
The Misunderstood Saintly Life of a Villainous Scion

Sir_Smurf3 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

My Swaying, Wavering Heart

"Good morning,"

"Oh, good morning,"

Her face is close. I'm always surprised to open my eyes and see Alice's face

so near to mine every morning.

I think she doesn't have to get that close… But well, I guess it's a perk to be

able to see a beauty first thing in the morning.

More importantly though…

"Did something happen, Alice? You woke me earlier than usual,"

To promote the growth of my body, I've lived a regular, disciplined life

since childhood.

That's why I can quickly sense anything off about my ingrained habits.

"My apologies. There was an urgent matter I had to inform you of

immediately, so I took the liberty of waking you,"

"No problem. What was so pressing that you had to wake me?"

"Please take a look at this,"

"Hm, what's this? A letter…"

An uncharacteristically flustered Alice hands me a piece of paper.

What could it possibly be this early in the morning…


I unconsciously clench my fist tightly.

[Certificate of Appointment. To Ouga Velett,

You are hereby appointed as Vice President of the Rishburg Magic

Academy Student Council.

Signed, Headmaster Flone Milfonti, Rishburg Magic Academy]

"Alice, did I get drunk last night and agree to join the student council?"

"No, nothing of the sort occurred,"

"Then what exactly is going on here?"

"Most likely… Headmaster Milfonti determined your will was firm and

made this decision unilaterally,"

"That's the only explanation,"

What are you trying to do… you damn hag…!!

"Alice! Cancel today's training! Get changed immediately!"

"Yes sir!"

Alice already has my uniform prepared, anticipating my actions, and swiftly

helps me get ready.

I leap out the window once changed, dashing out of the dorm.

"Follow me, Alice! I'm going to confront the Headmaster!"


We sprint down the empty path to school before classes start, heading

straight for the Headmaster's office.

"Headmaster Milfonti!! You better explain what's going on here!?"

I won't let her get away with this as she pleases.

Bursting into the room with momentum, but instead of the Headmaster I

was looking for…

"Oh, Ouga dear. You seem to be in quite a rush, what's the matter?"

It was her disciple, Reina, inside.

"Nothing much, just wanted to have a chat with Reina's master here…"

"Then it seems we have business in common,"

Saying so, she shows me a piece of paper.

It details instructions for her to look after me now that I've joined the

student council.

"Listen, Reina. Just yesterday, I had not agreed to join the student council,"

"I understand your will is firm, Ouga. This is undoubtedly reckless behavior

from the Headmaster,"

However, she continues.

"It seems she has already left the academy,"


"Please flip over the letter,"

Doing as she says, there's an additional note that the Headmaster has gone

ahead to the venue.

"Calm down and listen, Ouga,"

My mind couldn't keep up with the rapidly unfolding events.

Amidst the continuously bewildering situation, Reina addresses me in a

quiet, tranquil tone.

"While I want to respect your wishes as much as possible, don't you think it

best to hear them out first?"


At where Reina is looking – the entrance to the Headmaster's office –

Mashiro and Karen are standing.

They were also in a rush to get here, still catching their breaths.

"Ouga kun…"


"W-why are you two here…?"

"I got a letter too. It said you were joining the student council…so…"

That hag…! Not just me, but Mashiro too…?!

Mashiro tackles me, nuzzling against me affectionately.

"Why didn't you tell me!? If you're joining the council I wanna join too!

Cause you said to stick with you!"

"Wait, Mashiro. It's true I said that, but I haven't decided to join the coun-"


Here it comes!!

"Of course Ouga will join right? Since I, his fiancee, am here. After

professing your love so passionately, it's obvious isn't it?"

"No, Karen, that's a separate issue,"

"Oh I see… Sorry, I got too clingy just because I became your fiancee. I'll

reflect on that…"


Why do you take it that way!?

Well, I guess it can't be helped with Karen! I'll curse you for this… Karen's

shitty dad…!!

"Hey, Ouga… Let's do the student council together…?"

"Ouga kun… I wanna spend more time with you, from morning to after


Even with such upward glancing eyes pleading, I won't lose…! I absolutely


In this life, I decided to do as I please!

Even if it's Mashiro and Karen's pleas to join my harem, no means no!

"Ouga kun…" "Ouga…"

The ample bosoms on both sides successfully land on each of my arms.

Squish squish, they snuggle up tightly against the dangerous, ripe fruits.

It's the heavenly sight I envisioned, yet the choice before me leads to hell.

Oh, I'm… I'm…!!

"On second thought, I was just considering changing my mind about

joining the student council,"

"Yay!! I love you, Ouga kun!"

"Thank you, Ouga…!"

"I'm happy to see you two so excited,"

…I said it. I went and said it…

No, wait. I didn't compromise my will… Yes! This is a strategic move!

I can gain favor with Mashiro and Karen.

And learn the inner workings of the student council to save Reina!

It really is killing two birds with one stone, that's why I chose it.

It's definitely not because I yielded to their pressure…!

"Hehe, welcome to the Rishburg Magic Academy student council. We look

forward to working with you, Ouga,"

Whether she knows my internal excuses or not, Reina has a faint smile as

she watches me get smothered.

And so, through the Headmaster's scheme, I was swiftly made Vice

President of the student council with the speed of lightning, befitting the

moniker [Flone the Lightning Bolt].


"Then, now that your appointment to the student council is decided, let's

move on to explaining the general duties…"

Reina's words were cut off by the clanging of a bell.

"I was about to suggest we begin, but unfortunately the warning bell has


"Can we just start anyway?"

"While lessons may be boring for you, Ouga, please attend them properly

as a student,"

"You let me skip them just the other day,"

"It would be a disgrace for a student council executive to be breaking

school rules,"

Tch… The downsides of joining the student council are already apparent…

However, I just said I would join the council myself. Going back on it now

would be far too lame.

