
The Monstrous King and his sweet Evil Queen

In the mysterious realm of Kalvon, where shadows whispered tales of Kings and Queens, none were as infamous as King Jetaime. Whispers echoed through the cobblestone corridors and darkened chambers of the palace, painting a macabre portrait of a heartless sovereign scarred by the cruelty of fate. His legs, so the tales spun, were lifeless appendages, and his face, a grotesque canvas of boils. His was a visage that struck terror into the hearts of those who dared imagine it. Yet, destiny took an unforeseen turn on the eve of a grand wedding night. Princess Jaelyn, cursed and hidden away within the confines of Malavon Castle, was the unwilling pawn in a malevolent game of power. Her name, synonymous with evil, and her every step marked by the devil's touch. However, as she stepped into the grand hall to meet her monstrous groom, a man emerged before her, shattering the grotesque image painted by gossip. King Jetaime stood not as the rumored monster, but as a vision of unexpected sweetness, love, and undeniable handsomeness. The discrepancy between the tales and the reality sparked a whispered question in the minds of those who witnessed this surreal union — had she unwittingly married an imposter, or were the rumors nothing more than twisted fragments of a darker imagination? As King Jetaime and Princess Jaelyn embarked on their tumultuous journey, the chessboard of power and revenge unfolded. Locked in a dance of secrets and hidden motives, the two found themselves entangled in a love that defied the expectations set by the world. The King, who had never allowed anyone close, now placed his heart willingly in her hands. Princess Jaelyn, driven by the flames of vengeance, found an unexpected ally in the man she was supposed to despise. Together, they navigated the treacherous waters of courtly politics, facing a power struggle fueled by conspiracies that threatened to tear them apart. In the battle between love and destiny, the question lingered like an ethereal mist — was their connection a mere human maneuver or a divinely fated love? As the story unfolded, the narrative wove a tapestry of twists and turns, challenging the very essence of their existence. Could love truly conquer all things, or were some cases destined to be eternally hopeless? Two empty hearts, two lives devoid of love, collided in a dance of darkness and light. A monster king and an evil queen united to become one, their journey unfurling like a forbidden scroll. The world watched with bated breath as the saga unfolded — a tale of love, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of a destiny that defied the predetermined life. Cover by Java graphics.

Marianne_2020 · History
Not enough ratings
61 Chs


The entire royal family had already taken their seats at the table when Lyn arrived. Prince Dewey, who had been missing for a few days, was seated next to Consort Suva on her left. When the queen approached the table, Prince Dewey was visibly frightened. However, his mother comforted him by placing her hand on his trembling hands.

Jetaime, who was at the table, saw this but opted to ignore them and continued to drink his juice.

As Lyn approached the table, Jetaime turned to stare at her. She looked as stunning as ever, and her hair shimmered like the sun. Even the guards in the garden couldn't help but admire her.

"Please sit," Jetaime gestured towards the vacant seat beside him. Lyn complied and took the seat without uttering a word. "Excellent, we can begin our meal now," Jetaime instructed, just as the maids began serving the food.

Lyn maintained a confident expression as she surveyed the room. Despite the apparent disapproval of most of the attendees, Demelza was the exception who seemed to be on her side. Consort Suva lifted her glass and took a sip while maintaining eye contact with Lyn, who didn't shy away from meeting her gaze.

"How was your night, my queen? Looking at the fact that we all have to sit down and wait for you," Consort Suva asked with a fake smile while she take a bite of her meat.

"My night was amazing, just that I didn't catch enough rest," Lyn replied in a flat tone, she smirks at her as she slice her meat and takes her bite.

"Won't you ask me?" Consort Suva asked sarcastically. "You look amazing as always so I'm sure you had a good night's sleep, I can't say the same for Prince Dewey though. How was your night Prince Dewey?" Lyn asked turning her gaze to the proud prince who is now scared of her. Jetaime watch in silence. Lyn was handling the wolves just fine.

"Um... I .." Prince Dewey shuttered, his mother holds his hand under the table while Prince Danyon tries to stay out of the drama.

"The Prince had a good night's sleep, right son?" Consort Suva mumbled, Prince Dewey nods his head nervously.

"Your Highness, you look stunning in white. Perhaps you should consider wearing it more often?" Demelza interjects, glancing at Jetaime but avoiding direct eye contact as she is intimidated by his appearance. Jetaime furrows his brow in response and turns to Lyn, who pays him no attention.

"Thank you," Lyn whispered, giving Demelza a small smile. The atmosphere was strange and Lyn was growing increasingly uncomfortable. "I'm full now, if you'll excuse me," she said, standing up and preparing to leave. However, before she could move, the king grabbed her arm and pulled her close, holding her in front of everyone.

"You can't just leave the table like that, breakfast isn't finished yet," Jetaime muttered, as the others looked on with disgust. "I don't feel like eating anymore," Lyn replied innocently, noticing the king's eyes growing darker. She couldn't help but think of the kiss they had shared the previous night, and being held in front of everyone made her uneasy.

