
The Monarch’s Beloveds

Ever wondered that maybe our dreams weren’t figments of our imaginations? What if they were adventures from different worlds or memories from our past lives? From the day I can remember I’ve always dreamt of such things. Flying with dragons, building an army, and spending time with beautiful women. Everyday I wish it was all true. But, as I made my way to my college class, a day to day norm. Something happened that changed my life forever. —————— In a world of gods, monsters, and magic. A group of talented college students was transported to this world. A beautiful goddess floated above their heads, and her soothing voice calmed their hearts. “Greetings everyone. I'm sure you're all surprised and are probably wondering what's going on. So please, ask me your questions." As soon as her words ended dozens of hands were raised. But one caught her attention the most. "Oh~ what is your question, Luke." As Luke was baffled from being chosen, he tried to come up with something to say… “Don’t be afraid, I’m here to—.” "Can I have sex with you." "…" "…" "…" ------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone, Luke here, this is a complete rework of Call Me Jester. I'm sorry to those that liked the original work, but I think with this new one you might like it even more. Expect to have chapters every day... hopefully, and thank you for reading my book! ............................................ Cover art is not mine, if it comes to I will take it down. This novel is currently run solo. Everything is done by me. If you want to support me, just give me reviews and tell me what it's like. Also the more readers the more chapters! It's a win-win! Webnovel original

Luke_Gnormin · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Another Addition

"Un, me too. Now and always."

She had A gorgeous smile and two tiny dimples on her cheeks.

I smiled for a bit before letting go of her hand.

Now with everything settled, all we need to do is to get out of this place. But how…

As if reading my mind, Levy nudged me and said.

"Luke I know how to get back."


"Yeah, it was just, if you left I would be stuck here so I didn't want to tell you. But, I already knew that you could go back anytime."

"Okay, I understand why you would not tell me, but how do you know I can go back?"

"Well, when you told me you were transported to this place. I knew you went to 'that' place."

"The boss chamber? But Seph said-"

"Boss chamber? What do you mean? Didn't you go through the dragon gate?"

"The dragon gate? Wait, why does it sound like you knew where I was?"

Levy turned to her side with a cute pout on her lips while a slight blush colored her cheeks.

"Well, I already knew it was you. I was just testing if it was 'you'."

'Ah, no wonder the requirement said it acknowledged me. She already knew from the beginning.'

"Okay well, what about the gate then? Why is it different than what Seph said?"

"Who's Seph?"

"Hmm, she's one of the goddesses that takes care of labyrinths. And right now we were supposed to be in a boss room."

"Labyrinths? Goddess? When did the dragon gate become a labyrinth?"

"Wait, are we talking about the same thing here? What are you saying?"

"What are YOU saying? Hah, this isn't what we planned at all."

Again with the 'we'. Why does everyone have some sort of plan or agenda about me?

"Okay enough, Levy can you please tell me who 'we' are?"

"I can't tell you. You're supposed to find that out for yourself."

'I can't tell you'… how many times have I heard them say that. Just why??

At this point, I'm already wondering if I even know who I am.

"Alright fine, I have to find out why and you can't tell me. Not even a clue."

"Well, I can tell you one thing."

"And that is?"

"Get stronger. That's all I can say."

She turned to the side with her eyes closed. Levy seemed pretty adamant about not saying any more. I tried to pester her a little bit more, maybe with a more detailed explanation than just 'Get stronger', but despite everything I did, she kept her mouth shut.

Hah, get stronger. Alright, that's my main goal for now until I can figure out what all this is about.

With all these women suddenly coming into my life, it's driving me insane why it's all happening, and with all these weird emotions and dreams I keep having.

Giving up on asking any more questions, Levy revealed the way for us to teleport back.

All I had to do was imagine a keyhole and insert the key I used on the 'dragon gate'.

I was a little skeptical at first, but with everything that has happened, what she said was the most logical thing I've heard today.

Using [Creation] once more due to the key disappearing from using it earlier, I made another one and inserted it in the air like the way Levy described it.

And as she said I felt the key going through a mechanism of some sort and with a twist of my hand the key disappeared and a purple door appeared in front of us.

"See told you it works."

"Hah, magic really can do anything."

With the door open we made our way through. Upon entering inside a delirious feeling instantly welled up in my stomach. I nearly vomited out everything in my stomach, but I held it in once I saw Levy standing as if nothing happened.

My body was already relatively strong considering how much she tested me back there, but if I was like this, I can't imagine what other people would be like.

A few seconds went by, which felt like hours, and we finally made it back to the boss chamber.

