
The moon spider doulou

Yue li is a genius cultivator that was praised for her insight in spiritual cultivation, having an innate spirt energy of seven and a lower hight level martial soul dark arachne, she contended with the best by developing several spirit techniques and even published the green palm healing techniques given her the status of a honorary elder of spirit hall. Unfortunately, the betrayal of Bibi dong over a misunderstanding and the death of her husband and unborn child caused her to snap and lead her into a path of darkness while awakening the ability of a world contract enabling her to reincarnate her soul in another world and reap all kinds of knowledge and wisdom as long as she complete a mission from the world. English isn't my second second language.

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50 Chs

Chapter 22

As the heavy air lingered in the room, Yue Li looked at her and answered, " Not enough, anything else. "

" I can work here as a maid, I can clean and cook. Please put me under your protection. "

Lin Ya, despairet, could only do whatever she could to protect herself.

" Not enough, I have no need for that. Anything else. " Yue Li denied her again, knowing full well the weight of despair in her, what she wanted isn't just someone that she could only use here, what she wanted is a good servant that can be her slave in a second, as for strength, it will be easly dealt with by dual cultivating.

" Anything, all do anything. Please let me under your wing. " Lin Ya didn't have much of a choice, for her the one standing before her is the honorary elder of spirit hall so doing anything will still protect her, but outside, there is a lot of perverts that want to play with her body before selling her of as a sex slave then killing her or torturing her.

" Anything you say, you seem to forget little one, this is Slaughter City, the weak doesn't have much say, so when you say anything that mean you are selling yourself to me, your fate here could be worse outside. "

Yue Li had a small smile on her face, already knowing that she would accept.

" Yes, I accept. Please put me under your wing. "

Lin Ya didn't have much of a choice. She simply lacked strength.

" Well then, I don't believe you, so how about a little test. "

" W-What do you which for me to do ? "

" You have one minute to strip yourself of all your clothes. If you do, I will consider your sincerity and take you under my wing. " Answered Yue Li with a small smile on her face.

As Lin Ya stood before the sadistic Yue Li, a chilling unease gripped her. The heavy air in the room seemed to tighten around her like an invisible vice, amplifying her desperation. The plea for protection had transformed into a stark proposition, and Lin Ya's eyes reflected a mix of fear and resignation.

With each denial, Lin Ya felt the weight of despair pressing down on her, realizing that in Slaughter City, weakness was a luxury she couldn't afford. The desperation in her voice echoed as she offered herself as a servant, willing to be a pawn if it meant survival. The looming threat of a grim fate outside hung in the air, making Yue Li's proposition seem like a reluctant refuge.

As Yue Li casually dismissed each proposal, Lin Ya's resolve wavered. The honorary elder's small smile hinted at a sadistic satisfaction, and Lin Ya understood the dark reality of her situation. The choice presented to her was one of submission or facing a far more gruesome destiny.

Yue Li's final test, a minute to strip herself bare, was a cruel demand that further stripped away Lin Ya's dignity. The room felt suffocating as time ticked away, and Lin Ya grappled with the harsh reality of her circumstances. The sadistic aura around Yue Li only intensified, leaving Lin Ya with a choice between survival and the sacrifice of her last shreds of self-respect.

In that moment, Lin Ya's emotions were a turbulent mix of fear, desperation, and a reluctant acceptance of the twisted terms imposed upon her by the merciless Yue Li.

In front of the sadistic Yue Li, Lin Ya felt a chilling mixture of desperation and humiliation. As she reluctantly shed her clothes, it wasn't merely her garments that fell away, but also fragments of her pride and dignity. The heavy air in the room seemed to press down on her, mirroring the weight of the choices she was forced to make. The small smile on Yue Li's face intensified the discomfort, a visual echo of the power dynamics at play. Lin Ya's acceptance was a bitter acknowledgment of her vulnerability, traded for a precarious sense of safety in Slaughter City's unforgiving environment.

Soon she was left with just her underwears, canceling her last break of dignity, but a single eye contact told her otherwise.

Yue Li's sadistic smile lingered, casting a shadow over the unfolding scene. Lin Ya, caught in the clutches of despair, could feel the scrutinizing gaze of the honorary elder piercing through her. Stripped not just of her clothes but also of her last shreds of dignity, she yearned for the dubious protection promised by Yue Li.

The room echoed with a silent plea as Lin Ya's submissive actions betrayed her inner turmoil. In that moment, she became a mere pawn in the twisted game of survival, trading her modesty for a precarious sanctuary in the ruthless Slaughter City. The heavy atmosphere mirrored the gravity of her sacrifice, a testament to the harsh reality where strength prevailed, and the weak were left with little choice but to submit to the whims of those in power.