
The Monarch’s Beloveds

Ever wondered that maybe our dreams weren’t figments of our imaginations? What if they were adventures from different worlds or memories from our past lives? From the day I can remember I’ve always dreamt of such things. Flying with dragons, building an army, and spending time with beautiful women. Everyday I wish it was all true. But, as I made my way to my college class, a day to day norm. Something happened that changed my life forever. —————— In a world of gods, monsters, and magic. A group of talented college students was transported to this world. A beautiful goddess floated above their heads, and her soothing voice calmed their hearts. “Greetings everyone. I'm sure you're all surprised and are probably wondering what's going on. So please, ask me your questions." As soon as her words ended dozens of hands were raised. But one caught her attention the most. "Oh~ what is your question, Luke." As Luke was baffled from being chosen, he tried to come up with something to say… “Don’t be afraid, I’m here to—.” "Can I have sex with you." "…" "…" "…" ------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone, Luke here, this is a complete rework of Call Me Jester. I'm sorry to those that liked the original work, but I think with this new one you might like it even more. Expect to have chapters every day... hopefully, and thank you for reading my book! ............................................ Cover art is not mine, if it comes to I will take it down. This novel is currently run solo. Everything is done by me. If you want to support me, just give me reviews and tell me what it's like. Also the more readers the more chapters! It's a win-win! Webnovel original

Luke_Gnormin · Fantasy
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40 Chs


On the other side of the wall. Seph was burying her face on her pillow trying to drown out the 'noises' coming from the bathroom.

'Ugh, I can't believe those two are doing it! They already did it yesterday and they're already doing it again! Have some shame!'

She flipped over, her face now looking at the ceiling.

'Hahh, yesterday was so awkward… Why was I so aggressive? Does it have to do with Luke again?'

Her mind pondered about the weird events that occurred yesterday. With her unusual behaviors, dreams, emotions, and the errors happening in the dungeon.

It was all happening too quickly for her to react and understand.

For the first time, she was stumped on what to do.

In her whole life, she triumphed over every adversity.

Despite her fate…

From the beginning, before she was born she was given a destiny from an oracle in Olympus.

"A day will come.

When two beings unite.

Their love. Eternal.

Like the darkest of night.

For when they do.

The fall will begin.

The end of Olympus.

For it is written."

That very oracle gave way to her isolated life.

When the gods of Olympus heard of the prophecy, they took it upon themselves to slay the unborn child.

Zeus in particular nearly went mad.

For every oracle was destined to come true.

Because those very prophecies gave way for him to win the Titan War.

So by his command, he declared Demeter, the mother of Persephone, to relinquish the child still growing in her womb.

But, as an ancient god, one who helped fight against the Titans and with her actions winning the war, she was given authority nigh equal to the god-king.

However, the prophecy was too much to be ignored.

Forcing Demeter to take it upon herself to care for Persephone, to lead and guide her away from her destiny.

But the gods couldn't pay her any heed, they too also know the consequences of fate.

Eventually, the gods and Demeter had no other choice but to debate whether to keep the child or not.

Fortunately, some gods favored Demeter, but the odds were too much against hers.

With no choice, Demeter must relieve herself of her authority and relinquish Persephone's influence on her own life.

They all knew fate was fickle, but there was no other option.

Even if the person was Demeter, fighting against fate, is a matter even the primordials avoid.

So when the day came of Persephone's birth, nearly every god on Olympus was there to oversee her arrival.

But as soon as she cried for the first time, the Olympians wavered in their determination.

The being they witnessed being born, was beautiful and powerful than any they have seen.

Zeus himself couldn't even hold back.

His grotesque profane lust rose, even towards an infant child.

No god dared to say something, but they were disgusted by this man's debauchery.

Hera, the so-called wife of Zeus, lashed out at him, With her strength and powers she somewhat broke him out of his insane reverie.

Demeter eyed the God-king with cold murderous looks, even if she had to go against every Olympian, she would unleash the fall of Olympus herself if Zeus were to touch even a hair from her daughter's head.

Feeling the gazes and the pain from his wife, Zeus came back to his senses.

He was embarrassed and humiliated, but his face stayed stoic showing his unbound shamelessness.

Much like the time when Aphrodite was born, he knew she was his sister, however despite being a baby a power protected her from being defiled.

Forcing him to back away… for now.

With the baby being born, the Olympians offered their blessings despite her fate being the end of their home.

Demeter understood their worries, so she created a floating island for her and her daughter to live in.