"I'm still eating, not finished yet," he said slowly, leaning closer. Lyn's mind wandered and she feared he was about to do to her what he did yesterday. "No," she firmly stated, pushing him away and moving away from him. Lyn stood beside him, straightening her dress, as Jetaime gazed at her and they locked eyes.

Suddenly, one of the maids yelled, "Look everyone, it's the auspicious rainbow!!!" drawing everyone's attention. Shortly after, it started raining and the colors in the sky intensified. They were not only fated but also blessed by the heavens.

As everyone on the table tried to find shelter, Jetaime and Lyn continued to stare at each other.

"Long live the queen!!! Long live the King!!!" the maids and guards chant in the rain. Byron smiles looking at this and held his wife's hand. The king's personal guards and the queen's maids stayed behind waiting on the king and queen.

Lyn suddenly breaks eye contact and looks away. "Is something wrong?" Jetaime asked. "No your highness," Lyn whispered. "We are alone now, call me by my name," Jetaime hissed trying to figure out if she has completely forgiven him.

"I'm sorry your highness I need to head back," Lyn said. "Come on now!" Jetaime said a little irritated now. "Look at me, Oaklyn." He said sounding softer this time as his eyes traveled along her face down to her chest. The rain had made her body drawn out in the gown, Lyn couldn't help but look up and gaze into his eyes. His gaze made Lyn feel completely naked in front of him

"I want you to forgive me," he hissed breathing heavily as his lips brushed against her lips pining his body against hers. The maids and guards quickly turn around. Jetaime kisses her neck slowly as Lyn tilts her neck giving him more access.

Lyn wants to stop him but he couldn't, the whole idea of being fated clouded her judgment, she was lost in pleasure for the moment, and standing under the rain made her weak to stop whatever that was happening.

He inclined his face towards hers and pin his lips on hers, for a long time he kissed Lyn and she was filled with deep astonishment as he taught her how passionate he was, how he rule her, put her on, and lured her back. While Jetaime thinks the same, he was completely powerless when it comes to her. He can't control himself around him.

"Let's go back to my bed-chamber," Jetaime whispered excitedly in her ear. Lyn pulled away and brought her fingers to her lips, wiping them with her thumb. She was starting to feel things she had never felt before.

As much as it felt so good and she wants it to continue, the idea of being a substitute dropped in her mind. And the questions start flooding her mind. What if he finds out she is an imposter and hates her? She thought that compare to her sister, her twin sister will be more lovable. Moreover, she doesn't know if the king loves her or just wants her body. The last thing she wanted was to be one of the many.

Jetaime walks closer, his eyes never leaving her eyes then he traced his thumb on her chest, her wet clothes had made her breast almost visible, Lyn was paralyzed the heat from her body was getting intensified that she couldn't move her legs. Lyn felt he was toying with her, suddenly she started coughing. They have been standing in the rain for more than 10 minutes now so it was bound to happen.

Jetaime stops carrying her in his arms as they run inside, with the maids and guards running behind them. Lyn wouldn't stop sneezing. He took her back to his bed chamber and covers her with a huge blanket, Lyn was still shivering probably not from the cold but having him near her rendered her powerless.

A knock on the door interrupted them, Byron entered shortly after when he saw how closer Jetaime and Lyn were standing, and he knew he was in deep trouble. "It's fine this can wait," Byron said and turned around quickly.

"What is it, Byron?" Jetaime asked still holding Lyn in his arms, Byron turns around but kept looking down.

"The council is waiting for you," he said.

"I will join them shortly," Jetaime said, Byron smirked, bowed, and left. "Did I do something wrong today?" Lyn asked.

"I thought you didn't care?" Jetaime smirks. "You did everything right, this kingdom is lucky to have you," Lyn smile when she heard him say those words. She never imagines she will have to hear him say those words.

"Will you like to come with me to the courtroom?" Jetaime asked with a smile. As Lyn tried to respond she sneezed loudly. "Make sure you get better for tonight," Jetaime said kissing her forehead. He went to change before leaving for the courtroom.

Lyn was left confused, pacing in the room, she bumped into someone and stumbled backward. "I'm sorry, your highness I didn't mean to startle you," Pana said.

"It's fine," Lyn said. "Are you alright, your highness?" Pana asked concerned. "Yes, I'm fine." Lyn tried to smile. "Let's get you out of these wet clothes first," Pana said, Lyn agrees. "Your Highness, I know you hate being…" Pana tries to fish out information from the queen again. Lyn has started taking notice of her weird behavior. Maybe it was Moesha's voice ringing in her head but she felt something was wrong about her of late.

"Pana, please call Moesha and have Madam Yina make me some hot ginger tea, thank you," Lyn hissed sending her away immediately.

"Alright your Highness, I'm sorry if I cross the line again it's just that…" Pana mumbled.

"Pana that will be all, you can leave," Lyn ordered. "Yes," she bowed and left. Lyn change herself into the black gown Moesha had left behind. She sits in front of the mirror while she wipes her wet hair. She was lost in her thought and didn't hear when Madam Yina and Moesha walks into the room.

"Are you okay your highness?" Madam Yina asked startling Lyn, she almost fell from the chair. "Yes, I'm fine," Was all Lyn said.