Compromising my image as a villain goes against my principles.

Plus I needed to gain some favor with Reina to bring her over.

"Fine. In that case, I'll take some of Reina's tea. It was truly delicious,"


For some reason, Reina looks at me blankly.

…Ah, I see.

"I'll provide the snacks so let me know if you have any requests,"

"Hehe…then I humbly request your most delicious treats,"

"Yeah. Just having Reina's tea makes me look forward to it more,"

"You say such nice things, Ouga,"

"I'm just stating the obvious,"

I noticed a gentle warmth in Reina's expression that I hadn't seen before.

"Hmmm…you two seem to have a nice atmosphere,"

"O-Ouga! No cheating! You have to communicate properly with us…!"

"Oh dear, it looks like I'm in trouble with you both, so I'll end the small

talk here,"

"Looks like it. See you after school then,"

"Yes, let's meet in the student council room,"

And with that we parted ways to our respective classrooms.

"It sure was sudden news. Who knew Ouga kun would join the student


"I know right!? He was totally against it before! It shocked me!"

Mashiro pouts, seemingly bothered that I kept it from her.

But please forgive me on this – I was appointed in my sleep after all.

"My bad. I had my own thoughts about it too,"

"Ohhh…it's not to make the president your new fiancee right?"

…Strange? The weather had been getting sunnier lately, but suddenly

there's a chill running down my spine…

M-Mashiro? Is your magical energy leaking out?

"You two seemed pretty friendly earlier too…this requires caution, yes


"Y-yeah. Please make lots of memories with us before considering others,"

"Right! First we need to make Ouga kun swoon for us! Don't you think so,


"Sounds good. Let's celebrate your appointment as Vice President."

"Well then, I guess I have to get pumped up! Alice, won't you help us too?"

"Of course. Please let me assist you,"

With their arms firmly interlocked, the two chatter excitedly with me in


And it's planning for my sake, so internally I couldn't stop grinning.

Hehe…my harem life sure is getting lively…

A homemade meal by my classmate and childhood friend…how invaluable

would that be in my past life?

An experience I could never taste, no matter how much virtue I


"Look forward to it, Ouga!"

"I won't forgive you if you make other plans,"

"Of course. Even if ten thousand women tried seducing me, you two take


Hearing my response, they beam and cling to me even tighter.

Two soft marshmallows deforming against me.

I proclaim it.

This is the happiest place in the world.


"That reminds me…you never answered my earlier question…it's really not

true, right?"

Now then, how shall I talk my way out of this?

My goal is the administrative skills, which I'll still get.

Naturally, the muscle-brain justice knight Alice behind me won't stay silent

if I'm honest.

Think, me…! To gain a brief respite…!

Thus I engaged my genius intellect, praised for brilliance, at full throttle to

fabricate excuses and escape this mortal combat.



After deciding to join the student council, a peaceful daily life continued as

if nothing had happened.

During the time after lunch when the feeling of fullness and concentration

starts to fade, students here and there could be seen fighting off drowsiness.

There is no more boring time for student life than during class.

For me who spent my childhood cramming knowledge due to having no

aptitude for magic, this was already material I had covered.

So what was dominating my head was how to deal with Reina and Mashiro

going forward.

Even though I ended up joining the student council against my will, I

should take this positively.

My opportunities to interact with Reina will increase. In other words, my

time to appeal to her will go up.

It's important to show her an even better work environment in order to draw

her over to my side.

Of course money matters in the future, but she doesn't seem to be very


If I'm going to win her over, it will be through this.

First I have to show her how I'm different from Flone.

What I should do is pamper Reina to no end. Stay by Reina's side, and

create the environment she desires.

Once I get her to sign the contract, she'll be mine.

We've got plenty of money.

Heh heh… So the exploiter gets to have this much fun. I can't help but grin.

"Ouga kun, what are you doing…?"

"Just thinking a bit. I'll tell you later."


Tilting her head quizzically, Mashiro returned her awareness to the lesson.

Today wasn't "Yay, more time sitting on my wonderful desk" for Mashiro

either. She was quickly focused back on the class.

Since she's a commoner, she must find opportunities to learn magical

knowledge like this supremely enjoyable.


Yeah, we should also do an intensive training camp at my family home over

the long summer vacation.

At the same time, introduce Mashiro to my parents. Meet with Mashiro's

parents as well.

It's perfect hitting three birds with one stone.

I'll give Karen a brand new dress as a present. She was freed from the

Revetzenca family curse, but since she dressed as a boy until now, she

probably doesn't have any dresses suited for her figure.

I should confirm her three sizes with her handmaid.

It's not like I have any indecent feelings. It's information necessary for

having a dress made, I have no choice.

My plans to make those two happy will be an important part of drawing

Reina away.

Being nice to new people while strict to those already close invites


If those murky, unfair feelings build up in them, there's a possibility it could

explode someday.

I certainly want to avoid that kind of risk.

Might as well take advantage of my position as a duke family.

As for Alice… I can't think of anything she would want…

Asking her directly seems like the fastest method.

Knowing Alice, she might say something like "I want to crush the villain's


When we're alone in my room, I'll ask her then.

"That concludes today's lesson. For any questions, I will be available in the

faculty building after school."

Right on cue when I had decided what to do, the final class of the day


Voices started buzzing from various places.

"Mm~! Sitting through nothing but lectures since first period made me

kinda tired."

Stretching her arms wide and loosening up her stiffened muscles, Mashiro.

No good. That pose is extremely ill-advised.

"Mashiro is so diligent, so maybe leaning forward is from that."

"Eh, really? I'll be careful next time."

In Mashiro's case, it can't be helped.

If you have such large breasts, you'll naturally get pulled forward from the


"Posture impacts various areas of the body. You should be attentive.

Anyway, Mashiro, about what I mentioned earlier…"

"Whaaat~? Ask me one or two or anything!"

