
The hunt begins [PROLOGUE]

"Everything's alright...MOMMY will bring you something to eat. So just stay put here okay." said the women, hiding her child inside a cave. Shuffling through the bushes she leaves as if running from someone . The child is unknown of the fact of what's going to happen.

Ratatataa....the forest is echoing with this sound. Then there's silence again. The child quivers from the banging sound . It rings in her ears as she tries to cover them. "Mommy, come soon. I'm scared." says the child, curling up into a ball.

*Rustle rustle* she hears the sound of heavy tread of boots. " Oh! no someone is approaching what to do ? " she panicks. *Clomp clomp * it's the sound of wet boots . Someone is slowly proceeding toward the cave. She tries to stay still so that they cannot hear her. *Squash squish the sound is getting more clear. Then slowly moves toward the corner to hide. "Hey, Ayden you see anyone? " comes a voice outside the cave . " No seems like no one's here." said Ayden. *Squish squash she hears the men leaving . Slowly she goes to check if they left or not but to find the floor with the boot prints of red colored liquid . It is red as the blood. Terrified from the fact that it could be blood she hides herself again as she hears more footsteps moving away from her. Still waiting in the cave as a good girl , she waits until the floor is cold like ice.

~prologue ends~