
The monster slayer

A fantasy world with levels and bosses rising from the earth. Mages, weapon users, magic knights, tamers and healers all come in one to form guilds to stop the monsters from invading the city of Amora and the dangerous of the outside world. Rose charl a seventeen year old girl attends Mahou high school to become the magic knight she wants to be. But during the trial a boss appears and Rose and her guild end up fighting the boss until the power that was kept hidden from her unleashed and memories of her mother and her last words finally come clear. Rose and her guild must find out why the monsters are trying to resurrect the princess of darkness and to save the world from destruction. Fighting for her life to save her loved ones and becoming stronger and stronger. The king is keeping a secret and her mother dead or alive. Romance, mystery, death and adventure. who is she and were did she come from. The world is changing and Roses guild will help her lead the future that beholds.

zoey_Jallaly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

chapter 2 The trial

"Miss Rose wake up this instant!" The teacher yelled. Rose jumped from her seat. "The answer is four!" She said. Everyone in her class started laughing. "Miss Rose I would like you to summarise for us the story of the shadow princess". Rose sat up straight. "Well teacher my grandma always said that the shadow princess was a kind and loving girl until some mean lady made her sign a contract!".

The teacher looked up and down. "There was no such thing as a contract so pay more attention in class". Her classmate Aiko leaned over to her. "Is it really true that she use to be kind and loving?" Aiko whispered. "Of course my grandma said so and she is never wrong!". They both chuckled. "My name is Aiko Sumone". "Nice name Aiko my name is Rose charl". This is were there friendship began until seven years later it was there first day in a magic school.

"So how are you feeling?" Aiko questioned. "Ready than ever I guess" Rose said. "Good because today is the M.R ceremony and our roles will finally be picked!". "Yea I know its just that what if I get a tamer? I don't want to be the laughing stock of the school" Rose arrived at her classroom with Aiko and they sat down slowly on a empty seat next to each other. "Everyone will get a certain role so don't feel down".

The sound of Aikos soothing voice always calmed her down. The sight of the classroom was elegant but simple. She quite liked it actually and it had enough room for her to even play hide and seek. She looked around to see her new classmates laughing and enjoying the time of their lives. "Aiko what do you think of the new classroom?". Aiko leaned back on the chair thinking of an answer. "Hm? I mean it's nice I guess. It just needs a little more glow up to it".

Rose kept wondering what she meant by glow up. Suddenly the teacher walked in gracefully with her heels clicking on the wooden floor. Rose thought she was really pretty with her blonde sunny hair and green emerald eyes. But she looked very serious and somewhat scary. The teacher walked to the front of the class making sure she didn't look scruffy at all.

"Hello class my name is Miss Hako and I will be your teacher until graduation" She looked across the classroom glaring at some of the students like a lion about to attack its pray. Everyone sat up straight giggling to each other. "I'm happy that you are all excited but please calm down. I will explain to you all about what's going to happen for this year's ceremony". The lights went of and it was pitch black only the board was lit up. "Each and every one of you will go through a trial in a group to see how your teamwork will come through. If you are able to kill the ranking monsters needed you will get your role but! If you don't come through our expectations then you will be excluded".

Aiko and Rose looked at each other with worried faces as they think of what to do next. "So what do you think?" Rose squeaked. "This is terrible! We can't kill monsters we are just kids!". Miss Hako looked over to them raising an eyebrow. They both knew that she was onto them so they quickly closed there mouths. "I will a sign you to your groups and if you are happy with them they will be your new guild for the comming years".

Rose turned around and could see that autumn had already came round. The leaves turned crinkly and old and the weather was cold and damp which she liked. She remembered when she would go to the old oak tree and sit there and read a book called the "long lost child". It was her favorite book that her mother gave her as a child. "Hey Rose! You better not get yourself in trouble again" Her old classmate Haruto said sneakily.

"Oh Haruto I didn't see you there!". "Great I guess I'm a ghost now" He sighed looking down miserably. Rose chuckled and apologized. The teacher sighed swaying her long hair in the wind. "Now that you guys understand about what will happen I will put you in guilds". Miss Hako called out people's names and some were not from this class. It was confusing at first for her but she got the hang of it. "Now for the last and final group. Rose, Katsu, Rin, Yui and Ichika".