"What makes Mashiro happy when I do it for her?"

"Something that makes me happy when Ouga kun does it!?"

"Yeah. I want to use it as reference. Please tell me by all means."

"Uh, so direct… Why the sudden interest? You've gotten really proactive


"(Being proactive with) Reina is undeniable. But can you forgive me for


"Nothing to forgive! If anything, I'm happy, I mean, uh… Hehe…"

Twiddling her fingers and blushing, Mashiro.

As usual, adorable today too.

"Re, really anything is fine?"

"Within reason of course."

"Then… don't laugh, okay?"

Drawing a deep breath to steady herself, Mashiro.

I wait intently for her words, making a serious expression so my gaze

doesn't drift to her rising and falling chest.

"I… I'd be happy if I could… stay over in Ouga kun's room… something

like that."

"Stay over…?"

…I see.

So spending time in the same space until bedtime to deepen trust.

Building that kind of trusting relationship might be what's necessary

between Reina and me first after all.

Staying in my room may be against school rules, but with Mashiro, Karen,

and Alice there too, she should feel at ease.

"Thank you, Mashiro. This will let me take a step forward."

"Ye, yeah. I'm looking forward to it."

"Yeah. I'll invite Reina over right after this."

"Oh right, the student council presi— Huh?"


In that instant, the same chilly air as this morning flowed into the room.


I occasionally have dreams.

Dreams of a prince who rescues me from this hell, and of marrying such a

wonderful person to have a happy family. Dreams of me abandoning the

Milfonti name, with a carefree smile that I've long forgotten how to make.

Even though I know dreaming of such impossible things will only hurt me.

Yet seeing him rescue Lady Levezenka from the prince that day, I couldn't

help but feel envious – is that a weakness of my spirit?

"…I haven't grown at all."

I'm garbage, defective, a substitute…the scorn flung at me is endless.

The values imposed on me all this time won't come off.

Denial by others so easily destroys one's identity.

But when brewing tea, I can forget all other thoughts.

That's why, when I misconstrued being called out yesterday as for that, I

ended up acting in anger.

"…To think that too was a misunderstanding."

Ouga truly found the tea I brewed "delicious."

He recognized the worth of my efforts.

Having lied my whole life, I can discern the truth in people's eyes.

I was so happy that part of me was acknowledged.

And that person desired Reina Milfonti.

Geniuses are always the ones who break stagnant circumstances.

…If it's Ouga, then maybe even that teacher…

"No…I mustn't get my hopes up."

I shake my head as if to cast off such sweet thoughts.

After finally obtaining an iron mask that doesn't hurt me over so many

years, throwing it away now would be meaningless.

Anyway, my life will…no, my very self will vanish from this world.

"…They should arrive around this time."

Let's switch over.

To my usual self. The doll Reina Milfonti.

I put a finger to my cheek and compose my familiar smile.

This way I can don the mask again.


Right on the expected timing, I hear his voice.

For some reason, he bursts in with a bright red handprint on his cheek and

blurts out:

"Stay over in my room tonight!?"


Stay over…? Eh, wha…?

…Let's stay calm.

First observe the situation to gain information.

Lady Leiche is beside him pouting with puffed up cheeks looking angry.

The maid as expressionless as always.

The slap mark on Ouga.

Most likely given by Lady Leiche.

Her anger means probably something to do with women.

And directed at me, "Stay over in my room."

In other words, what his words imply is─


─Become mine!?

…No, I mustn't make wishful inferences like that. It's because I was just

dreaming of that future.

Normally thinking, there's no way he'd brazenly invite me to nighttime

activities in broad daylight.

And we're talking about that Ouga Vellet here.

Someone who brandishes his own justice, striding straight down the royal

road – there's no way his head would be filled with such lewd thoughts.

Then, his earlier words were likely my mishearing…no, this body making a

mistake is…

Thinking about it won't get me anywhere.

Having regained my composure thanks to those wandering thoughts, I

decide to ask him directly.

"…Ouga, what do you mean by that?"

"Isn't it obvious I want us to become closer?"

"Nnngh!? cough wheeze!?"

"What's wrong, Reina!? Calm down!"

He rushes over and strokes my back.

Feeling his hand through the thin cloth, my mind inadvertently focuses on


A rough, by no means beautiful, yet strong and conveying his efforts so far,

man's hand.

…N-No, get a hold of yourself Reina.

I never imagined being sought after as a woman like this.

Everyone's eyes have always been not on me, but the teacher behind me.


I gently touch my chest. The lump cooling my flushed fingertips brings my

heightened emotions back down.

…That's right, that must be it.

From that day, the moment I accepted this, I abandoned hopes for ordinary


If he sees my body, Ouga will surely be disillusioned.

What pale expectations was I fostering?

I'm no longer someone who can walk the path of a normal life. I'm not

even human anymore.

"Feeling better…?"

So please don't turn those eyes full of hope my way.

They're too dazzling for me.

"…Yes, I'm fine. Sorry to worry you."

"Don't mind. I was also in the wrong for suddenly saying such a thing."

Oh, so he's self-aware…

Meaning the [Become mine] suspicion is nearing certainty…

…For now, let's avoid thinking about this.

My mind won't function normally.

"So, your answer?"

─However, he won't let me escape.

"Eh, answer?"

"Yeah. Whether you'll stay over in my room or not."

"R-Right. We could after work―"

"No good."

"Hyah!? …!? …!!?"

My hand tightly grasped, an unbelievable sweet voice comes out of my own


"I want to hear it from Reina's mouth now."

His firm, resolved gaze pierces me.

Wha, what do I… My eyes drift to a girl watching our back and forth.

"Ah…! Lady Leiche, is this okay!? Ouga, you're saying some extreme


"Hmm… But once Ouga sets his mind on something, he won't back down."

