
Contract 2: The Balavir Contract Part 1

End of the road for the beautiful woman, another head of a witch for the witch hunter, he looks at her dead in the eye, cold.

But what did happen before he found who is the witch? it all began when a contract came to the town of our witch hunter, a town called Lonrin, oh did I mention that our witch hunter is named Rog?

I met him when I come the age of 27, in a bar called Little Prancer, but how exactly did I met him? Well the story of our meeting is for another time.

Let's start our story shall we? This contract of his is before I met him, according to him this contract came from a town called Balavir, just two towns far from his hometown.

The contract was to find the missing children of the town, common answer for children getting missing? A witch in the town, or a witch hiding in the town.

According to Rog when I asked him why witches love to kidnap children, they love children for their meat, the meat of the children are compared to the meat of a piglet, for them a children's meat is tender and tasty.

Pity these unlucky children, all their hope getting out alive, and get out in one piece, is in the hands of a witch hunter.

After Rog receive the contract, he headed out to the town of Balavir, a small town, two towns far from his hometown.

This is a case of one of those worse contracts, well according to him actually.

First before he could arrive to the first town, he has to travel in a wasteland, where the heat is the enemy of the day, and bandits by the night.

But gratefully he arrived to the first town before the night arrived, a little rest and continue on his journey.

After a little rest there again he continues to travel to Balavir, atleast the second town and the first town he arrived to is only close to each other; after a 30 min worth of travel he arrived to the second town and there he complete his rest until the next day.

He then awoke the next day, continue his travel, and after all that long travel from his hometown, he finally arrived to Balavir, but is Balavir expected as a lively town?

Once yes, but after the incident? It became a gloomy town, it's as if they abandon all hope, well that's according to Rog anyway.

The witch really did shook the town to it's core, but atleast a witch hunter finally called an answer for the town's call of help.

The second reason why it's one of those worst contracts case? The town is poor according to Rog, not much of witch hunters are willing to risk their neck if the payment is not enough for them, there are only little who will take risk for a low payment, well those witch hunters are those who pity the people who made the contract, from my perspective Rog took pity in them.