
The Misunderstood Saintly Life of a Villainous Scion

Sir_Smurf3 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Crown Prince’s New Game Strategy

Hmm… What a pleasant morning.

"I've brought you a drink."

"Ah, leave it there."

It's been about a month since the orphanage incident. Mio and the others

have successfully moved to the Vellett territory, and Aliban has

energetically spread his wings to another district. The head maid Morina,

who serves as their tutor and messenger, is an old woman who has no

qualms about speaking her mind to me, the lord's son. The children are

probably sitting at their desks right now, unable to complain.

In her letter that just arrived, Morina wrote "As soon as the children entered

the house, they burst into tears." They must have seen the interior and been

overcome with sorrow. After all, I had a large communal room reminiscent

of their old classroom hastily prepared just for them. The individual rooms

are furnished with study desks for pairs of children. It's a special

specification using one of my smaller, now unused mansions. I told Morina

to work them hard so it can be useful for them in the future.

They probably can never go back to their old lives. Also…it seems Mio

wants to build a small chapel. Heh, I see. She wants to repent for the future

the children are walking towards. How amusing. I'd love to see if any god

reaches out a hand to help her.

A god will make not just Mio, but all the children happy. If someone like

that exists, I'd love to meet them face-to-face.

"Alice. Send this response letter with the noon mail."

"Yes, sir."

I swiftly jot down a reply and hand the sealed envelope to Alice.

"Well then, shall we head to school?"

After downing the black coffee without sugar that Alice brewed—of course

it's bitter—I slip my arms through the sleeves of the school-designated

uniform and exit the dorm.

"Ah, good morning, Ouga-kun! Alice-san!" Mashiro, who was waiting at

the entrance, waves and runs up to us.

Yes, just this is enough to lighten my steps towards the classroom.


"Good morning, Lady Leiche."

"You've tied your hair up today."

"Yep! We have P.E. today and it's starting to get hot~"

Mashiro cutely flicks her little sprouted tail. Her usually hidden nape peeks

out, the picture of health. She undoubtedly has some nutritional element I

can only get from her.

"Um…that is…"

"I wonder if the rumor is true…"

As we walk the road to the school building, gazes are occasionally cast our

way. I can't make out details since they're whispering, but word of what

happened at the charity event has probably begun circulating to everyone.

Shutting innocent country children in my territory and making them

experience daily hell to create an army of laborers—aren't I just the worst,

most evil lord? But it can't be helped for the sake of the future of my left

ball. Relying on me was their misfortune. I'll do what I think I should do.

"Rumors are terrible, huh."

"Let them say what they want. I'll do what I think I should do, that's all."

"Ahaha, that's such an Ouga-like thing to say."

Mashiro walking beside me doesn't seem concerned either. Being a

commoner herself, she probably doesn't have any decent acquaintances.

She understands it's better to stick with me despite the rumors. That said,

she got into the magic academy, so she's pretty smart.

"Oh right, magic practicals start today."

"Yeah. Mashiro, do what we talked about properly."

"Got it. I won't use ice magic and keep the power low."

That would be too powerful to show in public. If people saw Mashiro's

magic, some would want her. That would be annoying. These boobs belong

to no one but me.

"Good. Don't stand out, Mashiro."

"Yes sir! I'll be careful."

"Don't worry about your grades either. I'll support you for life."

Naturally I'll provide for my harem members. It's the responsibility that

comes with building a harem. By then I'm sure I'll have a system where

money comes flowing in without having to work, so there won't be any


"I think that sort of surprise attack is unfair."

"What is?"


What is it, say it. You're curious aren't you.

When I look to Alice, for some reason she has an endearing expression, like

she's watching something adorable.

"You two seem to get along very well."

As we're conversing like this, a gender-neutral like voice suddenly calls out

from ahead. Looking that way, it's a familiar face.

"Hello, Leiche-san. And Ouga too."

"Rare for you to call out to us. If your father saw this, wouldn't he snap

again, Karen?"

"Father and I have different views."

"I see you've changed. The crybaby who used to follow behind me is gone


"Ahaha, don't bring up something that embarrassing please."


Mashiro tilts her head in confusion, question marks popping up. Or rather,

maybe she's wondering more than just that. I'll introduce the one standing

in our way wearing the boys' uniform.

"This is Karen Levezenka, daughter of the Levezenka dukedom."

"A dukedom…! Pleased to meet you! I'm Mashiro Leiche!"

"Pleased to meet you, Lady Leiche. I'm Karen Levezenka. I'd be happy if

you could get along with me too."

Though she's a head shorter than me, she easily envelops Mashiro's hand

with both of hers with the height of a boy.

"But it's been since the entrance ceremony since we talked at the academy."

"I've been…preoccupied with some things…"

A hesitant reply…if I were to speculate, something happened with the

prince. I've caught wind of his behavior at the academy. Most of it is

nonsense though.

She has slight dark circles under her eyes despite makeup. Proof she's

having a hard time. But I won't pry until she brings it up herself. Unless

something extreme happened, I don't intend to stick my nose in.

"I see. So did you need something from us? You waited here specifically for

us right?"

"Um, that's…"

Karen's gaze turns to Mashiro beside me.

…I see. Her target wasn't me, but her.


"Yeah, yeah! I was worried if Leiche-san was having any trouble, you

know. I heard about various incidents too."

"Thank you for your concern."

"If you ever have any difficulties, don't hesitate to rely on me. I'll be there

to help, as a member of the Levezenka Ducal Family, standing above the


The Levezenka Ducal Family has been the top military authority for

generations, protecting people's peace against both the demons and

neighboring countries.

And the one who harmed Mashiro was the son of the Bourbon family,

belonging to a faction within the Levezenka family. Although nobles don't

usually show kindness to commoners, Karen seemed to be concerned about


…Though it might not be his only purpose.

"If you have any trouble, I'll handle it, so it's okay."

By stating this firmly, the Levezenka family was implicitly warning others

not to mess with Mashiro.

They would probably understand that the Vierett family had already taken

an interest in her.

"Indeed. With Ouga around, everything will be solved. …If I ever find

myself in trouble, maybe I'll rely on Ouga again."

"Hmph, understood. Depending on the circumstances, I might consider it."

"Thank you, Ouga. Just hearing you say that gives me courage."

Saying so, Karen tightly grasped my hand in hers.

"…This kind of thing should be done to your fiancé."

"Sorry, it's an old habit…"

As I immediately shook her hand off, Karen apologized, looking downcast.

Isn't she aware that she's the Crown Prince's fiancée, especially in a place

where people can see us? And it hurts to be pierced by Mashiro's gaze. It's

fine, I'm only interested in big breasts anyway.

The atmosphere became awkward, but Karen was the one to break it.

"Oh, right! Ouga, don't you want to join the Student Council? Milfonte's

Student Council President sometimes talks about you."

As soon as she mentioned that name, I furrowed my eyebrows.

That guy… hasn't given up yet, huh?

"She said you should drop by the Student Council whenever you feel like

having tea or hanging out. When did you two become such good friends?"

"Well, just a bit. I mean, I didn't know she was in the Student Council."

"Of course. If you can help others, it's a worthwhile experience. …What

about you, Ouga?"

"I have things I want to do, you see."

"I see… that's a shame."

If she understood what the Student Council did, she would realize why a

morally questionable lord like me wouldn't join.

There are way too many justice-oriented people around me…

Can't I find someone who would empathize more with my way of


"I'm sorry for taking up your time… Oh, I remember!"

As Karen tried to leave, she suddenly clapped her hands as if remembering


"…Can I occasionally talk to you? I mean… like I said before, it's been a

while since we've seen each other, and it wouldn't hurt to have some

interaction between the ducal families, right?"

"Let's keep it moderate. We both have our positions."

"Y-Yeah! You're right! Okay, I'll do that then! See you!"

Waving her hand, Karen returned energetically to her own classroom.

She's a diligent one too.

She seems really concerned about Mashiro.

However, I don't like the idea of being constantly under surveillance in my

daily life…

Maybe I should gather more information myself.

I'll have Alice investigate about Karen's surroundingsy.

While devising plans for the future and asking Alice, who had been silently

standing in the background, to pass a message, I opened the classroom door.

"Hey, Ouga. Good morning, what a coincidence."


"Oh? Ouga, did you guys come to the library too? I did, actually."


"Oh, Ouga. Actually, um… about lunch… well, forget it! Don't mind it!"


"It's nothing, really!!"

As soon as she greeted me, Karen dashed away in a hurry.

That's what happened a little while ago.

"What was that all about? What's with her?"

It's been a week since I had a conversation with Karen after a long time.

Since then, I've been encountering her with a frequency that feels like a lie.

"Hehe. It seems even the perfect Lord Ouga still has things to learn about


Alice, who was brewing warm tea, said with a smile.

Is there something wrong with my communication skills…?