With an amazed tone, Lady Leiche shrugs her shoulders.

Gh, looks like she's already accepted this.

The slap she gave Ouga must have relieved some stress.

Then I have no choice but to bring up the name of the one other person not


"La, Lady Levezenka! That's right! She would be sad about this!"

"I've talked it over with Karen. And I won't leave Mashiro out so don't


All four people!?

My escape is completely cut off.

"Reina…I understand your feelings well. You're anxious about abandoning

your duties, right?"

"Th-That's right. I mean, for my first time to be like this…"

"It's your first time skipping work? Don't worry. I, with experience, will

take the lead."

"Y-You really are experienced, Ouga…"

"From now on, I'll teach Reina lots of (wholesome extracurriculars). To the

point you can't return to your former life."

"Go…Go that far!?"

"Yeah, plenty."

He whispers in my ear.

Ah…mm…wha, what do I…

My mind spins round and round.

My ability to judge what choice is right steadily gets snatched away.



"I-I understand. I'll intrude on your room tonight…!"

That's why, the words that came out of my mouth surely followed my


Despite saying it myself, for a moment I couldn't believe it.

I, of my own will, chose the action of going to Ouga's room.

"I see! That's great!"

Why the beaming smile…?

In contrast to my exhaustion, his delight, he returns to the two waiting at the


"Let's meet again later then. I'll ask about student council work in more

detail at that time."

That's fine but will I be able to explain in that kind of mood?

"Heh heh…Now I'm looking forward to it."

Leaving those parting words, Ouga left the student council room.

I was still unable to recover from the shock, watching his back as he

stormed off.

"Oh, pushed through completely…"

…Eh, am I really after this, going to be in Ouga's hands…?

The teacher said to get closer to him even slightly to create an opening.

But this is clearly exceeding the anticipated range…

My strength fades and I slump over the desk.

"…What should I do to avoid this?"

I already accepted his invitation. However, I won't go as far as that kind of


My body is in no state to be seen by another.

But, what if…he accepted even this body of mine…?

Such a dreamlike miracle crosses my mind.

…I can still faintly feel his warmth on my fingertips.


Once more, I bring my hand to my chest.

But Ouga's cosy feeling remained without disappearing.


No, not "phew" at all.

In contrast to the hot daytime, a cool breeze is blowing on this night.

Yet for some reason, I was sweating profusely.

Am I…nervous?

"Who'd have thought such a day would come."

After promptly suspending my duties, I returned to my room to prepare.

Picking out my cutest underwear, and showering to cleanse myself…

"Not bad for rushed preparations."

Of course I don't own sleepwear meant to appeal to men, so I went into

town and bought this outfit.

Not too vulgar, yet boldly exposing my legs.

Yes, I know. Things like my pitiful chest having no demand.

Then I have no choice but to bet on my thighs.

Thanks to minding my health, my skin should still be tight.

Let's gamble on Ouga having fetishes not only for breasts, but thighs as


─Consider this a battlefield from here on, Reina.

If I become close with Ouga, the chances of success for the plan to bring

him to that island will rise accordingly.

Ouga is extremely kind to those he considers family.

Regardless of status, past…he embraces all.

This is a once in a lifetime chance.

Having my first time be with four people is…a precious experience, let's

think of it that way.

They say he likes heroic colors, so this will prove he too aims to carve his

name in history.

In front of the door to Ouga's room, I put a finger to my cheek and

composed my mask-like smile. ─But in that moment.


Together with the crisp, dry sound, I heard Lady Levezenka's voice through

the door.

Eh, eh…It's already begun…!?

That intense it's making those noises…?

"No…I must have misheard. Yes, that's right. At this time when students

are still resting in their dorm rooms…"

I mutter to myself, regaining my mental composure.

Why does Ouga disrupt my mind so?

He's such a troublesome person.

"Excuse me, it's Reina."

"Oh, been waiting for you! Sorry, but could you open it yourself? My hands

are occupied at the moment."


As I thought, the feast has already started…!!

Hands occupied means he must be grabbing something indecent for sure!

Like Lady Levezenka's hips or b-bottom…!

Just like that former prince who had relations with numerous female


To think he couldn't endure and started before I arrived…my impression of

Ouga will change.

As a woman, I'm a little disappointed he's so faithful to his desires.

…But I mustn't show such personal feelings outwardly.

I simply have to become closer as usual with him.

Nothing more than that.


Inhaling, resolved for the lascivious world that must lie beyond, I opened

the door.

"Ouga, thank you for having m─"

""Welcome, Student Council President Reina!!""


Cutting off my words were the popping sound of poppers unfolding, and

Lady Leiche and Lady Levezenka greeting me.

Confetti fluttering down to the floor.

"We welcome you, Reina!"

He was in the middle of hanging up a banner reading [Slumber Party for

Bonding]. Turning while still in that posture, he smiled my way.

Streamers with colorful paper covering the entire wall.

Sweets lined up on the table. Equipment for brewing tea like at lunch also


I inadvertently blinked at the sight far different from what I imagined.

"Umm…what's all this…?"

"Mashiro advised me a slumber party is good for deepening friendships as

comrades. She said there's a culture among commoners called [pajama

parties] or something."




"I want to build a friendly relationship with Reina. Plus, it looks like Reina

is overworking herself from an external perspective. I want to give Reina a

break somehow. This gathering serves a dual purpose, you see."

"Doing it with four people…"

"Of course talking about the party but what else?"

"That loud sound from earlier was…"

"Karen had an accidental misfire. I was teaching her how to handle one of

my magic tools and bang it went off."

"I was startled and let out a weird voice…I'm sorry for surprising you."

Lady Levezenka bows her head.

But that wasn't what I cared about right now.

I look back on the conversation.

If I think carefully, he never said anything like that.

I simply misunderstood the situation based on his talking purely about

wanting to become closer friends.




