
The Monarch’s Beloveds

Ever wondered that maybe our dreams weren’t figments of our imaginations? What if they were adventures from different worlds or memories from our past lives? From the day I can remember I’ve always dreamt of such things. Flying with dragons, building an army, and spending time with beautiful women. Everyday I wish it was all true. But, as I made my way to my college class, a day to day norm. Something happened that changed my life forever. —————— In a world of gods, monsters, and magic. A group of talented college students was transported to this world. A beautiful goddess floated above their heads, and her soothing voice calmed their hearts. “Greetings everyone. I'm sure you're all surprised and are probably wondering what's going on. So please, ask me your questions." As soon as her words ended dozens of hands were raised. But one caught her attention the most. "Oh~ what is your question, Luke." As Luke was baffled from being chosen, he tried to come up with something to say… “Don’t be afraid, I’m here to—.” "Can I have sex with you." "…" "…" "…" ------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone, Luke here, this is a complete rework of Call Me Jester. I'm sorry to those that liked the original work, but I think with this new one you might like it even more. Expect to have chapters every day... hopefully, and thank you for reading my book! ............................................ Cover art is not mine, if it comes to I will take it down. This novel is currently run solo. Everything is done by me. If you want to support me, just give me reviews and tell me what it's like. Also the more readers the more chapters! It's a win-win! Webnovel original

Luke_Gnormin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs


[A/N: Stat numbers from now on will be the correct numbers and some skill names will be changed.]

"Alright, bring it."

Luke decisively activated his skills, with his armor and sword at hand he quickly readied himself for the upcoming fight.

As soon as he did, a small group that stemmed off from the rest attacked him simultaneously in the front.

"You guys are pretty smart huh? Hate to say it, but today's not your lucky day."

With expert movement, Luke angled his body to dodge the oncoming attack, With a simple step to the side, dodging the creature's snarling mouth and instantly beheaded them with his sword.

"Hmm, you guys aren't normal are ya."

His eyes quickly scanned the creature's body revealing its weaknesses and features.

But does that really matter?

"Coming to this world, I was fascinated by the new things I'd never seen before. Seeing new creatures, and plants, I can't help but get excited about learning new things…"

The creatures went feral upon seeing their comrades dismembered effortlessly. Their movements were no longer calculated as they all came charging at the man colored orange and black.

"But… it seems my learning has to be put on hold for the future."

Within a second Luke's eyes began to glow an orange light. Sparks of lightning similar to his eyes, bounced off of his body and colored his sword.

The creatures instantly felt a pressure appearing out of nowhere and their instincts were telling them to run away from the being in front of them.

But their thinking was a moment too late…

Luke blinked as he swung his sword horizontally and an arc of pure energy came out of his sword splitting the dozens of creatures around him.

"Phew* Well that wasn't too bad."

The corpses fell a second later as if physics belatedly reacted to his movements.

"Hmm, I didn't expect that to happen, I was imagining something different, but that'll do."

[New Notification]


[Skill Created: Slash]

"That's it? After what I did, it's just 'Slash'?"



With a sigh, he deactivated his skills removing his armor and sword.

Opening his status he looked at his newly gained stats and levels, but a disappointed look was on his face upon taking a closer inspection.

User Name: Luke]

[Level: 79 + 1- 80!

[Class: Monarch]

[Title: Commandment of Sin, Lord of Shadows]

[Bloodline: Human?, %*#&*#*

[Health: 15,000]

[Mana: 4,000]

[Innate abilities: Will of the Monarch (1.5/5), Blade of Entropy (1.5/10), Skin of Eternity (1.5/10)]


[Soul Link]: Connects another's soul to yours permanently. Their whereabouts will always be known to you and a connection will stay linked unless destroyed.

Must have consent from both parties.

[Soul bind]: Binds the soul to the user indefinitely. Their lives are controlled against their will and upon betrayal or thoughts of such. Pain will be inflicted on the target's soul.

The target must submit willingly to activate.

[Mana control]: The ability to control mana freely in the atmosphere. Can convert mana into basic elements.

Maximum range 13 meters

Can be used indefinitely, however, requires mana to activate. Mana requirement 25 manajeules.

