
Xia Ye

A/N: This is a disclaimer! The MC's story does not revolve around Yun Che's accomplishments or what Yun Che does. Yes, that means that the MC's success isn't dependant on stealing stuff from Yun Che. He will be having his own adventure. Just let the story play out and you'll see things unfold on their own.

Now that that's cleared up please enjoy the story.


"Xia Ye, where are you?" A young boy who was around the age of fifteen was walking around searching for someone. His name was Xia Yuanba. He was the son of Xia Hongyi and had a fairly sturdy build and was extremely muscular for his age."Up here I was taking a nap…" A voice yawned halfway through its sentence as Xia Yuanba looked up.

Resting on top of a branch, a boy was glancing down. He couldn't be considered either handsome or ugly because his looks fell into the realm of being fierce. Everything about him seemed well-toned without being overly muscular. He had wild red hair and fiery maroon eyes. Spotting him, Xia Yaunba shook his head.

"Why do you always sleep up there in the middle of the day? It feels like me and Big Sister always find you adventuring and doing something dangerous or just being lazy." Xia Ye smiled as he titled himself and fell off the branch. Something immediately wrapped itself around the branch he fell off of, allowing him to slow his descent before landing.

Looking at Xia Yaunba, who was staring at him, Xia Ye teased him. "Are you still feeling jealous of my tail?" Xia Yaunba rubbed the back of his head. "I mean a little… I still don't get why you were the only one born with a tail in the family. It's super cool." Xia Ye laughed as he said something. "Oh please, can you imagine if Qingyue had a tail? It would ruin her flawless image."

The two of them could only laugh at the idea. "So, are you excited for today? Not only is Big Sister finally getting married to brother in law but it's your birthday. Father just finished setting up preparations." Xia Ye showed a surprised look. "Oh, that is today. I almost forgot. It's pretty weird that it's going to mix together with my birthday, though."

Xia Yuanba shrugged. "True, but it'll just make things more exciting. Come on. Brother-in-law should be arriving any minute now." Xia Ye put his hands behind his head as he followed Xia Yuanba. Making their way through the Xia Manor to the front entrance. Waiting there was their father Xia Hongyi, who smiled when he saw them.

"Xia Ye, where were you? I almost thought you wouldn't show." Xia Yaunba explained to his father. "He was sleeping again in that same old tree." Hearing that, Xia Hongyi could only laugh. "We might have to chop down that tree then." Xia Ye rolled his eyes as all three of them made their way outside.

People from both the Xia and Xiao clan were there along with the citizens of Floating Cloud City. Starting from the entrance of the Xia Clan, a red carpet rolled down to where Xiao Clan would arrive. "Oh, he's here! Brother in law!" Xia Yuanba ran down the carpet to greet Xiao Che, and Xia Ye just shook his head. "I swear he likes him more than me."

Xia Hongyi smiled in response as he watched Xia Yuanba fawn over Xiao Che. As the ceremony continued, Xia Yuanba ran back up and opened the doors as Xiao Che approached. "Uncle Xia." Xiao Che was polite and greeted Xiao Hongyi. "You're still calling me Uncle after all this time?" Xiao Che corrected himself as he responded. "Sorry, Father In Law."

Xiao Hongyi laughed as he turned to Xia Ye. "Do you have any words for your future brother-in-law?" Xia Ye smiled as he spoke. "No, just don't hurt my sister, alright. I don't feel like beating you up on the first day you're here." He made a joke as Xiao Che nodded. "Of course, no worries there." Hearing that, Xia Ye nodded and began to walk away.

"You're not sticking around?" Xiao Hongyi watched as his son left. "Naw, I'm not up for a ceremony right now." Xiao Che's eyes lingered on Xia Ye for a bit before he continued to talk with Xia Hongyi. 'Something about him seems different.' Xia Ye had met Xiao Che a few times due to Xia Yuanba constantly trying to make them be friends.