I'm sorry, Ouga! For imagining the lewdest things!!

Unable to endure the onrush of embarrassment, I collapsed in place.


"…Hey, Alice?"

"Yes, how may I help you?"

"Why do you think Reina crouched down and became unmoving?"

She covered her face with her hands and tensed up.

I can tell she's mumbling but it's too quiet to make out up close.

"While this is merely my conjecture, I believe Lady Milfonti is trembling

with joy."

"Your basis for thinking that?"

"If I were welcomed like this by Sir Ouga, I would weep tears of elation to

the point of collapsing."

"I see."

I was certain that was wrong.

Looks like I asked the wrong person.

But it did reveal something that makes Alice happy.

Hmm, let's plan a big celebration when we return to the mansion.

Anyway, I can't leave Reina like that.

I kneel down and hold my hand out to her.

"Are you okay, Reina?"


"Hm? Sorry, could you repeat that?"

"─That's right! I don't have any experience being friends with someone!!

So I was so, so happy being welcomed like this I collapsed!!!"

"I see. Well, if that's the case, then it's fine."

"Really! I absolutely not thinking about something else!!"

Pressured by the uncharacteristic Reina, I nod along, got it, got it.

…No, who am I to define what is "uncharacteristic" of Reina Milfonti?

I've no right to speak of her when I know nothing.

Learning she has this girlish side too, I'm glad.

"Heh heh. Then Reina might have trouble from now on."

"…What do you mean?"

"Birthdays, graduation ceremonies…I'll host celebrations for you many

more times on various occasions in the future. Even bigger in scale than

this. Don't cry each time."

"…Pfft, no need to worry about that. You won't see me shedding tears."

"Oh? Quite the confidence there. Now I have to make them grand enough

that you'll cry no matter what. I stake the Ouga Vellet name on it."

Having regained her composure, Reina only smirked at my words.

Heh heh, enjoy acting composed while you still can.

When I free you from Headmaster Milfonti's dark shackles, you'll surely

spill tears of joy.

Next up is the [Retirement Commemoration]… Heh heh!

"Student Council President Reina…"

"Why didn't you tell us…?"

Holding Reina's hands were Mashiro and Karen, gazing at her with warm,

kind eyes.

"Um, what's the matter, you two?"

"From today, we're…friends!"

"I'll come play anytime if you want! Just say the word!"

"Oh, thank you very much."

"Let's chat lots tonight."

"Let's work hard together from now on too!"

"Of course I will as well. We'll have lunch together starting tomorrow.

Alice, prepare more servings."

"Yes, understood."

"…I suppose I have no choice."

"Hm? Did you say something?"

"No, just that I'm very grateful for your kindness."

Despite her words, for some reason she was frowning…

…I see. She did say she has no friends.

Given her position as disciple to the Milfonds.

She must have made many blood-sweat-and-tears efforts. Naturally, no time

to play with peers either.

Thus she's not used to this sort of distance.


…That chest too probably didn't develop because of the unhealthy lifestyle

pouring everything into magic.

"Ouga? Is something concerning you?"

"No, it's nothing."

Whoops, dangerous. I hear women are sensitive to gazes at their chests.

Best not to stare too much.

"Anyway, let's get to business. The fun party comes after hearing Reina's


Saying that, when I sit on the sofa Mashiro and Karen also take seats beside


From here is serious talk.

The mood until now scatters, everyone has tensed expressions.

Sitting in the empty armchair across from me, after clearing her throat once

Reina began speaking.

"First, I'll explain why the headmaster wanted Ouga and Lady Leiche so

badly. Without convoluted words, I'll be direct. ──She wants you two to

join my team for the [Academy Magic Competition]."

"Us on a team with the student council president!?"

"The Academy Magic Competition…"

Acting like I know it all, I lean back against the chair.

Incidentally, I don't know at all what kind of event it is.

Having no affinity, I had no interest and ignored such magic using events.

"Awesome, Ouga! We get to represent the academy!"

"Being selected as representatives in your first year, following President

Reina, that's an outstanding achievement for you both!"

"As expected of you, Sir Ouga, Lady Leiche."

"Hmph, don't praise us yet. It's still too early to be happy before hearing

Reina's story."

So stop scattering confetti every time something auspicious happens, Alice.

Judging by their delighted reactions, it seems an honorable thing.

But I still don't even know what kind of event it is myself. If that's all it is, I

wouldn't have ignored it…!

Can't ask [What's the Academy Magic Competition?] at this point.

I'll have to subtly draw out information from Reina…

Showered with applause and confetti, as usual I ask her:

"You chose me with zero magic aptitude. There must be circumstances,

right? Explain from the beginning."

"Let's see…As Ouga knows, the Academy Magic Competition is a

tournament held between the nine magic academies which has repeated

hundreds of times. Again this year, it will take place in the island nation of

Ramdarb Kingdom one month from now."

I see, the name says it all.

Scattered throughout the kingdom are magic academies each with distinct


The one with the oldest history, having produced many names recorded in

magical history, is the Royal Rishburg Magic Academy.

"Each school enters teams of three students for a total of ten teams, thirty

students, divided into magic studies, magic sports, and magic battle

categories, competing in each and the overall winner determined by total

points. In recent years at this Academy Magic Competition, Rishburg

Magic Academy has grasped the glory of overall champion year after


"Except last year!"

"I see…! So Ouga and Leiche are…!"

Hey, hey? What do you mean?

Lady Karen, don't nod along and interrupt.

I'm completely lost here!

"As Lady Levezenka imagined. …Ouga, have you heard about the other

magic academies?"

"Of course. I considered them all and chose Rishburg."

Relieved to get a question I can answer, I predict what Reina means while

giving that response.

The way she specifically brought up other academies, their characteristics

must be related.

Something the other academies have in common that Rishburg lacks. And

in light of them losing the championship…

"…I see."

