
The Moon's Beloved

Rose Silverthorne is special. Don't ask the other kids in school why. She's the daughter of one of the most respected and tough Lunas and one of the most beloved and intelligent Alphas, but she's never had a wolf. In fact, while most of the other children were learning they'd one day find their 'wolf,' Rose insisted she was one. She and her wolf were the same. They lived together as one. Her thoughts were its thoughts and its, hers. Add on top of that an odd affinity for magic no one could track through her lineage and Rose was suddenly the last kid picked for dodgeball, the weird girl reading in the library during lunch, the one no one could understand. That was fine for Rose. She was happy with her magic which grew stronger with the moon's phases and with each passing year. Now a senior at Wolfsbane High, Rose is looking forward to finishing her studies (and extra curricular college courses) and going on an adventure around the world. That is, until a dark and powerful vampire showed up in her gym class one day, quickly followed by the most feared and revered Alpha in this part of the world, both claiming to be her mate.

DetectiveLuna · Fantasy
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7 Chs

A Sense of Destiny

Frederick and George exchanged glances before looking at Rose. She hesitated a moment.

"I wouldn't wait too long," Elias' smooth voice coiled around her comfortingly. "You'll be safer with me."

Rose shook herself out of the desire to simply follow what he said without thinking and met the gazes of her two friends. "What do you think?"

Fred was listening hard to their surroundings. "There's at least eight of them coming from all directions." He fixed his eyes on Elias. "You won't hurt her, right?"

Elias spread his hands out as though to show he held no weapons, placating them. "I won't hurt any of you."

Fred looked at George and George looked at Rose. She waited a split second more before nodding. "Alright, lead the way."

The vampire smiled with a light chuckle. "It's a bit more complicated than that." He strolled forward and extended his hand to her. "Take my hand."

"Fred and George-"

"Can hold hands with each other and with you," he explained, expression and demeanor calm.

The twins immediately clasped hands and George reached out for her, wiggling his fingers with a grin. "C'mon, Squeaks."

She placed her hand in George's and then reached for Elias'. When his long, elegant fingers closed over hers they were surprisingly warm and alive. She thought she saw a flash of appreciation flicker in his gaze before they were all plunged into darkness. Rose let out a small gasp and clutched George's hand harder. She must've unwittingly squeezed Elias' hand too, because an amused voice murmured in her ear.

"You needn't hold so tightly. I won't lose you."

A moment later they stood in the foyer of a massive mansion. Deep red carpet spread out in front of them over the top of cherry and mahogany floorboards. A grand staircase flanked them on both sides, curling up to a second story. Pictures taller than even Elias hung on the wall - photos of people and places Rose didn't recognize. Elias waited for them to get their bearings before gently releasing her hand.

"Welcome to my home." He gestured grandly around himself, turning slowly on one heel. "Even if Kazriel tracks you here, he won't bother you."

"How's that?" Fred asked. He was inspecting a vase full of beautifully blooming flowers. "That door's just wood. He could just bust in, right?"

Elias chuckled to himself. "No. You've heard the old adage about vampires needing permission to enter a home?"

"Yeah," George piped up. He was gazing upward at the beautiful crystal chandelier. "You have to ask before going in."

"That's a lie." When all three wolves turned to him, he smiled. "A lie made by me, to be precise. Nearly everything you know about vampires is a falsehood. Why would we allow people to know our weaknesses?"

"So, sunlight?" Fred asked.

"I like the sun." Elias leaned against a low table, crossing his arms over his chest and smiling. "Vacations in Sicily are my favorite things to partake in."

George picked up on the trend and added, "Garlic?"

"Italian food is my favorite, as well."

"What about Church?" Rose asked.

"I go nearly every Sunday."

"And blood?" She was suddenly aware of her bruises and cuts.

It seemed Elias was as well, because his eyes trailed to her temple as a small frown settled on his features. "That's true. We do need blood; but I don't need it to live and, as you might've guessed by my statement on garlic, I enjoy a vast array of dishes on a regular basis that have nothing to do with the lifeblood of others." He unfolded his arms and strode toward Rose; when George and Fred tensed and stepped closer to her, he once again held up his hands. "I won't hurt you. I can, however, heal that." He nodded to the cut at her hairline.

Fred and George turned to Rose. "It's up to you," Fred murmured.

"I won't touch you if you don't want me to," Elias agreed.

It was a huge improvement from Kazriel. Rose nodded. "It's okay." When Elias was close she was engulfed in the scent of him. She tried to push down on her speeding heartrate and was embarrassed to hear Elias laugh quietly.