Rose was astonished to see alot of people in her guild but she felt thrilled to find out what they were like. The lights turned back on and everyone stood up following Miss Hako to the Forest grounds. "Let's all hope we will survive" Aiko stuttered. "Oh calm down you will be alright it's supposed to be easy so no harm done" Haruto glared at Aiko patting her back trying to make her feel better. Rose took out her notebook and started taking down notes while walking down the forest path which was old fashioned.

It wasn't very exciting like Rose thought. It was just an ordinary forest with trees dancing away and the grass swaying on beat. But something caught her eye. She could see a run down cottage which wasn't there before. She wondered how long it had been there and if any monsters had used it as there home. They arrived at the destination which was outside the border. "We are outside the city?!?" Everyone shrieked. "Yes we are the school is located near the border so it takes us a couple of minutes to get to the outside world" She snickered.

There were survival packs layed down neatly with water, food, weapons, blankets and even a first aid kit. Everyone grabbed a survival pack and the teacher clapped her hands getting everyone's attention. "Now that everyone has there own survival pack there will be a hidden compartment with clothes you will change into and please be sensible about these stuff you aren't children" She walked away standing near a newly grown tree. Rose and Aiko both went to a spot to change. The clothes didn't look that great.

The shirt was black as coal just like her hair with a hood sticking out. There were also shorts as well but it didn't suit her well. But they looked good for outdoor activities and fighting monsters. She put them on in a hurry making sure she wasn't going to miss anything out. Aiko stared at her friend worrying for her. "What's wrong? You look like your at a funeral or something?" Rose packed her other clothes back in the bag. "O..Oh! Sorry I was just thinking about you!". Rose looked shocked.

"Hey is something wrong? You know you can tell me I'm your best friend" Rose layed one hand on her friends shoulder. "Well I'm worried for you. I can't look after you since we arnt in the same group and what if something happens to you?!?". So many things came to Rose's head. She smiled knowing that her friend cared for her so much. The birds chirped softly in the distant reminding them of when they were kids and they would chase the birds from the town. But everything was about to change for them.

"Don't worry Aiko I'm not a child any more so you can trust me". Aiko nodded and they both grabbed there packs and went to the next meeting spot that was written on their piece of paper. As they were walking the sounds of nature calmed them down. It was soothing and delightful for them. The animals singing there delicate songs as the light of day shines before them. When they arrived people from other classes were coming together with there guilds.

"Hey Sakura over here!" Someone said. "Guys wait up!". Everyone was chatting and joking around with laughs and joy filling the air. "Well see you Rose!" Aiko waved. "Bye Aiko see you after the trial!" She cheered. Rose looked around to find her guild but sadly she didn't know what they looked like so she went over to some students and asked. "Oh sorry to disturb you guys but do you know someone named Rin or Ichika?" She said in a polite mannered voice. They all looked very skilled and professional.

Rose wasn't very sociable but she learnt how to talk to people politly from reading a book or two. One of them snickered. "If you want to find Ichika she is just over there near the lavender flowers but if you want to find Rin then you better give up! He is to violent to be around so you better stay away from him If you want to survive!" They all laughed but she thought they were acting like toddlers laughing there hearts away. She thanked them and rushed over to her guild feeling motivated.

"You must be Ichika! I'm Rose I'll be joining your guild". They all looked over to her. One of them walked up to her and shaked her hand. "Nice to meet you Rose I hope we will be great friends" Ichika said. Rose could see she looked really beautiful. She had dark purple hair with violet eyes that reminded her of the moon. Her hair was one sided and was in two long pigtails. She was even carrying a book around with her. Then two other people came up to her. "Good to meet ya! I'm Katsu and this is Yui!" He smiled. Katsu looked very muscular and his hair was in a tiny ponytail. His eyes were brown as a bagel and his hair was chocolate brown. But Yui was different. She had light blonde hair and eyes that were blue as an ocean. Her skin was pale as snow and her hair covering one eye but she kept the rest of her hair down.

Everyone was nice and gentle with her. She enjoyed the attention she was getting. Ichika was staring at her watch in anger. "Where is Rin?!? He was supposed to be here ten minutes ago!" she roared. "Calm down Ichika your cousin will be here soon so don't worry" Katsu tried to calm her down. Rose looked confused. "Don't worry Rose Ichika and Rin are cousin's so they are supposed to stick together" Yui was kind but a little bit shy. Everyone was nice and she wanted to stay in the guild for sure. The texture of the trees the firm grass and the whispering wind everything was perfect for adventuring.