The speculation I arrived at is shockingly mundane.

But I can confidently say this is the right answer.

"You lost the championship to a team with commoners as representatives,


Hearing that, Reina nodded.

"In the magic battle category, my team took second place and missed out on

the overall championship. And after the tournament, that's when issues

arose. My teammates suffered terrible condemnation not just from students

at the academy, but graduates as well."

"…What about Reina?"

"Well, nothing happened to me. But that is also vexing. As the team leader,

I failed to protect my comrades…"

"…I went to watch as a spectator but, President Reina fought alone until the

very end. With her teammates taken out, in an overwhelmingly

disadvantageous situation, she still managed to corner their last member. No

one had any complaints seeing that."

The likely reason Reina wasn't blamed wasn't just that.

Having Flone Milfonti behind her was also major.

The bashing focused on the other two instead.

I see, I see, now I get it.

"What happened to those two?"

"They…took a leave of absence, then left the academy altogether. They

were kind seniors also on the student council…at that time, I was disgusted

at my own powerlessness."

"This year's student council having no new members was because of that

too, right?"

"…I'd rather not tell lies. It's as Ouga says."

Given last year's results, they absolutely must win the championship this

year with Reina enrolled.

If they miss out on the championship again, what will happen? Students

who saw that terrible outcome wouldn't volunteer as candidates.

The chances of being put on a team with Reina after joining the student

council are high.

In short, I'm basically a sacrificial lamb.

The academy greenhouse-raised nitwits ran from the pressure of not being

allowed to lose, abandoning this year's competition thinking it's a lost cause

to begin with.

Heh heh…Their cowardice makes me laugh.

The selfish blame game is ugly no matter what world.

As a result, Reina had no choice but to rely on us after having such trouble

finding candidates…

"Reina. I want to ask one thing."

"What is it? I'll answer if it's something I can."

"Why did you choose me and Mashiro?"

"Because I'm certain we can win with you two."

…Hmph, immediate reply.

While this alone satisfies me, I deliberately act unconvinced.

Reina should have prepared a script capable of persuading me.

"On what basis? That we who just enrolled several months ago have that

level of skill?"

"There are three reasons."

Reina holds up three fingers.

"One, Ouga and the others are freshmen without any data. With the timing

of the tournament and curriculum, freshmen rarely get selected as

representatives. That factor alone is an ambush."

"Two, Ouga defeated the prince despite having no magic himself. I, who

participated in the tournament, judged that your strength would surely prove


"Three…this is conjecture, but Lady Leiche has combat experience,

correct? On that day, you and Ouga were about to demonstrate magic.

There's no way until today you've done nothing…right?"

A gaze as if asking "Well, how's that?" pierces me.

Faced with it, I slowly clap my hands and lift the corners of my mouth.

"Heh heh…Going out of your way to make us with no achievements

participate, you've thought it through well."

"You both have that much value."

"Hmph, getting praised that much by the empire's student council president,

only a great fool would refuse. Right, Mashiro?"

"Yeah! I wanna help out the president!"

"…Does that mean?"

"Yeah, let's show the world this Ouga Vellet's path of conquest…!"

"Mashiro Leiche walking beside him too…!"

"Sir Ouga, Lady Leiche…congratulations!!"

Mashiro and I striking a pose as we stand.

And Alice scattering the second rain of confetti.

"Both of you…thank you so much."

Hearing our replies, the tension Reina was feeling completely vanished.

Our participation seems to have been very important to her.

"No need for thanks. But there will likely be opposition to us being selected

as reps."

"I don't believe there will be. Everyone knows of Ouga's reputation."

"My reputation…? Heh heh…I see, so that's how it is."

When it comes to my reputation, it's nothing but bad rumors.

Seems the academy guys want to make a laughingstock of me by making

me a representative no matter what.

I'm a noble birth but with zero magic aptitude, a man of ill repute. A villain

who defeated the prince through underhanded means.

Mashiro is a commoner.

No better lineup for a hopeless fight.

They'll accept us as having drawn the short straw ourselves.

Thinking that, I'm also getting pumped now.

As a villain, it'll also be entertaining for us to win the championship and

shove the glory in their faces.

Let's give them a sight they won't forget.

"Well, fine. With this, we've officially become a team sharing the same

ambition of winning. In that sense too, it was meaningful for us to gather


"Yeah yeah! To make a team, we gotta become closer friends first. I don't

know anything about the president yet."

"True. I also didn't know the president had a fondness for such cute

underwear brands."

"Th-This is, how to say…not my usual, circumstances today are a bit…


"Don't tell me you psyched yourself up just for us!?"

"Um…not exactly, but close enough I suppose."

"Ehehe, kinda makes me happy!"

Unable to contain her emotions, Mashiro sits next to Reina and hugs her


"…!? …!!?"

In that moment, Reina's expression became incredibly strange.

For the have-not Reina, Mashiro's hug must have been too stimulating…

I understand…I get it. That's a sort of drug.

Once you experience that supreme softness, your body won't be satisfied

with normal hugs anymore.

"Now then, serious talk is over. I made sure to prepare sweets too. Let's

enjoy this time. Reina, would you make some tea?"

"Ye-Yes, gladly."

"That means, Mashiro get off her."

"Okaaay. Ah, then huggy time with Ouga too!"

"What th─"

After extending an olive branch, here comes a bombshell in the form of


"Li, Leiche!? No fair, me too…yay!"

My face buried between softness on both sides.

Nothing but tender squishiness…this blissful spac─ oh, hang on.

Happy as I am with both of them, pushed together with no gaps like this,

it's hard to brea─!

"…! Release Sir Ouga this instant! He's on the verge of suffocating!"

"Ehhh~? Alice, always with the funny jokes. Right, Oug─ Ouga kun!?"



"…To think this much happened while I was preparing tea?"

