
The Monarch’s Beloveds

Ever wondered that maybe our dreams weren’t figments of our imaginations? What if they were adventures from different worlds or memories from our past lives? From the day I can remember I’ve always dreamt of such things. Flying with dragons, building an army, and spending time with beautiful women. Everyday I wish it was all true. But, as I made my way to my college class, a day to day norm. Something happened that changed my life forever. —————— In a world of gods, monsters, and magic. A group of talented college students was transported to this world. A beautiful goddess floated above their heads, and her soothing voice calmed their hearts. “Greetings everyone. I'm sure you're all surprised and are probably wondering what's going on. So please, ask me your questions." As soon as her words ended dozens of hands were raised. But one caught her attention the most. "Oh~ what is your question, Luke." As Luke was baffled from being chosen, he tried to come up with something to say… “Don’t be afraid, I’m here to—.” "Can I have sex with you." "…" "…" "…" ------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone, Luke here, this is a complete rework of Call Me Jester. I'm sorry to those that liked the original work, but I think with this new one you might like it even more. Expect to have chapters every day... hopefully, and thank you for reading my book! ............................................ Cover art is not mine, if it comes to I will take it down. This novel is currently run solo. Everything is done by me. If you want to support me, just give me reviews and tell me what it's like. Also the more readers the more chapters! It's a win-win! Webnovel original

Luke_Gnormin · Fantasy
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40 Chs

World Compendium


- Earth:

The same planet we live on; cultures, history, and so on, are the same.

- Rath'Nia:

A twin planet of Earth that exists in a separate plane. It contains whatever we thought was fantasy and magic, such as gods and monsters.


- The Pantheons: Greek, Norse, Japanese mythology, Buddhism, Christianity, and Korean mythology. Although separate, they all reside within the world of Rath'Nia like a supercontinent.


- Aether:

The perfect resting place for the souls of the innocent and warriors who died valiantly. Angels reside here, and their role is to guide souls and reincarnate them if the souls wish to. Rathnians are also sent here, but their souls get sent back to Earth if they want to get reincarnated. Their memories and some abilities they gained are also retained.

- The 9 Hells:

People who have committed unforgivable sins are sent here for repentance. Demons, denizens of hell, torture their souls for centuries depending on the severity of the sins they committed. At the end, once the souls have repented, they get reincarnated back to Earth.

- Oblivion:

A realm outside the Xenoverse where monsters reside.


- Mana:

The energy source that binds the entire universe.

- Divinity:

A form of mana but more condensed and with holy attributes. Used mainly by Gods, but spirits and blessed beings can use it as well. Divinity can also create miracles that are impossible or illogical.

- Miasma:

A form of mana but more viscous and with unholy attributes. It is the complete opposite of Divinity, mainly used to inflict harm and curses. Only demons and beings attributed to darkness are able to use it.

- Aura:

Mana formed through pure physical means. One example is body enhancement, where the skin and muscles become stronger, or a physical manifestation of mana outside the user's body.


Going from strongest to weakest:

- ???

- The Omni-Tree:

A tree that encompasses all of reality and lays the foundation of everything.

- Primordials:

They manifest core attributes of the universe and are the positive aspect of all things. They're the pure embodiment of laws that make up everything as they continue to progress the flow of reality. Some examples are the primordial being of Light, Creation, Space, and so on.

- Dragons:

Beings that manifested alongside the primordials. They're the negative aspect of everything and embody the negative aspect of laws such as Darkness, Destruction, Void, and so on.

- World trees:

Sephiroth, the tree of life and positivity. Qliphoth, the tree of death and negativity. Every planet has both, and their role is to generate life and maintain balance.

- Draconians/Divine beasts:

Beings created by the Dragons and Primordials. With laws forbidding primordials and Dragons to interact with the mortal plane, these beings monitor the planets on their behalf.

- Gods:

Born from the primordials but living in the mortal realm. Their power rivals that of draconians and divine beasts but has the potential to grow far stronger.

- Angels:

Beings created by heaven and the keepers of purity. There are ranks of angels ranging from Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, then angels. Each rank has a corresponding role in heaven that helps secure the safety of the souls.

- Spirits:

Living mana born from nature with humanoid bodies that take parts of the element they were born in. Spirits have a hierarchy of kings consisting of the 6 elements: Light, Darkness, Water, Fire, Earth, and Nature. Spirit kings govern the elements and nature.

