
The Monarch’s Beloveds

Ever wondered that maybe our dreams weren’t figments of our imaginations? What if they were adventures from different worlds or memories from our past lives? From the day I can remember I’ve always dreamt of such things. Flying with dragons, building an army, and spending time with beautiful women. Everyday I wish it was all true. But, as I made my way to my college class, a day to day norm. Something happened that changed my life forever. —————— In a world of gods, monsters, and magic. A group of talented college students was transported to this world. A beautiful goddess floated above their heads, and her soothing voice calmed their hearts. “Greetings everyone. I'm sure you're all surprised and are probably wondering what's going on. So please, ask me your questions." As soon as her words ended dozens of hands were raised. But one caught her attention the most. "Oh~ what is your question, Luke." As Luke was baffled from being chosen, he tried to come up with something to say… “Don’t be afraid, I’m here to—.” "Can I have sex with you." "…" "…" "…" ------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone, Luke here, this is a complete rework of Call Me Jester. I'm sorry to those that liked the original work, but I think with this new one you might like it even more. Expect to have chapters every day... hopefully, and thank you for reading my book! ............................................ Cover art is not mine, if it comes to I will take it down. This novel is currently run solo. Everything is done by me. If you want to support me, just give me reviews and tell me what it's like. Also the more readers the more chapters! It's a win-win! Webnovel original

Luke_Gnormin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Techniques acquired* (18+)


A shiver ran down my spine. Rationality completely flew out the window.

At this moment I didn't care about anything at all, the only thought was to plunge my member deep inside her sacred cave.

I looked at her and she looked at me. Her eyes showed an amused expression.

I can't help but gulped at her otherworldly beauty, just everything about her was mind-numbingly sexy. The way her body moves against my crotch, her hips swaying from side to side nearly made my hands instinctively grab her waist and grind my dick on her thick ass.

I gathered some semblance of rational thought and I asked her one more time.

"Are you really real?"

She looked at me once more her hands now cupping my face.

"Will this answer your question?"

She leaned her head against mine and our lips collided.

My mind went blank. The only thing I was feeling at that moment was her soft lips aggressively sucking on mine. The way she moved her mouth was expertly done, completely overwhelming my amateurish attempt at kissing from my experience with my girls.

Yet despite the overwhelming pleasure of kissing her tender lips, something within me revolted at the thought of losing.

Without even realizing it my mind switched and my body reacted instinctively as my lips moved on top of hers dominating her aggressiveness.

"Ahn~ mmf~ Ah… wait."

Seemingly surprised by my sudden change, a moan came out of her lips as she tried to speak in between our lustful kissing.

But hearing her pleading for mercy only made me want to ravage her more~

At this point, I didn't realize that we were in a different place. The once wide-open expanse of stars and space was gone instead was replaced by a luxurious bedroom.

A thought flew into my mind whilst kissing her.

'So she can change this place to however she likes huh? Interesting~'

With that in mind, I lifted her up by grabbing her bottom, my hands cupping the area between her buttocks and her plump thighs, and swiftly carried her on the bed that manifested into thin air.

Our connection was broken for a moment when I carried her, but our eyes stayed connected as we stared into each other in mutual understanding. With her back lying on the bed, a small arch from her spine as she fixed her posture to lay comfortably on the soft mattress.

I looked at this stunning beauty in front of me, her posture making her hair sprawled out beautifully on the bedsheets.

My body moved instinctively as I placed my arms on her sides. I watched her twin peaks gently moving up and down from her heavy breathing. Our gaze intensified as sweat began to accumulate on our bodies as our temperatures began to rise.

She turned her head to the side making her appear innocent and frail. Beads of sweat glistened all over her skin making her breasts look so much more irresistible.

As if teasing me even more she placed her thin slender hand onto her lips and said.

"Do it gently~"

Her bashful appearance was enough for any man to give their life to glimpse a moment like this.

I gulped, my lips moist from her saliva, but my throat dry from lust.

With some semblance of rationality, I nodded my head in response. But at that point, my body already moved on its own.

I immediately kissed her juicy lips once more, mending our once-broken connection.

Seductive moans came out of her with each breath as I sucked on her lips.

My lust began to grow as our kissing began to no longer satiate my hunger for her. Feeling unsatisfied I invaded her lips with my tongue as I explored deep inside her mouth. She fought back amiably with her tongue desperately trying to overwhelm mine, but I didn't mind. Instead, I relished in her courage as I swallowed more of her saliva.

Our kissing lasted long enough that our lips turned a different color.

Slightly satisfied I finally cut our connection apart to take a look at her face. Watching her gasping for breath was driving me mad, my body barely controlling itself from losing it all.

Yet I still can't help but pleasure this beautiful woman even more.

I looked at her my breath bated from lust.

"Can I hahh* touch you?"

She turned her head to the side, a small nod indicating her approval.

Affirming her response I put myself on top of her with my knees in between her legs. I swiftly took off my shirt showing the muscles hidden beneath my shirt.

She looked at my abs glistening from sweat and her eyes quivered in anticipation. A small audible gulp escaped her lips as she tried to stay calm beneath me.

Throwing my shirt to the side I moved my arm on top of her dress as I gripped the silk tightly in my hand. I gently moved it down, each second feeling like a century.

As I finally reached halfway, I could feel a slight resistance caused by her hard nipples holding her dress in place, desperately trying to keep her sacred sanctity from being seen.

But against my strength its hold was futile. With one more tug the dress was completely pulled down as her cleavage jiggled from the sudden motion.

My eyes instantly glued to her breasts, my gaze specifically on her sweet cherries.

Without hesitation, I placed my mouth on her pink nipple and began sucking it without care.

"Ahn~ hnngg~ Luke… don't suck too hard~"

Her silent pleas were like music to my ears. Her words simply went through from one ear to another as I pushed my head even further, her nipple completely inside of my mouth.

Her moans cried out louder as a portion of her breast was being sucked as well.

Wanting to see more of her cries of pleasure, I gently took hold of her left breast with my free hands while my right explored her entire body.

"Ahh! Luke~ It feels so good~"

Her legs wrapped around my waist as I continued to defile her erogenous zones. Her pink nipple quickly became swollen while I swirled my tongue around it.

My relentless attack from all over her body left her muscles twitching rhythmically indicating her orgasm is coming.

Watching her completely lost in lust made my rod grow in rage.

Without a break I sucked on her nipple harder, licking it with my tongue, while my hands caressed her entire body.

At this point, her body began shivering from ecstasy. Her mouth opened agape, a silent moan coming out of her lips.

Feeling herself nearly orgasm she grabbed onto my hair pulling my head with both of her hands as she climaxed all over the sheets.


Her pussy secreting love juices completely soaking my lower half. Her legs loosened as she let go of my hair as I let go of her nipple in my mouth leaving it completely red and swollen.

I listened to her bated breaths, each one producing a rhythm that I enjoyed.

Looking down my rod was now rock hard, its entire length fully extended.

I stood up with my eyes never leaving her body.

Feeling restricted I instantly took everything off, throwing it to the side revealing the awakened dragon beneath.

With everything removed I looked at the masterpiece that I'd created with my eyes etching the scene in my brain.

"Ahh… ANG… HAHH… wait Luke… let me take a break."

She noticed my gaze and pleaded for me to stop. But as she looked down at my cock, she gulped the nonexistent saliva in her mouth, an expression of regret on her face.

'What have I done.'