And so the boisterous night tea party began.


"Ouga kun, I'm sorry!"

"I got too forceful…"

"Don't worry. My training isn't delicate enough to lose consciousness from


A lie. I was reeeally close…!

Alternately tasting happiness from the softness and suffocating agony, I was

rescued by Alice and somehow kept my life.

The fearfulness of smothering in breasts is that the one being sandwiched

grows unwilling to escape.

Once you know that supreme softness, ordinary human reason can't

suppress instinct.

I nearly fell victim myself… From now on, I'll need special training for

such pleasures too.

─Having gone through that scene, the ladies are now happily chatting away

as the main focus.

"Ehhh!? So President, you've turned down engagement offers from all


"I have no results myself I can be proud of…and don't have much interest

in things like that."

"Not even once…? As student council president, feels like you'd get a lot

of good offers."

"Hehe, not once. Actually, I'm forbidden from romance by my teacher."


Mashiro's reactions are amusingly exaggerated.

Reina and Karen also seem to be having fun laughing.

"Do teacher-disciple relations control so much?"

"Well, she is the [Flone the Thunder] after all. Her standards are probably

very high. But I understand Lady Leiche's feelings. Hm?"

"Is something the matter, Lady Levezenka?"

"But the headmaster said it was fine to give Reina to Ouga…"

"I believe that shows how much potential the teacher sees in Ouga. As

expected of you, Ouga."

"The skill to gain her hero's recognition…Sir Ouga indeed."

"Hmph, don't praise me, Alice. No need for confetti."

I stop Alice as she tries to scatter confetti she produced from somewhere.

This is the third time in this short period. There's a limit even when eating

tempura bowls.

"My apologies. I will consider new methods to honor Sir Ouga, rather than

confetti henceforth."

That's not the issue, but she's raring to go so I'll leave it be.

Humans are creatures of "habit." My ability to adapt to anything that comes

is frightening.

"…Returning to the topic, since my teacher says I should devote any free

time to honing my magic…"

"Ohh, I see~"

"With Headmaster Milfonti as your mentor, you probably don't have much

time to spare for other things, right?"

"Yes, my teacher is very strict."

"…How much so?"

"Let's just say…very."

"But being the headmaster, I'm sure she tailors the regimen with the

president's well-being in mind."

"You may be right about that."

"Man, I wanna get stronger too… Umm, could I ask the president to maybe

have the headmaster teach me a little…?"

"─I'd advise against that."

That came out in a strong tone conveying clear rejection.

But as if she unconsciously blurted it out, Reina quickly follows up with her

usual smile.

"You and the teacher have different elemental affinities, Lady Leiche. I'm

sure Ouga will bring an instructor perfectly suited for you."

"Y-Yeah, you're right~. I'm just being spoiled…"

"…As Reina says. Though for Mashiro, she hasn't built up enough

fundamentals for specialized instruction yet."

"Aww, Ouga kun, no need to put it like that~"

With puffed up cheeks, Mashiro taps my face gently.

The heavy atmosphere from earlier scatters, but…hmm, seems like good


"It's about time we wrap up."

I set down the empty teacup and snap my fingers.

Alice promptly begins tidying up the table.

In less than a few minutes, everything is cleaned up.

"Now then, Mashiro. Slumber parties are about sleeping together, right?"

"Oh, yeah! But one bed probably won't be big enough…"

"No worries there. I've prepared a sofa bed for guests. But there's only one

blanket unfortunately. Mashiro, Karen, could you get yours from your


"Oh, if that's what it is."

"Okaaay. My heart's pounding having to walk the dorm at night~"

"There was that incident the other day. Can't be too careful. Alice, go with

them and keep watch."


"We'll be right back then. Just a moment."

Mashiro heads out spiritedly, Alice following behind.

Right before leaving the room, Karen gave me a wink.

She read my intentions.

That's why she readily consented.

Hmph, as expected of my girl. Always so capable, it's troubling.

"…Thank you very much."

The earlier liveliness is gone, Reina's faint voice drops into the quiet room.

"What are you thanking…rather, I'm the one who should be thanking.

Thank you. You're kind, Reina."

Reina rejected Mashiro's thoughtless request.

It was likely out of consideration to not let Mashiro undergo Flone's dark


She must not think well of Flone deep down to unconsciously use that firm


Until interacting with her, I thought Reina was an iron-masked ruthless

woman, but the reality was different.

She had no choice but to don the iron mask. To protect herself from the

extreme environment.

Though not her intent, I was able to gain a slight understanding of her inner


"…I'm not as kind as Ouga thinks."

"Doesn't matter. My opinion is mine. No matter how much you deny it, it

won't change."

I understand well her self-deprecating speech too.

The mental attrition from harassment by a superior, falling into a negative

spiral of blaming everything on yourself.

It's black company culture itself…!

"That's why I'll insist you're kind no matter how many times."

What Reina needs is acknowledgement from others.

And from those of equal standing to her.

Given her position as both student council president and Flone's disciple,

there's a chance she can't directly take praise from Mashiro and the others

to heart.

As her future boss, I should fulfill at least this much role.

I'm the kind of man who would sell his soul to the devil if it means

obtaining something I desire.

Once in my grasp, there's no escaping… Heh heh.

"…Ouga is a strange person. Before you…somehow I keep fumbling."

"Heh heh. Thinking you can conveniently manipulate me is a huge


"You're right about that. …Truly, you are…with you…"

Reina shakily stands and approaches me.

Seems she wants to help tidy up.

"Reina. Sorry, but could you move the table to the wall? I'll lift the other


The moment I try to move it, my body gets placed atop the table.

Yes. Reina lightly lifts me up.

Where does she get that strength with those slender arms…while pondering

that, she sits on my lower abdomen.

…Huh? Miss Reina?

"Under these clothes…makes you curious, right…Ouga?"