"She thinks you're cute, like a big dog."

According to Mashiro, it seemed like Karen saw me with a tail or


It was a bit disheartening to feel excluded, even though I'm the main


"Next time, why don't you invite her instead?"

"Me? Why?"

"Well, um… Alice's cooking is delicious~. What do you call this?"

"It's a hamburger. I made it based on a recipe devised by Lord Ouga."

"Ouga can cook too. That's amazing!"

"If you feel like it, you can ask Ouga-kun to cook for you sometime."

"Oh, Ouga! Can you cook for me?"

No, listen to me.

But, if eating delicious hamburgers makes Mashiro's chest grow and further

develops it, well, I guess that's fine…

Besides, I like girls who eat a lot.

It's fun to have a meal together and enjoy the atmosphere.

"By the way, isn't it against the rules for me to invite her?"

"Against the rules? What do you mean?"

"What, you don't know? Karen is engaged to Prince Arnia."

"The Crown Prince!? But Levezenka-san dresses as a man, right? Why?"

"…Explaining that would take a long time."



[Scene transition]



Karen is the only child of the Levezenka family. The current head of the

Levezenka family had no luck with having male children and had taken

multiple wives, but never had got it.

The problem was that the current head was stubborn in his thinking.

He only recognized male heirs. But at the same time, he wouldn't accept

anyone who wasn't related by blood.

And so, the solution was to raise Karen as a "boy."

…The complicated part is that Karen was raised as a "boy," and things

started moving a year ago. Karen was chosen as the Crown Prince Arnia's

fiancée by the king himself.

The Crown Prince's fiancée is traditionally chosen from one of the Four

Great Ducal Families.

Although there are other daughters of the current dukes, Karen was the

firstborn and is of the same age as the Crown Prince.

As the most senior heir of the Levezenka Ducal Family, and being the only

daughter, the decision was made without any objections.

"So, Karen has been accustomed to wearing men's clothes for a long time,

which she prefers to wear regularly. But this is just my imagination, you


"There must be deep reasons even for nobles like Karen. Nevertheless, it's

really unfortunate for her in the Levezenka family…"

"It's probably her biggest misfortune to be born into the Levezenka family."

"Um… In that case, isn't the current situation bad for the Crown Prince…?"

Mashiro anxiously looks around, scanning her surroundings.

"That's why, on that day, I rejected Karen when she tried to hold my hand.

…It's fortunate that the Crown Prince has absolutely no interest in her."

The letter from my home that arrived last night mentioned their cold


The engagement was arranged by both sets of parents, and Karen and the

Crown Prince were not originally close to each other.

Moreover, the Crown Prince's character is evident from just the first

meeting; he has his flaws.

Karen must be going through a lot… and it's still ongoing.

"That womanizing Crown Prince is busy playing around with other girls."

"Huh? Womanizing Crown Prince…?"

"He's not interested in Karen at all. Look over there."

Alice points her finger toward the rumors surrounding the Crown Prince

Arnia, who is surrounded by senior female students.

"Arnia-sama, open wide."

"Mm, delicious. Your cooking is the best in the world."

"Oh, stop it… I'm so happy."

"Your Highness! Next, me! Please try mine!"

"No need to rush, I'm not going anywhere. Ahaha!"

It looks like a rather enjoyable meal scene.

The Crown Prince has been enjoying his youth by escorting girls other than

Karen since he enrolled.

At first, other students held back due to Karen, but lately, they've been

disregarding her.

Karen keeps her distance from the Crown Prince's actions, but her

entourage seems uneasy.

"But even so, there's no reason for her to be friendly with me…"

– Wait, hold on? I feel something strange about saying this out loud.

Repairing the relationship with the Crown Prince should be the top priority

for the Levezenka family. They probably even issued her orders from home.

However, what benefit does she gain from approaching me, another person

of the opposite sex… I see, that's it…!

"Hahaha, Karen… using me like that…"

"Using…? Do you have any idea about what it means, Lord Ouga?"

"I thought she was talking to me recently to recruit me for the Student

Council. But there's another reason."

Alice doesn't understand female emotions because she has always been

dedicated to martial arts.

Well, I can't blame her. It's the responsibility of a superior to help their

subordinates grow.

Let me explain it to her.

"Karen wants the Crown Prince to be jealous of her. That's why she's

actively talking to me, someone she knows."


"She can easily make excuses for talking to me, a Duke, you see. I never

thought she would use me as a shield… She's really grown, that girl."

"... Alice, can I have another serving, please?"

"Yes, of course."

However, just being taken advantage of like this isn't ideal.

…That's it! Maybe I can ride along with her plan as well.

Karen must think that I wouldn't fall for her.

But if I were to pretend to genuinely like her, it would definitely cause her


If she gets too close to the infamous me, her reputation would suffer as


For the daughter of the virtuous Levezenka Ducal Family and a member of

the Student Council, there's nothing more painful.

She's really a genius… This might make things interesting.

I've decided on my future plan regarding Karen.

"By the way, I have a question too."

As she says this, Mashiro sends her gaze toward the Crown Prince and his


"Do you want to experience something like that, Ouga-kun?"

"Hey, don't underestimate me. I'm still the firstborn of a duke. Doing

something like that in front of the public…!"

"I was thinking of doing it for you, though."

"…I'd like that."

"Here you go, ahh~"


It's even more delicious because I'm being fed by a beautiful girl.

"Oh, you're making a mess with the sauce all over your mouth."

Mashiro reaches out to me and wipes the sauce off the corner of my mouth

with her finger.

"Sorry, could you pass me a handkerchief?"

──By the way, I have a question."

A chill runs down my spine.

"Ouga-kun, aren't creating harems for some reason, are you?"


I feel an incredibly intense pressure from Mashiro.

Even though she's usually all soft and fluffy with negative ions…!?

"Oh, uhm, of course not. I treat each person sincerely."

Even if I create a harem, I'll treat each person sincerely.

I don't want to end up in trouble by surrounding myself with women who

are only after my money.

"I see. Then it's okay."

It seems like she's convinced.

Mashiro, who was leaning forward, leans back, returning to her usual


"Well then, let's have lunch. The lunch break will be over soon."


I don't really remember the taste of the hamburger after that.


My days were a constant struggle.

My life was not my own.

It was taken away for the sake of my father, the Levezenka family.

My dreams of marrying the one I love, precious friendships, everything was

taken away.

But now I have something to look forward to.

"Phew… Alright."

I hide behind a pillar, tighten my tie neatly, and create the ideal image of

Karen Levezenka that everyone expects.

Nobody wants a weak and unattractive me.

The only one who accepted me back then was him…


I call the name of my friend who has always been my pillar of support.

I endured each painful day because when I entered the Magic Academy,

there was a possibility of meeting him.

Ouga Vellett.

He follows his own sense of justice without caring about others' opinions

and loves his own way of life.

He helped Leiche-san, who was being bullied just because she was a

commoner, and he seems to be actively involved in cleaning up the area

where the orphanage is.

He hasn't changed since the day he helped me.

On the day of the entrance ceremony, even though we hadn't seen each

other in a long time, he immediately recognized me.

He probably doesn't know how happy that made me.

Since then, while busy with student council duties and accompanying the

Crown Prince Arnia, Leiche-san, a cute rival, has appeared… I was


I couldn't stand it and went to confirm their relationship from the morning.

"Good morning, Ouga. The weather is so nice today, it's like the beginning

of an enjoyable day."

I spotted him on his way to school and casually struck up a conversation.

This has been my recent routine.


Well, I know.

I can't blame him for being cold towards me.

I did that to him, after all.

For every hurt he felt, I'll hurt just as much. If that's what it takes for him to

forgive me…

"Good morning, Karen. You shine so brightly today, it's almost like you

outshine the sun."


An unintentionally dumbfounded voice slips out of my mouth.

"But yeah, Karen is right. It has indeed become a wonderful day. Meeting

you in the morning made it so."


"Let's talk more if you're up for it. See you later."

He patted my shoulder and left with a smile.

Did that just… happen?

Ouga praised me…?

He's happy to see me…?

I gently touch the spot where he touched me.

A faint sensation remains.


My heart starts pounding.

The feelings I thought I had suppressed are still lingering in my heart.


"Kukuku… Did you see that, Mashiro? Karen's dumbfounded expression."

"Yeah, you're right."

"Looks like my prediction was correct, huh? Alice, keep an eye on the

Crown Prince Arnia's movements from now on."


Everyone seems satisfied with my perfectly executed act.

But their warm gazes directed at me are somewhat… odd.

It's like they're looking at me like a mother watching over her child's

growth… No, it must be my imagination.

"This is unacceptable. I won't allow myself to be used for political


Yesterday, I saw through Karen's plan to use me as a pawn, so I

immediately came up with a countermeasure.

This approach to her is part of it.

