a trial-and-error process, and the more you understand your own elemental affinity, the better you can tailor your combined sigils to your strengths."

The discussion on sigils continued, Astor delved into the critical aspect of essence management. The forest air resonated with his voice as he emphasized the importance of controlling the delicate balance between essence, stamina, and the potential risks involved.

Astor: "Every use of a technique consumes essence and stamina. Overusing your powers can lead to dire consequences – from death and damage to your spirit, to a complete shutdown of your magical capabilities."

Curiosity and concern etched the faces of Astor's companions. Elowen, known for his enigmatic nature, exchanged glances with Lucien, who mirrored a deepening suspicion.

Lucien: "What happens if we deplete our essence or stamina completely?"

Astor: "Depleting essence or stamina to the extreme can lead to various consequences. Death is the worst-case scenario, but it could also result in severe damage to your spirit or a temporary shutdown of your powers. It's crucial to manage your resources wisely."

Darian, ever the pragmatic one, sought clarification.

Darian: "So, how do we replenish our essence and stamina during a fight?"

Astor: "You can revitalize essence by absorbing it from the atmosphere. The air around us is saturated with essence, and with practice, you can replenish your reserves. Stamina, on the other hand, requires physical rest and recovery. Balancing both is the key to sustained magical prowess."

Questions continued to pour in from the group, each query met with Astor's patient and insightful responses. Elowen and Lucien, in their silent collaboration, observed and analyzed every word, their suspicion deepening with each passing moment.

Astor concluded the lecture with a firm instruction.

Astor: "By night, I expect each of you to have a clear understanding of your spirit and element. Experiment, discover, and hone your abilities. I'll return before nightfall."

With those words, Astor departed, leaving his companions to digest the wealth of knowledge he had shared. As the forest embraced the aspiring magicians, the air buzzed with anticipation and the promise of newfound understanding.

As Astor departed, his words echoing in the serene forest, Lucien and Elowen exchanged glances laden with shared suspicion. As the two friends walked side by side, the enigma surrounding Astor's true abilities deepened, and their minds churned with questions.

Lucien, known for his strategic thinking, pondered Astor's revelations. Astor's control over his powers is unprecedented. The combination of sigils, the mastery of techniques, it's all too precise for someone claiming to be an average magician. Is there something he's hiding, or has he truly mastered these arts through unconventional means?

Elowen, seeing Lucien deep with his thoughts whispered to him with his enigmatic nature,. "His explanation is sound, but there's an underlying complexity to his actions. Why hide such proficiency under the guise of mediocrity? What secrets are veiled behind those eyes? There's more to Astor than meets the eye."