
The Monarch’s Beloveds

Ever wondered that maybe our dreams weren’t figments of our imaginations? What if they were adventures from different worlds or memories from our past lives? From the day I can remember I’ve always dreamt of such things. Flying with dragons, building an army, and spending time with beautiful women. Everyday I wish it was all true. But, as I made my way to my college class, a day to day norm. Something happened that changed my life forever. —————— In a world of gods, monsters, and magic. A group of talented college students was transported to this world. A beautiful goddess floated above their heads, and her soothing voice calmed their hearts. “Greetings everyone. I'm sure you're all surprised and are probably wondering what's going on. So please, ask me your questions." As soon as her words ended dozens of hands were raised. But one caught her attention the most. "Oh~ what is your question, Luke." As Luke was baffled from being chosen, he tried to come up with something to say… “Don’t be afraid, I’m here to—.” "Can I have sex with you." "…" "…" "…" ------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone, Luke here, this is a complete rework of Call Me Jester. I'm sorry to those that liked the original work, but I think with this new one you might like it even more. Expect to have chapters every day... hopefully, and thank you for reading my book! ............................................ Cover art is not mine, if it comes to I will take it down. This novel is currently run solo. Everything is done by me. If you want to support me, just give me reviews and tell me what it's like. Also the more readers the more chapters! It's a win-win! Webnovel original

Luke_Gnormin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Lifetime Virgin

Laura's POV:

"Alright then, I'll just dream about it~"

"Grr blush* SHUT UP!"

I slammed the door as hard as I could and retreated to the corner where a bench was placed by the bathtub.

Miya was already sitting on it, and luckily it was big enough to accommodate both of us. Beside the bench, placed neatly on the floor were some products I've used in my bathroom and some that seem to be what Miya uses.

I didn't find it weird at first and that maybe Luke was being considerate… wait-

"Ahh! I swear Luke, how does he keep doing this? Ugh!"

I couldn't help but burst out and say what I had in mind. I mean, how does he know these things?! My shampoo, my body wash, my soap, and even the exact brand of tampons!

"Well, my mom did teach him to be the perfect husband…"


"A-Ah I didn't mean it like that, I-it's just Mama used to teach Luke about how to treat women correctly since he lived in the women's dorm, and I think he really kept them in mind."

"Hahh* Unbelievable, no wonder he always seems like he had an upper hand… wait, Miya! You traitor!"

"W-Wha? How was that my fault? You know he also teases me, and honestly, way more than he teases you! I lived with him for years and he always does… does… these…"

Her voice went to a whisper, but from the way she was saying it, she probably had it just as hard as I did.

"Hahh* Whatever, and second of all, I've known him far longer, we even promised to marry each other when we were younger, humph*."

I couldn't help but boast about our relationship, for some reason, hearing that Miya knew him far longer than I did made me upset.

"Huh? H-He also promised me that he'd marry me in the future. On my 13th birthday, he promised that he'd take care of me when we get older and that… t-that he'd give me a family that I'd never had!"



"You're telling me he also promised to marry you too?"



Just thinking about it… How did I let this happen? We're in this new world and he's surrounded by sex-crazed women! Just what happened that made him like this? He wasn't like this before… right?

"L-Luke changed, didn't he…"

Snapping me from my thoughts, Miya turned toward me with a wry smile on her lips.

"I guess he did… heck I think we both changed."


I looked up to see Miya staring at me with her eyes wide open.

Slightly taken aback by her sudden reaction I said.

"U-uh yeah… Honestly, I feel like I'm more vulnerable in this world. Back on Earth, I did everything all by myself. Of course, my parents helped, but I worked hard to get into that college you know? And I worked out every day to barely keep up with Luke and all the stupid tournaments he went to."

"Y-Yeah, ever since we got here, I felt a slight change in me too. Like as if I was trapped and then turned into an open cage. These emotions I kept hidden feels so much easier to talk about… especially how I feel about Luke."

Her gaze went down as she slumped her head in embarrassment.

"Fufu~ Miya I like the new you. You're so much easier to talk to. Not that you were hard to talk in the first place, it's just it felt like I was talking to the wall most of the time… no offense."

"Huhu none taken. I get that a lot, but Luke never seemed to mind. That's why… I love him so much."

My eyes opened in surprise hearing her sudden confession. As if catching her mistake, Miya quickly turned toward me and frantically waved her hands.

"I-I mean, he's always so understanding and n-nice, and h-"

"Haha, don't worry, I love him too. But sometimes, I think he's too understanding you know? It feels nice that he gets what I'm saying, but sometimes I just want him to figure it out and struggle."

