
The Modern Soul as Gregor Cleane (GOT) (ASOFAI)

[Long Chapters] [Add this fanfic to your library for more chapters] --------- Gregor Clegane was one of the worst people to have ever existed. But what if someone else lived his life? What if a modern person of sound mind and honorable character was reborn as The Mountain? How would his rational and reasonable mind impact the ultimate outcome of Westeros? He just might be able to change the world for the better... --------- A young American federal agent is killed in the line of duty. He is reborn into his favorite fantasy world… as one of its most feared, most hated, and most notorious characters. He quickly discovers that he can make that work to his favor, and to the favor of many others.

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Chapter 31

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Name=A Bet with Mighty Evil Being!

Link= http://wbnv.in/a/8ehLZ5b

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All of them brought something special to the table. They all had principles, but they were willing to go to great length to preserve the people they loved and the values they believed in.

All of them brought something special to the table. They all had principles, but they were willing to go to great length to preserve the people they loved and the values they believed in.

In the tenth month of the 286th year after Aegon's Conquest, Gregor summoned all nine of those people to the council chambers. He arrived about fifteen minutes after the rest of them. All of them were already seated around the large circular table.

After taking up the main seat at the head of the table, Gregor gazed around at the others. Then he asked them "Did you tell anyone you were coming here?"

"No, my lord," the nine of them chorused in unison.

"Good," Gregor muttered in approval, "After we leave this room, you will not address anything that was discussed here with anyone else. Not even each other. These meetings will be kept strictly confidential."

"There will be other meetings, Lord Gregor?" Dacey Mormont assumed.

"Yes, Dacey," the Mountain affirmed, "This is just the first of many."

"Well, why all the secrecy, my lord?" Allard Seaworth enquired.

"You're about to find out, Allard," Gregor said ambiguously.

Gregor sat up straight in his chair and professed "As you all know well, the primary function of the Legion without Banners is to uphold the peace and security of Westeros. We do this in a variety of manners. Our most prominent method involves rounding up all the country's criminals and subjecting them to the King's justice. That is a fairly straightforward operation. A crime is a crime. However… suppose we encounter someone who has not committed a crime, but will in the future?"

"The answer to that is simple, my lord," Garth Hightower debated, "Conspiracy to commit a crime is almost always just as grave as committing the crime itself."

"I'm not talking about conspiracy, Garth," Gregor disclosed, "I'm talking about people who have the capacity to do horrible things. These people may seem harmless or passive at a glance. But underneath their façade, they are striving to make their own lives better. If given the opportunity, they would do just about anything to fulfill their ambitions. Even if their prosperity comes at the misery of others."

"There are several people I know who meet that description," Brynden Tully commented slyly.

"I fancy I know some of them as well, Ser Brynden," Gregor told the Blackfish frankly.

"Does this conversation have a point, Lord Gregor?" Victarion Greyjoy mumbled impatiently. His mood had not improved much since he joined the Legion but at least he did not talk down to the Mountain anymore.

"Nothing I do is pointless, Victarion," Gregor asserted, "That includes this. So I will make my point now. In my time as Master of Order, I have investigated the entirety of the realm. In my searches, I have discovered that there are more than a few people who – when presented with the chance – would go so far as to see the whole realm suffer for their own gain."

"That sounds like mere speculation," Lyn Corbray noted.

"At times, speculation is all we have to guide us," Gregor contended. He looked around at his colleagues again and professed "I have never harmed an innocent in my life. The people I speak of are by no means innocent. They are amoral, unscrupulous, selfish, and borderline inhumane. Some of them may not have done any wrong in their life before, but they would have no qualms about doing so in the future."

"Do these individuals have names, or are they purely theoretical?" Gerion Lannister asked rhetorically.

"Oh, they're real," Gregor declared, "I have assembled a short list of them."

"Who are these supposed individuals?" Osmund Kettleback inquired.

"To preserve the integrity of this procedure, I will not divulge all of them at the same time," Gregor disclosed, "Instead, I will share with you one name at each meeting. The name will be given at the very beginning of the meeting. After that, the remainder of the meeting will be devoted to discussing what should be done with that particular individual."

"And by 'what should be done,' you mean…?" Oberyn Martell began.