"I apologize. I can't do anything about the pheromones." He licked his thumb and gently brushed it against the cut on her forehead. Rose winced at first but soon all pain quickly disappeared. Noting her surprise, Elias explained, "All vampires can heal, though it generally requires saliva. Otherwise, the people we do bite would bleed terribly after we finished. Leaving a trail of dead people after oneself isn't a good way to gain the trust of the locals." He stepped away from her and she was released from the urge to bury herself in his arms.

Rose rubbed her own arms and stepped back as well. "Thank you."

"You may go anywhere in my estate. If you find a locked room you wish to enter, you may ask for the key. There is nothing hiding here and you are not to be bothered." His eyes traveled up and around the foyer. "I have servants who will tend you. Unfortunately for now, I would ask that you not go outside. I can protect you in here, but the second you step away from these walls, my jurisdiction over Kazriel disappears." He waited a beat before clarifying, "You are not a prisoner. If you decide you wish to leave, you may do so. I will do everything in my power to ensure you get to where you want to go unharmed." His gaze fell back on Rose. "But I hope you choose to stay, at least until Kazriel gives up his chase."

Rose nodded, though she wasn't certain what she was agreeing to, and gave him a weak smile. "Thank you."

Elias bowed in a gallant and graceful gesture. "There will be food in the dining hall," he pointed to a doorway a short distance from them, "and I will be in my study." He pointed up the stairs, to the right. "Second floor. The door will be open." Then he took a step back into shadows and disappeared.

All three were silent for a moment before Frederick chirped, "Well, I like him!"

George's nose was tilting up as he sniffed the air and he brightened. "Hey! I think I smell pizza! What kind of vampire has his staff cook pizza?"

"The best kind," Frederick whispered. "I really like him."

Rose let out a quiet laugh and started for the door to the dining hall. "Let's see what we've got."

The dining hall was massive. A large, dark-wood table stretched from the doorway to the fireplace at the end. It looked as though it could seat at least a hundred people and was set with beautiful plates and silverware. Flowers dotted the top center of the table, filling the room with the light scent of sweetness and honey. The fireplace was lit and threw out cheery flames and warmth. Rose sat as close to it as she could without taking the chair on the end of the table. For some reason, she felt as though it belonged to someone else. She noticed the legs of the table were ornately carved, and that a border of equally ornately carved designs was pressed into the edges of the top. The chairs had coiling, curling, flowering designs in the arms and back, but weren't uncomfortable to sit in. Plush pillows sat atop them, so soft that when she sank into one, it seemed to give just enough to ease the aches in her hips and legs. The plates and silverware were rather simple in comparison, but it wasn't hard to see the gilded edges of the plates and saucers, decorated tastefully with a few simple designs.

"I think this plate is worth more than my entire room," Fred said in awe as he lifted it and inspected it. "This guy is loaded."

"Nice, loaded, and keeping us safe," George slid into his own chair with a happy sigh. "Until our parents get here I don't think there could be a better person to be laid up with!"

Rose felt a small jolt of remembrance as she thought of her parents. "Oh!" Her eyes flew to the twins'. "Do they-"

"Yep!" George grinned at her. "Don't worry, they know. I'll talk with the vampire later."

"Elias," Rose corrected him. "Elias Darcy."

"Right! We'll have him call up the 'rents and then they'll probably rush on over here as fast as possible."

"Do we know where here is, exactly?" Frederick cast a questioning look around them.

"Uhh, nope! But I'm sure Elias does."

Rose nodded. "Alright."

There was a sound to their left and a small, dark hallway suddenly appeared in the wall. A young man popped out. He sported a wide, mischievous grin, pointed ears, more freckles than stars in the sky, and had streaks of green over his skin and hair as if someone had taken a very wide paint brush to him. His hair was a smooth, silky blond and he wore only a pair of white haram pants, wrapped snugly around his waist, with no shoes. "Heard Elias had a set o' guests!" He practically sang, his words lilting and full of Irish descent. "Pleased tae make yer acquaintance!" He had a large flat tray in one of his strong hands and he slid it onto the table, showing a gigantic cheese pizza.

George looked disappointed. "No toppings?"

The cook winked. "I didnae ken what ye liked, so I though I'd just add it while ye were sittin' here. What's yer fancy?" He leaned a hand on the table for a split second before his attention swiveled back to the space he'd come from.

Rose turned to see a pretty woman come out after him. She was pale but graceful. Her hair was a burnished copper color in the firelight, and she smiled easily as her eyes met the man's. She had a pair of decorated antlers sprouting from the top of her head and she hurried forward with a plate of sweets. "Thought you might like something sweet, too."

"This is m'wife!" The man beamed proudly, wrapping a strong arm around the woman's shoulders as she smiled up at him. "Her name's Bambi. Oh! An' I'm Lark. So! What kind o' toppin's do ye want." The twins voices spilled over one another as they gave up a list of preferred toppings, all of which Rose figured she wouldn't mind eating as well, and soon the man was working green colored magic to add the suggestions. He lifted the pizza up and sent it to the fire to cook, filling the room with the smell of perfectly made pizza. "I'm fae," he seemed to answer their unasked question with a quick grin. "We both are, actually. Came tae work here after m'last employer bit th' dust."

