
The Moon's Mighty Alpha

Goosebumps raised throughout my body at the sight of my own hand. Claws replaced my nails and my normally clean hand was now covered in pure white fur. I frantically crawled around the hut to look for a mirror in spite of the vigorously flowing power making my steps heavy. Muddleheaded, I moved to the end of the room and found a large mirror before me. The view in the mirror was one that I could not believe. What is happening to me? What even is going on?! ° ° ° Cassiel, an omnipotent Omega who has yet to discover the hidden truth behind his abilities and power, finds himself trapped in a series of eerie dreams and unanswered questions. To put an end to his disquieted feelings, he is led on to a journey unnerved, where he finds himself captivated by the beauty of the Mighty Black Wolf.

Scorpious_star · LGBT+
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185 Chs

I... You... What?

"Babe your thinking too much over it, it's just a dream" Dáinn tried calming his anxious boyfriend. Cassiel had called Dáinn over and told him about the strange dream he had the previous night.

Cassiel looked at Dáinn with a mixture of relief and uncertainty. "I know it's just a dream," he replied, "but it felt so real like I was actually there. The details were so vivid, and I can't shake off this feeling that there's more to it than just a random dream."

Dáinn wrapped his arms around Cassiel, pulling him into a comforting embrace. "I understand that it might be unsettling," he said soothingly, "but dreams can be strange and mysterious sometimes. They don't always have to mean something significant."

"I guess you're right," Cassiel said, leaning into Dáinn's embrace. "But there was this book on my nightstand, Dáinn. It had all the details of the dream as if it was a record of what I experienced. It's just too strange to ignore."