Karen can't refuse me. After all, her purpose is to make the playboy Crown

Prince jealous.

So, it's somewhat convenient for her if I approach her.

"Alice, Ouga-kun is so adorable."

"Lord Ouga lacks experience in dealing with people his age due to various

circumstances. We shall observe him as his attendants and watch him grow.



"He might be thinking about things we can't even imagine. Lord Ouga is

compassionate and has a heart to execute justice."

"Yeah… Maybe… You're right…"

The two women seem to be whispering to each other, but I don't eavesdrop.

They are probably admiring my excellent acting skills.

For now, I will continue with this plan for a while.

The endpoint will be when Karen realizes she can't handle me and retreats.

Then, the student council's watchful eyes will be gone, and I'll kill two

birds with one stone.

A genius, after all. I won, Gahaha!

Feeling good since early morning, I enter the classroom with a triumphant



"Your hair is beautiful. I can tell that you take good care of it. I can see why

everyone likes Karen."

"What a refreshing floral scent. Oh, it's Karen. I thought she was a


"Karen's skin is so smooth. It's like a snow fairy."

Lately, my childhood friend has been acting strangely.

He's been showering me with compliments that I could never have

imagined coming from him.

But that's beside the point.

"Uhuhu… Uhuhuhu…"

I check that there's no one around and let out a little giggle, then jot down

the recent events in my diary, hidden in the inner pocket of my uniform.

"Ouga praised me…"

Ouga is my prince.

Yes, we've been destined for each other since we were little.

I used to be very weak, even the maids looked down on me.

Being born for a political marriage, I thought I shouldn't have been born

into this world.

Until that day when Ouga reached out to me.

Ouga was amazing.

He carved his own path, overcoming any obstacles.

It was so cool.

"Now you belong to me."

When he said that, my body trembled with joy.

The joy of being needed. I felt like I could dedicate my whole life to him.

…Looking back now, maybe that was Ouga's way of proposing.

Since then, he protected me from the bullies. There was no benefit for him

to be involved with a crybaby like me…

That must be it.

I see. Ouga loves me.

Then we both have feelings for each other.

Let's get married.

"Hey, Ouga-kun. You're doing that thing to Levezenka-san, do it to me


"I won't. Absolutely not."

"Aww, you're stingy."

"Mashiro, you've become less reserved lately…"

I stare at the two of them talking amicably in the classroom as they pass by

each other.

…That should have been my special seat.

Lately, they've been stopping to talk with each other more frequently.

Of course, that attracts attention from other students.

Rumors have started to spread that "Ouga Vellett is trying to woo Karen


Well, it doesn't bother me at all.

He hasn't officially proposed yet, but maybe he will next time.

If that happens, I'll give him a proper answer.

I wouldn't mind giving up the Levezenka name.

For the honeymoon, Floishe, the City of Water, or Lirichera, the Garden of

Blessings, would be nice.

Both are famous tourist destinations, and it would surely be a fun time.

Instead of a mansion, I want a small house, just the two of us without any


Oh, but I want five children…


–My head immediately cools down at the familiar voice.

It's the child from the branch family of the Levezenka family.

The surveillance hired by my father.

"After this, you have a dinner with the Crown Prince Arnia. Shall we move


"…I understand."

It's a gloomy time.

The daydreams of escape are over, and reality comes crashing down.

…Why isn't Ouga my fiancé?

Suppressing the lingering thoughts, I leave the place to spend time with

someone I don't even like.

Silence dominates the space.

No conversation can possibly arise.

Because we have never nurtured love between us.


The clinking of tableware echoes.

Yet, we still have these dinners as a pose for my father.

That's why no one else is in the room besides the two of us.

We can't afford to expose the cooled-off relationship.

…No, they probably realized it a long time ago.

No laughter has ever leaked out.

Still, if we continue this engagement… I must be seen only as a tool.


Suddenly, I'm called out, causing me to shiver involuntarily.

It seems I had been sinking into my thoughts and unconsciously looked


When I raise my head, I see the Crown Prince of Arnia with his chin on his

hand, looking at me.

"Y-yes. What can I do for you?"

"Lend me some money again. Five gold coins will do."

"W-what… Didn't I just give you some the other day?"

"I already spent that. That's why I'm asking for more."

"S-so, you spent it…? On what…?"

"You should be able to figure it out without asking. It's for a genuine girl,

not someone pretending to be a man."


I'm not pretending to be a man because I like it…!

I want to take off this constricting sarashi and wear a skirt, spending my

days in cute clothes.

But I'm scared of what my father will say if I stop being a man.

All my desires are kept hidden because of him.

All the pain from being hit, having my hair pulled, and being beaten with a

stick is deeply ingrained.

This curse called father won't set me free.

Right now, even though I'm desired as a woman… if my father knew that

my failures are my own doing, I wonder what kind of expression he'd have.

"What's with that rebellious look? I don't mind breaking off the

engagement, you know?"


"But I wonder what your father would think if that happened?"

…He'd undoubtedly lock me up.

If that were all, it wouldn't be so bad. I'd probably be sent to some remote

area, after being provided with a doppelganger and humiliated.

Indeed, I was educated to become an heir, but my position is disposable if

I'm not useful. Or perhaps I'll be ordered to bear the child of some

influential noble…

That person would handle that easily.

For my father, everything is just a tool.

He's just using me to expand the Levezenka family.

"You get it now, right? You just have to do as I say," said Prince Arnia, with

a sinister smile.

He knows.

He knows that I can't defy my father.

That's why he's demanding such a large sum of money.

"By doing so, the royal blood will be incorporated into the family lineage.

The Levezenka family will be treated one rank higher than other ducal

families. You'll be able to produce an heir. Your father will be overjoyed."

Even though he knows I can't ask my father for money…!

If I were to request funds from him, the purpose would be revealed, and it

might reach the king's ears.

Then the prince would be scolded by the king.

Anyone can predict what would follow.

Feeling disgusted, he would present me with a broken engagement.

In other words, he never intended to marry me from the beginning.

He covered all the expenses for my enrollment in the Magic Academy from

his personal funds.

And it's nearing its limit.

"Geez, my father can't even understand how commoners feel. I'm the

crown prince, after all. If he just handed me the money, I wouldn't have to

deal with such troublesome things."

Prince Arnia's feelings are as he says.

He doesn't want to marry someone like me. He wants to have more fun.

He's demanding an exorbitant amount of money because he wants to break

off the engagement.

"Well then, see you next week. Have the money ready by then."

The door slams shut.

Left alone, I look at my hand.

It's battered and bruised from holding a sword.

Taller than Prince Arnia. Eyes filled with determination.

If I were born a man, I wouldn't have to endure this painful struggle.

Why did I have to be born as a woman?

I look down and see my long hair.

"This… Why…!"

I pick up the knife that was on the table and try to cut it off.

"Your hair is beautiful. I can tell you take good care of it. I can see why

everyone likes Karen."


But his words float in my mind, and only a few strands of hair fall to the


The knife slips from my hand, and I collapse on the spot.

"….Help me… Help me, Ouga… Ouga…"

With tears streaming down my face, I keep calling the name of the prince

who is not here.


"So, do you have any questions, Ouga-kun?"

"When did the student council president and I become so close?"

After school, we were caught by the Milfonti, Student Council president,

who had been waiting at the school entrance, and ended up visiting the

student council room.

I could have just ignored her, but I can't back down when she mentions

Karen's name.

Lately, I've been teasing her a lot.

It seems like the topic is related to her, so that's why we followed along

with Mashiro and Alice…

"Are you dissatisfied? Then, how about 'Ogu Ogu'?"

"Does that sound even lamer to you? What does 'Ogu Ogu' mean?"

"Isn't the sound cute? 'Ogu Ogu'?"

"I don't feel anything."

"Oh dear… Well then, how about 'Darling'?"

"Milfonti Student Council President? I'll get mad, you know?"

It was Mashiro who protested.

Lately, she seems to get into a rage mode more often like she had some kind

of landmine.

The problem is that I don't know where the landmine is buried… but I'm

sensitive to such things, so I should be fine.

In my past life, I lived by always gauging people's emotions to play the role

of a good person.

I can tap dance without stepping on any landmines.

Anyway, she used to be timid, but now she can express her opinions firmly,

and I'm happy to see her growth.

"Ufufu. You're loved, Vallette-kun."

"Yes, it's mutual affection."

I fell for Mashiro's breasts, got to know her personality, and I like her more

and more.

Her expressions change constantly, and watching her is never boring. Her

breasts are big, she's ambitious, and I love her chest that's about to burst out

even with the largest size uniform.

"A-Alright. Enough of your lewdness, Ouga-kun. You're staring too much."

"Do you like heroic colors…? If so, how about staring at my chest? You're

free to gaze at the chest of the student council president that everyone


"Staring at the poor only makes your heart poor as well."



