
The Diner





The beautiful queen moved a little in her sleep, trembling a bit. Cattleya was so tired, deadly tired that she couldn't move as the bell rings somewhere as the royal hall prepared for the feast tonight. Even when she could, the part between her legs was so sore that it was hard for her to walk. The continuous fucking almost passing her own strength to hold on.

Silently she felt someone undressing her and wiping her whole body with wet cloth, grimacing and as they touched the sore or blistered part. She could hear the three chambermaids whisper to each other silently.

"She is so beautiful"

Cattleya heard Agnes.

"And this one is not annoying." it was Lucy.

"Will she die from exhaustion?" Whisper Agnes again.

"I don' t know" Lucy said

Agnes whispered back. "At least there will be no one to attack this kingdom out of anger. This girl has no memory nor family. I am so tired of war."

"Me too" Lucy said. "But legend said that the Queen that woven diamond crown will end the war"

"As long as she is strong enough to withstand the King's torturous love" Agnes sighed. "No one ever leave this room alive after three months"

A sound of shuffled feet and someone opened her lips and gave her a drink. It was bitter and yucky but a hand massaged her sore throat and it went through.

"Because no one has woven a diamond crown before." Bonnie whispered, calmly. "The other girls rejected by the magical crown as soon as they wore the crown base. She will survive, and you two has better hold your words. Cattleya felt them lift her hips and bend her knee, pried her slit open and gasped a little as they poured some liquids that stung on her insides. They held the hips up to let the liquid inside longer and she whimpered.

"Shhh... It's okay darling." Bonnie cooed. "This will heal you inside out, and restore your energy, your passion, your lust. And be patient, he try to save our country"

"He is?" Lucy this time.

Bonnie answered calmly. "He is"

"But what does this have to do with this... brutality?"

"It is everything about it." She simply said.

Ensuing footsteps husned them and the door opened with a slight bang as Cattleya felt they hurried themselves to clothed her, and strength weirdly come to her once more, but she was reluctant to open her eyes to meet their eyes, so she keep closing it.

"Is she ready?" It was Makai's voice. "The King asked me to bring her to the dinner"

Silent for a few moments, and Cattleya felt their prying eyes ogled her.

"I hope she is. She is still unconscious" Bonnie said, uncertain.

"I think she is ready" Makai voice sounds stern as two man hands slipped under her body, one behind her back, another under her knee.

"Would it ruin the magic if you hold her?"

"The king specifically asked me because I shared the diamond blood" Makai gritted his teeth, he sounded bitter and definitely disliked this idea. With a simple lift, she can feel his hand lift her up the bed.

"I am sorry Makai" Bonnie whispered.

"No need." His voice was so close to her ear. Soon she felt him bring her along the silent corridor, his footstep silently trudging forward, till she smelt food and flowers, and hushed conversation. He pushed a door with his back and soon she was laid,on top of a familiar lap with a familiar scent, behind what felt like a strong wood table.

"You are dismissed" She heard Vesuvius speak to Makai before he leaned down to her lips and kissed her softly. "Work again dear. Some Lords are here for dinner, but we have so many things to catch on" His breath was heavy on her neck as his unshaven beard rubbed her soft neck and her body moved languidly. His long hair wasn't there to caress her so she opened her eyes a crack to see him smirking and his eyes were on her eyes, lust apparent on his eyes. His hair was tied before his head, so thats why.

Up above her was a great decorated ceiling, and she could hear soft convo ensuing under the table. It must be the lower general and all that sat on different tables. Turning around silently, she was aware that the King sat on the high table while the other was on the lower ones.

"It is better for you to pretend to sleep so we can do our things secretly" Vesuvius whispered in her neck and she shivered in excitement. One of his hands grabbed her boob and caressed it softly before suddenly squeezed it roughly so that she squeaked, almost squealing from the slight pain. Her breathing became heavy and felt a surge of juice oozed between her legs though,she liked it. His heavy breathing was blowing on her ear as he nibbled them ferociously, licking the inside, making her restless as the wet licking sound was too much that she whimpers. "I know you love it... " He whispered in satisfaction as he landed another kiss on her neck. He took the wine glass and sipped the red liquid softly without offering it to her.

"Your Majesty the Lords are here" Makai voice.

Vesuvius sucked his breath, dismay was apparent before he said calmly. "Send them in"

She closed her eyes and rested her head on the chair hand, pretending to sleep. It sounds like there were three or four men entering the room and joining the feast, sitting in front of the high table from the sounds of it.

"The Lord of the Southern beach" The announcer seated him and Cattleya heard a wooden chair scratching on the wooden floor.

"The Lord of Northern Mountain" A loud squeak on the chair and booming loud voice of laughter ensued before a deep "Your Majesty" heard.

