
The Monstrous King and his sweet Evil Queen

In the mysterious realm of Kalvon, where shadows whispered tales of Kings and Queens, none were as infamous as King Jetaime. Whispers echoed through the cobblestone corridors and darkened chambers of the palace, painting a macabre portrait of a heartless sovereign scarred by the cruelty of fate. His legs, so the tales spun, were lifeless appendages, and his face, a grotesque canvas of boils. His was a visage that struck terror into the hearts of those who dared imagine it. Yet, destiny took an unforeseen turn on the eve of a grand wedding night. Princess Jaelyn, cursed and hidden away within the confines of Malavon Castle, was the unwilling pawn in a malevolent game of power. Her name, synonymous with evil, and her every step marked by the devil's touch. However, as she stepped into the grand hall to meet her monstrous groom, a man emerged before her, shattering the grotesque image painted by gossip. King Jetaime stood not as the rumored monster, but as a vision of unexpected sweetness, love, and undeniable handsomeness. The discrepancy between the tales and the reality sparked a whispered question in the minds of those who witnessed this surreal union — had she unwittingly married an imposter, or were the rumors nothing more than twisted fragments of a darker imagination? As King Jetaime and Princess Jaelyn embarked on their tumultuous journey, the chessboard of power and revenge unfolded. Locked in a dance of secrets and hidden motives, the two found themselves entangled in a love that defied the expectations set by the world. The King, who had never allowed anyone close, now placed his heart willingly in her hands. Princess Jaelyn, driven by the flames of vengeance, found an unexpected ally in the man she was supposed to despise. Together, they navigated the treacherous waters of courtly politics, facing a power struggle fueled by conspiracies that threatened to tear them apart. In the battle between love and destiny, the question lingered like an ethereal mist — was their connection a mere human maneuver or a divinely fated love? As the story unfolded, the narrative wove a tapestry of twists and turns, challenging the very essence of their existence. Could love truly conquer all things, or were some cases destined to be eternally hopeless? Two empty hearts, two lives devoid of love, collided in a dance of darkness and light. A monster king and an evil queen united to become one, their journey unfurling like a forbidden scroll. The world watched with bated breath as the saga unfolded — a tale of love, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of a destiny that defied the predetermined life. Cover by Java graphics.

Marianne_2020 · History
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61 Chs

will you marry me

And immediately everyone present in the court bowed their heads to pay respect to the King. Jetaime walks to his throne and takes a seat on the golden throne, he raised his head to set the council at ease when he spotted the prime minister at his post as if nothing had happened.

It will take more to break this evil one, Jetaime thought. "At ease," he said with authority as he was the king of the four kingdoms.

"Princess Aya and Princess Mica's marriage proposals," one of the council members said stepping aside to speak. He knew they have something else off their sleeve.

Power is a powerful thing and they will stop at nothing as long as they have breath they will still plan and plot. Stop them a thousand times and they will find a million other ways. The greed of a man is the most powerful thing in the world. it gives them no boundaries and follows no rules

Jetaime nods as they present the case, suggesting names of dukes and commanders that are worthy to marry the princesses.

"Do as you please as long as the princesses agreed to it," Jetaime announced while the prime minister step forward to speak and Jetaime wonders what he was up to now.

"I know your majesty was clear when he said too many princesses in the palace are headaches. I'm sorry my daughter was not worthy of the king, please punish this servant of yours," he said going on his knees. Jetaime knew he has something planned out.

"You may speak freely prime minister," Jetaime said patiently waiting for him to say what he has to say.

"Thank you, your highness, but I think it is wrong to marry the princesses off, the queen is reported to be reckless maybe because she is still young. And also I believe you two never consummate your marriage.

The throne needs an heir and because the queen is still immature to perform her duties, it's best you take those princesses as your concubines as it was intended earlier, and an heir need to be born to the throne that is why you need to expend your harem," the prime minister said,

Jetaime knew the war he had started and was well aware the prime minister was going to make his life impossible but he was good at playing these games.

He was upset mainly because he wonders how he got to know that little secret of theirs. They never consummate their marriage but it was well planned now he was sure how rooted his spies are in his own palace

"Huh!" Jetaime yells pretending to be angry standing up on his feet.

"Your majesty, please you need to consider!" All the council members choruses going on their knees.

No one dares go against the prime minister. Once he says jump everyone must jump but Jetaime refused to be anyone's puppet. He refused to be controlled that was why he declared war on him in the first place.

"Very well then, bring the princesses here," he said as the prime minister smirked, well he has gotten his way. Once the position of the queen is in danger they can easily force the King to remove her.

"Yes your Highness," shortly after the princesses were led inside the courtroom.

"I may be a monster but I'm a man of my word," Jetaime said walking closer to the two princesses who were trembling with fear.

"I made a promise to have you marry the man of your preference as long as they are from Kalvon. But the prime minister thinks I should rather have you two as my concubines now I want to ask since I already gave that choice to you.

Will you be my concubines and help extend my harem with babies I may never love or want to see or choose to be the legal wife of an admirable man and have a beautiful child and be able to love and be loved, your choice," Jetaime rumble raising the chin of princess Aya to look at him but she couldn't. She was too scared to.

She quickly goes on her knees, "I am sick and won't live past 20, as much as I will be delighted to born my king a child I might never be able to do that. Please spare me, your highness, let me settle down with a commoner and live my remaining days peacefully," she mumbled clinching on her dress.

"We have a bloodline of madness in our family, your highness, my two brothers are already struggling with mental issues. I'm afraid I'm not worthy of bearing a child for the throne, please reconsider, " Princess Mica hissed kneeling beside Princess Aya as they both feel their heart was about to pop out.

"I'm a man of my word. The words of the King should have weight right prime minister Young? The princesses are unwilling to marry me. And they have rejected me twice," Jetaime said walking to the prime minister who didn't know what else to say.

If he insisted he want to paint the king's word as baseless and with no authority.

"But," the prime minister tried to say something but Jetaime interrupts him. "There are no buts prime minister, should the king go back on his words?" Jetaime said as he shut his mouth.