"Calm your horses down I'm here! You guys really piss me of sometimes" Rin arrived and Rose was shocked. He had broad shoulders and light black hair. His eyes we're grey and deep. He had a scar across one of his eyes but Rose didn't mind. She thought he was kind of handsome but crossed that thought away. "Huh? Who is she?" He questioned. "That's Rose she will be joining our guild for the trial" Katsu was trying to warm up. Rose took deep breaths and tried to shake his hand but he stepped back. "Sorry but I don't do handshakes with strangers".

"Common dude she is trying to be nice!" Katsu scratched his head trying to think of something else to say. Ichika sighed and stepped up. "Look here Mr. Rich if you don't start respecting your comrades then I will gladly kick you of the guild and you will have no were else to go!" She yelled. "Yea I get it respect this respect that I'm going to sleep for a little wake me up when it's time to get moving" He sat behind a tree napping. Everyone groaned. "Maybe we should let him sleep so he doesn't end up being grumpy for the whole day" Yui said. They all agreed and checked if anything was missing before it was time to go.

Rose didn't know much about the trial so she asked Yui instead since she looked like she wasn't busy like the others were. "Hey Yui do you know anything about the trial that might be useful?" She asked. Yui looked up at her and smiled. "Actually yes! The trial will be going on for two days so we will be setting up a camp near the lake". "Two days?!?" Rose was startled. "Well of course how else will we be able to work as a team if we don't have as much time as needed" She chuckled.

Rose felt downhearted and layed on the ground staring at the sky waiting until everyone was ready. The sky was blue as an ocean wave and the clouds looked like animals in party hats. She felt satisfied and had let all her worrys go away. She wanted to stay like this forever but the clothes felt uncomfortable for her. "Rose it's time for us to get going" Katsu stretched his hand out for her. She grabbed his hand and stood up yawning. "Did you get enough sleep last night?" He examined her.

"Bairly any! I was to excited about the ceremony that I couldn't even sleep". "Hahahaha! I understand it's a once in a lifetime chance so you would be excited but make sure you get some sleep after this" He patted her head. She felt quite relived that her guild weren't ill-mannered or nasty. "Guys we got to wake up Mr. Rich here" Ichika kicked Rins leg but he was still fast asleep like a baby bear. They all looked at Rose grinning. "Well since we did all the work why don't you wake him up since you both are going to be partners soon!". Everyone nodded.

Rose stood there like a statue not knowing what to say so she just agreed to it. She crouched down and pulled his shirt a little. "Uhm it's time for us to go Rin you better wake up". Rin groaned and ignored her. She was getting frustrated and tried to pull him a little more to get his attention but he still wouldn't listen to her. "He was the one who told us to wake him up!" She thought. She then had a brilliant idea. She took his survival pack and threw it at his face. He immediately woke up confused and lost. Ichika and Katsu grinned in the back round trying not to laugh there heads of.

"What the hell is up with you?!?" He shouted. Rose leaned infront of him and flicked his forehead. "You told us to wake you up so you better do that if you don't want to get lost". Rose catched up to everyone and started talking with them. Rin was disgusted and mumbled some words. He then ran to his guild following behind them. Everything went well. They all laughed together and even made up some jokes while Yui was drawing a map of the forest. Roses feet was already in pain but she tried to ignore it. The sky started to get darker and the animals were more wild but sadly they still hadn't found a monster yet. They were all about to give up when they spotted a group of monsters near by.

"Hey guys we should take our weapons out and see what we can use" Ichika moved her hand into the bag finding the weapon she can use. Everyone did the same and they looked exactly like real Role weapons to use in battle but they didn't have much magical power in them. It was more like a beginner's weapon. Ichika had a sorceress's spell book while Yui had a staff used to summon beasts in battle. Katsu had a long axe and dagger that looked heavy. Rins was different than the rest he had a long sword that was majestic. It was used for light magic. Rose couldn't find her weapon at all.

They all looked at her wondering what was taking so long. "Rose is everything alright?" They said. Rose felt embarrassed and came up with a lie to say. "Oh I must of had dropped it while walking" She explained. "Oh Rose once you get your role you mustn't let your weapon get lost easily" Katsu and Ichika could tell she didn't want to talk about it any longer. Rose had to sit back and watch while everyone was defeating the monsters. She thought they looked brave and daring. That's when someone from another guild came up to her. "You must be from Yuis guild correct?" he asked.

