
Ahh, aren’t I a Virgin?

"Wow, what a feast to these eyes." I said while I stared at those perky mountains covered by those pieces of clothes, they called swimsuit. I moved my eyes across the beach only to see a beauty walking towards me.

"Bam" "Bam" "Bam" "Bam" I hear my heartbeat rising as the beauty closes upon me. 'Looks like I am going to cook my rice today' I say to myself as the beauty closes in and raises her hand. 'Look at those hand, they are fair as a jade'. As I was marvelling those beautiful hands raised above me, they fall straight to face and "Bam". I feel the presence of temporary red tattoo on my cheeks shaped like a hand as I thought 'Motherfucker not only they are fair as jade they are as strong as jade.'

Damn I thought a lady's hand wont hurt much but along with the help of Newton's first son momentum and second son Gravity, 'ouchice motherfucker I want to kill that guy that said a lady's hand won't hurt that much. Damn my face is burning.' As I was trying to virtually kill that bastard, I see the lady raise her hand again shouting, "Wake up motherfucker". Unable to tolerate any longer I wake up and caught those hands and shouted," Just because you are beautiful, it doesn't mean that you can hit me."

'Huh' as I open my eyes, I see myself lying in bed. I move my eyes straight ahead only to see a naked beauty with red eyes and tears in her cheeks. 'Damn they are perky'. I then move my eyes away from those perky mountains only to see a rope lying on floor.

'Oh, so that beach was in a dream, damn it scared me I thought' 'ouch, ouch' and second slap landed on me. It is painful.

'Damn why are there red stripes all over her naked body'

'Oh, I was having a BDSM I see'

'Ahh femdom as well.'

"Alright beauty lets end this play it's painful" I say to the beauty before me only to see her crying.

"Huh, what's this I only asked her to stop it why is she crying?" I question myself" Aren't male supposed to cry when you have to stop midway?" only to see her falling on the ground.

'Did we enjoy so much that she is dead?'. I walked towards her and listened to her breath. 'OH, she only fainted. Hah that scared me.' 'But damn she is beauty isn't she look at those face how beautiful. I haven't ever seen a face as beautiful as that.'

'Huh I have never seen her, have I? Then what's with all that BDSM'

'This is not even my room. My room is filled with pictures of perky mountains but here every mountain is missing and is replaced by a 3D mountain perkier than those 2D photos.'

Then I move my head only to remember

"Ahh, Aren't I a virgin?"