
The Monkey Kings Legacy In ATG[Old]

Xia Ye was the son of a man named Xia Hongyi. His birth was unexpected and strange as he had arrived into the world with no warning. His features were abnormal, having a tail but looking human. He was neither beast nor human or anything else the world had ever seen before. Slowly as he grew, so did the mystery surrounding his birth. Having a strange personality, he wished he could live life how he saw fit; however, too many things shackled him. He was incapable of cultivating due to the fact he was not born with Profound Veins. And compared to his loving family he was worthless. However, on his fifteenth birthday, all of that changed. An incident that could be considered one of both good and bad fortune had occurred, which finally unlocked the truth behind his existence. It was on that day that the world had begun to change, and Xia Ye began to rise under his new title, 'The Monkey King.'

Aizen_Dleitch · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


Pushing off of the ground with full force, Elder Jian launched herself with the other Burning Heaven Clan Elder following behind her silently. 'Worse case scenario has been achieved. And it partially wasn't even my fault.' From the sidelines, Qing Ning looked towards his sister, who was clearly conflicted.

They had gone so far as to protect Xia Ye because they thought he could be useful in the future. However, Mu Jin's words were stopping her from acting. They really couldn't risk offending the entirety of the Burning Heaven Clan on a gamble for Xia Ye. She knew that, and Qing Ning knew that as well. Yet, it was frustrating to watch.

"Bastard has it coming to him. Heh this is what you get for disgracing me." Xiao Yulei, who Xia Ye had slapped black and blue, was snickering from the sidelines. One thing was certain there was no escape; there were two Sky Profound Realm Cultivators of the fifth level after him. Within second's Elder Jian and the other elder had reached Xia Ye's position with arms outstretched to grasp him.

However, right before their eyes, he disappeared in a flash of speed. "What?" Elder Jian exclaimed as she began looking around. 'What is that?' Chu Yuenchan, who had watched the whole scene play out, turned her head and locked onto Xia Ye's position. Floating over a hundred meters in the air on top of a yellow cloud was Xia Ye, who was breathing heavily.

"That was close…" If he hadn't begun summoning the Nimbus Cloud when he did, he might have actually been caught just like that. Qing Ning's eyes flashed as he saw Xia Ye had escaped as Qing Hanying next to him looked on with surprise as well. 'That Profound Art is truly incredible. I couldn't even catch a whiff of the clouds' movements. It exceeded that of a Sky Profound Realm Cultivator.'

Having seen the Cloud before, Mu Jin was in a state of dumbfoundedness, seeing its true potential. Soon Elder Jian looked up and spotted Xia Ye as well. "Oh? Looks like the Shapeshifting Profound Art is only one of many secrets you hold." Smiling cruelly, she flew into the air chasing Xia Ye directly.

Pulling a gold-adorned crimson blade from her Spatial Ring, she pointed it towards Xia Ye. "I'll be sure to extract every one of those secrets when I bring you back to the Burning Heaven Clan!" Xia Ye's eyes shifted as the Nimbus Cloud under him reacted. Immediately it began to fly through the air with Elder Jian giving chase.

"How troublesome. This would end a lot quicker if the boy would just surrender." The other Elder of the Burning Heaven Clan sighed before following them as well. The three figures looked as if they were caught in a dance as they circled around one another, two chasing after one. 'Dammit…'

Xia Ye cursed as he held Ruyi Jingu Bang gripping it tight he looked back at Elder Jian chasing behind him. Extending its length to over twenty times, he endowed his arms and Ruyi Jingu Bang itself in Qi. Swinging with all his strength, the attack created a golden arc through the sky. "Hmph." Elder Jian raised her sword as it was engulfed in Profound Flames.

Swinging it towards the incoming Ruyi Jingu Bang, the two attacks clashed however own clearly outdid the other. Flames exploded and scattered through the sky as Xia Ye's attack was deflected violently. Ruyi Jingu Bang immediately retracted as Xia Ye nearly fell back. His arms were shaking, and the pain was running through them like crazy.

"Dam…" The gap between his strength and a Sky Profound Cultivator was too large, even utilizing Ruyi Jingu Bang. Seeing his pain-stricken face Elder Jian smiled. "Heh resistance is futile. Although I must admit that weapon of yours is impressive. It took my attack and didn't even break or vibrate. It's too good to be in the hands of someone like you."

Xia Ye looked back at the two elders chasing him down and thought to himself. 'What do I do? I can't fight them but if I run the gourd is as good as gone. Plus escape will only get harder the longer I stay here. Although I can outfly them I have to push the Nimbus Cloud to a speed I can barely handle.'

