
The Modder Gets a Cheat Menu in his Next Life

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What is The Modder Gets a Cheat Menu in his Next Life

Read The Modder Gets a Cheat Menu in his Next Life novel written by the author Flash_Animates on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Fantasy stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


Shun, a 24 Year Old NEET, playing Realm Online. He was good at code, and had created his own mod menu with over 7500 capabilities, and was close to beating the final boss, when out of lack of sleep, he slammed his head on the keyboard. As the night passes, a criminal had went into his house and stabbed him, and he met the God. He chose a wish, and was reincarnated/transported as a 12 Year Old Boy Alexander, Now, using the cheat menu, he goes around and tries to use his powers for good.

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