Saying that, she casually undoes the top button.

As I thought, she noticed.

[Reina has small boobs, huh?] My sympathetic gaze…!

So Reina made her move during this opportune time alone.

If I say I want to see them, despite giving such a sympathetic look she'll

surely sneer [In the end, any boobs will do, right?] and rebuke me with


…However! If I'm to honestly shout my true feelings right now.

I wanna see them even if they're small!!

In my past life, I had terrible luck with women. Of course, no experience

seeing a lover's breasts.

That's right, I had never seen bare breasts up close.

Reina, yo―… Whether by chance or not, trying to exploit that weakness…

"Ouga…I want you to answer honestly."

With a very serious expression, Reina presses for an answer.

Phew… Stay cool, Ouga Vellet.

Mustn't act based on momentary desires. At worst, it would end my

relationship with Reina.

That's right. Remember Mio's night visit.

Didn't I reject her for the reason that I prefer big breasts?

The cool me from that time can do this.

Now, say it. "I refuse"─

"─Show me."

Crap! My true feelings spilled out!?

Despite my serious face, I'm making such an awful remark!

Damn! Was my reason worn down by the boob smothering…!?

"I'm prepared to accept any form."

Well, screw it!

What comes out of my mouth can't be taken back.

Then, trying to improve my impression somehow, I added words to cover

up, but Reina's reaction…?

I nervously check her expression as she straddles me.

"…Anything at all, really?"


Reina looks like she's about to cry.

I'm done.


After witnessing Ouga-kun swallow hard, I realize what I'm doing.

Am I really expecting Ouga-kun's kindness to absolve me of my past and


I'm such a terrible woman. Even if someone calls me scum, I wouldn't

blame them.

I'm just a horrible idiot who's trying to burden Ouga-kun with my past.

The more composed my thoughts become, the more self-deprecating

thoughts come to mind.

…But I can't help it. I think it's already beyond my control.

Ouga is the man who will be my prince.

In front of Ouga-kun, the walls I've built around my heart crumble one by


Because, there's no other way.

"Show me. I'm prepared to accept anything."

Ouga-kun said those words.

I think he's aware of why he's been staring at my chest all day.

He knows what's hidden here.

He understands what he's looking for, and what he desires in a woman.

A woman with big breasts, kindness, and charm.

I don't fit any of those criteria.

So, the only reason for him to gaze at my chest like this is clear.

Perhaps the Vellet family has something they haven't told us about.

That possibility is very much there.

But Ouga-kun said he would accept it.

The meaning, the weight of those words…

They're trying to pick up my heart, which I've buried deep down.

"You really won't…regret it…?"


"Even if it's something…you'll hate?"

"Obviously. I don't go back on my word."

Her straight gaze makes my heart tremble.

My cheeks flush from excitement I've never felt before, my breathing

grows ragged.

"…I understand. Don't look away no matter what."

Drawing a deep breath…

It feels slightly cold each time my bare skin touches the air.

One more. If I undo one more button, Ouga will see this.

At last, my world will change─

"─Wait, Reina!"


Suddenly, Ouga reaches out his arm and shoves me off, snapping his


In an instant, a white battle coat appears from empty air.

Fluttering down, it covers my body.

The next moment, the door opens and a bright voice sounds.

"Ahaha~ I forgot the key to my own room~ Huh? Ouga, whatcha doing?"

"When moving the table, I lost my balance and spilled water."

Looking over, Ouga is crouching and wiping the floor with his


Of course, no water had actually spilled.

He's just pretending to wipe.

Caught up in the excitement, I didn't notice Lady Leiche approaching.

"Reina should go change too. The water probably got on you."


"You can keep wearing that. The lavatory is the door on the right."

"Sorry for taking advantage of your offer. I'll borrow this for a moment."

Hurriedly cradling his clothes, I enter the lavatory and click the lock shut.

So no one else can come in.

"…I should wet the pajamas so it's not suspicious."

I turn on the tap and catch the water that comes out with my hand.

Catching the running water with my hands and intentionally splashing it on

my face to adequately soak them.

Letting the dripping water be, I leisurely undo the buttons one by one.

I gently set aside the corset wrapped to keep the unnatural protrusions from


My bared self reflected in the mirror.

The water flows down my cheeks and neck, stopped at my chest by the

metal basin.

Attached as if embedded are magic tools specially ordered to be

indestructible by any magic.

The green liquid in the glass bottles protected by the magic tools─the

completed [Flesh Strengthening Extract].

The device making me teacher's spare body.

Numerous thin tubes connected to my abdomen extend the liquids

throughout my whole body.

"…Truly ugly."

No one would love a girl like this.

I got a little ahead of myself.

Even I spit out [Ugly] about myself every day…of course anyone seeing

this would think the same.

"I'm…truly hated even by God."

If God really existed, there's no way He would let that timing escape if He

would make that person my prince.

If I had just gone back to the room, I could have confessed the secret and

been accepted by him.

I just wanted the same as what everyone else has…!

"Hope" gets entangled by "resignation", loses heat, and fades away.

I felt like the world was telling me I mustn't be saved.

That's right…even though my father, mother, and sister were all killed, I'm

the only one who survived and can't be happy…

The chilled water hitting my face feels pleasant.

…I should stop being jerked around by emotions anymore.

As of this moment, Reina Milfonti is dead.

I'm merely teacher's replacement doll, moving as she says.

I just have to keep acting the same as always.

That way I can avoid painful thoughts.

"Sorry for the wait."

"No, you didn't have to…Reina. You…"

"…? Did something happen, Ouga?"

"No…it's nothing."

"Hehe, strange Ouga. Your expression is kinda stiff for some reason~"

With my usual motions, I poke Ouga's cheek with a finger and compose a

smiling face.

"See, a smile is best."

That voice was my own, yet sounded like a curse.