
The Monkey Kings Legacy In ATG[Old]

Xia Ye was the son of a man named Xia Hongyi. His birth was unexpected and strange as he had arrived into the world with no warning. His features were abnormal, having a tail but looking human. He was neither beast nor human or anything else the world had ever seen before. Slowly as he grew, so did the mystery surrounding his birth. Having a strange personality, he wished he could live life how he saw fit; however, too many things shackled him. He was incapable of cultivating due to the fact he was not born with Profound Veins. And compared to his loving family he was worthless. However, on his fifteenth birthday, all of that changed. An incident that could be considered one of both good and bad fortune had occurred, which finally unlocked the truth behind his existence. It was on that day that the world had begun to change, and Xia Ye began to rise under his new title, 'The Monkey King.'

Aizen_Dleitch · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

The Gourd's Mist (1)

"I can't believe you stayed out here all night." Walking out of the Tavern he was staying in, Xia Ye was talking to Quan Ning. "Heh, you'd be surprised how many cute girls come by this place at night. Socializing is important, you know." Quan Ning hinted at something as Xia Ye shook his head and began walking.

Following behind him, they continued to talk. "What? don't tell me you're not interested in girls? I mean, I don't judge, but..." Xia Ye shook his head. "I'm not gay. Sadly I was cursed having grown up with my sister. That's why they say the best of one thing ruins everything in comparison." It was for that reason why Xia Ye and Xia Yuanba never even spoke about marriage.

Their father would never force them, so there was never any incentive. "Hmm… I guess that makes sense though now I'm definitely interested in meeting this sister of yours. I can't imagine a girl capable of doing that to a guy." Xia Ye shot him a glare as Quan Ning laughed. "Anyway, I'm sure it's just a matter of finding the type you are interested in."

Switching topics Xia Ye looked up at the sky. 'Type, huh? It sounds like a whole lot of work...' As he thought that Sun Wukong chipped in as well. [I never found anyone in my lifetime either. All of the Goddesses in heaven were so irritating. If you're going to find someone, you should let me examine them. My eyes won't lead you astray.]

'Yea, I don't think so. You sound like a dad trying to judge their son's bride.' Sun Wukong went silent for a second before speaking. [Well… Technically even though it was more magical than physical. I did help bring you into the world.] Hearing that point, Xia Ye was about to say something but stopped himself. 'Huh, fair enough.'

A few moments later, they had again arrived at the Selection's building. Although Cultivators still wondered about them, they had clearly been weaved out by a lot. One of the soldiers guarding the door spotted Quan Ning and spoke. "Young Master Ning, your late Lady Hanying is waiting for you."

Hearing the soldier, Quan Ning nodded. "Yea, yea, alright." Turning to Xia Ye, he looked a bit serious and spoke. "Look, I was told to protect you up to this point, but you have made a lot of enemies Xia Ye, purposely or not. The moment our city's laws aren't binding them, you'll see a whole 'nother side to people in there, so be careful. As much as I want to stick around, I gotta deal with organization and whatnot."

Xia Ye nodded. "I got it. I've been preparing for this, so I'll be fine." Although he didn't fully understand Quan Hanying's intentions, he had grown fond of Quan Ning. Aside from Xia Yuanba, his father, and Xia Qingyue, it was the first time he bothered to interact with someone for so long. "If you say so. Good luck then."

Quan Ning waved before walking off in a different direction, leaving Xia Ye on his own. "Alright then, let's just pray things to go too bad." Entering the Selection Hall, all of the arenas were empty, and their Profound Formations deactivated. Standing together was the group of the remaining two hundred cultivators.

So many had been eliminated, and this was what was left. Glares were immediately shot towards Xia Ye the moment he walked in, but he ignored them. He had grown used to it. Most of the people here didn't like him, which went double for the Xiao Sect and some other groups. But at the same time, they couldn't do anything to him.

