
The Moon's Mighty Alpha

Goosebumps raised throughout my body at the sight of my own hand. Claws replaced my nails and my normally clean hand was now covered in pure white fur. I frantically crawled around the hut to look for a mirror in spite of the vigorously flowing power making my steps heavy. Muddleheaded, I moved to the end of the room and found a large mirror before me. The view in the mirror was one that I could not believe. What is happening to me? What even is going on?! ° ° ° Cassiel, an omnipotent Omega who has yet to discover the hidden truth behind his abilities and power, finds himself trapped in a series of eerie dreams and unanswered questions. To put an end to his disquieted feelings, he is led on to a journey unnerved, where he finds himself captivated by the beauty of the Mighty Black Wolf.

Scorpious_star · LGBT+
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185 Chs

Who's The Weakling Now?

Third POV

"MARCEL! Where's my jacket" Dáinn had been searching around the entire room for his leather jacket but couldn't find it anywhere.

"Keanu, help him get his jacket from the laundry room, please!" He heard Marcel ask for Keanu. Walking out of his room, Dáinn headed towards the living room where the rest were seated.

"Dáinn?" He turned around to look at the youngest pack member looking at him with furrowed brows. Confused, he looked around to see the other giggling softly

"What? What's wrong?" Still not sure what was going on, he raised his eyebrows questioningly towards Favian who in return simply shook his head and went back to doing whatever was on his phone.

He looked around to see the workers eyeing him weirdly. Following their gaze, he looked down and that's when the realization hit him.