"He gave us the recommendation," Bambi added. Her voice was sweet and low.

"Technically yer not supposed tae be doin' any o' th' work, darlin'." Lark teased his wife with an affectionate smile.

"I wanted to see who was here." She replied simply with a small shrug of her petite shoulders. Her hazel eyes dropped to Rose and she beamed. "There's not too many girls around, but everyone is really nice."

Rose had the feeling she was trying to put her at ease and smiled back. "So it seems."

Lark hoisted the pizza out of the fire after a small chat and placed it back on the table for the three guests to eat. "If ye need anythin', just ask! We'll hear ye." Then he scooped up Bambi's hand, gave it a sweet kiss, and they disappeared back through the wall.

"Y'know," Fred spoke, already shoving food into his mouth, "I could live here forever."

Rose laughed and carefully got herself a slice of pizza. "I'm sure your parents would love that."

"What?" he was already reaching for more, as was George. "We need ambassadors with the vampires! I could be an ambassador. Totally. Absolutely."

"Pizza ambassador," George teased him.

"Is there any other kind?"


Rose found herself in a large library a few hours after eating. It was still late - or was it early, now? - but she couldn't sleep. She and the boys had been led to their rooms for the evening, where George and Fred had given her great big hugs and made her swear to wake them if she needed anything. She wished she had their confidence. Instead, she found herself wandering the halls until she found a large library. Her bare, sore feet made little to no noise on the deep carpet as she ducked down aisles of books. There were multiple languages and multiple topics, but she supposed a man who'd lived nearly a millennia probably knew plenty of languages. Rose rounded a corner and stopped dead. Elias was standing next to a cheery hearth with a book open in his hand. His other hand was turning a page slowly, but he stopped when she stepped into view and smiled at her.

"Good morning." His warm voice seemed to seek and find the knots in her muscles and relax them.

"Is it morning?" Rose asked, inching a little forward before stopping again, her hands holding fast together.

Elias turned his eyes to the covered window and mused. The firelight caught his irises and turned them a molten gold. "I believe so. Perhaps four am?" He turned a sympathetic gaze her way. "Can't sleep?"

Rose shook her head. "It's all really beautiful, though." She motioned around them. "Your home. Thank you for letting us stay here."

He nodded, inclining his head toward her with a smile. "It's my pleasure. It's also my pleasure to take something from Kazriel." His eyes narrowed slightly as he looked her over. "He hurt you."

Rose shrugged. "A little."

"Ungrateful whelp that he is, I'm not surprised." Elias closed his book and asked, "Do you need anything? Want anything? I can get someone to tend your bruises."

"It's okay," she shook her head, a little embarrassed. "You don't have to."

"I know." He put the book he'd been holding back on a shelf; again, Rose was amazed by the restraint and grace he seemed to exude. "I want to. Anything I can do for you, Miss Silverthorne." He placed a hand on his heart and bowed. "I owe you my life as it is; it's only right for me to offer myself to you in any capacity you could desire."

Rose's eyebrows furrowed. "You owe me your life?"

"Yes." He came forward and gently guided her to a plush chair. "I'm assuming you have no idea what I mean."

"Not an iota." She admitted, unsure why she was so comfortable with him and so on edge with Kazriel.

Elias nodded a little, more to himself than anyone else. "You've heard the story about the Moon Goddess?"

"Of course."

The tall, handsome vampire pulled another chair across from her, settling in it and resting his elbows on his knees. "It's been changed over the years and the last part of the myth has since dropped off." Rose leaned toward him as well, catching another whiff of his scent as it spiraled lazily around her and set her at ease. "The Moon Goddess told the queen that she would be reborn in the years to come when the world needed her the most, and only those who had met her before could find her." His eyes seemed to glow brighter, though he made no move toward Rose and gave no inclination of danger. "This seemed impossible at the time, as all who had met her would die within a hundred years, two hundred, if they were lucky." A subtle frown pulled down the corners of his mouth as he dropped his gaze. "It wasn't until Kazriel and I lost our first families that we realized we had been blessed - and cursed - to live until the Moon Goddess was reincarnated." There was a small, weighted pause before he said,

"And she was reborn in you."

Whoa there, Elias. That's a real heavy bomb to drop on someone who had a heck of a day. Are you sure about that? I guess we'll find out in the next chapter! Stick around, hit up a vote, write me a message, let me know what you think! I'm all ears for those who take the time to read this. See you in chapter seven of The Moon's Beloved: The Moon Goddess' Favor.

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