With a crack, the handle of the teacup Millfonti was holding broke, spilling

its contents on the table.

Intimidated by the dark aura leaking from the student council president,

Mashiro instinctively clung to my arm.

Ah, she's so healing.

The difference in femininity is quite evident.

Seriously, what is this size…? It's almost like it should be subject to

property tax…

"Now then, since the atmosphere is warmed up, let's get back to the main

topic and stop with the jokes."

Even though it's freezing cold?

I hold back my retorts as the topic she brought up was the same one she

asked us about at the beginning.

"Levezenka -san skipped today's student assembly without permission. You

guys didn't know, huh?"

"It's the first time I'm hearing about it from you. But she seemed fine this


"Then, something must have happened afterward."

"Why do you think something happened?"

"She's a serious and responsible person. I don't think she's the type to shirk

her duties without permission."

The student council president's evaluation is correct.

Karen has a personality that dislikes inconveniencing others.

She's the type who would willingly take on unpleasant tasks if it means

others don't have to suffer.

"If that's all, she wouldn't have bothered bringing us here."

"Hehe, you saw through me, huh? I actually got worried and went to her

dorm room, but she didn't answer… I wonder where she is."

"Did you thoroughly search the room?"

"Yes, of course. But there was no one there."


"I heard she's been getting along with you lately, so I thought there might

be something you could remember… Vallette-kun?"

"…. I see. Well, maybe we just missed each other. There's no way she

would leave the academy grounds. Considering her position."

"I think so too. But if you find her, please let me know."

"Got it. I'll help with that much."

If I can gain gratitude for such a simple thing, I can spare a bit of time.

After all, I've already covered the content of the classes I'm taking.

No need to review, and I usually have extra time after school.

That should be enough for this matter.

I stand up and prepare to leave the student council room.

"Are you aware that she's being troubled by Prince Arnia?"

… but, my steps halt when I'm hit with new information.

By that playboy prince… I see.

Karen must have had feelings for him deep down in her heart.

She probably did something impulsive out of the sadness of being

overlooked this time.

My prediction as the scapegoat has been accurate.

"… Yes, of course."

"! I thought you would notice. I've heard rumors of your recent

achievements. That's why she suddenly started to get close to you… Is that

not the case?"

"… Well, who knows."

She knows that much…!?

I shift my gaze to Alice, who's pretending not to see Millfonti and make a

small 'x' sign.

In other words, she's not being monitored.

She made her deductions based on the information she could gather and

arrived at the essence of the matter.

Indeed, she's the person who holds the top position among all students in

the renowned Magic Academy.

She's more capable than I imagined. I revise my assessment of her danger

level upwards.

"Everyone might turn a blind eye to his behavior. However, I can't overlook

it as an individual."

As fellow women, there are things about the prince's behavior that can't be


Millfonti, as the student council president, doesn't need to flatter anyone,

nor does she seem to judge a man based on his appearance.

That's why she can criticize him properly.

She's being honest with me because she's confident I share the same


"So, I have a proposal for you."

"A proposal?"

"Yes. Whether you accept it or not, would you like to hear it just once?"

She said she heard about my reputation earlier.

… Indeed, this matter might be something that can't be handled by

someone who's not a villain like me.

"… Whether it's a proposal that benefits me or not, I'll decide after hearing


Seeing me sit down again, she smiles happily.

"As for that, there's no need to worry."

"──Since you're the highest authority within this academy, Millfonti."


Darkness. Within the dark, lonely space, all I could hear was the sound of

my own breathing and sniffing.

Ah… this narrowness is comforting.

It's been a while since I've done this.

I thought I had become strong. At least, I tried to.

What is the meaning of my existence? What is my life about?

I feel like I've been repeating unanswered self-questioning for a long time.


The sound of a key opening resounded.

… I wonder who it is this time.

When Millfonti, the student council president, came, I completely ignored


I must have caused so much trouble that I'll probably be expelled from the

student council.

But that's fine. I'll be taken back to my family's home by my father


In that case, I just want to be alone and take my time until then.

Just staying like this in the darkness forever and ever–

"As expected, you were here."


A ray of light pierced through.

A familiar voice. A voice I want to hear forever.

When I looked up, he was there, wearing an exasperated expression.

"Ah, huh… why…?"

"Whenever something unpleasant happened, you would hide in the closet. I

just thought it might be the case this time too."

"Oh… you remembered…"

"How many times do you think I searched for you? It's so ingrained in my

memory that I can't forget."

"Ah, ahaha…"

The fact that I stayed in his memory made me happy.

Even though it wouldn't be strange for me to be hated and forgotten.

His figure, with the same exasperated expression as before, made me happy.

"As expected, the student council president didn't search inside the closet…

but, what are you doing?"

I didn't want him to see my current face, so I instinctively covered it with

my hands.

I don't want Ouga to see my horrible, messed-up face, especially after


"N-No, I was crying until a while ago, so my eyes are swollen, and I'm

embarrassed to be seen like this…"

"I don't care."


He took my hand and effortlessly led me out.

I almost tripped and ended up being drawn into his chest.

Before I could try to distance myself, he gently patted my head.

"I'm used to seeing you cry. There's no need to be self-conscious about it


"… I guess. You're right…"

I buried my face in his chest and gently wrapped my arms around his waist.

Just like when he used to comfort me.

"… Thank you, Ouga."

Feeling relieved, I let out my crying voice once again.


I'm currently running through the school building at night.

Holding Karen, who's crouched down in my arms.

"Huh, huh… Why am I being carried like a princess…? Is this a dream?

Yeah, it might be a dream my brain is showing me as an escape from reality,

a convenient dream for me."

Karen mumbles quickly and softly.

Her face is red, and her breathing is heavy.

Maybe she's feeling uncomfortable from the shaking.

Can't be helped. I'll strengthen my hold on her to reduce the shaking.


For some reason, Karen lets out a voiceless cry.

Her face has become so flushed that it seems like she might have a fever.

Perhaps it's because of staying alone, crying, and her fever has built up.

Even without that, stress can affect one's health.

The shaking while running might have triggered it.

"Sorry, but stay still like this."


Karen nods and wraps her arms around my neck.

"Without anyone finding out, please bring her to the student council room,"

was the mission given by Reina Millfonti.

Naturally, I can't just leave the dormitory as is.

I checked the surroundings to make sure no one was watching, then jumped

out of the window and arrived at this point…

"Lord Ouga, this way."


I follow Alice's guidance, who had conducted a preliminary survey.

"O-Ouga… where exactly are you taking me…?"

"To the student council room."


Safely deliver Karen to the student council room.

That's the promise with the student council president.

"We've been waiting for you, Levezenka -san."

In the center of the room, lit only by moonlight, Millfonti smiles cheerfully.

As suspicious as ever, her smile feels artificial.

I gently place Karen, who had turned pale, on the floor, and she seeks help

with her eyes.

… But, of course, I ignore her.

No matter the circumstances, she must not abandon her responsibilities

without permission.

And from what I heard, Millfonti is trying to help Karen.

It would be best to push her away and make her sincerely apologize.

"I-I'm terribly sorry…!"

"Yes, that's fine."

"… Huh?"

"I'm not angry. I haven't created an organization where work can't proceed

just because one student council member is absent."

But more importantly, she continues.

"I'm glad that you sincerely apologized and came before us. Right, Vallettekun?"

"Yeah. Without Karen, we can't move forward."

I stand in front of Karen and grab her shoulder, making eye contact.

"Huh? W-What?"

"Karen… I've heard about the situation between you and the crown



It might have been a topic Karen didn't want to discuss, but for me, it was

valuable information.

I had assumed that we were just not on good terms.

However, the reality was much darker, and Karen was hurting like this.

So, I want her to remember.

The actions I've taken and the sweet words I've said to her.

If I connect them, there's only one answer.

… Wait? Could it be that Karen has actually fallen for me? That's not good.

Not good at all.

So, first, I needed to confirm Karen's feelings.

"What do you want, Karen?"

"I… I…"

"Don't worry about any constraints. I want you to be honest with your


With those words, the trembling in her body vanished.

She tightly gripped the hem of her clothes.

"…I want to be with Ouga… Just like before, together."

See, I knew it! I had earned too much favorability.

The terrifying possibility that crossed my mind when I heard the situation

from Milfonti was this.

I want to create a harem.

But if rumors spread that I'm being admired by the daughter of the

Levezenka Ducal, no girls will try to get close to me because they fear the

Duke's pressure.

The Duke's influence is scary.

So, Karen has to continue living as the Crown Prince's fiancée as usual.

But the current situation is an impossible future. That's where Milfonti and

I come in.

"…I see."

The game isn't over yet.

There's still a chance for recovery.

I had already come up with that idea.

I'm sure Milfonti's aim is the same.

Otherwise, she wouldn't bother making a deal with me, known for being


"I might not be able to grant your wish, but I'll do my best."