Rose nodded and wondered why someone from another guild would be looking for them while the trial was still going. "Oh that's great! We got news from the higher ups that Mason's guild is disqualified so if you see any of his guild members please tell them to meet up at the gate immediately". She stood there in shock. "Disqualified! What happened?!?" She couldn't believe what he had just said. "Yes I know it's shocking but the reason behind it all was because he snuck in a real battle weapon and he had injured one of the guild members from another team". The news felt unreal for her but she calmed down and thanked him for telling her.

Once her guild had finished defeating the monsters they were all worn out. "Dam that really was tiring!" Katsu fell to the ground looking dead but alive. "We just got news from the other guild that someone was disqualified". Rin started laughing like a maniac. "Well of course what would you expect?!?". Ichika slapped the back of his neck again. "Stop scaring the poor girl with your ugly face!" She tried not to shout at him. "What I was just telling the truth? This happens every year".They all looked at each other.

"Look let's just pretend it didn't happen ok? We need to get to the lake if we want to set up a camp there" Yui mumbled. They all agreed to it and started walking again. After ten minutes they arrived at their destination and started to lay out there sleeping bags. They made food baskets and a washing line for their extra clothes. Books were piled and a guitar was next to a tree laying there soundly. "Now that everything is done all we need to do is find food!" they all picked up the food baskets. "So is that why we set our camp near the lake?" Rose wanted to know if she was correct or wrong. Rin stared at her like a beast. "Well of course if we put a camp in the middle of the forest how else will be catch fish and filter the water. That's why we set it up here pinhead!".

Rose was annoyed of him and wanted to chop his head of right away. "Let's just catch some fish for now" Yui followed katsu since she wasn't familiar to the surroundings. Rose made a death sign to Rin and followed everyone else. When they got to the river they took there baskets and layed it down on the water with food inside. They waited a couple of minutes until the fish were trapped in the baskets. They went back to the camp to light up the lamps and to cook the fish. It was already evening and everyone was sitting around the fire waiting for the food to finish. "So you guys got any family to go back to?" Katsu was annoyed about not liking the stools they were sitting on. "Well my grandma is waiting for me! She said she will make me a nice pie after the trial!" Yui looked at the hot and dangerous fire that was burning brightly. It shined the way for them and was like the evening sky.

Rose was happy to see everyone was enjoying themselves. "After the trial I get to go back to a warm meal with servants and cute girls by my side" Rin smirked but Katsu just laughed at him. "Quite the show of you are!" He said. "I'm not a show of so shut your crappy mouth!" Rin blushed looking embarrassed. "Common you two need to get along if you don't want a beating!" Ichika was mimicking a belt in her hand. "Ok mum I'm sorry!" Katsu joked about. "You guys seem close to each other" Rose was quite the whole time and no one noticed. "Well of course we are all best friends now" they said.

"Well I mean there are some people here we don't need" Katsu stared at Rin sticking his tongue out for him to notice. "Well at least I am more handsome than someone here!" Rin started sticking his tongue out as well. "Pfft! If I was a girl I would run a thousand miles away from you" Katsu mimicked him. "Ha! I would run million of miles away from you!". They both stood up holding each other's collar. "Now what did I say about fighting you two?!?" She started reaching into her pack. "Wait Im sorry forgive me!" Katsu begged on his knees. Katsu ran in circles trying not to get hit by Ichika's stick.

Everyone bursted out in laughter. After that the food was ready and everyone sat down to eat the fish. Rose took a bite out of the fish and it was delicious even though it was burning her mouth. It had a crunch to it but the juice spilled all over her outfit. She didn't mind and couldn't stop eating it. "Wow this is so good!" Rose was amazed. "Oh it's one of my grandma's recipes for juicy outdoor fish" Yui twinkled like a star in the night sky. "Well your grandma is great at cooking! After this you should definitely make more" Rose took Yui's hand in happiness. Yui was surprised but didn't mind at all. "Then eat up. We already have a lot of fish left to eat" she gave everyone a second fish to bite out of.

