
The Moon's Mighty Alpha

Goosebumps raised throughout my body at the sight of my own hand. Claws replaced my nails and my normally clean hand was now covered in pure white fur. I frantically crawled around the hut to look for a mirror in spite of the vigorously flowing power making my steps heavy. Muddleheaded, I moved to the end of the room and found a large mirror before me. The view in the mirror was one that I could not believe. What is happening to me? What even is going on?! ° ° ° Cassiel, an omnipotent Omega who has yet to discover the hidden truth behind his abilities and power, finds himself trapped in a series of eerie dreams and unanswered questions. To put an end to his disquieted feelings, he is led on to a journey unnerved, where he finds himself captivated by the beauty of the Mighty Black Wolf.

Scorpious_star · LGBT+
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185 Chs

The Twenty Ninth of February

Third Person POV

*7 months before*

"Dáinn, stay! We'll take care, you need rest!" Favian voiced his thoughts and proceeded to remove his glasses showing his heterochromia eyes of Turquoise and Gold. He had let Rezso, his spiritual wolf take over, for it would be easier to manipulate the enemies' wolves that way.

"We can take care of it, Dáinn. Trust me!" Marcel said surprising all of them, as his once innocent brown eyes had now turned into a shade of emerald green showing that he was more than ready for attacking the enemies waiting outside, Olric had started taking control.

On the other hand, Keanu had already transformed into his wolf, Zev, showing off the beautiful creature's grey fur. His eyes shone a shade of light gold.

To say Dáinn wasn't surprised by their sudden change in emotion would be an understatement. The once scared and emotionally exhausted young men were now standing tall.

He was more than impressed by how they were still willing to fight for the pack's people when most of them had already lost almost everything in their possession.

"You guys, I am more than okay" Dáinn smirked and transformed into his wolf form, leaving everyone in the room bewildered. He stomped his feet on the ground and growled loud enough to shake the heavens. To say that everyone was scared of his aura would be safe.

Dáinn now transformed completely into the mighty Lykouros who had blood-red eyes and his fangs stuck out, ready for attack. Just as he growled, everyone bowed down in submission instantly. Despite being a Beta and Alpha respectively, Rezso and Zev had bowed down in submission.

Olric on the other hand was whimpering softly due to the Alpha's pheromones being too strong and dominating for the Omega to handle. The other pack members who were taking shelter in the house also whimpered and hung their heads low in submission as Lykouros's aura became more and more brawny.

Nobody was able to understand how this all was actually possible. How could a 17-year-old have such strong pheromones emitting from them? How was he able to make everyone around bow down to him with such simple actions? And the most astonishing part was that Lykouros was standing taller than an average wolf.

However, Favian who was still as addled as the rest walked towards the now King Alpha. The wolf growled lowly this time making Favian stop in his track as he took the hint.

"We'll talk about this later" Lykouros spoke to the pack of wolves, through his mind link. Before anyone could reply he stormed out of the place and plunged himself at the main door knocking it down.

There stood in front of his destroyed domain an army of roughs and the Alphas of Crimson, Dauntless and Diamond Heart pack. Though they had signed the peace treaty contract, here they stood head high, taking part in the destruction caused by the roughs.

When Dàinn's Father was still bedridden and the Pack had a King, the attacks were subtle. However, since the pack had lost their King Alpha, every pack, be it small or big, had found an opportunity to take over the Gold Venom. They were well aware of their position, as Dáinn was still underage which meant that he was not eligible to be King.

This was because every pack had a rule and every king of the pack must stand up to the criteria that were set. The rules were simple for the elders. However, it became a disadvantage to the Gold Venom Pack.

According to the rules, King Alpha was supposed to be strong enough to fight other Alphas alone. He must be strong, smart and intellectual. He had to make sure to take care of his pack and provide for every necessity.