Gregor Clegane announced in a solemn tone "We will exterminate them. One at a time."

The others were alarmed at how serene and stoic Gregor sounded when he made that statement.

Had he been a lesser man, most of them would have walked out on the meeting right then. But they had been following Gregor long enough to know that he was a just and honorable man. He was a man they could all respect and follow through any trials or tribulations.

It did not take long for Gregor to ascertain that he had the full support of the nine people before him. He was certain that one or more of them would have reservations about these operations somewhere down the line, but he could not blame them.

After all, he was asking them simply to trust in him. He had to prove to them that this "pest control" was indeed the right thing to do, and that he was just not simply being paranoid about the future of Westeros.

Once he did, Dacey Mormont inquired in interest "Who will be the first target?"

The eight other men leaned forward and waited eagerly for a reply. After ten seconds of absolute quietness, Gregor gave them one. He said firmly "Petyr Baelish."


"Who?" Osmund Kettleback asked in confusion. He was not the only one who seemed unfamiliar with that name. Victarion Greyjoy, Garth Hightower, and Allard Seaworth appeared just as perplexed.

"He's the Lord of the Fingers," Lyn Corbray revealed, "A very minor lord, at that,"

"That's why he's called 'Littlefinger,'" Dacey Mormont added in.

Oberyn Martell smirked deviously and commented "Oh, I thought it was because-"

"Yes, thank you, Oberyn," Gregor Clegane hastily interrupted the Red Viper.

"Petyr can't be older than eighteen, my lord," Brynden Tully pointed out, "What possible reason would you have for wanting him dead?"

"I have several reasons, Ser Brynden," Gregor claimed, "Before I present them, I wish to make one thing clear. I am not forcing you to assassinate anyone. I will authorize this operation – and any future ones we plan – if an only if all nine of you consent to it. After I give my reasons for going after Lord Baelish, you will decide for yourselves whether or not they are sufficient to warrant his death. If you all agree, we go through with my plan. Otherwise, the plan dies here and now."

The other nine people looked back and forth between each other, as if they were wordlessly conversing. Ultimately, they all turned back to Gregor and nodded their agreement to his proposal.

Gregor then gazed over at the oldest person at the table and stated "Ironic how you of all the people present would ask for a reason first, Ser Brynden. After what Baelish did to your family…"

Raising an eyebrow, the Blackfish muttered "What are you talking about, my lord?"

Gregor elucidated with "Are you aware that not long before the Rebellion, your niece Lysa fell with child? Or that your brother Lord Hoster forced her to drink moon tea as a result?"

Brynden cocked his head and inquired skeptically "How do you know that?"

"I'll get to that soon," Gregor stated, "Tell me; who do you suppose fathered that bastard?"

The implication was enough to tip the Blackfish off. He mumbled "I knew Lysa and Petyr were close… but I never would have thought he'd dishonor her so. Apart from that, he seemed fonder of Catelyn. He fought a duel for her hand, after all."

"And lost," Gregor conceded, "But that does not keep him from fantasizing that he won. I've heard Littlefinger has often claimed to have taken the maidenheads of both of your nieces."

At that, Brynden jumped to his feet and snapped "That is outrageous."

"I know it's a lie, Ser," Gregor disclosed, "Baelish bedded Lysa twice, but he was drunk the second time and merely assumed she was Catelyn."

Ser Brynden was no longer the only one who was astonished by the scope of Gregor's insight.

"Where did you receive this information, my lord?" Garth Hightower queried.

"From the mouth of Lady Lysa herself," Gregor claimed. He sat up in his chair and elaborated with "Ever since I was appointed as Robert Baratheon's Master of Order, I have remained in contact with him and the rest of the Small Council. Particularly the Master of Whisperers. Lord Varys keeps me up to date on the affairs of the King's court. As well as what is said and done on the sidelines. That includes things that are not meant to be made public. Apparently, the Hand's wife recently confided in her maids that Petyr Baelish bedded her twice. Furthermore, she continues to keep correspondence with him behind Lord Jon's back."

Brynden scowled, sat back down roughly, and mumbled "That's enough to sway me. I say the worm dies."

"As am I," Osmund Kettleback pronounced, "Baelish insults the King and his Hand just by continuing to draw breath."


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