Everyone had finished eating the fish and their stomachs were as full as a bear eating dozens of honey. "Ugh. I need to go to bed my stomach cannot take this any longer" Ichika groaned. "You can say that again it was so good that I couldn't even stop myself" Katsu moaned and went to his sleeping bag getting in. They all went to bed and some were even starting to snore. But Rose was still awake and stared at the night sky. She was feeling cheery and thrilled about going on adventures with them. But she kept wondering about how Aiko was doing and if she was feeling alright.

"Oh Aiko. I miss you so much right now but it was our dream so we can't give up right now. I know that we will both nail the trial and get our roles before or after!" She felt motivated and didn't want to seem down. That's when her eyes suddenly closed and she fell asleep tired. It was the next morning and everyone woke up brushing there teeth and packing all their things. Someone was on guard to make sure no monsters are near there camp. "So is everything alright?" Rose asked. "Oh yea! Nothing unusual just birds flying the other direction" Katsu shouted so that they would be able to hear him from a far distance. "But why today..." Yui was whispering to herself and Rose could see the scared look on her face. It was like her soul came out of her body.

"Hey are you alright?" Rose patted on her back trying to make her feel better. Yui looked surprised and tried to plaster a fake smile on her face that Rose could tell it was forced on. "Of course why wouldn't I be" She went with the others helping them clean everything up before they go. Rose was confused but didn't think anything about it.

"CAPTAIN!" Someone shouted from the stairs. "What is it I'm clearly busy right now" A bronze haired man looked disturbed since he was having tea. "We just got a report from the sky lights that a boss has been spotted near the students that are doing the trial!" Everyone who was working in the building looked stunned and turned to the captain seeing what he would do next. "How is that possible we had every calculation done right?". "Well captain the monster is well..." the co-worker couldn't look at him in the eyes. "Well spit it out!". They felt anxious and couldn't speak properly. "It's the demon 50498 sir...". Everyone in the building gasped in fright from the name of the monster.

Demon 50498 was a highly dangerous monster that appeared in the city a couple of years back. It was said that he was vicious like a animal and deadly like a viper. He caused many problems and because of it everyone in the city went to hidding. Luckily the guilds were able to capture him and lock him up for good but two years later he escaped and was in the forest lurking there for his next pray but no one could find him so he was said "unreported" in his file. Until today where he was found near the students. "I want everyone to evacuate the students immediately!" The captain barked like a mad man. They all agreed and sent groups to go find them and bring them to safety. Every group was back in the school but they had forgotten about Roses guild.

Roses guild were humming to themselves staring at the beautiful delicate nature that surrounded them. It was a nice view and they didn't mind walking all day long. They where able to kill and destroy some low level monsters before dawn and Yui counted how many monsters where killed which were about 69 of them. They all felt proud of themselves but something didn't seem right. Everything was quiet like they were the only guild out here. Yui felt anxious just the way she did in camp. Rose leaned towards her smiling gently at her. "You don't seem like your joyful self". Yui looked towards her like she was about to burst into a river of tears. "O...oh! S...sorry I just couldn't stop thinking about something" stuttering a little. Rin could see out of the corner of his eye something wasn't right as well.

"We should head back to school this doesn't seem safe at all" Rin said to everyone. They all looked at each other left and right but Katsu ignored him only listening to himself. "You to huh? You guys need to calm down nothing will happen!" He could tell some of us were anxious and tried not to break his anger out. Rose looked at Katsu trying to signal him to keep fighting and not let his emotions get the best of him. He turned towards her smiling gently. "Look I'm sorry guys I shouldn't have sh-" Before Katsu could finish his sentence a monster boss appeared with an axe and thrashed Katsu in a blink of an eye. Katsu then bashed onto a tree falling to the ground helpless. Everyone shrieked in fear not knowing what else to do. "Everyone get your weapons and prepare for battle!" Rin commanded us. "But how?!? We only have starter weapons we can't defeat that thing?!" Ichika holded back Rin trying to stop him from doing something stupid again like last time. He could see her frightened face but threw himself away from her. "Don't worry I know exactly what to do...".