[Enhanced senses]: Upon activation, the user will have heightened eyesight, hearing, smell, and intuition.

Duration: 10 minutes

Drawback: Mental overload

[Anti-Mana]: Deletes mana unconditionally.

Mana is not absorbed, it is destroyed entirely from existence.

The amount that can be destroyed: 1000 manajeules

Limit: The number of mana points equates to the amount of mana that will be deleted.

[Creation]: The user can create small objects with the use of the user's imagination and mana.

The maximum mass of the object: 500 grams

Skill cooldown: None

Skill duration: None

[Omniescient]: The ability to perceive things that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Allows the user to view the statuses of other users as well as objects.

Skill cooldown: None

Skill duration: infinite

[Mana absorption]: Absorb mana around the atmosphere. Maximum input: 50 manajeules per minute.

Skill cooldown: 30 minutes

Skill duration: 10 minutes

[Unity]: Upon engaging in a sexual act with your partner consensually. Both individuals will gain stats correlating to the strongest individual. WARNING: Incompletion of sexual orgasm, the stronger individual will be hindered proportionally until both are satisfied. Skill: Currently Active {Seph, Miya, Laura, Gwen}]

[Wrath: Decrease user's emotional control as well as provide further heightened senses and resilience.

Skill: Can be toggled on and off.

Duration: 10 minutes]


[Strength: 90]

[Stamina: 90]

[Agility: 90]

[Intelligience: 295]

[Dexterity: 295]

[Dominance: 1,000,000]

[Points Allocated: 80 {1 point allocated to a stat gives 5 stat points}

[Storage: Empty]

[Summons: Leviathan, Smaug, Trigon, Eternal army (Unable to summon)].

"All those enemies for 1 level? I've killed at least 40 of them and yet it was only enough to level up once, Was Leviathan's test that strong?"

Luke pondered for a second before taking a look at his surroundings.

A sizeable open desert basked in orange light, much like the time they came here before.

But as the artificial sun in the sky began to rise from the horizon, the dark arid sand began moving like a mirage.

"I think it's a better idea to move at night, but…"

Looking back at the ground, the littered corpses of his enemies laid motionless, yet gave a warning that night might fair harder than day.

With a sigh, Luke contemplated for a second before reactivating the portal and stepping inside.

"Either face the scorching desert heat or face shadow dogs at night. I'll talk about it with the girls and figure things out from there."

Upon passing through the portal, his surroundings changed once more to a luxurious room.

"Alright, I'ma shower first then tell the girls about it."

"Luke. Where were you?"

A voice came from behind.


"Yes, here I am. So where were you?"

"I took a stroll outside, ya know? To stretch my legs."

"Uh huh, then care to explain this?"

Scarlett snapped her finger and a circular screen appeared in between them. The screen lit up and began showing the battle between Luke and the shadow dogs.

"As I said. Just a simple stroll, there were a few obstacles in the road, nothing much."

"Luke I understand that you're very strong, but this trial is different from the last. You should've asked me or Seph about these enemies."

"Why? As you can see they weren't anything much. And how do you know about this trial?"

"Well, I guess I can tell you this much, but first, let's go somewhere private."

Luke took a look back to see the girls were still asleep.

"Alright, let's go in the bathroom."

The two went inside but the previous look of the interior changed to accustom Luke and Scarlett.

{Mana: 3,000/4,000}

His face winced slightly from the large loss in mana, but his face changed completely when he looked at Scarlett.

As the lights turned on they illuminated Scarlett's beautiful body.

Her platinum white hair cascaded down to her wide waist and protruding buttocks. Her bare pussy which was penetrated and devirginized was there for him to see.

Scarlett took no offense at his intense gaze, instead, she flaunted her sexy body by posing her legs and puffing out her bountiful chest.

Her pink nipples were erect simply from his gaze alone, indicating her lust for his rod.

She eyed him from head to toe as she bit her crimson red lips seductively.

"Maybe, the explanation can wait."

She paced herself toward him, her steps gentle and slow, but long and confident.

She arrived in front of him with her pointy nipples nearly bumping on his chest, she whispered.

"Hungry for breakfast~"