Maybe this way she can keep her away from Zeus' prying eyes as well as any influence from the outside world and a chance to escape her fate.

As years went by, Persephone grew up.

Her beauty now rivaling that of Aphrodite herself.

But her upbringing differed from those her age.

Her mother, being the goddess of nature, her responsibilities was too much to handle while raising a child.

So most of the time she was left alone and isolated.

Dozens of years went by, and Persephone grew despondent with the way she was living.

Despite her mother's best efforts to raise her, Persephone felt neglected.

The times when her mother would be gone can span for weeks and months leaving her alone on an empty island.

She hated her for that, but deep down she knew her mother was doing something important.

To deter her mind from the long isolating hours she would sneak out of the island to venture down to the lands below.

With her powers and abilities nearly mastered enough for her to even handle the gods of Olympus, she can protect herself while keeping others from knowing who she is.

Despite disobeying her mother, she listened to her worries and kept herself away from other people.

So to stay low her adventures were simple.

Only discovering and seeing the lands around her, while observing the trees, the plants, and the animals.

The island she grew up on was very limited, so seeing new things was exciting and fulfilling.

But her simple adventures weren't left unseen.

Even after decades, Zeus still kept an eye on Persephone.

And the day of her 500th birthday, Zeus began his plan.

To deflower her sacred cave.

On that day Persephone went out, as usual, to celebrate her birthday of her own volition.

Throughout her life, her mother would control every aspect of what she could do to keep outside knowledge away from her.

It clearly backfired, but she still warned her about things to be wary of In case she went outside.

Demeter knew that Persephone would one day leave the island.

So to make sure she'll be safe, she enchanted her with a spell, a spell that will protect her from any harm.

Knowing that she would be fine, Demeter left Persephone knowing that she would sneak out.

With her mother gone, she flew to the edge, and down to the forest below.

She cloaked herself with magic, hiding her appearance and godly aura.

But to her surprise, a young man with white hair wearing a black robe stood behind her.

"Um, excuse me?"

Persephone jumped from where she was standing and positioned herself.

"Whoa, there miss. I just wanna ask a question haha."


"Hmm… not much of a talker aye? Well, sorry to bother you, but I got lost trying to move through the forest."

"Some flower nymph played a trick on me and now here I am. Lost and alone."

He showed a pitiful look, his handsome face perfectly masking his inner malice.

Persephone stayed vigilant, her mother always warned her about a situation like this.

A person whose agenda is masked by an innocent problem.

The handsome man seemed to have noticed her guard was up.

Seeing as nothing was working he flared his hands in front of him and with a frantic look he said.

"W-Wait! I really am lost! It seems you know where you're going seeing as how you're casually taking a stroll in this place."



"Umm, can you just point in a direction? I'm not trying to bother you, ya know."

Persephone eyed the stranger suspiciously, but having been the first person she ever met outside of her mother, her curiosity peaked.

She slowly lowered her hands and pointed in a direction.

The man's eyes had a small glint as he looked at her delicate porcelain skin.

Lust can be seen in his pupils, if any other person were to see him it would be obvious how horny this man is.

But to the innocent and naive Persephone, she couldn't recognize the man's hidden agenda.

Slowly the man began to approach her Ignoring her innocent answer.

As the distance between them grew small, the man eventually stopped in front of her, a foot in between them.

Fortunately for Persephone, what many would think would happen didn't.

Now for the first time in history, Zeus stopped himself and instead said.

"Excuse me, madam. If I may, can I introduce myself?"

Persephone nodded her head, intrigued by this strange man.

"Thank you, ehem* My name is Peter. And as if fortune herself blessed me on this day. I would like to offer you a job."

"What… job."

A smile adorned his face, as Persephone lay innocently in his trap.

"It's quite simple really. Just a task to be a dungeon master."

"What's that?"

"I'll tell you more if you accept. After all. Only gods can know."

Persephone immediately jumped back. Her mother warned her about the gods. If they encounter her, her life can be at stake.

But to her dismay, the man with white hair simply stayed back.

"Oh. I'm sorry if I startled you. I'm just a messenger for the gods. They told me about this place, hoping I can find a suitable person to take on the job."

"And seeing as how strong you look, you're pretty much qualified."

"So what do you say? Will you take my offer?"

Welp, no excuses there.

Sorry everyone, I’ll be uploading the rest of the chapters tomorrow.

Again, sorry everyone and please be patient.

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