Joining them, Xia Ye's attention was soon shifted as Quan Hanying appeared. She was still wearing that mask over her face; however, Xia Ye could have sworn her eyes landed on him for an instant. Soon joining her were the other advisors, including Mu Jin. "I'm pleased to see you all here. I'm sure you're aware today is the day we will be leaving Crescent City."

After Quan Hanying finished speaking, Mu Jin stepped forward. "Currently, Lady Hanying has a Profound Formation set around the area of the forest that the mist has spread to. However, even then, it has only slowed down. We must find the artifact causing it quickly until it's too late. As such, time is of the essence, and we hope you will act quickly.''

Quan Hanying nodded. "Do understand this is a dangerous endeavour. Even with your masters and elders with you, the chance of survival is not guaranteed. If you are ready, then please meet us outside where a Profound Ark will take us to our destination." With no other words for the group, Quan Hanying and her advisors turned to leave.

Everyone looked at one another before making their way outside. A large Profound Ark resembling a ship was waiting for them. It was at least half as big as the Selection area they were in before, which could hold thousands of cultivators at once. 'Finally, this felt like the longest week of my life. Probably 'cause I had to fight each day during it.'

Following the crowd, everyone began walking up the ramp onto The Profound Ark. Once on board, some people began wandering around while others simply made their way to the front and sat down. Xia Ye stood there for a moment, looking around before spotting one of the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace disciples.

Unlike all the other times, Xia Ye didn't spot her with the other two as the three of them usually stuck together. No one was approaching her as she stood in her own isolated world, eyes closed and silent. "Your name is... Shi Xinya, right?." That was until Xia Ye broke the silence around her.

Shi Xinya's face twitched as her eyes opened as she glanced at Xia Ye.

'I didn't sense him… Right, he's that odd one. The one person, Lady Yuechan, told us to avoid..' Recognizing Xia Ye, she closed her eyes again and ignored his question. Xia Ye seemed not to care as he continued to speak to her. "So, where are the other two? You three usually stick together like glue."

Sighing, Xia Ye stretched. "Well, I guess it would make sense you would act just like Qingyue." Xia Ye was talking to himself when he said that, but Shi Xinya's eyes suddenly shot open as she looked at Xia Ye. "How do you know that name?" Seeing her strange reaction Xia Ye raised a brow. "You know Qingyue?"

As he said that name again, he felt Shi Xinya release a cold wave of Profound Energy from her body. "Answer me." Her voice was cold and clearly on edge. 'Looks like Xia Qingyue is a strange subject to the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace. I wonder why?' While thinking about it, he did answer Shi Xinya.

"I knew her before she joined your palace." Shi Xinya narrowed her eyes as she probed. "Really?" Xia Ye nodded casually despite the cold Profound Energy practically surrounding him at this point. 'I suppose that would make sense. Xia Qingyue's existence is being kept hidden and hasn't been announced to the public. Still…'

It was strange to hear Xia Ye came from the same place as Xia Qingyue especially considering he was clearly strane. His Shapeshifting Profound Art should have definitely attracted attention. Yet when Xia Qingyue was brought back, there was no mention of such a person. Ignoring the pause, Shi Xinya had suddenly made Xia Ye spoke first.

"So, how's she been? I haven't seen her for a while." Continuing under the guise of being Xia Qingyue's friend, Shi Xinya actually answered him. "Speaking to outsiders about matters involving the Palace is forbidden. However, I can tell you she is in good health." Xia Ye smirked as he relaxed. "Well, that's good. I know she's talented, so I doubt anything would go wrong."

Reacting to his words, Shi Xinya said something that surprised Xia Ye a bit. "Simply being talented doesn't begin to describe her." He gave her a strange look hearing that. "I mean, I know she's great, but that's a lot of praise. How does she stack up against you?" Shi Xinya didn't answer Xia Ye's question right away before giving a straight answer.