"…I'm sorry. I'm still as weak as I was back then."

"Don't worry about it. There's nothing wrong with relying on others. Leave

it to me now."


I can't have others moving on their own accord!

Leave everything to me. It's okay, I won't do anything bad!

Milfonti seems willing to take full responsibility.

The Academy's headmaster will handle Karen's father's response.

So, all I have to play is the role of the villain.

"Milfonti, no, Student Council President."

"Yes, what is it?"

"I wish to duel with Arnia the Crown Prince."

I'll beat up that worthless playboy and make him taste defeat, leading to his


Then, I'll have the reformed Crown Prince settle the score with Karen and

start a new life from scratch.

Let's call it the "Crown Prince's New Game Strategy"!


"I wish to duel with Arnia the Crown Prince."

I felt a shiver down my spine from his piercing gaze.

Ouga Vellett, the embodiment of unwavering justice, no matter what, and

no matter how far, he won't compromise.

How does one come up with the idea of challenging the Crown Prince to a

fight just for the sake of a childhood friend?

But, I never doubted that Vellett-kun would do it.

He proactively secured a place for a commoner like Lieche-san.

He visited the desolate countryside, rescuing the orphans and even

supporting them to be self-sufficient in their autonomous territory.

Concerned about the deterioration of public safety, he dispatched talented

personnel all around to create a security force.

All of these actions are unimaginable for a noble.

There's only one reason he can make such decisions.

His sense of justice.

His sacred heart compels him to never forgive evil.

Lately, he's been a hot topic among students, but at the same time, I often

hear rumors like "he's only seeking fame" or "he secretly extorts a large

amount of money."

However, with a little consideration, it's obvious that those are just jealous

and baseless rumors.

Even though he's rumored to be a "Saint," he remains humble because he's

not interested in fame.

As a member of the Duke's family, he has no reason to desire the meager

amount of money that can be squeezed from commoners.

I've bet on that sense of justice of his.

And I've won.

"Yes. As the Student Council President, I shall accept your request."

I smile with satisfaction in my heart.

The scenario I've painted so far is working.

The teacher will be pleased too.

With the Crown Prince as the bait, we can verify the authenticity of

Bourbon 's idiot son's testimony.

I can witness Magic Cancel with my own eyes.

In that sense, this issue was very convenient to provoke him.

"B-But there's no way the Crown Prince would accept such a thing…"

Levezenkaenka-san's concerns are understandable.

But this time, without a doubt–

"No, he will. Because it's against a 'loser.'"

He's right.

A magic that erases magic, known as Magic Cancel – which the teacher

provisionally calls it – isn't widely known.

We, too, aren't confident in the technology.

Arnia the Crown Prince may not be top-notch, but he possesses a

considerable level of power as a member of the royal family.

Especially considering how proud he is.

He wouldn't avoid a duel with Vellett-kun, whom he views as beneath him.

Of course, that's not the only factor.

"Now then, let's hear your requests if you win."

The duel system is a specialty of our academy.

Everything is determined by magical strength. It's a school rule that can be

implemented precisely because it declares that social status doesn't matter.

The rules are quite simple.

The loser must accept whatever the winner says.

You can bet anything you want: status, money, knowledge, physical

abilities, lover, fiancé…

If the opponent agrees, anything goes.

"Milfonti, the Student Council President. I have a question… Can I entrust

that right to Karen?"


Levezenka-san is surprised by the proposal, but it's within my expectations.

He barely has any material desires.

He's only doing this duel to improve Levezenka-san's treatment.

That's why he left it up to her.

To let Karen Levezenka choose her own future.

As a result, whatever happens, Vellett-kun will gracefully accept it.

"If the Arnia, Crown Prince agrees, then there's no problem. I'll arrange it

that way."

"Do you want me to talk to them?"

"No, I'll talk to them myself. It's part of the Student Council's

responsibilities to handle the duel."

"That's helpful. By the way, there's one more message I want you to relay."

"What is it?"

"Tell them that we will accept any request without conditions."

"…! That's… That's… It'll make my job easier, so I appreciate it."

"I'm used to seeing you cry. There's no need to be self-conscious about it


"… I guess. You're right…"

I buried my face in his chest and gently wrapped my arms around his waist.

Just like when he used to comfort me.

"… Thank you, Ouga."

Feeling relieved, I let out my crying voice once again.


I'm currently running through the school building at night.

Holding Karen, who's crouched down in my arms.

"Huh, huh… Why am I being carried like a princess…? Is this a dream?

Yeah, it might be a dream my brain is showing me as an escape from reality,

a convenient dream for me."

Karen mumbles quickly and softly.

Her face is red, and her breathing is heavy.

Maybe she's feeling uncomfortable from the shaking.

Can't be helped. I'll strengthen my hold on her to reduce the shaking.


For some reason, Karen lets out a voiceless cry.

Her face has become so flushed that it seems like she might have a fever.

Perhaps it's because of staying alone, crying, and her fever has built up.

Even without that, stress can affect one's health.

The shaking while running might have triggered it.

"Sorry, but stay still like this."


Karen nods and wraps her arms around my neck.

"Without anyone finding out, please bring her to the student council room,"

was the mission given by Reina Millfonti.

Naturally, I can't just leave the dormitory as is.

I checked the surroundings to make sure no one was watching, then jumped

out of the window and arrived at this point…

"Lord Ouga, this way."


I follow Alice's guidance, who had conducted a preliminary survey.

"O-Ouga… where exactly are you taking me…?"

"To the student council room."


Safely deliver Karen to the student council room.

That's the promise with the student council president.

"We've been waiting for you, Levezenka -san."

In the center of the room, lit only by moonlight, Millfonti smiles cheerfully.

As suspicious as ever, her smile feels artificial.

I gently place Karen, who had turned pale, on the floor, and she seeks help

with her eyes.

… But, of course, I ignore her.

No matter the circumstances, she must not abandon her responsibilities

without permission.

And from what I heard, Millfonti is trying to help Karen.

It would be best to push her away and make her sincerely apologize.

"I-I'm terribly sorry…!"

"Yes, that's fine."

"… Huh?"

"I'm not angry. I haven't created an organization where work can't proceed

just because one student council member is absent."

But more importantly, she continues.

"I'm glad that you sincerely apologized and came before us. Right, Vallettekun?"

"Yeah. Without Karen, we can't move forward."

I stand in front of Karen and grab her shoulder, making eye contact.

"Huh? W-What?"

"Karen… I've heard about the situation between you and the crown



It might have been a topic Karen didn't want to discuss, but for me, it was

valuable information.

I had assumed that we were just not on good terms.

However, the reality was much darker, and Karen was hurting like this.

So, I want her to remember.

The actions I've taken and the sweet words I've said to her.

If I connect them, there's only one answer.

… Wait? Could it be that Karen has actually fallen for me? That's not good.

Not good at all.

So, first, I needed to confirm Karen's feelings.

"What do you want, Karen?"

"I… I…"

"Don't worry about any constraints. I want you to be honest with your


With those words, the trembling in her body vanished.

She tightly gripped the hem of her clothes.

"…I want to be with Ouga… Just like before, together."

See, I knew it! I had earned too much favorability.

The terrifying possibility that crossed my mind when I heard the situation

from Milfonti was this.

I want to create a harem.

But if rumors spread that I'm being admired by the daughter of the

Levezenka Ducal, no girls will try to get close to me because they fear the

Duke's pressure.

The Duke's influence is scary.

So, Karen has to continue living as the Crown Prince's fiancée as usual.

But the current situation is an impossible future. That's where Milfonti and

I come in.

"…I see."

The game isn't over yet.

There's still a chance for recovery.

I had already come up with that idea.

I'm sure Milfonti's aim is the same.

Otherwise, she wouldn't bother making a deal with me, known for being


"I might not be able to grant your wish, but I'll do my best."

"…I'm sorry. I'm still as weak as I was back then."

"Don't worry about it. There's nothing wrong with relying on others. Leave

it to me now."


I can't have others moving on their own accord!

Leave everything to me. It's okay, I won't do anything bad!

Milfonti seems willing to take full responsibility.

The Academy's headmaster will handle Karen's father's response.

So, all I have to play is the role of the villain.

"Milfonti, no, Student Council President."

"Yes, what is it?"

"I wish to duel with Arnia the Crown Prince."

I'll beat up that worthless playboy and make him taste defeat, leading to his


Then, I'll have the reformed Crown Prince settle the score with Karen and

start a new life from scratch.

Let's call it the "Crown Prince's New Game Strategy"!


"I wish to duel with Arnia the Crown Prince."

I felt a shiver down my spine from his piercing gaze.

Ouga Vellett, the embodiment of unwavering justice, no matter what, and

no matter how far, he won't compromise.

How does one come up with the idea of challenging the Crown Prince to a

fight just for the sake of a childhood friend?

