
The Monstrous King and his sweet Evil Queen

In the mysterious realm of Kalvon, where shadows whispered tales of Kings and Queens, none were as infamous as King Jetaime. Whispers echoed through the cobblestone corridors and darkened chambers of the palace, painting a macabre portrait of a heartless sovereign scarred by the cruelty of fate. His legs, so the tales spun, were lifeless appendages, and his face, a grotesque canvas of boils. His was a visage that struck terror into the hearts of those who dared imagine it. Yet, destiny took an unforeseen turn on the eve of a grand wedding night. Princess Jaelyn, cursed and hidden away within the confines of Malavon Castle, was the unwilling pawn in a malevolent game of power. Her name, synonymous with evil, and her every step marked by the devil's touch. However, as she stepped into the grand hall to meet her monstrous groom, a man emerged before her, shattering the grotesque image painted by gossip. King Jetaime stood not as the rumored monster, but as a vision of unexpected sweetness, love, and undeniable handsomeness. The discrepancy between the tales and the reality sparked a whispered question in the minds of those who witnessed this surreal union — had she unwittingly married an imposter, or were the rumors nothing more than twisted fragments of a darker imagination? As King Jetaime and Princess Jaelyn embarked on their tumultuous journey, the chessboard of power and revenge unfolded. Locked in a dance of secrets and hidden motives, the two found themselves entangled in a love that defied the expectations set by the world. The King, who had never allowed anyone close, now placed his heart willingly in her hands. Princess Jaelyn, driven by the flames of vengeance, found an unexpected ally in the man she was supposed to despise. Together, they navigated the treacherous waters of courtly politics, facing a power struggle fueled by conspiracies that threatened to tear them apart. In the battle between love and destiny, the question lingered like an ethereal mist — was their connection a mere human maneuver or a divinely fated love? As the story unfolded, the narrative wove a tapestry of twists and turns, challenging the very essence of their existence. Could love truly conquer all things, or were some cases destined to be eternally hopeless? Two empty hearts, two lives devoid of love, collided in a dance of darkness and light. A monster king and an evil queen united to become one, their journey unfurling like a forbidden scroll. The world watched with bated breath as the saga unfolded — a tale of love, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of a destiny that defied the predetermined life. Cover by Java graphics.

Marianne_2020 · History
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61 Chs

Arrangement for the queen’s arrival

"By the way my lord, I got this for you," Byron appeared again to interrupt Jetaime's thoughts, Jetaime raised his eyes staring at Byron with his hair tired into his usual ponytail and holding a scroll, had Jetaime struck by an odd thought. 'Why is he back? And what's that in her hands?'

"What now?" he asked Byron. "This for you," he said handing Jetaime the scroll with golden edges as he turn to leave.

"Wait!" Jetaime ordered opening the scroll, Byron had a satisfying smile looking at Jetaime's eyes glow upon seeing the portrait. Demelza, Byron's wife managed to get a portrait of the princess from Malavon his soon-to-be queen.

Byron was secretly relieved that Jetaime didn't throw a tantrum or throw the scroll away like he usually does when he sees a girl. "She is…" he mumbled as his eyes were still glued on the scroll, staring at the beautiful princess in a sleeveless white gown, with golden straps chains on the hands and a golden belt. She did look like an angel.

Her beautiful smooth skin caught his eyes. "My future sister-in-law, your queen," Byron smiles.

"You still want to make that bet? She won't last past the wedding night, if I win, you will break up with Demelza," Jetaime smirks, his only way of shutting Byron up, trying hard to pretend he was affected by the portrait.

"And if she does?" Byron firmly asked. "Demelza, I know you're listening, too bad your divorce will be the next decree I issue," Jetaime smirks as he leaves to get that drink he badly needs, forgetting he was still holding the scroll.

"Not all men are monstrously like you cousin," Demelza grumble, she was standing behind the door. Even though they were cousins, she was scared of him and won't dare to go close to him.

"I heard you!" Jetaime's voice echoed in the room making Demelza petrified.

"Don't worry, the monster will soon fall for the beauty," Byron whispered comforting his darling wife. "You think?" she asked curiously, she was second to a princess after all, she still acts like a child.

"Of course, you wait and see. Enough about him can you concentrate on me for now, I really miss you these past few days, why don't I make it up to you," Byron whispered lovely into her ears making her giggle.

Since the war broke, he has been busy and barely has any time for her now that Jetaime is lost in his fantasy he will get enough time to spend with his beloved. "You have a lot of making up to do," Demelza whispered with a soft smile wrapping her arms around his neck with her head pinned to his.