"Not even close." Her answer shocked Xia Ye. "Seriously? I would never have guessed..." Shi Xinya watched Xia Ye's expression as he whispered to himself. And other than his surprise, she saw a smirk on his face, almost as if he was happy with his eyes glimmering with anticipation. 'I didn't get to fight her before she left. Now I definitely plan to when we meet again.'

For a time, Xia Ye and Shi Xinya continued to talk. Although most of it was about Xia Qingyue and Shi Xinya gave rather cold and short answers. "She was never the most open person in the world. But she only really changed around thirteen. Before that, she was a lot more normal. Believe it or not, she actually used to be scared of reptiles in general."

Xia Ye began rehashing random stories about Xia Qingyue that wasn't too revealing. The Profound Ark had already taken off at this point and was flying through the air. The people who were originally laughing seeing Xia Ye's failed attempts to strike conversation had their gazes turn cold. "That bastard is actually talking to her, and she hasn]t sent him away."

From a distance, the disciples of the Xia Sect and Burning Heaven Clan alike were sending glares Xia Ye's way. Multiple other people did the same purely out of jealousy. Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace disciples were barred existences for them, yet Xia Ye was talking to one so easily. It felt like they had been placed below him in importance.

Although Xia Ye seemed not to mind, Shi Xinya asked him a question. "Why is it that you revealed your unique ability in front of everyone? It would have been easier for you to simply take the loss and fight weaker opponents. You even went so far as to purposely humiliate the disciple of the Xia Sect. Surely they will target you now."

Xia Ye's face fell a bit when he heard the question and answered bluntly. "Why should I? Their egos are so big that they would be offended by me no matter what I did. The idea that I would have to retrain myself just to keep them happy was deterrent enough. If they were going to come after me no matter what I did, I might as well make them suffer in kind."

Even if he had just defeated one of the Xiao Sect's disciples without doing anything else, he would still most likely be hunted in the future. It was just how the world worked, no matter how idiotic it was. If it was going to be that way, then why should he have held himself back. 'Besides, there was no way Sun Wukong would have accepted me doing so.'

Hearing his answer Shi Xinya seemed estranged. "Hmm…" She didn't say anything more and thought to herself as a voice came from behind her. "Shi Xinya, we have almost arrived. It's time for us to prepare ourselves." The other two Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace disciples came from the lower decks of the Profound Ark as Shi Xinya turned and nodded.

The two of them found it strange to see Xia Ye there but put the matter off to the side. Without another word, Xia Ye watched all three of them leave. 'Only an hour or two has passed. Either this Profound Ark is extremely fast, or the mist is a lot closer to the city than I thought.' Walking to the very front of the Profound Ark, Xia Ye glanced forwards.

He had originally planned on searching for his destination, but there was no need. Xia Ye's eyes widened as everyone else who was looking onwards with him let out gasps. [It seems the situation is worse than I originally thought. Indeed the gourd has cracked.] Covering miles of land, a large grunt-tinted barrier had been formed.

It was impossible to see inside, with a thick and terrifying purple mist blocking all vision. 'The Black Moon Merchant Guild was right. Only a Sky Profound Realm Cultivator could make a barrier like this. But still, the fact the barrier can barely slow it down proves how deadly The Purple Gold Red Gourd must be.'

Recovering from his shock Xia Ye took in a deep breath as he felt the Profound Ark begin to descend to the ground. A small outpost had been made a ways away from the barrier itself. And waiting there was everyone you would expect. Every elder and master of the people aboard the ark was there waiting.

All of them were intensely staring at the barrier before them before turning to look at Profound Ark. "It seems the time has finally come." Quan Hanying watched as the Profound Ark descended and took a deep breath. A hand fell onto her shoulder, which belonged to Quan Ning. "Don't worry too much. Everything will turn out fine." Quan Hanying calmed down and nodded as the Profound Ark touched the ground.

It was time to enter into The Purple Gold Red Gourd's mist.