- Demigods:

Gods that bred with other species. Although imbued with godlike strength, their power is only half of their godparents'.

- Demons:

The keepers of hell, not necessarily evil, but torturers that help sinners reincarnate back to Earth. Demons have a hierarchy of Kings, each corresponding to the seven sins. Wrath, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Envy, Lust, and Pride. These beings judge hell alongside Hades, Hel, and Yeomra. Contrary to popular belief, Hell is modernized to ensure physical pain isn't the only way to rehabilitate sinners.

- Elves/Dwarves/Mermaids:

Elves are spirits who gave up their elemental bodies and now reside in forests where they believe connects them with nature the most. Dwarves are also spirits who gave up their bodies to live physically deep in mountains, where they believe is closest to nature. Mermaids, similar to the Elves and Dwarves, are spirits that left their bodies to live within the deep oceans.

- Night walkers:

Night walkers are creatures of the night, such as werewolves, vampires, zombies, and skeletons. These beings are born from excess evil or miasma that has lingered for thousands of years. Beings of the night vary greatly in strength depending on the amount of miasma they have. Some are even able to rival gods. The most prominent races of nightwalkers are the werewolves and vampires, each having their own hierarchies.

- Beast folk:

Humanoid beings with animalistic features such as cats, wolves, and foxes. Although some may consider wolfmen werewolves, their body is living and has no miasma.

- Humans:

Beings with near-infinite potential but have near-impossible limiters to overcome.


- Each god/pantheon can establish their "city," and by gathering faith points, gods can grow in power and in turn make the city stronger.

- Cities become kingdoms, empires, and eventually the whole planet.

- Faith points are the currency of the gods, and only inhabitants of Earth can make them.

- Inhabitants of Rath'Nia, i.e., beings that were naturally born there, are not able to make faith points.

- The goal of gaining strength and power will allow the god to ascend and have full control over that planet.

Basic stats:


[Level: 1]

[Class: None]

[Title: None]

[Bloodline: None]

[Health: 1,000]

[Mana: 200]

[Innate abilities: None]

[Skills: None ]


[Strength: 20]

[Stamina: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Intelligence: 60]

[Dexterity: 50]

[Dominance: 1]

[Status effects: Normal]

Characters Stats:

Luke's stats

[User Name: Luke]

[Level: 10

[Class: Monarch]

[Title: Commandment of Sin, Lord of Shadows]

[Bloodline: Human?, %*#&*#*

[Health: 1,000/1,000]

[Mana: 690/800]

[Innate abilities: Will of the Monarch (1/5), Blade of Entropy (1/10), Skin of Eternity (1/10)]

[Skills: Soul link, Mana control, Enhanced senses, Anti-Mana.]


[Strength: 40]

[Stamina: 80]

[Agility: 50]

[Intelligience: 200]

[Dexterity: 200]

[Dominance: 1,000,000]

[Storage: Empty]

[Summons: Leviathan, Smaug, Trigon, Eternal army (Unable to summon)]

Abilities description

[Innate abilities: Will of the Monarch (1/5), Blade of Entropy (1/10), Skin of Eternity (1/10)]

[Skills: Soul link, Mana control, Enhanced senses, Anti-Mana.]

[Blade of entropy]

[Rating: Primordial (Potential+)

Durability: infinite

Attack power: 420 (Corresponds to user's strength)

{Locked} ! Reach level 100 to unlock

{Locked} ! Reach level 200 to unlock

{Locked} ! Reach level 300 to unlock

{Locked} ! Reach level 400 to unlock

{Locked} ! Certain requirements must be met

{Locked} ! Certain requirements must be met

{Locked} ! Certain requirements must be met

A sword made by ****** from *******. It possesses every soul it has ever slain. Its darkness will overshadow the light of its enemies.]

[Skin of eternity]

[Rating: Primordial (Potential+)

Durability: infinite

Defense: 530 (Correspond to user's health)

{Locked} ! Reach level 100 to unlock

{Locked} ! Reach level 200 to unlock

{Locked} ! Reach level 300 to unlock

{Locked} ! Reach level 400 to unlock

{Locked} ! Certain requirements must be met

{Locked} ! Certain requirements must be met

{Locked} ! Certain requirements must be met

A thin layer of ****** that covers the individual's body. Nigh impenetrable and all-encompassing. The intent to keep the user safe from all types of harm was embedded by a goddess who wished for his eternal safety.]