Rose couldn't do a thing. She never received a weapon and lied to everyone about loosing her weapon. She stood there feeling useless while everyone was trying there hardest to defeat the vicious boss. Ichika mumbled random spells and bolts of lighting bursted out of the sky. Yui whispered to the beasts to attack the boss but nothing worked. There weapons and spells weren't powerful enough. The boss reflected the bolts and it zapped Ichika making her collapse. While the boss threw Yui to the ground. Rin was the only one standing. He looked back to see Rose shivering and stepping back he smiled at her making sure she was ok. He tried to head for the monsters horns but the sword smashed to pieces scattering on the floor. The monsters picked him up and threw him across the trees. Everyone was injured baddly and some were unconscious. Rose immediately picked up a sharp stick stabbing it into the boss but he didn't feel a thing. She jumped back as soon as the boss flung his axe at her. She ran in circles to confuse the boss and then it fell to the ground dizzy. She finally felt like she could do something for once.

That's when the monster stood up and bashed his feet on the ground making the ground rumble so Rose could fall over. She dodged the boss so many times but she knew she couldn't for much longer. The monster soon crushed up rocks and threw them all at once at her. One enormous rock was thrown on her head and she couldn't stand making it hard to dodge. She cried in pain feeling her legs get smashed into bits. But she felt like giving up while the monster was walking towards her with an axe that was about to end her life. Memories rushed to her brain.

Fire and smoke surrounding the area she use to live in. A woman's voice shouted at Rose in pain. "Rose listen to me I don't have much time but you need to find the old lady at gate keeps inn she will tell you what to do!" The woman sounded like her mother and she kneeled in front of her with tears falling down. "Mum..." Roses mind took control of her talking like it happened in the past before. "I know it's to early to say goodbye but I promise we will see each other soon no matter what!". Her mother took out a pocket watch from her jacket and handed it to Rose closing her hand. "Make sure not a single person sees this pocket watch! It's a secret only for you and me to know okay darling?" She asked gently kissing her daughters forehead lightly. "Yes mother...". Her father rushed over to them grabbing his daughters hand. "Take her to the capital she will be safe there away from the witch" Her mother begged. The father agreed and ran with Rose while her mother was far away in the distance getting smaller and smaller and smaller...

Rose quickly woke up and dodged the flying axe that was pointing death at her. "Im not letting anyone else die..." Rose said. "Oh really huh?" The monster chuckled. "I would like to see you try!" He plastered a big grin across his face. Black smoke covered the area. It felt toxic and suffocating. Roses red eyes shined brighter and more deadly. Black sparks flew out of her hand and the boss moved back trying to avoid it. "So your one of them huh? I will gladly tear you into shreds!" He laughed. "Over my dead body". Rose attacked the monster throwing more black sparks. She then started using the black smoke to levitate the rocks and turn them into boulders. One by one they kept hitting the monster but he kept trying to cut them open with his axe. Rose then hid in the smoke. "So your hiding huh!" The monster looked behind chuckling seeing the figure of Rose resembling on the smoke. "Found you..." He whispered. When he turned around she wasn't there any more. He looked shocked and didn't know where she was.

"I'm not hiding im just trying to distract you" He looked above to see a sword slashing the side of his neck. Green blood splutted out covering her clothes. She landed on the ground safely while the monster died slowly and painfully. "No this can't be the end...!" He collapsed to the ground his body withering away in green particles. The only thing left of the boss was a red gem. For every monster they had a gem. Green indicating common. Black indicating rare and red indicating dangerous or you could even say legendary. The smoke was all gone and everything went back to normal but not for the damaged trees and injured people. She then felt dizzy and fell to the ground unconscious.

Minutes later a bunch of people arrived at the scene and took everyone back into the capitol to get aid. They made sure nothing was unusual and that the boss was not able to succeed on what it wanted. "Captain! We forgot about the last guild and sadly the boss was able to find them! He might be still out there we need to tell the king about this immediately!" A co-worker begged. The captain sighed and felt like they stepped on something. They looked down to see a red gem and they all looked surprised and knew what happened. "Hmm I guess we don't have to tell the king after all..." the captain picked up the gem and locked it in a briefcase sending it away. "How could someone with a starter weapon be able to defeat a boss we couldn't find for years?!?" the captains assistant took down notes for further investigation. "It's not a weapon they used but a source of power they created". "A source of p-" The captain looked at the assistant in a deadly stare and the assistant quickly shutted up. "We must not let the citizens or anyone else know about this. EVERYONE MOVE OUT!".

