
Chapter 3

My eyes opened to a blinking message right in my face.

You have entered the 2nd Tier (Superhuman Tier)

I quickly opened my status window as soon as I saw the notification.



Age: 6

Tier: 2 (Superhuman)

Race: God/Angel/Devil Hybrid

Level: 110

Divine Power: 8000/8000

Holy Power: 8000/8000

Demonic Power: 8000/8000

Stamina: 5000/5000

Health: 5350/5350


Strength: 96

Speed: 131

Dexterity: 119

Endurance: 100

Constitution: 107

Mental: 31

Spirit: 160

Point: 55



Advanced Spear-wielding (5/10)

Godly Skills–

Lightning Manipulation (Lvl 1)

Air Manipulation (Lvl 2)

Demonic Skills–

[Power of Creation] Passive

[Power of Imagination] Passive

Holy Skills–

[Angelic Form]– Two-Winged Angel

—Inceeases Strength and Power according to wings unlocked [Passive]

— Increases all physical stats by 30 upon unleashing your wings [Active]

Other Skills–

Magical Affinities:

Divine Lightning: 70/100

Holy Light: 70/100

Lightning: 90/100

Light: 90/100

I closed the blue window with a whistle. Those were some sweet rewards.

Though I could've done without that horribly painful procedure. I hoped the pain was a one time thing.

My physical growth though... I can now definitely say that i was above human. I didn't have the observe to check their levels previously, but from what little practical knowledge I had, most adults should be around lvl 15-20. Even without this mega power up, I was already stronger than most professional weight lifters, easily picking up over 150-200 kgs. Now though?...well, I didn't know my own strength but surely it will be above a simple human's. I mean, i gained 50 freaking levels from unlocking my wings. Which Increased all my stats by 50. Plus that upgrade to tier 2 that basically officiated me as more than a human; a superhuman. It seemed amazing.

"Are you awake, Mikael?" My mother's gentle voice reached me, concern and worry clear in her tone.

"Yeah, mother. I'm up." I replied, pushing my up on the straw bed, though instantly feeling the additional weight behind my back.

"Now, I know this might be disorienting but I wish you to relax." My mother said soothingly, coming to stand in front of me. "There is no need for any panic, everything is as it should be."

It was only then that my attention finally went to the two new additional appendages on my back. My wings flared around me like two extra hands. Though infinitely more beautiful than any hands could be. Snow white in colour, with small horizontal slashes of black across the inner fur, they looked like true wings of an angel. Beautiful, pure, and absolutely mind-blowing. I touched the inner side of the wings, marvelling at the softness of the white fur.

"Wow." I whispering subconsciously, my full focus on the wings right now.

I absently noted a sigh of relief from my mother. "I'm glad you are not scared of your heritage."

"Wha–?" The statement broke me out of my reverence and i stared at my relieved mother with a bewildered frown. "Why would I ever be scared of these beauties? They are soft and warm and pretty. Everything i could've asked for in wings!"

My mother chuckled. "Indeed they are." Her hands came down to caress my wings slowly. "I'd wondered if you will ever grow them. Your birth is highly...unique. when you showed no signs of any wings for the first few years, I'd thought you will only inherit your father's divine nature. I'm glad that I was wrong."

I looked at my mother, focusing on her for a second. She looked happy...well, she always looked happy when talking to me, so that didn't mean much. But there was a certain kind of relief, like a burden was removed from her shoulders. Did she worry that i will turn out like zeus? No, that's not it. I'm pretty sure she'd still love me if I went around raping the neighborhood. Well...maybe not, but still! So...did she worry I won't have any connection to her without my wings?

Damn, these emotional things hurt my brain. I was completely spent emotionally after that roller coaster of a ride last night. For now, I wasn't wise enough to know the reason for her relief, but I was glad that she was happy.

"Come, Mikael. We have much to do." She said with an excitement she only showed when she taught me something, or when I succeeded in learning it.

Suddenly I remembered the most vital skill of a gamer and quickly used it on her.



Race: Stray Devil (Current), [Fallen] Angel [12-Winged] (Former)

Tier: 7 (Minor-God)

Level: 685

Holy Power: 6,500,000/6,500,000

Demonic Power: 6500/6500 (Tier 1 [Low-class Devil])

Stamina: 6,830,000/6,830,000

Health: 6,950,000/6,950,000


Strength: 675

Speed: 694

Dexterity: 696

Endurance: 683

Constitution: 695

Mental: 59

Spirit: 650

'Holy shit. Its so high!' Is what I wanted to say, but the truth was, I had no idea where my mother stood in this world. She was way more powerful than me, sure. But I've known that for 6 years now. So yea...so those numbers meant absolute bullshit to me.

