

The throne was a magnificent room, a beautiful shaped granite circular room with an obsidian dome on the top. The sides are surrounded by high windows, each guarded by two monstrous statues of humanoid insects.

"Here is the best and most pure girl we can find" The general give Vesuvius a tablet made of metal, and leave him alone with it.

Vesuvius took it, entering a long weird password on the metal click and slid the metal covering, and examined it. The monitor inside showed a picture depicted a naked young yet, full bloom woman sitting on a chair, her eyes covered with a black satin cloth. She was hand-tied to the back, revealing a very beautiful full plump breast and small waist. Her lips were slightly opened, and she has two smooth and long beautiful legs. In the next picture, her legs were lifted up to the chair and opened slightly. It was damn sexy.

Vesuvius zoomed in between her legs and sucked his breath. It was amazingly beautiful. And it was her vulva. Genitalia often looks monstrous, but her's is one of the kind. It shaped like a flower.

His breath was racing when he closed the screen. "General, I want her. Now.."

The general bowed and then disappeared.

It was almost at tea when the General's number cracked in Vesuvius's communication device. "The girl is ready" His baritone voice whispered on the flame. "Bring her to tea" Vesuvius whisper back and gulps. Pushing the button on the gold device he smiled to himself, restless as he could picture her inside his head.

"Her perfect genetics, her perfect looks. She is perfect."

He stood from his desk, putting away his work before standing and impatiently walking to the tea room. It was a very beautiful room, with the three sides are small garden surrounded by tall stone walls. A private romantic room, where sakura trees bloom weirdly all year, veiling everything there from prying eyes.

"Your Majesty"

The floor was a gleaming black wood, and the relatively high roof above them was made in intricate wood arrangement. It was a garden balcony, the part attached to the palace was a wall made from gray granite, no window, and a wooden black door. The rest of the room surrounded by a low wall, but it's still very private, because the garden bordered by a very steep ravine, more than twenty meters high. They can hear the river running under it. The general was there, with a big luxurious box the size of a man on the floor. Upon seeing it, the King pulse raced but he kept his face cold nevertheless. The perfect image of the girl ruling his mind now.

"Thank you, General. You may leave"

The General bowed, closing the door when he got out. Walking to the door, giving the general slight nod as approval, Vesuvius locked the door as he closed it. He took a deep breath when he turned to the big box and grin. and then walked to the big softbox and began opening it, slowly but impatiently. It almost like opening a birthday gift when he was little.

The girl was lying inside the box, on a layer of soft material and she was blindfolded, to make sure she saw no one before the King. She was clothed in expensive kimono and her long white-bluish hair tied in a bun. At a glance, she looked like a perfect fragile porcelain doll.

He picked her up, her head dangling on his arm, dazed and sleepy from the anesthetic. Softly, he held her cheek, turning her neck, examining it, then sniffing her lips. Her lips smell sweet from the aphrodisiac they forced her to take.


Reading the name on the box, the king turned and bring her to the low table, where there are a small banquet on a hot plate spread before them.


He whispered, his breath racing as he felt her soft skin and warm weight on his lap breathing softly. Seeing her at the tablet and actually holding her, was a very different thing. She was extremely beautiful in the picture, her whole being screams luxury, beauty, elegance but she was so irresistible in person.

"Huh?" She frowned, still closing her eyes as Vesuvius called her.

Vesuvius's hand trembled as immense lust climbed up to his mind while his blood rushed to his nether region, making it uncomfortably hard. He knew she wouldn't be able to resist even if he forced himself on her, she will enjoy it as long as the drugs are still in her system but he would like to enjoy her slowly. If that is possible.


Cattleya was in a deep sleep. After that paper she signed, and sniffed the cloth they gave her, she didn't remember a thing. it was weird. Her consciousness was in and out, and she felt some old woman moved her body, taking a picture and clothed it, but after that, they blindfolded her and put her inside a box. It was darkness for a long time.

Fresh air rushed in after a very long time and she heard someone. A sturdy man hand slipped underneath her back and another under her knee, and she felt her weight gone as they take her away. Her head hung on his arm and her hand dangled uncomfortably under her body. A soft sensation arrived on her cheek as a kiss landed on her cheek. She tried to open her eyes but it was all black from the blindfold.

"You are now the royal pet of Vesuvius King, Cattleya" A deep grown up man's voice whispered in her ear. She felt a soft landing as he sat and put her straddled on his lap. A bit fresh wind was there, bringing a nice plum bloom fragrance and many sweet fragrance she couldn't tell. She felt his hand reach to her head and the finger slowly removing her satin blindfold and let her see him for the first time.