Everyone went back to the capital to do further research while the guild members were at hospital recovering. Hours went by and Rose finally woke up groaning in pain. "So you're finally awake" Rose turned to see Ichika staring down at her cold food which wasn't touched in ages. "What happened?" Rose asked. "You saved us dumbass that's what!" Rin layed down on the bed staring at the ceiling wall. The others weren't feeling happy and cheery like they did back at the trial. "Oh..." She didn't know what else to say since the memory was stuck in her head playing on and on never ending.

"Thank you Rose for saving us but please don't feel sad. It wasn't your fault or anything it's mine. I was acting so careless and should've known right away that something wasn't right" Katsu felt embarrassed and couldn't look at her in the eye feeling guilty on the inside. "It wasn't your fault Katsu you didn't know that was going to happen none of us did! So it wasn't any of our fault things like these happen in every guild I know it!" Rose made everyone feel a little bit better about themselves. "Then who was it?" Yui muttered under her breath. "It was our fault" The captain walked into the room apologizing to everyone.

"Who are you?!" Ichika demanded to know. "It's alright I'm not a threat or anything and I'm Mr. Daisuke the commander of the G.C.U" He sat down on a empty chair thinking of something that Rose didn't know. "What's the G.C.U?" Yui questioned. He looked at her confused like she said something wrong. "I'm quite surprised you don't know what that is but to make things short it's the Guild Commanding Unit". Rose never heard of an organization like that before and wondered what type of role they play in. "What do you do exactly?" Yui asked politely. He then points at a picture on the wall. "We look over monster and guild matters we are like the front lines but we oversee news and reports from underground stations. We do fight sometimes but we need to keep the balance between both monsters and humans". Everyone was stunned. They never heard of something so dangerous but also exciting before.

"Why are you here then? Don't you have your precious time" Rin looked like he didn't care about what even happened all he did was play games on the screen. "Well yes I do but I'm here to tell you that luckily you were able to pass the exam so now I will have to give you your roles". "Wait really?!?" Ichika's voice went high. "Yes that's why I want everyone here to pick up the paper next to them". Everyone looked to there side to see a gold piece of paper with the finest hand writing which Rose had ever seen. She hesitated a little but slowly opened the paper to reveal a word which said "??????". Rose could see everyone was happy with there result but she couldn't guess what her role was. "I'm a mage!" Ichika barked. "I guess I'm a weapon user.." Katsu still looked guilty. "Oh I'm a tamer!" Yui said. "Easy to guess that I would be a magical knight" Rin rolled his eyes pretending he already knew what he would be.

They all turned to look at Rose. "So what did you get!" Ichika was like a dog sniffing her way into things. Rose didn't want to lie again like she did last time so she took deep breaths and told the truth. "All I have are question marks". Mr. Daisuke stood up walking towards her snatching the note from her hand. "I see it's been years since we last seen one of them but I shouldn't be quite surprised". Rose asked him what he was talking about. "Well your a powerful one like Rin over there so you too would be the star of the show. Your role will come soon but people with questions will always be powerful and brave like the book of heaven had said" he chuckled under his breath.

"For now on you guys will be called the Scarlett guild and your position will be rank five from your trial experience" He said. "What rank five are you serious?!?" Rin yelled at him. "Well yes not only did you get attacked but also defeated". "That wasn't our fault we didn't even have a single good weapon to use?!". Ichika went over to Rin and told him to shut up. "We should all be thankful that we actually made it" Katsu yawned stretching his arms. Everyone looked down and didn't seem to be cheerful or energetic. Rose had to say something. "We are a team now we have to work together! I know things went out of hand but we can do this together we all wanted to get our roles so it comes with a price! As a team we should work together in these hard times!" They all looked at her feeling encouraged but didn't say a word but Yui stepped up not letting herself get down.

"Rose is right! We went through all these hard things and more will come but we need to stay strong for everyone's sake!" Yui tried to shout but only a tiny sound came. "I agree with Yui and all of us should stick together" Ichika smiled with joy. Rin didn't care but all he did was nod at them agreeing as well. Katsu still didn't say anything. Rose stood up from her bed with weak and frail legs dragging her down. Her body was in pain but she sat next to Katsu. "Please Katsu I know how you feel but none of this is your fault. Remember we will never get angry at you and will always be by your side" Everyone chuckled and smiled at him. He could see there happy and calm faces that weren't angry at him. Katsu sighed. "If you say so". Everyone cheered and shouted in happiness.

"For now on we will overcome everything we will go through together!".