
the monster of Grimm’s

in the world of Wesen and Grimm there exists a clan of Grimm so few and yet so feared throughout the world the Tier which in German translate to beast this is the story of for the last few that have survived and he’s here in Portland so beware because he will tear your heart out.

NeilDraco · TV
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how it started

My is name is Percy well my full name is Perseus Achilles Davis and before you ask, no that is not my original name. Yes I changed it for reasons I will be keeping to myself for now and again before you ask yes Percy Jackson is my favorite book.

Screw you if you don't like it

Anyway, to begin with, I am a Grimm for those of you that don't know what a Grimm is it is a person with the supernatural ability to see Wesen what is a Wesen you're probably thinking well for starters the word Wesen is German for creature or nature basically is a creature with the ability to transform into both the form of a regular person you would see on the streets and creatures you've heard of from fairytales I mean, where do you think the story's came from?

Freaky I know trust me. I didn't take it all that well when My parents told me and it got even weirder once they told me what I am

Like I said, I am a Grimm like my dad before me and his dad before him and so on and so forth but here's the thing my family and I aren't normal grimm's.

you see I am part of a clan of Grimm's called the Tier which again is German but it translates to beast and there's a reason for that it's not a pleasant one let me tell you.

The reason we called that is because for some reason, my family whenever we kill Wesen we have This desire in us, this primal urge to eat the heart's of our victims

Discussing I know Believe me when they first told me that I didn't believe them. Hell I was scared shitless so I left my house not too long after I ran into a Blutbad and he saw I was a Grimm and tried to tear my throat out well I was faster but not fast enough before he got his teeth in my neck luckily, it only lasted a couple of seconds before I shoved my dagger in the top of his head.

I was 16 at the time I don't even remember the bastards name

But what I do remember this primal urge I felt so much like an animal that the next thing I know I'm cutting into this Guys chest let me tell you it's not exactly easy for 16 year-old boy to do this, but I couldn't stop. I tried, but my body wouldn't listen. all the blood guts bone all of it crystal clear my memory and out came his heart and I'm looking at like it's a bigMac.

And you know what's really messed up it didn't even taste bad. It tasted like the best thing I ever had in my entire life. Once I took my last gulp, I passed out.

The next thing I know, I wake up in the woods, buck ass naked and carved in blood I was terrified I didn't know what the hell was going on, so I went home. The look of my dad's face was not terror not sickness no judgment. It was understanding and that is what really terrified me.

So he broke it down to me all of it Warts and all he told me that are clan we are a part of as the power take of the first Wesen we kill , we have this uncontrollable desire to take the hearts and devour them, but that's not all we have the ability to take their power for our own but the first one is always special because then we gain the ability to transform but it's not the same kind of transformation that the Wesen do no, it's something so much more we become a full beast

Because I ate the heart a Blutbad A wolf like Wesen I have the power to transform into a beast that looks a lot like a werewolf like 9 feet tall, covered in head to toe, black fur tail and all and just like a Blutbad my eyes are blood red

So yeah, I can do that and believe me after that day I've spent my life hunting bad Wesen and bad guys much to my dad's frustration and but if you've seen the things that I have you wouldn't either I don't discriminate if you're a scumbag of the Earth human or Wesen you are not safe from my claws

This is my story and it's lead me to Portland, Oregon and I don't know why, but I just have this feeling. My life is about to get a lot more interesting.

Hey there, this is my first time writing a story i’ve been wanting to do this for a while. Thought I’d threw this test out out there I’ve been winding right for a while and I thought I start with a simple story and Graham has been one of my favorite TV shows for a long time so here you go don’t expect any kind of schedule. I’m really just doing this for fun, but I’ll try and get it to update it when I can.

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