Though Dáinn fulfilled almost all the criteria, he still lacked a lot of strength due to him being underage. This was the reason why he could barely fight a single Alpha by himself. His wolf had yet to develop and he still had to learn how to control his strength.

Looking at this, the Head officials had stated that the Gold Venom were no longer considered a separate pack and could be taken over by a stronger Alpha who could rule over. This led to everyday attacks and countless deaths for the Gold Venom Pack.

Lykouros stood there observing the situation. Standing behind him, Zev and Rezso were ready to take any orders that he would give. V, however, was asked to wait inside in case of emergency and attack only when necessary.

In front of the young three Alphas, stood an army of ten thousand wolves ready to kill. Their only motive was to take over Gold Venom Pack. For which they were ready to lose all dignity. They had taken the orders from the heads and were trying to take over by hook or by crook.

Lykouros growled loudly stepping forward. The roughs and Omegas could be heard whimpering in pain while the Alphas tried their best not to bow in submission only to fail miserably.

Smirking internally at his victory, Lykouros walked towards the submissive Alpha Kings. He looked at their atrocious state of them and snarled deeply. Not being able to move at all, the Alpha King of the Crimson Pack, Gotham Luke, the Alpha King of the Dauntless Pack, Damian Gizal and the Alpha King from the Diamond Heart Pack. Massino Carter, all panicked.

"Either pay for what you have destroyed or get ready to be killed" Lykouros threatened the Kings now standing straight.

Seeing how a teenager was able to threaten an army of wolves, the previously hubristic Kings fell into a state of shock. Trying their best to maintain his posture, Gotham stepped forward, facing the young, yet domineering Black Wolf.

He looked over in his direction and growled in an attempt to assert his dominance. Lykouros retorted by penetrating his battle cry into the weak hearts of the enemy, and to his own people to remind them of their assured victory.

Massino smugly approached forward as he snarled, "A MERE CHILD! HOW DARE YOU?! Watch me put you back in your place!". As he pounced at the once weak wolf, Massino noticed the clear difference in the might of the Gold Venom's leader, as Lykouros stood tall, unshrinking, his aura overbearing. Regardless, the older recklessly aimed for the black wolf's scruff only to hear a loud crack.

Massino's aiming hand was maimed. He did not get the time to notice the younger wolf leaving his sight and getting a hold of him, all he felt was the excruciating pain that ran through his arm. Witnessing the scene before them, the overconfident wolves halted in their steps. The unanimous opinion right now was, "If we approach him alone, we get killed."

Thus, they immediately knew they needed to focus on attacking as a pack. Lykouros seemed to have noticed the silent strategy of the enemy, as his mind linked to Rezso and Zev, "Attack with all your might. Don't falter! These lowlifes' numbers do not matter." Instantly, the three took their battle stance as the enemy attacked the three without a break. However, their efforts were all in vain.

"Humph. All these bastards suddenly seem so weak. Don't you think, Favian?" Zev remarked calmly while he crudely twisted the necks of two of the strongest roughs at the same time.

"Hey now, Zev. Mind your language!" Rezso replied as he threw the dead leader of another worthless pack away like filth.

"You young'uns dare get so confident just because you killed these weaklings!" The leader of the Dauntless Pack, Damian was outraged by the opponents' condescending manner.

He attacked Lykouros with great agility and speed, managing to lay a small scratch on the young wolf's back. Yet, it was not enough to kill the Lykouros who was now boiling with a desire for revenge as his full potential was now tearing the skies.

"We aren't recklessly confident. We can kill you. And we will kill you. Weakling!" Lykouros provoked his enemy strategically to find an opening.

Though Damian was fast, Lykouros was faster and much stronger. He cut through the defensive arms of Damian and easily got hold of his neck, twisting it as if it was rubber.

Moments into the battle, though they managed to remain unscathed while finishing off half of the enemy's side, it was natural for them to get fatigued as they were attacked continuously.

Without having enough time for a breather, they could only continue fighting to remain safe. Before the enemy could notice their movements slowing down, Lykouro's mind linked to the only wolf on standby, Olric.