But, as soon as I got there.


"Harder Scarlett!"

"I'm trying!"


Body falls*




"Ugh.. what happened?"

Waking up I felt a throbbing pain on my head, as if someone bashed me with a metal baseball bat.

"Luke! X6"

"Hahh, I thought we lost you again…"-Levy

"Sorry… for um, almost killing you there. My bad."-Scarlett

"Thankfully you're okay."-Seph

Turns out I did get hit by a metal bat, or more accurately a fist from my dear Scarlett.

"Ahh, why were you hitting it in the first place?"

"W-Well we didn't know what to do… so the best thing we thought of was… to break it."-Scarlett

"And you thought that that would work?"

"It was happening too quickly and I couldn't think straight! Be grateful that we at least tried to do anything humph!"

Squinting my eyes, I shook my head at her childish remarks.

"Alright alright, I was just teasing ya. Thanks, Scar."

"U-Un… of course."

A hint of red adorned her face as she turned to the side trying to hide it from me.

'Where did I get this many tsundere?'

Feeling somewhat okay, albeit my head is still throbbing, I stood up from where I was lying and looked around.

"We're still in the boss chamber? I thought I cleared it?"

"Hah, I'm not sure as well. I think you somehow unlocked a hidden mechanism in the chamber."-Seph

"Ohh I know!"-Levy

The new addition to the group excitedly lifted her hand. Everyone instantly turned toward her with scrutinizing gazes then turned to me.

"Luke… who is she?"-Laura

"Another one?"-Yoimiya

"You didn't have sex with her did you?"-Scarlett

"Facepalm* I knew this would happen."-Seph

"Yay! New friend!"-Gwen

Having already done this a couple of times, I bravely confronted them about the new person in our group.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce you. Ehem* Laura, Miya, Scar, Seph, and Gwen, this is Levy. Levy this is everyone. Please get along."

I said that last part with some hope it would come true.

"Levy aye?"-Laura

"Nice to meet you, everyone. I'm Levy, please take care of me."

There were some mixed reactions from meeting her, but they all seemed to have come to an understanding, that whomever joins us is somewhat related to me in some shape or form.

They all looked at me with judging eyes. It's understandable of course since this is the second, or third time it has happened.

Although it is weird that it coincidentally happened a couple of times, I don't think I would regret ever choosing bringing them along with me or not.

But now with everything somewhat in order. I turned my attention toward the boss's chamber.

Seph said there was supposed to be a boss here for us to fight, but it isn't here. She also said that there could be a mechanism here that we're supposed to activate.

But looking around there doesn't seem to be anything for us to do.

'Maybe if I do this?'

I activated my skill [Bane of Lies] and as soon as I did the whole room was completely lit up with orange light. Strands made of magic were all pointing toward a brick at the other end of the room.

With the solution at hand, I made my way toward it with caution.

"I think I found our ticket out of here."

"Luke, are you sure? What if you get transported again?"-Seph

"Don't worry, I have a feeling this will lead us to where we're supposed to be."

With only a couple of steps left, I positioned myself in case anything did happen.

"Alright, everyone get ready."

On my command everyone readied themselves.

"3, 2, 1!"

I pressed the brick with my right hand and immediately it started retracting inside the walls. I instantly jumped back and took a martial stance, taking out my armor and weapon as well.

A few seconds went by with nothing but silence.

"Um, was something supposed to happen?"-Laura

"I don't know… this has never happened before in my years of managing a labyrinth."-Seph

Then as soon as Seph stopped speaking a pop-up window appeared in front of us.

{Congratulations You have completed the tutorial trial! Please proceed through the dimension door for further instructions}

A dumbfounded look was on all our faces.

"Well that was anticlimactic."-Laura



"Aww I wanted to fight this time."-Gwen

As our complainers flew by a door of light appeared on the wall where the brick was.

"Yeah, I was hoping we'd fight a boss or something. Alright let's go, let's clear this place so we can meet up with everyone."

"Let's go!"-Gwen

Making our way through the portal, I had the same delirious feeling I had walking through the dragon gate, however, it wasn't as strong as before so it felt tingly more than anything. But that can't be said the same to everyone.

"Ugh Bleugh*"-Laura

"I feel sick…"-Seph

"Heuk* Blech*"-Gwen


Unladylike sounds erupted behind me. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle before making a poker face. Ehem* As much as I want to burst out laughing, I also value my life.

The trip didn't take long as we finally found ourselves on the other side.

{Welcome to the second trial!}

{Objective: Reach level 25}