The situation was bad, and it seemed it kept wanting to decline. Xia Ye felt his heart grow cold as he suddenly heard a voice. "As intriguing as you are. I'm afraid this show has gone on long enough." Turning his head, Xia Ye could barely react as he held up Ruyi Jingu Bang. Appearing right on top of Xia Ye despite the speed he was moving at was the Xiao Sect Elder.

With his hand raised, he had a ferocious mix of wind and lightning gathered around his palm. With just a swing of his arm, the sky seemed to shake as the sound of lightning blew away any other noise. Xia Ye's figure was like an arrow shooting straight towards the ground. Slamming into the earth the next second, the Nimbus Cloud under his feat dispersed.

Coming to a stop mid-flight, Elder Jian seemed shocked. "Elder Xiao Heng what are you doing up here?" Xiao Heng had just released that attack had enough power to kill a person of Xia Ye's level with certainty. "This Xae Ye has offended our Xiao Sect as well. Letting him live any longer would be an offense. Surely the Burning Heaven Clan would be willing to put aside the idea of capturing him to solve for this justice."

Elder Jian froze hearing his words. "I-" She had planned to strip Xia Ye of all he had before killing him, including his Profound Arts. And Xiao Heng clearly knew that, which was why he was pushing the idea of killing Xia Ye where he stood. Speaking hesitantly, she nodded. "Of course you're right. Killing him now would be better."

Meanwhile, lying in a crater on the ground, Xia Ye coughed up a mouthful of blood. His head was pounding, and his arms felt as if they had been broken despite not being so. "Hmmm your body is extremely tough for a boy of your level. It goes without saying that a weapon of yours is quite something as well. However you won't be moving anymore or ever again."

Xiao Heng looked down at Xia Ye with calm uncaring eyes as if he was striking down an ant. 'Crap… Crap this isn't good. Cant- I cant feel my arms and my body won't move. That attack came out of nowhere….' Xia Ye's breath quickened as everyone looked on silently. "Kill him!" Xiao Yulei, along with other Xiao Sect disciples, cheered loudly.

On Quan Ning's side, he lowered his head and balled his fist. 'Im sorry Xae Ye.' With Xiao Heng completely taking over the situation, everyone saw the sky begin to turn dark. There were no clouds in the sky, yet the strength of a tenth Level Sky Profound Realm Cultivator was fully unleashed.

"You should feel happy. This amount of strength is guaranteed to wipe you off the face of the earth even with your tough body. You won't experience any pain." Drawing his blade from his side, it was coated with an electric current as the wind gathered itself around it like a hurricane. As if the weather itself wanted to reflect the Profound Strength being unleashed, the air began to move.

Raising his blade high into the air, he looked at Xia Ye. "Collapsing Gale." Looking up, Xia Ye saw the world above him turn dark before turning bright. In that instance, he could only hear Sun Wukong say three words. [Use the Nimbus!] Using instinctive reasoning Xia Ye's hand twitched as he mustered his Qi.

Reforming in the sky, the Nimbus cloud moved faster than anyone could see or even understand. Appearing above Xia Ye, it completely covered his view. A mix of Profound Wind and Lightning struck down all at once. Temporarily going blind, almost half a mile area around Xia Ye was completely ruptured.

The ground was heated and destroyed simultaneously as everything, no matter what size, was blown away by sheer power. However, as that occurred, Xiao Heng frowned. "What… How is-" His words were stumped as Elder Jian and the other Burning Heaven Clan elder with her looked down wide-eyed. Slowly extending outwards, coating the ground, was a dark cloud.

As if the earth below had suddenly become a storm-stricken sky, it continued to grow as Xiao Heng's attack began to fade. Everyone felt his Profound Energy dim as the attack ended. "What's going on? Where did those clouds come from Lady Yuechan?" Hu Xinyi looked at Chu Yuechan, who gestured towards them. "Get back now."

Holding out her hand, she used her Profound Energy to protect them in a chilling barrier. Spotting this, Qing Huanying quickly did the same grabbing Qing Ning and pulling him towards her. Meanwhile, seeing the world under them turn black, Xiao Heng's composure finally became irregular. Like a dragon's roar, the clouds began to tremble along with the air.

Lightning was boiling within the dark cloud flashing and coiling around itself like a snake. 'This isn't possible.' Lightning was by far one of the most difficult Elemental Laws to master. It took him over eighty years of effort and time to advance to this stage. Yet the lightning within the clouds below him was on the same Elemental level as his own.

It shouldn't be possible; it should be completely impossible for something inanimate to reach this point. "Jian!" The elder of the Burning Heaven Clan called out to Elder Jian, who turned and nodded. The two of them quickly put up a barrier around themselves as Xiao Heng continued to look dazed.