But, I never doubted that Vellett-kun would do it.

He proactively secured a place for a commoner like Lieche-san.

He visited the desolate countryside, rescuing the orphans and even

supporting them to be self-sufficient in their autonomous territory.

Concerned about the deterioration of public safety, he dispatched talented

personnel all around to create a security force.

All of these actions are unimaginable for a noble.

There's only one reason he can make such decisions.

His sense of justice.

His sacred heart compels him to never forgive evil.

Lately, he's been a hot topic among students, but at the same time, I often

hear rumors like "he's only seeking fame" or "he secretly extorts a large

amount of money."

However, with a little consideration, it's obvious that those are just jealous

and baseless rumors.

Even though he's rumored to be a "Saint," he remains humble because he's

not interested in fame.

As a member of the Duke's family, he has no reason to desire the meager

amount of money that can be squeezed from commoners.

I've bet on that sense of justice of his.

And I've won.

"Yes. As the Student Council President, I shall accept your request."

I smile with satisfaction in my heart.

The scenario I've painted so far is working.

The teacher will be pleased too.

With the Crown Prince as the bait, we can verify the authenticity of

Bourbon 's idiot son's testimony.

I can witness Magic Cancel with my own eyes.

In that sense, this issue was very convenient to provoke him.

"B-But there's no way the Crown Prince would accept such a thing…"

Levezenkaenka-san's concerns are understandable.

But this time, without a doubt–

"No, he will. Because it's against a 'loser.'"

He's right.

A magic that erases magic, known as Magic Cancel – which the teacher

provisionally calls it – isn't widely known.

We, too, aren't confident in the technology.

Arnia the Crown Prince may not be top-notch, but he possesses a

considerable level of power as a member of the royal family.

Especially considering how proud he is.

He wouldn't avoid a duel with Vellett-kun, whom he views as beneath him.

Of course, that's not the only factor.

"Now then, let's hear your requests if you win."

The duel system is a specialty of our academy.

Everything is determined by magical strength. It's a school rule that can be

implemented precisely because it declares that social status doesn't matter.

The rules are quite simple.

The loser must accept whatever the winner says.

You can bet anything you want: status, money, knowledge, physical

abilities, lover, fiancé…

If the opponent agrees, anything goes.

"Milfonti, the Student Council President. I have a question… Can I entrust

that right to Karen?"


Levezenka-san is surprised by the proposal, but it's within my expectations.

He barely has any material desires.

He's only doing this duel to improve Levezenka-san's treatment.

That's why he left it up to her.

To let Karen Levezenka choose her own future.

As a result, whatever happens, Vellett-kun will gracefully accept it.

"If the Arnia, Crown Prince agrees, then there's no problem. I'll arrange it

that way."

"Do you want me to talk to them?"

"No, I'll talk to them myself. It's part of the Student Council's

responsibilities to handle the duel."

"That's helpful. By the way, there's one more message I want you to relay."

"What is it?"

"Tell them that we will accept any request without conditions."

"…! That's… That's… It'll make my job easier, so I appreciate it."

Maybe for the first time in a while, My expression changed from the forced

smile I put on.

In reality, that might not be the case, but I'm feeling excited right now.

He might eventually become a "hero."

He has the qualities for it.

I see. It's no wonder I want to erase him before he reaches his full potential.

A hero with a sense of justice… In the world of the dream he wants to

achieve, he will undoubtedly stand as an enemy.

"But, are you sure? Accepting anything without conditions?"

"W-Well, yeah, Ouga! Doing this for me…!"

"I'm doing it because I want to. It's not for you, and it's not something you

need to worry about. This duel is necessary for me to be myself."

After being told that, Levezenka-san couldn't say anything in response.

Vellett-kun is cunning.

"…I'm sorry… I'm sorry…"

"Heh… You might have changed in appearance, but you're still a crybaby.

…Do you think I'll lose, Karen?"

Levezenka-san shook her head left and right.

He folded his legs and met her gaze, gently wiping away her tears with his


"In that case, cheer for me with a smile. It suits you better."


…It's quite difficult to look at my junior displaying a completely feminine


Please do that when we get back to the room.

And the next day.

An announcement from the Student Council stated that the duel between

Arnia Rondism and Ouga Vellett was established.


"Arnia the Crown Prince VS Ouga Vellett Duel Confirmed!!"

"A battle over Karen Levezenka's love!?"


The headlines on the special edition distributed within the academy were

quite amusing.

In reality, neither the womanizer Crown Prince nor I have any romantic

feelings for Karen.

I made sure to emphasize, "This is for me, not for Karen," twice. It's an

important point, so I said it twice.

Hopefully, that will prevent any misunderstanding.

"But, when it's all lies like this, it's not even funny."

The article even included the Crown Prince's enthusiasm, stating, "I will

put my heart and soul into this. I won't let her heart be given to anyone


Is this a joke? I'd like to ask what face he had when making that statement.

Even I would be upset.

The mood for supporting the Crown Prince is already growing within the


Well, that's only natural. I declined interviews, and my reputation was

already bad.

But that was all part of the plan.

The stage I desired is starting to take shape. The more I portray myself as

the villain, the stronger the impact will be when I defeat the Crown Prince.

As a result, there will be a larger opening for Karen to get close to him.

"Ouga-kun didn't talk to the newspaper club, so they came to interview me.

It's like a festival; they're getting so excited."

"A duel between freshmen, and even more so between a Duke's heir and a

Royal Family's heir, it's only natural for them to be interested."

"Hmph, let them make noise as they please. I'll forge my own path."

"Yes, that's right."

"Uh-huh. I also feel sorry for Levezenka-san… *sniff*"

Detecting someone's presence, I embrace Mashiro and cover her mouth

with my hand.

Even if social status doesn't matter, it's not advisable to ask the person


Furthermore, it's a brilliant idea to enjoy both Alice's and Mashiro's breasts

at the same time.

"Well, well, Your Highness Arnia. What brings you here?"

"You're quite brazen, aren't you, acting all villainous like a 'loser'?"

Crown Prince Arnia greeted me with a fake smile, showing an insincere

grin rather than a friendly expression.

It seems like his smiles towards girls are all artificial, while this is his true


He resembles the man I heard about from the Student Council President's


In that case, I should respond accordingly.

"Is it alright to show your true colors?"

"It's rare for anyone to come here, as you know from the recent incident,


"I suppose so. Not many students have reasons to come to the old school


That's why I guided him here.

In the past few days, I noticed that he was blatantly trying to approach me.

His lackeys were wandering around, making it quite obvious.

Even now, he acts as if he came alone, but I can sense the presence of others


However, they are terrible at hiding. Alice could do a much better job at

concealing presence.

"…So? What's the purpose of the Crown Prince coming all the way here?

The duel day is not yet here."

"It's a simple matter. Kind-hearted me has come to show mercy."

Arnia lightly patted my shoulder with a grin on his face.

"Surrender in the duel. You've played the villain long enough. Exit before

you get crushed."


As expected, it was a predictable proposal, so I immediately reject it and

brush his hand away.

After gazing at his lost hand in a daze, Arnia clenches his teeth.

"I'm telling you that you can't even act properly as an actor. If you

understand, then step down."

"I'll return the favor just as it is. I'll face you tomorrow. For today, go


"Why do you care about appearances? You can just hide away like you used


He doesn't want to listen, huh. Well, I really want him to leave quickly…

Or rather, I'm starting to worry if he'll actually change his personality.

No, this is shock therapy.

Once he realizes his own immaturity, he should be able to recover. After all,

he has royal blood flowing through his veins.

He must possess such determination. I need to believe that; otherwise, I

won't be able to go on.

…In that case, there's only one thing I should do.

"…What's wrong, afraid of me?"

I provoke him, aiming to make him clash with all his might.

If I crush him completely, he won't have any excuses.

I need to cut off any escape routes in advance for everyone's sake.

"Aww. You're trying to show kindness, but… I've decided. I'll kill you."

"Hmph. Are you planning to make it look like an accident?"

"I wonder. But someone like you who can't even use magic… no one will

mourn your death, right? Your family might even be happy."

An intimidating presence increased… from behind.

Calm down, Alice, Mashiro…!

Your anger is much greater scare than Arnia's frustration!

I'm more worried about when you two might go on a rampage!

Arnia, you should understand my concern…!

"Ever since then, I haven't been able to have fun, and the stress is building

up. At least accompany me to relieve some stress."

"Sorry, but that's a disappointing request. I have no intention of being your

punching bag. So, go back."

"Then, how about having your servants take responsibility along with you?"

I grab his extended arm and grip it tightly.

Damn bastard! Do you want to die!?

"Wow… you're so desperate. It seems like the two behind you are very

important to you… I'm getting more excited."

Of course, I'm desperate! I don't want this place to be dyed in blood!

