

Burning-cloud High, one of the top secondary schools in Edington district. School's just in after the short spring break, every kid is excited to catch-up with their friends and the teacher's who are looking at this are thinking to themselves "Another three months of noise, disobedience and truancy filled with uncouth children that lack elegance."

A Black car pulled up on the schools drive-way. it turns out it was a Wrangler, a man dressed in black suit came out of the drivers seat and opens the passengers door. The atmosphere became quiet as a girl dressed in the schools uniform came out of the jeep, a minute after she walked into the school gate there was an eruption of excitement as both the boys and girls were screaming at the top of their lungs;

"Isn't that Class Two 'Black Diamond Princess'"

"damn, she is so cool"

"from her arrival to her entrance, it was so bad-ass"

3 minutes later a Red Mercedes arrived at the same spot where the Black Wrangler was previous parked at, this time a boy came out from this car, his feet hadn't touched the pavement yet the screams of countless girls could be heard. Judging by the smug look on his face you could pretty much guess this guy was an arrogant son of a bitch, he walked proudly into the school while being accompanied by the girls that had arrived earlier on. As the Mercedes drove away it splashed dirty water on a random boy who was walking to the school gate, "sigh, what a unfair world, a new school filled with arrogant snobs" said the random boy (Authors thoughts; yes I am pretty sure everybody can guess by now that this "Random Boy" is our MC)"rich bastards and their expensive rides, he couldn't even apologize" Allen said to himself while trying to clean off some of the dirty water that was splashed on him as he walked to the school.

Burning-Cloud High is the best school in Slackova City, with educational standards being the best of the best and great sport and track record to boot, getting into the school is not something that can be assured just because a child's family is rich and influential. The School operates on a meritorious system, meaning admission into works in three way which are - to take the entrance exams, to be scouted or recommended by a student, teacher, sponsor or alumni and lastly to be a Scholarship student -, The students spend five years in the school before graduating. The classes range from Class One to Five in ascending order.

Allen is a Class Two student of the Burning-Cloud High School, who entered the school the school by recommendation, he sighed as he remembered the chaos caused by the recommendation letter when his sister received it on his behalf.

-Ding Dong-

The doorbell rang out , "hold on I am coming" a female voice yelled out -Ding Dong- "I am coming!!", a girl still wearing her school uniform opened the door, she looked to be about thirteen or fourteen years old with paper white hair and green tint, puffy cheeks and yellow eyes, she looked at the mail man who rang the doorbell "what do you want cause I am pretty sure you have the wrong address, I was expecting the delivery man and not a shady guy in shorts showing off his legs" the delivery guy's gaze alternated between his shorts and the girls face while his face flushed red with embarrassment, he then said "I'll have you know that this short was custom made" the girl gave him a sad look as she said "your tailor did a terrible job, maybe he thought you needed it for a swim, if so, the community pool is three blocks away" she said while preparing to close the door. The mail man decided to hurry up with his errand so he asked "Is this the home of the Smiths? I have to deliver this letter to Allen Smith"

-who still uses the mail delivery service-

"Big bro, its for you" she said, a few minutes later another white haired boy with white eyes came to the doorway but his hair had a little tint of red at the tops, after seeing the boy the mail man wondered to himself if the white hair was hereditary?. Allen looked at the mail man and said "yes?" the mail man put on a professional smile and said "I am here to deliver a letter from ..... BURNING-CLOUD HIGH!" the mail man screamed in shock as he read out the name of the sender...…