

A heavy pressure descended on every living being tho it was faint and disappeared as quickly as it came, but some old fogies knew the time had come once again for a new era.

Allen opened his eyes and stood up from the floor in a rigid manner, when he turned to face the lady, she saw his left eye had something like a golden scale balance in his emerald eyes but the his right eye was just pure black, both the pupil and the scalera and it gave a kind of feeling like someone was trying to strangle her and she backed up with fear but that was not the end of it all, all of a sudden a flat horn grew out from under the eye and stopped at four centimeters above his head. scales rippled on the side of his face, neck and covered the rest of his body, with her drop of blood as the center his chest started to regenerate and closed together back with scales to further reinforce it, a tail with a blade at the end.

Allen scanned around and started to walk away, she saw him walking away but all stood rooted on the spot and did nothing because the presence he gave of was too domineering and it left them all paralyzed.

"quick, stop him before he gets away" the first voice said, alas by the time they came out of the the forest he was gone like the wind. "let's hurry up and find him so we can tag him." and just like that they scattered off in search of him.

Deep in the forest, Allen was walking about aimlessly and stood under a tree opposite a cave then closed his eyes and withdrew his aura, seemingly waiting for something.

-Crack-, something stepped on a dried tree branch as it made it way to the cave, Allen opened his left as he looked at the cave mouth then he smile. Deep in the cave, the monster that attacked Allen shivered as it prostrated itself before what seemed like a smaller version of it, if Allen was in his right state of mind he would have found this situation funny because size wise it felt like seeing a lion cowering in fear of a rat but he just looked at this demonstration with a dull gaze before he said "Action: absence of a capable leader and ignorant subordinate who acted against a normal human, Judgment: Death for ignoring the law." and with that the hissing and growling of the sneaky lion geckos became quiet as their whole bodies turned to nothing but ash, Allen looked to the side and slowly stretched his right hand then he grabbed at the cave wall, surprisingly he grabbed the tail of the leader of the geckos that thought it could escape with its camouflage ability, before it could scream it turned to ash, seeing as there were none of the gecko-lion hybrid left he walked away leaving a cave that collapsed in on its self"Father, father, father!!!, some dude beat me up and he broke my arm and injured my leg, then he claimed that he didn't give a fuck that I was that I was the son of Danny the kingpin, and to make matters worse he said if you came face to face with him he make you beg to call him daddy, he said all manner of nonsense and insults after he beat up me and my friends. father did you know he killed McLoy, sniff father you must make him pay and suffer for this" if Allen was here he would have recognized him as the delinquents group leader that escaped aka Rocco but his appearance was a bit funny as he had bandages wrapped around his head, a cast on his neck, arm and leg and he was even on a wheelchair and the person pushing him was the truck driver. 

"shut the fuck up you useless excuse for a son, am just glad you ain't my first child if not my business will be doomed. sigh.....go to your room and reflect on yourself" after Rocco left he looked at the truck driver and asked "has he been taken care of and I hope there are no lose ends" the truck driver nodded affirmatively then turned around as he walked out of the room.

Danny sat on the chair as he held a glass shot of vodka then he sighed as he thought to himself "only he can control him, thank goodness he is coming home soon" the moment he dropped the glass a very heavy voice sounded in the ears of everyone in the hideout -order will always end in chaos and chaos will birth a new order, as an embodiment of the void that is chaos I will make order.-

"what will you do?"


"?, why?"

"it is not time yet"

"when will it be time then?"

"that's the reason revenge is a dish best served cold"

"let's leave, they will be useful but for I will let them feel despair"

And just like a breeze the pressure came and left.

In a very large hall, a lot of teenage girls were having some sort of tea party as they behaved in sophisticated manners and kept up a noble appearance which was strange, the party would have been normal by human standards unfortunately normalcy was a strange word in this place because even though the mood was normal the people weren't...…..