I had almost 100 stats in strength now, did that mean my mom was just 6-7 times more stronger than me? That's just plain wrong. I've seen her do stuff that even if I was 10 times, hell 100 times! Stronger, I wouldn't be able to do. So clearly those numbers weren't additive, but multiplicative. What kind of multiplication was going on here though, I had no idea. Though I'd bet it was something related to Tier. It always was.

"Come on, Young man!" My mother called me. "You've been asleep for two days now, you don't want to get fat, do you?"

I blinked. What logic was that? Probably anime logic. And 2 days? Guess that power up hit hard huh. Sighing, I got up and stumbled outside to my mother. I still wasn't used to the additional weight on my back, but it wasn't that different than having a school bag that you wore behind your back. Just imagine it's straps were inside your spine instead of on your shoulders, and you'll probably get what I was feeling right now

Still, as I walked towards my mother, I could feel an explosive Increase in my physical capabilities. I could sense it beneath my feets as I walked, feeling like I could crack the earth with a stomp. I could feel it in the way I moved, like I could break the sound barrier itself if I ran. The sudden increase was probably making me overestimate them, but it truly felt like I was reborn into a stronger, faster, better version of my past self.

I had to do a double take once I reached out though– The entire ground in front of our house was now transformed into a practice field. A dozen straw dummies were standing at a distance away from us, while my mother stood beside a small wooden table with assortments of weapons on it.

"Now, Mikael. Do you remember what I said about the promise your father and I made to each other?" She asked.

I nodded, trying to go through all of the info dump that was sizzling in my brain right now. Honestly? I'd been more focused on how to comfort my mother than on her words in those last few minutes. But I still remembered...

"Something about staying the first eight years with you before I have to go to him?"

"Indeed." She nodded grimly. "That is exactly two years from the day before yesterday. Now, I shall give you two options mikael, and know that whatever you choose, I will always support you."

Looking at the seriousness on her face, I knew it was going to be a heavy subject. And so I nodded back with same seriousness.

"Your first option is the safe one, and the one I prefer. In the two days that you've been asleep, I contacted azazel. He has arranged for us a home, deep in Japan, in a city called kuoh. I will directly teleport us there, and we will spend the next two years safe and sound, living like a family should. Enjoying our lives. Azazel has the resources to shield your aura from escaping in the world, and for two years we will not have to face a single monster again. I will do my utmost to become a true mother, and we will have every opportunity to live our lives as we please. For the next two years, we can live freely. Live truly."

The desperation and hope in her voice told me that she preferred this option, even without her outright saying it. It wasn't a bad life, I had to admit. I enjoyed my mother's company, and if I was going to be taken away from her in two years, then I wanted to spend every moment I could with her.

I nodded slowly, thinking it over.

"The second option is...not a good one, but one I know you will take. And I will not blame you, for it is just as necessary." She sighed despondently. "I will start training you with an unmatched intensity; especially your holy and divine power. We will continue living our life as we are now, but I will start teaching you how to fight...with practical experience. In two years, you will be ready for whatever the Greeks throw at you. And believe me, the greeks will throw everything they can at you."

She looked pained but determined. She knew what I would choose. Well...she shouldn't assume things like this now, should she? While I seriously wanted to slay some monsters, my mother's happiness was just as important. And while the second option was a better one for me, it wasn't for her.

"I have a better plan, mother." I announced.

She raised an eyebrow, and a hesitant smile grew on her face. "Please, enlighten my ears."

"I select the first option." Her eyes widened in surprise, but I quickly raised my hand to let her know I wasn't done. "But instead of teleporting to Japan, we will journey to the place on foot. You can train me in this time, and I'll still be ready for the greeks when the time comes."

Her hesitant smile slowly grew across her face and she nodded enthusiastically. "Very well."

Then a thought entered my mind, which threatened to end my plans in a second. "Wait, where exactly are we right now?"

She looked surprised at the question, before nodding slightly in understanding. "We are at the Cedar forest."

I stared at the woman blankly. "Where?"

"Cedar forest. It is under the jurisdiction of the mesopotamian gods. No one has truly seen them for centuries, no one even knows if they live. But I will not cast any doubts, seeing as how they are the oldest civilization known to man..."

I stared at her just the same, making sure to give her my deluxe blank stare. She quickly grew flustered when she realised I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about.

"We are in northern Iraq." She muttered at last, kicking a small stone in silent tantrum.

"Thank you. For speaking human terms." I replied with a sarcastically grateful bow.

Ah, I'd forgotten how beautiful she looked with her cheeks flaming red.

"Perhaps we should start the training sooner, to prepare you better you see." She stated, an evil glint in her eyes. "In fact, I think it will be even better if we do so now."

Gods fucking damn it. Why did I have to open my big mouth?

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