The mix of shock and disbelief caused his reactions to being slow and dull. Growing more violent, the lightning churning in the clouds looked as if it had reached its limit. Letting out noise deafening sound, blue lightning shot into the sky. The flash of light made everyone's eyes close shut. Xiao Heng finally came to his senses.

He had no time to prepare a barrier and could only manifest his Profound Energy. The Lightning struck the Burning Heaven Clan elders first. Stopping for a brief instance on their barrier, it ripped straight through their defences. "Agh!" The electricity coursed through their bodies as it pierced their stomachs, flying straight through them.

Like rocks, they stopped flying as they began to fall to the ground. Xiao Heng, on the other hand, fared much better despite his late reaction. The body of a 10th Level Sky Profound Realm Cultivator couldn't be compared to those of the 5th Level. The Lightning struck him forcefully, letting out an explosion of power onto his Profound Energy, coating his body.

He was sent flying in an arc across the sky with a trail of smoke falling behind him. As the lightning finally dissipated, he slammed into the ground. A smoking burn mark was on his chest, scarring his skin. He seethed in pain but wasn't fatally injured. The same couldn't go for the Burning Heaven Clan elders, however.

The black cloud coating the ground began to retract as its colour changed from ash to a bright yellow. "It's the same cloud from before." Qing Huanying was mostly speaking to herself when both her advisors and Qing Ning heard her words. "You mean that was Xae Ye? But how?"

He had managed to injure not only the Burning Heaven Clan elders but a Xiao Sect Elder as well at his level of strength? It sounded insane, but that yellow cloud clearly belonged to him. "Hugh…" Slowly Xia Ye's figure could be seen making his way out of the crater in the ground. His breathing was a mess, and so was his appearance.

Unlike before, when he was just exhausted, he felt like no bone or muscle in his body had any strength. It was the first time with or without Qi that he had ever felt so weak. 'What the hell just happened since when could the Nimbus do that? Speaking of which I don't even think I could ride it if I wanted to in this state.' Forcing himself to raise his head, he saw Xiao Heng in the distance.

He had already managed to get to his knees and had his eyes locked on Xia Ye. "You…" Xia Ye nearly felt his soul leave his body. 'Oh come on just stay down! Sun Wukong got any extra last minute secrets you want to reveal to save my life?' But before Xia Ye had to hope for Sun Wukong's answer, someone stepped up beside him.

"Qian Ning?" Xia Ye was actually surprised to see him here as he looked at him confusingly. "I hope you appreciate the amount of begging and convincing I had to go through. Thanks to me you wont be dying today." Xia Ye was confused until he saw a figure appear in front of him and Qian Ning.

"Elder Xiao Heng, I request that you leave Xae Ye alone. We have already been here for two hours we musnt waste anymore time. I hope you're willing to put your grievances aside at least until we leave." Unlike the times she spoke before, although she was being respectful, there were hints of forcefulness in her voice.

'Why is Qing Hanying speaking up for me now?' Xiao Heng's face twitched as he looked towards Qing Hanying. Despite her lower Cultivation, her strength was impressive. If he was at his best, he could easily push aside her request but now that he had been injured. Scowling, Xiao Heng stood up with difficulty.

One hand clutched his burned chest while the other clenched into a fist. "Since you're willing to speak up for him then I shall put my anger aside for now at least. However our grievances are nowhere near resolved. Keep that in mind." His words were full of anger and senses of a threat. On the other hand, The Burning Heaven Clan disciples quickly ran over to their elders carrying them.

"Are you ok?" Qing Hanying turned to look at Xia Ye as he nodded. "I'll live although I would have appreciated an earlier intervention." Xia Ye didn't get offended over Xia Ye's joking jab and smiled. "Sadly you caused quite a lot of trouble. Luckily though you're definitely worth protecting now even more than before. That and my brother is pretty fond of you."

Xia Ye chuckled hearing that as he found the strength to stand up. "So what are you going to do? I can have a few of my Soldiers escort you back to the barriers edge. You can wait there while we-" Xia Ye shook his head. "No there's still more to this. I'm not leaving until I've done what I came here to do."

He sounded serious, saying that as Qing Ning standing next to him smirked. "Alright then! Don't worry I'll keep you safe while you recover. I wouldn't want to leave without seeing the Artifact we came here for either."

Qing Hanying didn't seem surprised to hear Xia Ye's answer as she looked towards Chu Yuechan. "Is that ok with you?" Chu Yuechan glanced at their group before giving a brief nod. She slowly began walking towards the cave in the ground near the centre of the clearing. Despite what had just happened, everyone's minds still lingered with anticipation.

The 'Artifact', The Purple Gold Red Gourd, seemed to close almost within reach.