
Archangel war

War of Archangels multiple worlds

Crossover of Dominion, Supernatural and Lucifer

In a endless plane of Darkness Jack wakes up blinking confused he looks around when a beep sounds then words appear

'' Welcome Jack Kline to Character creation here you can customize your appearance ''.

Surprised Jack starts looking through all his options and in the end he decides on a whole new look.

He was 6:6

Had Tom Ellis Face

With Long hair like Tom had in Merlin

Kellan Lutz Body

Starting with his suit.

Startling awake J.. no Lucifer opens his eyes looking around he noticess he was in the cage.

Groaning he goes to stand when the Cage burst open causing him to smirk as he burst out with his 6 heads roaring with joy with the Middle one the Dragon laughing with joy as he bursts through the ground.

Sensing my vessel I healed him and place a tracker on the two souls and body suddenly the two vanish making me smile as I knew father took the two away lifting into the air I roar my joy at being free as I do I wander when I was going to get my vessel.

Feeling a pull in my chest I grumble as the Vessel of Nick Vaught appears in mid-air confuse I watch as a rip opens and a body falls through hitting Nick but instead of bouncing off each other the two merge.

Interested I just watch as the body shapeshifts into the body he had custom made.

Please I watch as the body gains runes as it became strong enough to hold me without the need for demon blood nor could I be banish from the vessel. As I watch I see it mirror Nick in the future without being trapped inside even better the moment I enter the vessel it becomes one of my true forms.

Rushing into the body I spread out completely sighing as I could spread out without weaking myself.

Eyes snapping open I allow my power to spread outward in glee at not needing to hide my power.

Across the world the Supernatural felt Lucifer's power as Lucifer power burn its way in changing them the ones living and reviving a few including Vlad the Impaler who he made an Original Hectic. As he continues he changes history slightly to include Vampire Diaries and all its content and the Different species dimensions of Buffy the Vampire slayer.

As, the power is released the wishes Lucifer made were added on creating new dimensions for new demons, Monsters even different versions of the gods were created. The realms of the dead all off them were being remade to fit this new universe with many souls in heaven and hell being sent to different realms.

Hell itself change where the souls are punished based on crimes, Each soul Is locked in a cell, There are Trees, Oceans and Manors in hell for the hierarchy of hell and their was 666 layers and rank demons of hell.

There was even markets, Banks and Mines.

In heaven the human heaven change to be wings of families and inside a personal heaven anything the soul wants happens and a soul can travel outside it into other areas.

The Angel side wasn't left untouched they grew into a sliver city with homes, Offices, Forges and more for the angels.

Inside a Skyscraper/ Castle sits God's Throne and Offices of Archangels and the many ranking Angel with private rooms for the ranking angels and Archangels inside it.

In the center of the town is Glowing ball allowing angels to watch over earth and by taping it they could teleport from heaven.

In a hidden corner of the castle lays a grace maker turning deserving humans into angels.

Outside the city was a massive landscape with lakes, rivers, streams, caves, mines, mountains, hills etc.


In Purgatory

All over the dead are being revive as that happens rips in reality appear all over Purgatory turning them into souls and pulled out.

Back onto earth where there body or a decay one is restored and they are placed in them.


As heaven shifts the angels shake as they fall groaning everyone gets to their feet and slowly they start listening to each other.

Michael inside his office shakes with disbelief and rage as he felt Lucifer power turning his head he could tell Lucifer got stronger somehow but he doesn't know how. But his power was equal to his.


The demons rejoice as they felt Lucifer's power and feel the changes in hell a few of them were already at work.


Cracking my neck I dip into my massive power and create a opening into the empty.

Reaching into the empty I revive all those who fought and died for me and one of my siblings basically everyone since only the traitors remain in the empty as I do I sense the amusement from the empty as it sent a message back '' Everyone gets 6 lives for free after it will take longer then a year to come back until their 12 life that is their last life they will be mine then unless you can convince me otherwise''.

The Message was slammed into my head causing me to moan a little in pain bowing my head at the empty I close the opening with a smirk at the mischief this will cause.

Summoning my wings I watch as the burned edges heal and them turn back to white blinking I watch it continue stun I see them become wings made from pure Light.

Spreading them I Laugh with joy and fly to hell.

As I was feeling joy In another world

Gabriel '' Oh, father Lucifer's alive ''.

Horror filling the two the two see Lucifer be rebuilt suddenly the two see Lucifer move his hand slightly causing a massive expulsion of power to burn from him causing the two to scream as Lucifer turns the entire world into a portal and the world connects to another world.

Eyes snapping open they glowed like the sun standing up Lucifer looks at his two siblings '' Kneel ''.

Pale the two sense the power of God burning from Lucifer causing the two to pale further Michael whispers '' The Hands you slowed yourself down to absorb the power from god ''.

Smirking Lucifer says '' You never got it brothers I am second to only god did you think you could be me unless I allowed it ''.

Pale the two understood Gabriel whispers '' You knew Michael wouldn't destroy your bones so you've been gather power since ''.

With a massive grin Lucifer says '' Yep and I absorb every drop of power Dad use and with Dad gone I'm god now Kneel ''.

Feeling immense pressure the two drop making Lucifer smile '' Good as reward I will live your humans alone Michael and for not destroying my bones I hereby order heaven to reopen and all angels to return ''.

BOOM!!!! !!

The Sense every angel return to heaven as souls start moving from heaven to hell and vice versa.

Then Lucifer looks at Gabriel '' And for you brother I hereby heal the dead ''.

Lighting up the world glows as Angels are reborn.

Sighing in excitement Lucifer took the worse qualities from the Dead Angels and Created Demons.

Throwing them into hell the three watch as Demon Kind was created from the ashes and bones of dead angels.

Looking at the two I see horror in their eyes making him smile then Lucifer sensing the World connecting to another world sits causing a throne to appear under him God's Throne smiling he says '' Go Conquer this new World for me ''.

Michael and Gabriel gulp then the two bow ass they went off to heaven while in hell over a million years occurred in an instant and the demons are ready opening a doorway Lucifer sent over half of demon kind to battle in this new world.

Alternate Michael's world

Michael smiles as Lucifer was freed then a Massive wave of Power hits him causing him to frown as another world was added .

Stumbling Michael pales as the balance was broken causing them to move to the next world causing it to become unstable causing the three of them to move to the original world.


Across the universe the world groans as billions of realms, Planets and beings were added suddenly in multiple towns and villages the ground rumbles and beings of Nightmares appear.


Causing riots as people run the from the sky winged beings appear causing the people to call out in joy when they start attacking them.

As that happens Lucifer and Michael both felt it forcing the two to send their armies down to battle them.

As that Happens the two speak on angel radio '' Lucifer I sense another you ''.

'' I agree perhaps we are meant to fight the other worlds ''.

'' Agree, Lucifer I have sent Angels and you demons but we need to calm the humans down ''.

'' Agree, Michael so I declare Truce ''.

'' Agree, Lucifer see you on the fields ''.