"The Lord of West Mountain" another scratch and squeak. "Thank you"

"The Lord of Eastern Shore" a soft tap on the floor, and she can imagine a bow before the soft scratch of the pulled chair and another wood clap as the owner tidies himself on the table.

They welcomed each other and the King greeted them. Then the sounds of silverware clinked and clanked politely above the plate telling her that they started to eat. At that time, his hand was above her, using that to eat, only his right elbow nudged her breast and teased her nipple in between. Soon a sound of eating subsided, replaced by drinking and maid taking off the plates,and then after soft joke and laughter, her King began, his right hand holding his drink.

"So Lords, how's the monster advancing at your place?"

"It was hard to hold them at bay" The Northern Mountain Lord's deep voice heard before a silent gulp was heard. "They trudged through the mountain, the forest. We lost a hundred wolves in the war. One of our walls was down, the troll basically destroyed it to a big hole."

"Can you fix that?"

His left hand snaked under her gown, caressing her shin softly.

"Of course your Majesty. It just we need to do something about the magic protection, we need to strengthen it"

Vesuvius hand caressed Cattleya's lower knee and she tried hard not to flinch or give any sounds under the prying eyes of the Lords.

"I see. How about the magic creature on the Eastern Shore?"

"Controlled, your Majesty, the Serpent gives us a lot of protection so it's safe" The Lord gave a slight tap with his feet.

"Good" He took a deep breath, his hand was now on her inner thigh, caressing it ever so slowly. Slowly, Cattleya tried to take a long breath to ease her feeling and rapid heart beating. The excitement was mounting that it was so hard to pretend that she was sleeping.

"West mountain remains safe your majesty, no enemy spotted so far, but we double the guard, and we focus on supplying the front line with food, clothing and weapon."

"You've done a greater job than anyone Lord, splendid" Vesuvius sounds happy.

"But" the Lord added and Vesuvius tensed. "The ground needs double warmth, we need the curse to lift away"

Nodding, Vesuvius finger trailed on her slit, and she bit her lips, hiding on his chest. Her pussy was juicing badly to his hand, and she could feel it trickling down her butt, unhindered by her panties, since the king told the chambermaid that she has no need of panties anytime she is with him. She felt his finger slipped inside her wet and sticky womanhood and she struggle to hid her gasp.

The other Lord sighed "Our land was burned, trampled, destroyed. Yesterday a huge monster completely destroyed the outer city, and our port was completely gone. You have to forget the enchantment and curse rubbish, and actually fight at the front line. We need your fighting skill and prominent strategy right now! Our people are suffering at this very instant!!" His hand bonked the table as he speak.

It was hard to comprehend the Lord talks as the king put his index finger inside her and pull it out once more, and push it in once more, and out, and continue his sweet torture as his other hand hugging her close.

"I am trying my best to lift the curse my Lord, and it will be hard to survive, I am sure of that. I am debating whether to lift the curse first or to go to the frontier first"

Vesuvius said calmly, as Cattleya carefully sucked her breath shakily, his finger under her gown went in circles around her nub and she moved restlessly.

"But Sire, our men are dying!" The Lord of Southern beach protesting, clearly in distress.

"How about the evacuation?" Vesuvius cut him short.

"Doing well sir, no one left as the West helped us"

"Good job, lord of the west!" Vesuvius said, slipping another finger inside, it was two, and Cattleya didn't know what to do, her whole body ablaze in his lap.

"I will leash someone dangerous on the frontline, and no one allowed to be around, unless Makai"

There were two sucked breaths, hard enough, followed by a series of protests and talking but Cattleya's whole body shuddered as Vesuvius fingers reach and rub on her g spot, her breath gasping, but the Lord was too busy talking to even notice that the King finger her softly, the finger trudge in hard but not fast, it get in slowly, oh so slowly that she want it faster, and it also get out oh so slowly that her impatience was mounting.

"I will go to the front line soon, as soon as I can lift half of the curse. I hope that will be around next two days. Meanwhile, I will try to send more monster"

The Lords fell silent. The whole feast was beginning to end, the song was sung and entertainment entered the room. Vesuvius stood up, his finger left her hole with a muffled whine.

"If you excuse me sire, I need to get things done"

Looking under her closed long eyelash, The Lord looked up and realizing that he hid her under the table, one face in distrust, the other three lit up.

"I can see that you are trying hard to break the curse as soon as possible" The booming voice of the old man heard, and Cattleya could see him winked at the younger King that keep his cool face.

"Our region has sent you the cure for soreness and woman strength." The West Lord said it softly under his breath.

"Appreciated" Vesuvius nodded before he went out, the announcer behind him announced that the king would have to rest.

Soon, she was thrown to his bed, panting as he ripped her skirt off.

"Where were we?" He whispered.