If you touch the two of them the wrong way and they lose control, it will be

a disaster!

Arnia, can't you see how much I care…!

"I've decided to tell you one thing. Don't you dare lay your filthy hands on

my precious harem. Got it? Now go back."


"Even more devoted to you, Lord Ouga…"

"Hmph, you both seem quite infatuated with each other. Well, fine. After

the duel, everything will be mine."


Arnia's lecherous eyes roamed over the two from top to bottom.

…Hey, Arnia. I'm annoyed too, you know?

I'm not in a good mood at all when you treat what's mine so rudely.

"…Is that your request?"

I interpose myself between the Crown Prince and the girls and release my


"Yeah. Protect the fiancée from the villain and save the innocent commoner.

It's a perfect scenario, right?"

"I wonder. Your defeat is already certain; the scenario is already


"…This guy. He talks big but…"

"──There's no point in arguing here. The outcome will be decided


Not wanting to prolong the conversation any further, I interjected to cut him


"So, just go home already."

I said, while pointing in the direction from which Arnia came out.

This was the third time I asked him to leave.

He should have understood my message by now… I've said everything I

wanted to say.

Finally, Arnia turned around and gave me one last menacing glare.

"...Yeah, right. Don't run away. Tomorrow will be the day your life


"No, it will be the day you're reborn."

I watched his back until his presence and those around him disappeared.

… Phew, he's finally gone…



Breasts… Soft sensation on my back…!

With Mashiro hugging me, the tense atmosphere quickly dispersed, and

everything returned to normal.

Without letting go, she buried her face in the nape of my neck.

Her silky hair tickled a little.

"I'm really lucky, Ouga-kun."

"Yes, getting all those kind words from you… serving Lord Ouga is my

life's pride."

"…It's nothing special; I just took responsibility."

"Indeed, that's so you, but still…"

"Did you say something?"

"No, it's nothing. I just thought once again that this is how Ouga-kun would

handle things."

"Even if it weren't me, I think I would have done the same."

For the [ Strategy] to succeed, two conditions were necessary.

Get approval from the headmaster and student council for the duel and

ensure the royal family wouldn't intervene in the outcome.

I already had many witnesses prepared, thanks to Milfonte's help.

All that remained was for me to win decisively in the duel.

In other words, there was only a future of success.

As for the points to be careful about, it's adjusting enough to show the

difference in strength without causing the Crown Prince to collapse. By

doing so, I can both give him a taste of defeat and offer a chance for


If I whisper to the defeated Crown Prince, "You, who desperately clung on,

are worthy of Karen," it may become a source of support for him to recover

while being by Karen's side.

With proper mental care, I can also separate Karen from me! What a perfect


"Hehehe… Don't worry, Mashiro. My path to domination won't be stopped

by something like this."

If this "Crown Prince's New Game Strategy" succeeds, I can gain leverage

with both the royal family and the Levezenka family, thanks to my


Having an advantage over two powerful families doesn't come around


And if the reformed Arnia becomes the next king, my presence will be

formidable. Being close to the king and queen, influential nobles… It's

truly splendid.

"Don't worry. I have complete faith in your victory, Ouga-kun."

"Oh, you seem to understand me well."

"And besides, I'll just be walking by your side. No matter the path we take.

…But for now, let's do this!"

That's what she said, so I start walking again with Mashiro on my back.

Alice also stands next to me as usual.

…Yes, this feels the most comfortable.

"But, Lord Ouga, are you sure about this?"

"What's the matter?"

"It's about the Crown Prince's abilities. It seem to be greater than initially


Alice stutters, indicating that she must have felt that the Crown Prince is

stronger than I thought.

In other words, there's a possibility I'll have to use "Magic Rite of Burial."

But I don't intend to use the "Magic Rite of Burial."

I didn't mind it during Mashiro's time, as there were hardly any witnesses.

But this time, almost all the students will become witnesses.

I've also discussed it with my fathers before enrolling in the academy.

I've thoroughly considered those aspects.

"Don't worry. I've accounted for that. I'll crush him without using it."

"I see. Considering the future, it's the best decision. I apologize for my

shallow thinking."

"No, I feel better knowing we're on the same page. You don't need to


I wrap my arms around Mashiro's smooth thighs to make sure she doesn't

slide off.

I give them a firm squeeze; they feel a bit plump.


"It's nothing. Now, let's head back to the dorm. We need to prepare for



If I sleep as usual and wake up as usual, the moment will arrive.

I don't feel nervous at all.

It's just an event with an obvious outcome, after all.

In the waiting room we were led to, only Karen and I are present.

The Student Council President and the Headmistress came to encourage us

earlier, but the Headmistress said, "Leave the aftermath of the duel to me,"

and they both left immediately.

Alice and Mashiro, who came to cheer us on, have also moved to the

audience seats.

After that, Karen timidly made her way here…

"Ouga, how are you feeling? Did you sleep well last night?"

"That remark, I'll throw it right back at you."


Karen replied with a dry laugh.

"Dark circles around the eyes would ruin beautiful face."

"R-right…! Cough. Yeah, you're right. I'll redo my makeup later."

…Well, that's not surprising.

Considering that today determines her future and the guy she's entrusting it

to has zero magical aptitude, it's understandable she couldn't sleep well.

Anyone who can sleep soundly in such a situation must have nerves of


"Don't worry. Have you ever seen me in a defeated state?"

"…No, never. I remember how you drove away all the bullies for us back


"See? Exactly. It's like a bet is being made, right? How about betting on

me? You could make a profit."

"Haha, maybe I should. I want to recover at least some of what I lost."

Karen shrugged her shoulders and spoke, seeming more relaxed after our


She has a significant role to comfort the Crown Prince after the duel.

But he won't find comfort with dark circles under the eyes.

He's an infuriating guy, but I'll do my best to make the plan succeed.

This kind of course correction is a piece of cake.

"…Hey, Ouga."

She tightly held my hand.

Since she's pressing her face against my back, I can't see her expression,

but she had a strong grip.

"…When did you decide to do this?"

Is she asking about the Crown Prince's reformation plan?

If asked where it all began, I might hesitate…

"Maybe since I reunited with you, Karen."

"Since back then… I'm glad we're on the same page."

So, Karen was also aiming for Arnia's reformation, using me as a pawn.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be any reason for her to approach me.

Although it might not have turned out exactly as she had imagined, she

seems happy with the expected outcome.

"…Yesterday, I struggled a lot. I struggled… and I made my decision. I'm

going to throw everything away and do what I have to do."

"You don't have to be so determined…"

With the right of the duel's winner, I can make Arnia listen to me…

"No, I can't just leave it to you, Ouga. I have to walk together with you. I

talked to the Headmistress too. She's happy to support us."

She's someone who emphasizes the development of the next generation.

Her influence shouldn't be underestimated, and she'll be a strong ally for


"I'll do my best (to be with you, Ouga). No matter how tough the thorny

path may be… I've decided not to run away anymore."

For now, it seems Karen is full of determination, which is a relief.

Good job, Arnia.

It looks like she'll support me even after I win.

With this, the reformation route is secure.

The only thing left is for me to win, and we'll have a happy ending.

"Take care."

"Yeah, see you later."

Bumping our fists, we pray for a bright future for each other.

"Now, let both participants enter!! First, the maverick who managed to

enter despite lacking magical aptitude! Ouga Vellett!!"

It's almost as if they're saying I got in through connections.

But for now, I'll let it slide.

They'll change their perception soon enough.

And so, called by the announcement, I head towards the battlefield bathed

in sunlight.

"Now then, I need to persuade my father in the Headmistress's office to

approve the engagement with Ouga."

–That's what Karen's muttering behind me that couldn't reach me.


The arena was engulfed in excitement.

Normally, there wouldn't be such a large crowd, but this time, it's two

prominent figures facing off against each other.

Arnia, the Crown Prince, who has the potential to enter the magic academy

and is promised to succeed the throne in the future.

Lord Ouga, who was born into the Vellett family but is rumored to embody

"justice" through various activities.

The students were making big bets on the outcome.

It's probably because this is the Rishburg Magic Academy, where most

students are noblemen and noblewomen.

The teachers didn't stop them, so it must be a customary event.

"Look, Alice-san! I bet all my money on Ouga-kun!"

Leiche-san held up a card with a considerable amount of money written on

it for commoners.

True to her words, she seems to have bet her living expenses as well. To

some, she might look like a gambler.

However, if it's related to Lord Ouga, it's a natural course of action for her.

I don't like such actions, so I don't get involved, but for her, it's a rare

opportunity to make a large sum of money.

I don't need to caution her and dampen her excitement.

"Congratulations, Leiche-san."

"Thank you! I'm planning to use the winnings to buy clothes for a date with

Ouga-kun. I don't have many nice clothes… so…"

Lord Ouga would probably buy it for her with just a word, but she's trying

to manage on her own without relying on him.