While signalling to Olric, Lykouros though still fighting, left an opening for a moment. This easily gave a nearby wolf the chance to attack him.

The brown-haired wolf plunged its fangs into Lykouros's shoulder, forcing it out roughly. Blood splattered as Lykouros groaned in pain, faltering a little in his steps.

Sensing the disturbance, Rezso and Zev turned behind to look at the injured Lykouros, only to fall into worry. After all, adding a new one to his injuries will only make it difficult for him to remain stable, even if Lykouros said he was fine. They turned around to go help, but their perception warned them of incoming danger.

"Who told you to look away in the presence of an enemy?!" A bluish-grey-furred wolf roared as he pounced on Rezso. Naturally, Rezso had to leave behind his leader to confront the enemy before him.

At the same time, another grey-haired wolf pushed itself onto Zev, "Heh! Even your moron of a father always acted so loyally. Exactly why he died a dog's death."

Hearing this voice, chills ran down Zev's spine. He was scared and angry. Angry and scared. He wanted to kill the murderer of his father this instant. But he needed to go help Lykouros. He roughly pulled off from the grey wolf, letting him leave scratches on him, and tried to run towards Lykouros.

However, the enemy was persistent. He attached himself to Zev in order to make him sustain heavier injuries.

If lucky, maybe even kill him. The moment Zev felt he was going to be attacked fatally, he sensed a familiar yet unfamiliar aura behind him.

Lykouros was in immense pain, yet he was somehow able to continue fighting. Was it possibly the desire to protect his people? Or was it his persistence to survive by himself? Or maybe, it was the blessing of the dream-like experience with Lunar.

Whatever it was, he strived to live. He had much to do, and dying was not one of them. With a beast-like speed, he turned around and severed the brown wolf the same way it severed him. Not being able to tolerate the strength of the attack, the wolf gradually passed out.

Meanwhile, Lykouros noticed Rezso and Zev being attacked. Though Rezso was level-headed enough to counter the surprise attack effectively, Zev seemed off.

He noticed Zev who was attempting to approach him, being stopped and attacked ruthlessly by the enemy. Lykouros immediately moved to help him but saw a familiar body approach Zev. Finally, Olric was here.

"OHO HOO! Long time no see, Olric, the pretty little omega!" the grey wolf barked mockingly.

"I see, your weak self has found more perverted ways to get over its inferiority complex, huh Casper? How rude of you to attack a vulnerable opponent." Olric rolled his eyes. He was purely disgusted by Casper.

"HEHE. It seems you have become delusional Marcel joining this pack of mirages. Have you forgotten what you are? Well, let me remind you. You are a mere omega, waiting to spread your legs and get pregnant. That's the only way you could be useful to this world. But too bad, you will have to die here today."

"Such crassness. Be more elegant, will you?"

"Humph, is this guy your Alpha or something? Wanna die with him, whore?"

"Now you've done it, Casper. You were asking for this. Don't blame me." The moment Olric let these words leave his mouth, he pushed the man away from Zev and in the blink of an eye, thrust his claws into the grey wolf's stomach.

He pulled Casper by his arm, allowing his claws to dig deep into his insides. He twisted his claws and spoke with his deep voice, "He's my saviour, motherfucker." He then instantly pulled out his hand from inside Casper and swung it back and forth, "Ah shit, his dirty blood's all over me now."

The view before them was more than just crude. Not just the enemies were shocked, but even his allies were shocked at the sudden change in Olric's behaviour.

No matter what, for an omega to be this powerful was unheard of. However, Gold Venom had a tendency to attract the eccentrics. In less than 30 minutes, the remaining half of the enemy was wiped out as Olric appeared.

The moment Zev and Rezso had seen this side of Olric, they were stupefied. From the way the sweet, baby-like Marcel spoke, to the way he behaved, everything was different.