At first it was blinding. She was so used to darkness that normal light hurt her eyes. The young woman blinked several times and looked at him with blank eyes, her mind not really there. But then she realizes what shes looking at and her heart stopped beating for a few moments. As like many royals, he is extremely handsome. He had straight long hair, a sexy eyebrow and razor sharp eyes. His thin lips are so kissable, but give her a teasing yet a threatening smile, and she shivered as their eyes meet. His sheer willpower defined in his eyes, pushing her mind in a glance. It was beyond her, why she can submit just because of a glance. He had a sweet smelling, something that made her take a deep breath, savoring it. Something that made him more and more attractive.

"Like what you see?"

Cattleya stared blankly, a bit blush appeared in her cheek and he grin in satisfaction. Her stomach knotted as she saw it and then he put her lying down on the sofa. His hand caressed and admired her hair before he untied it,combing and examining her long hair.

Closing her eyes once more, she let his hand comb her hair, head spinning too hard to even care. She felt relieved as he laid her on the sofa, pried her mouth slightly. His finger went around her mouth and slightly open it, then he squeeze her cheek. She open her mouth willingly as he checked the insides of her mouth.

"No lice, no caries. Great."

If only she was not under drug, she would slap him, but luckily she wasn't conscious enough to do that. The young man sniffed her hair and whispered "It smells wonderful". He released her head to lay on the sofa's hand and she sighed. But she felt him caressing her arm and taking her hand to his eyes. She sighed when he put her hand back to her lap, before walking down and check her feet.

Then he caress her cheek. She opened her eyes and smiled a bit.

"What a beautiful smile"

Cattleya blushes and smiles sweeter. His hand went to her neck and caressed it.

"I can kill you with a slight push here" He said sweetly, caressing her death point as if innocently. Her eyes grew wide with slight fear, and her smile faded. She shivered as he caressed her shoulder and slowly down her boob. Trying to move her hand to push him away, it felt so heavy she failed.

The young man kissed her cheek and caressed her boob once more, and more and more.

"So soft…"

The drug on her system took over and she arch her back weakly, while her cheek went red and she gasped as his hand grazed her nipple. She whimpered softly and she didn't resist anymore, nor able to. Between her thigh she felt something hot slowly burnt her insides, creeping fast all over her body by every touch of him.

She jolted as he opened her kimono, her heart beating so fast as he pulled her kimono away.


Embarrassed, she wanted to say no but her body told her otherwise. She felt juice leaked between her legs. Between an on and off of her consciousness, she felt him bend her knee. She struggles to cover her crotch with her hand but he pried them open. Her heart was beating like crazy as his finger was threading on her pubes, still searching for lice. It was a normal pet inspection but she felt embarrassed.

Vesuvius sighed in satisfaction. "You are clean. Good specimen."

The young woman felt her face flushed with embarrassment, but somehow she knew she had no power in front of this powerful king.

Taking a leash from her box, he put it on her neck and pulled it slightly. She looked at him helplessly, and he grinned in satisfaction before easily taking her to the long sofa and laying her on his lap on the sofa. Soon he put her head on his shoulder, and as she was dizzy and had no other choice, she just let him. He kissed her cheek lightly, stroking her hair.

"Beautiful hair" She smiled. How can she not smile when a damn good looking guy complimented her?. She looked at him again, couldn't help to admire his strong jaw that contrasted with the long black hair.

Cattleya felt Vesuvius hand played with her hair, enjoying the sleek and smooth feeling that comes with it. Then he caressed her cheek with his finger, enjoying the softness of her skin against his finger, then he moved to her lips, playing her lips and open it, then swirling the inside of her mouth. It's like an inspection but he moved his finger so erotically his touch made her crotch heated, then she felt her heart beating faster and her breath pacing up. She opened her eyes slowly and saw him smile slightly, his eyes filled with lust as he saw her expression.

"Suck it"

She sucked his finger obediently and he moved his finger inside out, slowly, she fidgeted doing so, her pussy was unbearably hot and her breast felt painful.

His sight trailed to her breast, watching them raising up and down intently, that his sight felt scorching on her skin, she arched her back and gulps. In an instant, his finger was on her stomach, caressing up ever so slowly that she writhe and moan enjoying the touch.


He murmurs.

"We will crown you tomorrow, my Queen. Until then..."

Vesuvius put her down to the couch, her lips parted a bit, panting.....