"Byron!!!" Jetaime called when Byron was about to carry his wife to their room, they both frown staring at each other's faces. "What timing he has," Byron cussed.

"I need to leave darling, I promise we will continue this when I'm back," Byron was reluctant to let Demelza go, he had to gather enough courage to send her away. "I wish I could kill him myself," Demelza irritably said walking away angrily.

Byron took a deep breath before walking inside "Don't worry the arrangement for the queen's arrival will be perfect. I will handle all the details personally," Byron announced when he walked back in.

Jetaime miraculous finish half of the wine on his desk. Who would have thought this marriage will make him this anxious to be drinking in broad daylight?

"Save it, Byron. When is the princess supposed to arrive?" Jetaime questions tossing the wine glass in his hands. "In three days," Byron replied wondering why he was interested suddenly. 'Could it be that he couldn't wait to meet her?' the thought suddenly made him smile.

"Stop smiling! I don't want the princess to arrive, do you understand?" Jetaime said with a serious look.

"What!" Byron couldn't believe his ears, the rumors were one thing and his personality is another. "You want us to kill the princess before she arrives here?" Byron mumbled in shock.

"Of course not, maybe you can kidnap her and send her to one of the states she can live a quiet and peaceful life over there than here," Jetaime suggested. The last thing he wants is for the princess to be in the middle of the power struggle in the palace.

"You are drunk my lord, you should stop drinking now," Byron attempted to take the wine glass from him. "Don't you dare! Why don't you understand I don't want her to suffer in the palace like the rest of the women in here," Jetaime hissed half drunk.

"You mean the princesses you have imprisoned?" Byron understands he was left with no choice than to bring those princesses to the palace and have his cruel stepmother, step-brothers, and uncles use them to fight against him but why is he worried about the princess from Malavon all of a sudden?

"They rejected me but she is different and I feel she has suffered enough and I don't want to add to it," Jetaime whispered.

"Then you will have to protect her well, I will make sure she arrives in the palace safe and sound. Hopefully, you will find a companion in her," Byron helped Jetaime lie on the sofa, he was sure he didn't hear him since he didn't comment on it. He knows how hard and lonely his life has been.

There was a knock on the door, Byron went out to meet the unwanted guest closing the door behind him. "I want to see the king," the man demanded.

"The king can't receive visitors right now, why don't I offer you something to drink in my estate?" Byron offered to try to drive the duke away.

"I'm not here to have a drink with you, now go inform the king I want to see him," the man grumbled looking around wondering if the king was inside.

"As I said, you can't see the king now," Byron said firmly, he has had with the king's step-brothers, they seem to be invincible and untouchable. They hid behind their positions to commit hideous crimes and get away with them. There were times he wondered why Jetaime kept them alive till now.

He grabs Byron's neck, "Who do you think you are to tell when I can see the king or not?"

"I apologize," Byron whispered, he could easily snap his neck but he has royal blood after all even though he is worse than a dog, he needs to hold back.

"You apologize?" he tightened his hold around Byron's neck, feeling all-powerful. "That sounds like you now know your place go get the king," he finally let go of his collar patting his shoulders with a smirk on his face.

"Byron!! Anyone that wants to force their way in, snap their necks," Jetaime said behind the closed door, Byron couldn't be happier. "Yes my lord, gladly," he answered folding his hands in front of him. The duke looks at him with fear in his eyes as he steps back.

The look in Byron's eyes made him feel the hairs on his body stand tall. A strong man knows when to retreat. "I-I will come back later then," he stammered walking back almost stumbling.

Byron set off to Malavon kingdom to escort the princess to Zalvon kingdom. He rode on his horse all day and all night before he finally cross the borders of Malavon at sunset.

Princess Jaelyn was dressed in white with a veil covering her face, "the king insists the guards escorting the princess can't cross the Zalvon borders, so I suggest you let them stay behind besides he doesn't need a wedding gift, your bending a knee is enough," Byron announced reading the royal decree in his hands.

"What about the princess's belonging?" Luna one of the maids asked if she is the personal maid of Oaklyn, and she is still unaware it was not her master marrying the monster.

"The princess will have everything she may need in the palace, but she can take a few personal things if she so pleases," Byron asseverated waiting to hear a single word from the bride or even share tears but there were none.

She was a princess, after all, they all dream of extravagant weddings and here she is being sent off like a prisoner to the slaughterhouse, but she kept her composure making Byron a little confused.