While they were not close, they were on good terms. He could feel something about Xiao Che had changed, but he couldn't put his finger on it. As he walked through the main hall towards his room, he spotted his sister standing next to her bridesmaids. She was wearing her red wedding dress and spotted Xia Ye.

"You're not coming with us?" Xia Ye shook his head. "Eh, not really my thing. I hope you have a good time." Walking off with a smile on his face, he heard Xia Qingyue say something as well. "Then I wish you a Happy Birthday ahead of time." Glancing back, he saw Xiao Che take Xia Qingyue as his brother and father followed.

The gates of the Xia manor were closed as soon as they left, leaving Xia Ye mostly alone beside the servants. Eventually, he made it to his room in which he laid on his bed. "What a weird day. Honestly, I don't even feel like going to my own birthday." Once the wedding ceremony is over, his father plans on returning and throwing a celebration for him at their Manor.

But honestly, Xia Ye didn't really care about it that much. He had a weird personality, to say the least. Sometimes he simply felt lazy and spent his time sleeping. Of course, being part of the Xia Clan gave him that luxury. But there were times that he would have an urge to go and explore. He was addicted to the thrill of adventure and the freedom that came with it.

But in the end, it was an itch he would never be able to scratch because Xia Ye was completely incapable of cultivating. Xiao Che had ruined profound veins, which made him unable to cultivate and had him stuck at the 1st level of the Elementary Profound Realm. However, Xia Ye's case was different.

His body was strange in a way that he did not have Profound Veins, and he had a tail. When these two things were first announced, they garnered a lot of attention. Doctors and Cultivators alike inspected him but couldn't figure out the mystery behind his body. Not only that, but he was strong despite not being a cultivator.

Compared to adults who didn't cultivate, he was much stronger than them despite being only fifteen. In the end, all of these things together confused multiple people. But after the years passed, people began to forget. Who cares if his body was strange after all? In the end, he couldn't cultivate. So in a way, he was technically even worse trash than Xiao Che.

"Dammit…" Clenching his fist, he felt angry. It was one thing to be born inept, but his issue was completely unfixable. Xia Ye felt pretty depressed for the whole night, especially when his birthday came around. It was a smaller event compared to the wedding; however, many big families and elders from the Xiao Clan came.

Since Xia Ye didn't really care about his birthday, it was used as a social gathering most of the time. As everyone spoke to one, another Xia Ye lazily sat at his seat with his father and Xia Yuanba. "Are you ok? You seem more disinterested than usual." Xia Hongyi looked at Xia Ye with worry in his eyes.

He was used to Xia Ye not being interested in public events, including his birthday. But he would normally at least put on a fake smile. But today, Xia Ye was completely out of it. Hearing his father, he looked up and smiled. "I'm fine. I'm just tired." Xia Hongyi obviously didn't believe Xia Ye, but there was nothing he could do in the end.

When the celebration finally ended, Xia Ye left but didn't go to his room. Instead, he made his way to the backyard of the Manor and quickly hopped over the wall. With it being night time almost no one was outside. So carefully, he sneaked his way outside of the city and headed towards the nearby forest.

"This is much better. I guess tonight was just one of those nights." He had explored this forest top to bottom and had almost every inch of it memorized. But it still drew him in as if there was something waiting to be discovered. Climbing one of the largest trees near him, he hopped onto a branch and looked around.

He wasn't exactly sure what he was looking for, but suddenly Xia Ye's eyes narrowed as he spotted something. A golden light shining through the trees in the distance. It wasn't very bright, and he had almost issued it, but it was there. "What is that?" He had explored this forest multiple times, but he had never seen anything that would shine in that direction.

As he saw the golden light begin to fluctuate, Xia Ye immediately made his way down the tree and began to run towards it. Navigating his way over large fallen branches and thick shrubbery, he kept his eyes glued to the light. 'It's slowly getting dimmer. I'm going to lose it at this rate.' As he tried his best to speed up, he eventually reached a clearing.

