
The moon spider doulou

Yue li is a genius cultivator that was praised for her insight in spiritual cultivation, having an innate spirt energy of seven and a lower hight level martial soul dark arachne, she contended with the best by developing several spirit techniques and even published the green palm healing techniques given her the status of a honorary elder of spirit hall. Unfortunately, the betrayal of Bibi dong over a misunderstanding and the death of her husband and unborn child caused her to snap and lead her into a path of darkness while awakening the ability of a world contract enabling her to reincarnate her soul in another world and reap all kinds of knowledge and wisdom as long as she complete a mission from the world. English isn't my second second language.

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50 Chs

Chapter 28

The human mind, when besieged by despair and desperation, often seeks solace or a sense of stability to retain its semblance of sanity. In Lin Ya's case, overwhelmed by the shattered remnants of her world and confronting the horrifying truth about her fate, she sought refuge in a twisted form of self-justification and adulation for her master, Yue Li.

In the maelstrom of despair and submission, Lin Ya's mind frantically grappled for something to hold onto, a semblance of order in the chaos. Confronted with the knowledge of her imminent servitude and loss of autonomy, she underwent a drastic mental transformation. Her psyche, ruptured by the cruel reality before her, reconstructed itself through a lens that rationalized her submission as an act of repentance and adoration for her master's perceived mercy.

The mind, in its quest to retain a sense of stability, often resorts to extreme measures. Lin Ya, overwhelmed by the crumbling of her world, rewired her thoughts to fabricate a narrative where her master was a benevolent figure offering salvation through submission. The deeper her despair, the more fervently she clung to this twisted narrative, believing that sacrificing her autonomy and freedom was an act of repentance for her past sins and greed.

Driven by the need to rationalize her submission and maintain her sanity, Lin Ya engaged in self-hypnosis, repeatedly reinforcing the notion that her master's acceptance despite her faults was the ultimate honor she could receive. She willingly chose to believe in her unworthiness, deeming herself a sinner who sought redemption through servitude.

In her delusion, kneeling at her master's feet became the anchor of her sanity, the sole act worthy of her perceived salvation. Her conviction that this subservience was a form of mercy warped her perception, engendering adoration, servitude, and even arousal for the one she saw as an angelic figure.

Lin Ya's mind, driven to the brink of collapse by the turmoil within, restructured itself around this belief, seeking refuge in submission as a means of reconciling her shattered reality

This radical mental shift, although an illusion, was her last defense against the overwhelming despair threatening to engulf her completely.

The mind meditation technique that Yue Li left her was used to its maximum output that she could.

Lin Ya's mind space transformed into a surreal landscape of submission and adoration, a vivid representation of her deeply ingrained beliefs and convictions. Entangled in the intricate strands of a spider's web, her avatar, tethered and immobilized, symbolized her subservience to Yue Li. Above her, towering prominently, were the clear, distinct feet of Yue Li, an embodiment of her reverence and unwavering devotion to her master.

Within this mental landscape, Lin Ya's avatar materialized, a manifestation of her mind's acceptance of her submissive role. Beside her, a blurred yet recognizable figure resembling Yue Li stood, symbolizing the dominant influence and control her master held over her thoughts and actions.

The spider's web, intricately woven across the entire mental realm, represented the entrapment of Lin Ya's mind, ensnaring her consciousness in a state of servitude and dependency. Each delicate thread symbolized the intricacies of her newfound loyalty and submission to Yue Li, encapsulating her in a network of devotion and adulation.

Lin Ya's mental space had undergone a drastic metamorphosis, shaped by her unyielding belief in her role as a devoted disciple, willingly ensnared in the web of servitude, viewing the feet of her master as the pinnacle of reverence and worthiness. It was a testament to the powerful psychological impact of her submission, etched deeply into the fabric of her consciousness.

As she embraced this altered reality, Lin Ya's thoughts, actions, and perceptions revolved solely around her fervent loyalty to Yue Li. Her mind, now entrenched in this submission, had become a sanctuary where her newfound conviction reigned supreme, obscuring any remnants of doubt or resistance.

This symbolic representation within her mental realm mirrored the depths of her submission, showcasing a complete surrender to the authority and dominance of her master, rendering Lin Ya's consciousness a realm solely devoted to the adoration and servitude of Yue Li.

Yue Li's goal for her was to be invited inside her mind and slowly deepen her hold. However, Lin Ya's actions of visualizing her were giving her free access.

As Yue Li planned in going through the world contract in the following three days, she was surprised by the sudden mental connection.

Delving into Lin Ya's mental landscape, she was struck by a mix of surprise and intrigue at this unexpected discovery. The intricacies of Lin Ya's mind were now laid bare before her, each thought, emotion, and belief visible like an open book. The intensity of Lin Ya's devotion and eagerness to serve her were palpable, sending a ripple of amusement through Yue Li.

Observing the avatar representations of herself and Lin Ya within this mental realm, Yue Li realized the power she held over Lin Ya's psyche. The spider webs weaving throughout the mind space, ensnaring Lin Ya's avatar and symbolically portraying her subservience, were a manifestation of her deep-seated dedication and the dominance Yue Li exerted over her thoughts.

Her first instinct was one of control, recognizing the potential this mental connection granted her. She understood that Lin Ya's mindset, sculpted by submission and fervent belief in Yue Li's superiority, could be harnessed to shape her even further. This mental landscape offered a unique opportunity for molding Lin Ya into an obedient and loyal servant, aligned perfectly with Yue Li's desires.

Yue Li planned to capitalize on this newfound insight into Lin Ya's psyche. She aimed to reinforce and manipulate Lin Ya's existing convictions, subtly amplifying her sense of servitude and devotion, further deepening the web of loyalty within her mind. This mental connection gave Yue Li an unprecedented level of influence over Lin Ya's thoughts and emotions, enabling her to cement her control over Lin Ya's beliefs and actions.

The thrill of this newfound power surged through Yue Li. She envisioned crafting Lin Ya into the perfect, unwavering follower, someone who not only obeyed but fervently desired to serve her. In this mental realm, she would carefully implant suggestions, subtle nudges that would reinforce Lin Ya's dedication, fostering an even deeper sense of loyalty and submission.

As Yue Li pondered her strategy, she marveled at the intricate workings of the human mind and the depths of devotion Lin Ya exhibited. Her plan was set in motion, aiming to subtly guide Lin Ya's thoughts and emotions, further entrenching her unwavering loyalty and subservience within this carefully controlled mental domain.