As if some madman had possessed him, he killed and killed nonstop, his stamina not running out in a bit. Witnessing his might, Rezso and Zev too got fired up and continued to attack the enemy.

Olric had already reached Lykouros, as he helped him tie his wound up roughly. The moment Olric stepped into the battlefield, Dáinn knew he had nothing to worry about.

Marcel had always had a wolf of an unusual mannerism. Though he was not aware of the reason for it being different from most omega wolves, he knew that Marcel's wolf was stronger than most alphas could ever be. After having his wound tended to, Lykouros, despite Olric's protests, resumed attacking.

By the end of the battle, some fled the battlefield, including the seemingly courageous Crimson's Alpha King. While, the rest remained unmoving, their lifelessness prominent. On counting, the total death toll for Gold Venom remained 0 while the enemy's was 1394.

After cleaning up the mess and burning down the dead, the Gold Venom Pack was ready to move out. They could barely find anything to sit on in the wrecked place.

However, apart from finding a place to move in, the Pack leader had other matters he needed to take care of. He was sure the higher-ups were going to call him at any minute. He was also sure they were going to attack him and he went full rage mood toward the oppressors.

Despite them declaring openly that they would give in to anyone aiming for a takeover, Dáinn had rebelled.

To be frank, they feared that their words were not going to be taken seriously anymore, and their position as higher-ups would become nothing but a joke in society.

His people, now confident, stood behind the leader for support. Assuring him just like how he had when he was on the battlefield. The pack was like a family. Everyone who had lost their lives while trying to protect it was avenged.

Dáinn had no regrets, and he was prepared to face even worse. It was not just because he was stronger now, but right now, he had an aim sturdier than an iron wall; to protect his people.

"Dáinn, by the way, does it still hurt? Do you want me to redress the wound?" Marcel spoke, his voice laced with worry.

"Nah, I am fine. You all should quickly wrap up your belongings too. I am sure that those old geezers are going to rush us into a decision they make.", Dáinn said.

"Aye Dáinn, you say that as if you actually listen to them", Keanu snorted. It was true. After all, they caused this irreparable mess, opposing the elders.

"The damage on our side is not too high. Just 11000 buildings burnt to ashes, 12 farmlands and 800 vehicles wrecked to nothingness, and of course, absolutely no area for shelter remains." Favian listed the heavy casualties as if they were nothing.

"Yeah, thanks to someone going berserk mid-battle." Keanu seemed to be in the mood to tease yet again.

"Shut up. I saved your puny life. Be grateful." Marcel retorted. "If not for me going berserk, you would've gotten yourself killed, spacing out like that." It seemed to be that Olric had not yet slept away inside Marcel, hence the unusual tone.

"Yeah true. It wasn't bad to see that look on that bastard's face when you did go crazy though. A sight to behold, literally!" Keanu laughed out loud.

The boys, when Marcel had appeared in the field, were all internally sighing in relief. The first half of the battle did go smoothly, but they were starting to get tired even if they did not want to give up just yet. However, just as Olric had come, their pace towards victory sped up by a huge fold.

Two of the three had no idea that Marcel hid such a wolf inside him, even though he was an omega, no, even though he was usually so cute.

From his crude way of killing-borderline-annihilating to his chilling murderous intent. What hid inside him was a pure mystery to Favian and Keanu.

Dáinn just smirked at the rest, "Of course, it was a sight to behold, our little cub finally showed his sharpest fangs."

Marcel had finally put away his wolf. He blushed at his friends' compliments as well as at the guilt of wrecking their town more than it was, "I-it was nothing. I'll make Olric fix up a shelter for us nearby in return." He scratched his neck.

"Hahaha! Whatever you want to do. It will take time to reach the property dad left behind anyway." Dáinn felt relieved.

He was finally able to erase the excuse of being weak to not being able to do anything. And he had companions worth a million lives right beside him. All of those who went through thick and thin before and during the battle.