
The moon spider doulou

Yue li is a genius cultivator that was praised for her insight in spiritual cultivation, having an innate spirt energy of seven and a lower hight level martial soul dark arachne, she contended with the best by developing several spirit techniques and even published the green palm healing techniques given her the status of a honorary elder of spirit hall. Unfortunately, the betrayal of Bibi dong over a misunderstanding and the death of her husband and unborn child caused her to snap and lead her into a path of darkness while awakening the ability of a world contract enabling her to reincarnate her soul in another world and reap all kinds of knowledge and wisdom as long as she complete a mission from the world. English isn't my second second language.

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50 Chs

Chapter 20

In the relentless pursuit of mastery, Yue Li committed herself to upgrading the dark arachne's cultivation technique, body tempering technique, and mind meditation technique. The gravity of this task became evident as she immersed herself in the intricate details, underestimating the Herculean effort required for each enhancement.

The first ring demanded a decade of unwavering dedication, a testament to the complexity of the dark arachne's cultivation technique. As Yue Li delved deeper into the intricacies, she confronted challenges that tested not only her knowledge but also her perseverance.

The second ring, a milestone on this arduous journey, necessitated two decades of meticulous refinement. The intricacies of the dark arachne's body tempering technique unraveled before her, requiring a profound understanding and precision that only time and relentless practice could provide.

The ascent grew steeper with each subsequent upgrade—40 years for the third, 80 for the fourth, and a staggering 160 years for the final refinement. The enormity of the task became a crucible, where Yue Li's resilience and commitment were forged into a formidable force.

The magnitude of the challenge was underscored by the fact that even with her extensive knowledge, the temporal investment remained substantial. However, Yue Li's strategic decision to concurrently upgrade her body and mind meditation techniques facilitated a more efficient process. In synchrony, she harmonized the evolution of her entire being, achieving in 50 years what might have taken considerably longer if pursued independently.

This journey, marked by years of unwavering dedication, showcased not only Yue Li's intellectual prowess but also her indomitable spirit. As the fruits of her labor materialized, the upgraded techniques stood as a testament to the enduring bond between martial soul and cultivator, a synthesis of wisdom, perseverance, and the inexorable passage of time.

In Yue Li's evolved mind space, the ethereal landscape unfolds, a manifestation of her inner strength and the boundless potential of her cultivation journey. As she stands in this dark realm, her avatar, seemingly human but with a distinctive touch of the arcane, redefines the boundaries of mental fortitude.

The dark land, enshrouded in an otherworldly calmness, provides Yue Li with a sanctuary for introspection and contemplation. Despite the eerie lotus and blood flakes adorning the spider web, the scenery exudes an inexplicable peace, creating a mental haven for her to delve into the depths of her thoughts.

The very fabric of Yue Li's mind space is interwoven with boundless darkness. This pervasive element serves as a wellspring of strength, a reservoir from which she can draw upon resilience, fortitude, and a connection to the primal forces that fuel her cultivation.

The lotus encircling the spider web carry with them the weight of curse attributes, an arcane touch that adds layers of complexity to Yue Li's mental domain. The yin air, drifting through the dark expanse, enhances her connection to the spiritual realm, fostering an environment where the boundaries between the corporeal and the ethereal blur.

Yue Li's avatar, a reflection of her evolving consciousness, possesses six eyes that emanate the glow of fate. Each eye is a beacon, guiding her through the labyrinth of possibilities and choices. The ice robe she adorns in this mental realm represents a crystalline resilience, an armor against the adversities she may encounter within the recesses of her own mind.

The dark lining that envelops her avatar serves as a symbolic shield, warding off intrusive thoughts and external influences. It is a visual representation of her mental fortitude, a boundary that separates the purity of her intentions from the chaos that might seek to disrupt her internal harmony.

This evolved mind space acts as a nexus where Yue Li's mental and spiritual prowess converges. The benefits derived from this intricate realm extend beyond mere aesthetics, offering her a platform for meditation, introspection, and communion with the latent powers that define her cultivation journey. It is a mental sanctuary where darkness and arcane elements coalesce, shaping a landscape uniquely attuned to the profound depths of Yue Li's consciousness.

The new Dark Arachne Body Tempering Technique intricately weaves the thirty-six methods of darkness, yin, curses, and ice to bestow remarkable benefits upon the practitioner. As the shadows embrace the flesh, a subtle transformation begins. The skin gains an ethereal radiance, a delicate beauty that mirrors the mysteries of the night.

Within, the bones resonate with the silent power of darkness, growing denser, and more resilient. The blood courses through veins with a chilling grace, carrying not only life but the harnessed energies of curses and yin, enhancing vitality and fortitude.

Organs, once ordinary, become vessels of refined strength. The heart beats in harmony with the whispers of shadows, ensuring a steady and resilient flow of life-giving force. The lungs, infused with the essence of ice, breathe a crisp vitality into every cell.

Deep within the body, the blood marrow undergoes a transformative dance, absorbing the essence of darkness and yin. This infusion grants an otherworldly endurance and a heightened resistance to ailments, creating a foundation of robust health.

In the end, the Dark Arachne Body Tempering Technique not only bestows physical prowess but also an undeniable allure. The practitioner emerges not just strengthened but adorned with a unique beauty that reflects the harmonious blend of darkness and ice within, mesmerizing and subjecting the mind of the weak.