Before him was a cave that led deep beneath the earth; however, it glowed with a pulsing golden light. "I don't remember there being a cave here before. Where did this come from?" Overall it seemed pretty dangerous to walk into a cave glowing with golden light. If anyone who had a sense of reason saw this, they would turn away.

The world of cultivation was simply too dangerous, and any mishaps could easily lead to death. Being smart should always overwhelm one's curiosity. But for Xia Ye, it was the opposite. His curiosity took hold of him every time, and this time it was irresistible.

Looking at the cave, his eyes seemed to sparkle as he began taking steps forward. As he went deeper into the cave, he was careful not to slip. It was quite steep, and one slip could easily cause him to fall into a tumble. 'That's where the light is coming from.' He saw the cave had begun to flatten out as it led into an underground chamber.

There were no other exits or entrances, and the light was coming from one place. Embedded into the ground in the middle of the cave was a staff. It was embroidered in gold from top to bottom and gave off heavenly light. It almost seemed to be vibrating as he looked at it. "A staff? What was causing that light?"

As he cautiously approached it, he saw text engraved onto its center body. "Ruyi Jingu Bang?" Xia Ye could guess that was the name of the staff. 'I wonder how long this thing has been here. It almost looks like it's fused with the stone it was embedded in.' Chances are it was some type of weapon left behind by a cultivator.

Xia Ye had heard legends about stuff like that. However, he never believed he would find himself in this kind of situation. At this point, he was standing in front of the staff, still observing it. "Hmm, I wonder if I can get it out of the stone." Stretching out his hand, he gripped the staff, and immediately, the light it gave off almost tripled. "Ugh…"

It was blinding as the cave gave off so much light any creature or person in the forest would be able to see it. As he slowly opened his eyes again, he found himself in space. Stars and planets littered the dark void around him as he heard a voice. "You've finally arrived. I was beginning to think my efforts had been wasted."

Xia Ye panicked, hearing that voice as he began to look around. "Who are you? And where am I?" He cursed himself for not being able to control his curiosity. As he looked around, he saw a figure in the sky above him. As the figure descended towards him, he was able to recognize his features.

His face resembled that of a monkey's, although it mixed with human features. Like his arms and head, parts of his body were covered, and fur and his eyes burned bright like furnaces. In his hand, he held a staff that resembled the one he had seen before except even more vibrant. From the feeling Xia Ye got from him, he felt it was safe to assume the being in front of him was abnormal.

"You said I 'Finally' arrived. Do you know me?" The being raised his head a bit as he spoke. "I am- Or was known as Sun Wukong. I had many titles, from The Great Sage Equal to Heaven to The Buddha of Victorious Fighting. Though they mean nothing in this world." Hearing those titles, Xia Ye was surprised. 'Those are some ambitious titles.'

"Indeed they are; however, there was only one I truly cared for." Xia Ye was startled when Sun Wukong basically answered his thoughts. "In any case, it's good we were able to meet. I only assisted with your creation, but I didn't know how you would turn out." Xia Ye's eyes widened a bit as he heard that. "What?"

Sun Wukong looked at Xia Ye before speaking. "What do you know of Nirvana?" Hearing the strange question, Xia Ye answered him. "Reaching Nirvana means you're in a state of happiness released from mortal shackles, right?" That's what he had read anyway. Hearing that answer, Sun Wukong responded.

"The concept is far greater than that. When one reaches true Nirvana, you ascend past concepts and boundaries. You become part of all there is and exist outside of the cycle. In your terms, you become a God among Gods." Hearing Sun Wukong, Xia Ye saw as his face turned gloomy as he continued.

"I once had the opportunity to reach Nirvana. However, I didn't want it." Xia Ye felt like his mind had been overturned. "What? But why? I think everyone would jump at the chance to become a God." Sun Wukong sighed as he crossed his legs and sat down. Seeing that Xia Ye did the same.

"There was one thing I didn't know about Nirvana until it was right before me."

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