"Haha, yeah. Especially when I get mad at him. It frustrates me how well he handles it."

"Right?! Like when his teasing goes too far he reels it back and coddles you. Ugh, I hate it!"

Contrary to my words, I unknowingly had a big smile on my face. Miya caught me and said.

"You're smiling Laura."

"No, I'm not."



"Pfft- Hahaha."

"Giggle* haha."

"You know what, at first I was against sharing Luke, especially with so many other people, but somehow meeting everyone and knowing you, I don't mind it as much. Like, as if you're all my family. And I get this weird tickly feeling like I'm cuddling with a bunch of puppies or something."

"Exactly! Like a bathtub full of kittens!"



"Honestly, I don't think this place is half-bad."

"Un, if I'm here with you and everyone else. I think I-I'll be fine."

After hearing what she said I smiled and stood up from the bench.

"Alright! Then let's get stronger and beat those abyss monsters! And to save the world!"


Miya stood up jubilantly right after while posing with her hands wrapped in a fist.

"Fufu, then please take care of me, Miya."

"Un, me to Laura."

We shook hands as we agreed on a pact between two childhood friends.

"Okay, now time to get naked."

"W-Wait wha-"



I swiftly took off Miya's shirt, and upon doing so gave me a pleasant surprise.

"Miya I didn't know you're into that stuff…"

"N-No! I just forgot to put a bra on this morning, it's not that I don't wear one when I go out!"

"Ah, is that why you were so adamant in going to the bathroom?"


"Oh… umm sorry about that. Welp to make it fair."

Right after, I took my sweatshirt and bra off alongside my pants and panties.

"Now we're even."

"Kyaa! U-Umm I'm not used to showering with other people. So you can go ahead first."

"Ah come on, we're both fine~ ladies here, we have the right to admire our bodies."

"Uuuu… fine."

"Atta girl! Now let's see what that cake's made of~."


Luke's Pov:

"Can I have sex with you~"

Seph was lying right on top of me, her hands pinning mine above my head with her legs holding me in place.

"U-Um Seph? Are you okay? This doesn't seem like you, We haven't known each other long, and we somewhat declared our love for each other, but isn't this happening too quickly?"

"I don't seem to recall you saying the same thing with Scarlett. With how much she bragged about how good you are during the trip, it seemed your little friend down here doesn't seem to mind strangers~"


"What? She was annoying me the whole time, I just wanted to tease her a bit."

"Alright I get it, but can you help me with this?!"

I tried to move my hand from her grip, but it didn't seem to budge.

"Sorry Luke, she won the bet so I have to let her do as she please."



I turned to my side in need of help, but to my disappointment, it seemed Leviathan was in her own world with her eyes void of light and completely staring into empty space.

Gwen sat idly and excited to see what everyone was so crazy about.

"It seems you're all out of luck Luke~ Now get ready~"-Seph

"Hahh* fine."

I closed my eyes awaiting my punishment… wait is it really a punishment? Hold on, what am I even worried about? Didn't I want this in the first place?

Wait, come on Luke! You're better than this, you're not some sex-crazed freak! You're a gentleman who takes their time with the ladies, granted Scarlett was my first experience, and everyone kinda jumped me first, and that everything all happened in one day… uh, ehem* regardless!

I want to take my time, to understand the emotions I'm feeling and who these people are in my life.

After thinking for a moment I opened my eyes to Seph leaning closer toward me, her lips puckered up, ready to give me a smooch.

Hmm, I feel like there's definitely a step we're skipping, but I don't care!

Fortunately, or should I say, unfortunately, Seph stopped midway through the kiss.

I looked at her face, an inch away from mine, with her soft succulent lips tenderly waiting for me to nibble on, her white porcelain cheeks turned bright red in embarrassment.


With a stutter, she quickly jumped off of me and jumped into the bathroom.


"Oh hey, Seph. You want in too?"


With the door slammed shut an awkward silence lingered in the room.

"Well, that was… not what I expected."

"Aww, I wanted to see what sex is!"

"Color me surprised. I thought history was about to be made."

"Hmm, I wonder what happened."

"She must be pent up, I was the same as her, a virgin for a couple of centuries."

"Wait what?"

"Oh, you didn't know?"

"Know what?"

"Persephone the goddess of spring and fertility, walker of the afterlife, and queen of the underworld, was a virgin?"


"Haha, your face is funny."-Gwen