
The moon spider doulou

Yue li is a genius cultivator that was praised for her insight in spiritual cultivation, having an innate spirt energy of seven and a lower hight level martial soul dark arachne, she contended with the best by developing several spirit techniques and even published the green palm healing techniques given her the status of a honorary elder of spirit hall. Unfortunately, the betrayal of Bibi dong over a misunderstanding and the death of her husband and unborn child caused her to snap and lead her into a path of darkness while awakening the ability of a world contract enabling her to reincarnate her soul in another world and reap all kinds of knowledge and wisdom as long as she complete a mission from the world. English isn't my second second language.

Newler · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 8

Inside the cocoon of Yue Li, the dark arachne martial soul materialized, a golden thread spite from its mouth yet giving the illusion of being devoured by it.

* On the first day, you decided to use your familiarity and experience with the Qi Meridians in order to find the main spiritual meridians. You failed. *

* On the second day, you decide to focus on the navel, the location where the martial soul and the absorbed spirit power reside. You found some pathways and acupunctures, but they were completely different from your past experiences. *


* On the the seventh day, you continue to find several other pathways and acupunctures but their location was completely illogical to you, you put a theory that Qi of heaven and earth may have the same end goal to spirit power cultivation, however they could possibly take different paths for that. So you decided that all your knowledge about immortal cultivation will only be used as a sketch. *


* On the first month, you finely found a major spirit power meridian. You remarked the difference to the immortal Qi meridian by roughly three percent in both shape and location. *


* On the first year, you finely found all twelve spirit power meridians but decided against experimenting with cultivation till you map the whole body's spirit power pathways. *


* On the fourth year, you mapped two percent of the spirit power pathways, but you have gained some understanding of their functions. *


* On the tenth year, you mapped ten percent of the spirit power pathways, your understanding of spirit power has increased, and you felt that you could upgrade your self-made soul skills. You decided against being hasty and bold with your situation but opted into mapping one hundred percent of the body, experimenting on all that can or can't be done to your meridians, pathways, and acupunctures, deducing a general rule for spirit power. *

* End of simulation *

With the end of simulation, Yue Li experienced a rush of ten years' worth of memories and insights, which is always accompanied by a migraine.

' Good thing I used it since I was eight, it was also a good way to train my mind. ' thought Yue Li to herself.

Yue Li, emerging from the cocoon of her martial soul's simulation, felt a wave of mixed emotions crashing over her. The memories and insights of a decade's worth of meticulous exploration flooded her consciousness, each day of tireless effort etched into her mind. It was a profound experience, and the weight of that newfound knowledge pressed upon her.

At first, there was a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, knowing that she had successfully navigated this complex web of spirit power pathways and meridians. She had discovered the differences between immortal Qi cultivation and spirit power cultivation, a valuable revelation that set her on a unique path. The joy of finding the twelve major spirit power meridians and the potential for upgrading her self-made soul skills filled her with a deep sense of anticipation.

However, that sense of accomplishment was tempered by the magnitude of the task that lay ahead. Mapping one hundred percent of her body's spirit power pathways was a daunting undertaking, and the weight of that responsibility pressed down on her. She knew that patience and caution were her allies in this journey, and she couldn't afford to be hasty or reckless.

As she sorted everything into place, Yue Li couldn't help but reflect on the gaps in her knowledge. The absence of a self-made soul skill for mind training bothered her, and she resolved to address this deficiency. Her mind was her most valuable asset, and she understood the importance of honing it to perfection.

In that moment, Yue Li felt a complex mixture of determination, curiosity, and the nagging migraine that often accompanied the assimilation of such vast insights. She was ready to embrace the challenges that lay ahead and continue her extraordinary journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

A quick check on her experimentation target showed that he lost one level of spirit power cultivation.

' What a heavy price to pay, I felt that any simulation outside of my body will take a price to pay but I never thought it will be the cultivation level, if a word about this goes out I'm doomed. '

Yue Li decided that she would use them here and kill them later on for a simple reason.

' I can experiment on myself but the downside is that each time I go crazy it will first affect my mind state, second immediately stop the simulation while having a debuff of five percent in all my abilities, and lastly, it will have a cool down that may go till a weak from now. That's why I use it as a convenient tool, but it will shine when there is someone else to pay the price. '

That was also the goal of Yue Li in coming here, have anyone else paid the price while she reaps experience, knowledge, and wisdom.

Just after she finished sorting her gains, she felt that several people had triggered her alarms.

It didn't take long for her to figure out that even while she marked her territory, they will always be people who aren't convinced.

' A total of five, good just when I needed you, the one that I captured will not be able to pay the price of the simulation for some time, if I alternate between them I will have emple resources. Good news, I only exhausted one percent of my spirit power. '

Yue Li quickly put her clothes and began ready for the hunt.