
Chapter 3

"WAIT. WHAT!!!!" I holler, as my senses return.

{ Hidden requirement met}

What the hell a bunch of blue windows just appeared before me.

{ Access to world system interface given (rudimentary level) }

{ Access to….. Status screen unlocked...(rudimentary level) Help window unlocked}

{ To access Help Window Think or say ' Help Window' followed by a question }

The hell with this.

"HEY, HEY OHH AREN'T YOU LISTEN. I SAID WHAT DID YOU SAY." I scream out with my mind.

There's no reply. I cry, i cry knowing now that my child got to live. But why, why did she do that


NO. I...know why, and i feel guilty now for question her act.

I would have done the same for her and more, my reasons for stopping the plans against this world now hold even more weight.

Wait I...I cried. I have a body.

I'm in what feels like liquid and there are others around me.

Where the sodding hell am I, and what is that drumming sound… wait I recognize that rhythm a heart beat.

Now, what was those window about. I try to remember what they said...…...there was a help function. What was it, what was it….. AHHH.

'Help Window' what is the world system interface.

{ It is the system employed by gods and those that have been granted access to make adjustments to areas under their influence.}

I start to feel sleepy.. why.

I wake up after unknown amount of time. That was weird it feels tighter in this place now. I think I must be in a womb and the others must be my siblings, wow that feels weird right there.

I miss her. Hehe my child lived...…

Now what where those windows about..... shit I fell asleep again.

And again 'Help window' what is the status window.

{The status window is part of the world interface system that lets members of the non monster race look at the statuses, abilities, skills, magic, titles and blessings. To access simply say or think ' status screen.}

Ok.. 'Status Screen.'

{.................Status Screen....................}



Race: Eldrin goblin

Blessings:Blessing of what came before.


Holy shit that is..... is different. No name that is weird my name is ..... wait I can't remember my name. That rather disconcerting. And my race i know what a goblin is but what the hell is a Eldrin goblin.

'Help Window' what is a Eldrin goblin.


What ok ok ummm....

'Help Window' what is Eldrin.

{ Eldrin: a title given to the wisest of the elder races to signify wisdom beyond their year.}

Ok. 'Help Window' what caused the ERROR when asking about a eldrin goblin.

{ERROR was brought about as there is no such thing as a eldrin goblin.}

I frown at that.

'Help Window' why is there no such thing as a eldrin goblin.

{ It is because there is no such thing as a goblin wise beyond his years as goblins are low ranking creatures that are unable to comprehend ideas and cultural advance beyond a certain level.}

That's rude.... i think.

It might be because intelligent goblin are few and far between or there haven't any reincarnated monsters before. I start to feel drowsy again.

As i wake up if feels even tighter. I have a feeling i may be born soon. I call up my status screen a look at my blessing.

'Help Window' what is a blessing.

{A blessing is given by a god or a being of enormous power it bestows upon the blessed additional advantages that may include stat increases, abilities, skills and /or magic (passive or active) or access to locations.}

Good, 'Help Window' How do i find out what a blessing gives.

{Open your status screen and then focus on (name of blessing)}


Fuck i fell asleep again it's even tighter in here again must be nearing labour day soon.

'Status screen'

{.................Status Screen....................}



Race: Eldrin


Blessing of what came before:

-what came before existed before %&%**.

The blessing gives:

-Access to world system interface

-Increased learning speed.

-Able to learn a information regardless of class and or race restrictions.

-Access to additional unique or new rank ups

- "£*£*&£%£*@£*££.

- ***$%"*@@###.


That's pretty good I think but what in the name of everything is those weird symbols mean.

'Help Window' what does a load of weird symbols mean in a description.

{ It indicates information that is either locked out or you do not meet the requirements to see it. The effects may still be active.}

AHHHHHHH.. there is mass of pressure around me and my siblings , I think it's nearly time to be born.