

Our first meeting was disaster. We had no place for each other in our hearts and we made promise to each other no matter what happens? We won't fall for each other besides the person we like and if anyone of us falls then he or she will leave. Because we both know we can't replace the person we are having in our heart till that time I thought. But I never imagined that I will lose and will fall for him by his tenderness and gentleness towards me. It didn't take time for me to fall for him. It just happened but the fact is I can't say it out loud to him. Because I know the moment I confess my feelings I had to leave and because of my confession may be I will make hard for him. Even if its for one year our marriage is. I am still happy for the time I am spending with him. But I don't know if I will ever get chance to speak up...

Choco_Muffin · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 13

You sure give me hard time as usual Mrs Hannah,

Now I have to piggyback you. Come on, Get up!

She is passed out as dead for real. Where are your things? Phone and purse I found it.

Edward picks up Hannah and piggyback her and leaves the club while carrying her things. Edward walks very fast while carrying Hannah but when he heard Hannah murmuring something. He slows down.

"I didn't do it, I didn't kill her."

Edward stops for a second and then again starts walking.

"Is that so? Weren't you were bored?"

(Flashback of party)

When Hannah was busy dealing with the perverted guy and claimed the fact that she killed her mom. Edward was listening to her from a far. In truth, he saw that perverted guy harassing Hannah and was going to interfere between them, But Hannah handled on her own. So he didn't come forward.

(Flashback ends)

"You said such things while making such a face. You should think of consequences Mrs Hannah."

"Are you listening what I am saying? Probably not since you are drunk you will forget till morning."

Hannah shouts and says in a loud voice...

"I'm.... I'm listening Mr cold. Why do you... you think I'm drunk...? I am not... HIC... drunk..."

"Yeah! Yeah! You aren't drunk. I got it now."

'She is totally drunk but still stubborn in drunk state. I don't have the energy to argue with her for now. So I will just play along.'

"Tell me, If you didn't kill her then why did you say you did? Aren't you contradicting yourself?"

"I said because.... no one believes me. No one.... listens to someone.... like me. Even if I look... trash in other eyes..... I have feelings too...."

Edward gets surprised at Hannah words...

Woah! Did you just call yourself trash? I mean of all the people you? You are the one that keep calling everyone around you trash, Isn't it?

Hannah went silent for a while....

Edward felt his shirt corner from back side wet. He thought it might be because of sweat and didn't give that much thought to it until he heard little moaning of Hannah. Edward gets shocked.

Mrs Hannah," Are you crying?"

"Hmm! No! I'm not..."

But this time crying voice comes louder.

Mrs Hannah," Are you serious? Then could you tell me whose voice is of crying."

It's hic mine.... It's mine hic, hic, hic,.... (Sound of crying out loud continuously)

'Is She for real? Isn't she is like a child? First she said she isn't then she said she is crying?'

Tell me," Why do you have to be so annoying? Can't you act cute once like other girls."

"Because it hurts, It's hurts to be left out, it hurts to be feeling lonely, it's hurts to be left behind. Everyone leaves me Mom, Dad, And James too."

"You don't need to shout in my ears. If you keep doing that I will throw you down for real."

Edward looks at the ground and says," You said it hurts to be left behind, I guess it do."

Hannah couldn't control herself and throws up on Edward.


As Edward was about to throw Hannah on the ground the driver arrives with another car and opens the door. Edward throws roughly Hannah in car and kicks the tires of the car.

"I was having an emotional moment after many years, And she has gone and done it. She truly is a curse for me."

Arrives at the Mansion...

Edward carries her to room and asks maids to help Hannah in changing. He goes and cleans up himself and comes out of the bathroom only to witness Hannah sleeping on bedside where he sleeps.

"Are you on purposely doing this to me? Aren't you?"

Edward throws his slippers away in frustration and throws himself on sofa, falls asleep.

At Morning Time....

Hannah gets up from bed while holding her head spinning around.

"Ah! It's so painful, Hmm! My hand is bruised from elbow. When and where did I get hurt yesterday? I can't seem to remember about yesterday. I must have a lot of drinks that's why?"

While Hannah was busy in figuring out. Edward comes out of bathroom after a shower. He sees Hannah sitting in bed while holding her bruised hand. He looks at her for a while. The moment Hannah eyes meet his. He starts making excuses and leaves the room fast.

"I have a lot of work at office, So I'm leaving first and tell mom I don't need breakfast."

"Eh! What's with him? So sudden and running as if someone is after him."

While In the Office.....

"I was saved. If I didn't run away from there. If she found out that I did that to her. She would have half killed me. For the first time in my life I ran away from something. How pathetic?"

'If she were to found out she would also laugh at me for running away. I can't be pathetic more than this.'

Assistant Lucifer enters the office and sees his boss being down and asks him about what happened and When he founds out....

"Are you for real boss? Of all the people you did that and instead of apologizing you ran away?"

"My ears are betraying me. I can't bring myself to believe. Don't you think it's unfair to Mrs if you do that? No matter how much mean she can be. She still is a person who can get hurt too."

After listening to Lucifer. Edward gets remembered of last night what Hannah said to him?"

Edward starts to feel guilty about it and spent the whole day roaming around here to there in office.

When I arrived at home it was already nighttime. Mom! Where is Hannah? Is she sleeping?

"Thank God, Son You came home. I kept calling you, But you didn't pick up my calls."

"My phone must be on silent or out of battery otherwise I would have attended your call."

"Is that so? Well! Leave that, I wanted to tell you that my poor baby girl came up with a high fever, Even I asked her to let's go to doctor Or I can call doctor, But she refused. She said she is scared of hospitals."

"Don't worry too much. I will go check on her."

Edward enters the bedroom and sees Hannah lying down on bed.

Edward comes closer to her and sit beside her on the bed," You shouldn't act like this when you are having this much hard time. See your fever is rising up more and more."

"Oh it's you! Mr cold Hannah replied in a hoarse voice because of the fever."

Seeing how weak she is now that even her voice isn't coming out well makes Edward feel bad for her, And he stops nagging her.

"Don't speak, It's just doesn't sound like you, Idiot get well soon and gets alot of rest."

Edward Quietly starts taking care of her. He takes temperature of her and puts cold cloth on her forehead, Gives her medicine, and wipes the sweat around her neck and upper body.

While doing that Edward notice the bruise on her hand and applies ointment on it. Like this Edward spent whole night looking after her.

At Morning Time when Mrs Charles visits Hannah to check on her. She sees Hannah sleeping on bed and Edward sleeping beside her on the floor while putting his head on the bed near Hannah head and holding one of her hand tightly.

" I want to wake him up but I guess I should not. He seems to be tired and I want to left them alone for a while."

Mrs Charles let's Lucifer knows about the situation and asks for his cooperation.