He must appreciate that kind of sincerity.

Lord Ouga was glad to have her as a close companion. Compared to Prince

Arnia's entourage, the quality was miles apart.

"Well then, let's invite Lord Ouga and go shopping in the town. It's the

capital, after all, and there are plenty of shops with a great selection of


"Yes! I'll find out Ouga-kun's preferences!"

"Hehe, one day I might called you 'Mashiro-sama' too."

"Oh, come on, Alice! Don't tease me!"

As Leiche pouted in anger, the audience's excitement suddenly rose.

It seemed that Lord Ouga and Prince Arnia had entered.

Prince Arnia seemed quite confident from his demeanor.

Clearly, he lacked the ability to judge people. I suppose it's because of his

royal lineage.

Like father, like son, I guess.

"There's no bet where the outcome is as obvious as this one."

It's obvious that Lord Ouga will win without a doubt.

The audience might be disappointed at how one-sided the match is.

"When it comes to Ouga-kun winning, what kind of match are you

expecting, Alice?"

While I was sitting on the chair, Leiche was leaning forward, gazing at the


She might be excited to see some sophisticated magical tactics, but

unfortunately, I doubt such an intense battle will be staged.

"…Yesterday, before I informed you that Prince Arnia was weaker than


It's hard to believe that someone as powerful as Lord Ouga would misjudge

his opponent's strength.

"Leiche, you know what kind of training I've been giving Lord Ouga,


"Um… To defeat magicians without using magic…"

"That's right. Lord Ouga said that considering that, he would give it his


Though in reality, he said he'd crush them. But the point remains the same.

By demonstrating his true strength here, he'll scare away any potential


"So that means…"

"Yes. He thinks the match will be decided in an instant without using

[Magic Cancel]."


"Kyaaa! Go, Prince Arnia~!"

"Do your best~!"

"Crush that guy who stole my fiancée~!"

Yellowish cheers were directed at Arnia.

The man facing them was wearing a friendly smile and waving back.

I wonder how they would react if they found out that he chose Mashiro and

Alice as his reward for winning the match.

Would it be chaos? Well, it's common knowledge that Arnia plays around

with various female students.

However, despite his womanizing, there's no ugly confrontation because he

has a fiancée named Karen, and the girls just want to have a connection to

the royal family.

Though not everyone is necessarily on Arnia's side.

"Beat him up! You bastard who stole my fiancée!"

"There have been a series of broken engagements since he came to the

academy! This time, you'll suffer the same fate!"

"Vellett~! We bet on you! Avenge us~!"

He received fervent, spiteful cheers from the crowd.

Even though the magic academy adhered to a strict meritocracy, addressing

the crown prince as "you" so boldly was quite a statement.

Their smoldering anger within must be considerable.

And I could understand their frustration and regret.

"…How far have you gone with these girls?"

"I'm surrounded by lovely girls. Life couldn't be better, don't you think?"

I agree with that to some extent.

I, too, once came to the academy wanting to build a harem.

However, it's absolutely forbidden to make a move on someone who's

already engaged.

Men who engage in such theft should be kicked by a horse.

"Have you ever thought about Karen's feelings?"

"I haven't. If it weren't for the Levezenka name, I wouldn't have anything

to do with such an unattractive girl."


"Heh, don't get so angry. But I am grateful, you know. She's been my

steady source of fun."

So, Arnia continues.

"I'll need her to continue being my fiancée."

"…Shut up. Just be quiet."


There's no sense of benevolence left in me to help others.

I understand full well that kindness is not reciprocated, and while I won't

label it as hypocrisy, I see it as a futile act.

But even so, I haven't given up my dignity as a human being.

If my friend is being belittled, I will get angry.

Anger simmers inside me.

…I must make this man change his ways.

To do so, I must make him embarrass himself to the point where everyone

abandons him.

To the extent that his handsome face is ruined.

To the extent that his bones are shattered so he can't play with women


To expose his lack of power to protect others from strong opponents.

My name is already covered in mud.

Why should I be afraid at this point?

"Just because you act tough doesn't mean anything! There's a handicap

between you and me because of the difference in our innate abilities!"

Despite his bravado, he was retreating step by step, visibly nervous.

Could a man look any more ridiculous?

Still, perhaps he kept making bold statements to mask his fear or deceive

the cheering girls who supported him.

"…Keep up the pretense if you want. But the fact that you're wary of me

already means you have no chance of winning."

"Even so, you don't even have a single sword. Isn't it arrogant to narrow

down your chances of winning like that?"

"Arrogant? No. I don't use weapons out of pity for you."

I tightened the white full-fingered gloves.

Getting his blood on my hands is not something I want.

With a snap of my fingers, a pure white robe appeared above my head.

I roughly grabbed the falling combat outfit and draped it over myself, fixing

it in place with power.

"You still don't understand the difference in our strength, your ignorance."

"Enough talking…! This conversation ends here!"

"Are you sure? Even if it shortens your time of glory."

"Referee! Sound the signal to start!!"

At Arnia's impatient urging, the bell announcing the duel's start rang out.

Following that, the voices from the spectators' seats grew even louder.

"Hahaha! Fool! Your only chance was at the start! You can't use magic, so

you're finished!"

"Enough with the talk. Show me your prized magic."

"Your acting skills are top-notch, dropout. Well, fine! I'll end this with the

most powerful magic I can control!"


I sensed magic gathering in Arnia's hands.

A long, extensive incantation began.

By the way, I could have killed him three times already at this point.

…Is this guy really strong?

But I can't imagine Alice misjudging the enemy's level.

Is he exposing himself like this during the incantation because he's emptyheaded?

Even though we both know that this isn't a typical battle of magic users

who need to chant spells, he's leisurely starting his incantation.

He's just revealing his lack of adaptability to actions beyond his typical


If I had only sought victory, the result would already be decided.


"How about it? Are you too scared to even speak?!"

I stood with my arms crossed, looking at the enormous mass of rocks

floating above him.

A volume of rock that could easily crush a person, suspended in midair

from nothingness.

The sharp unevenness looked capable of ruthlessly taking lives.

Sure, judging by its appearance alone, it must possess considerable power.

But that's all there is to it.

There's no way I would fear magic that lacks such intricacy.

"Rest assured… Right nearby, there are experts in light attribute magic,

specialists in healing, ready to help. I won't let you die… under normal


"What are you trying to say?"

"Don't you get it yet? I bought them all off! They're all my pawns. I've

already instructed them to delay healing on purpose! Do you understand

what I mean, Ouga Vellett…?"

Arnia licked his lips with a smirk.

Seeing the medical team at both entrances, they seemed uneasy, looking


Dragging even unrelated students into this… he's truly a scumbag.

"You're going to die here. As a victim of an unfortunate accident!"

"…Did you really think it was a good idea to blabber everything?"

"I don't care. You, who are a witness, will disappear here. Rest assured, I'll

take good care of your precious little girls and Karen!"

Seemingly satisfied after saying all his remarks, he finally acted.

The battle's momentum was now beginning to unfold.

"Explode! Crush them all! Reduce everything that grows on the earth to

dust! [Giant Stone Downpour]!"

As Arnia raised his arm high and swung it down, cracks appeared on the

rocks, reducing them to fist-sized pieces, raining down like a storm.

There was no escaping this widespread attack that surrounded the area.

Its volume had the potential to turn the field into a blood-soaked execution


Admittedly, there would be no escape if it hit.

But that's just an "if."


Instead of evading the barrage of rocks, I moved forward.

With a feeling of elegance, as if taking a leisurely stroll.

"Have you ever pushed yourself to your limits, Arnia?"

Just understanding the handicap of lacking magic aptitude didn't instantly

lead to my recovery.

Even creating [Magic Cancel] wasn't something that came together easily.

I devoted myself entirely to training, forsaking all the time I spent playing

outside, sleeping leisurely, and being attended by girls; that's why I am

what I am now.

"I've always had a strong conviction, and I've polished myself, paving the

way for myself as a 'dropout.'"

With a light and graceful step, I closed the distance between Arnia and me.

"Why…?! Why am I not hitting you?!"

"The reason is simple. There's a significant difference in power between

you and me, beyond just magic aptitude."

And what covered it all was the culmination of my efforts.

Instead of sensing the flying rocks, I'm only detecting the movements of


By narrowing my focus to the magic target, my brain's processing power

improves significantly, making movements like these easy to handle.

At first glance, the seemingly dense [Giant Stone Downpour] has plenty of

pathways for me to pass through if I time it right.

Sometimes, I tilt my head to dodge.

"Don't mess with me, don't mess with me, don't mess with me! This can't

be right! Where did you…?!"

Other times, I change my tempo and dodge the landings.

"Hit! Hit already!! Damn it, damn it! T-this is cheating! S-someone is

helping him… That's it! He's doing something illegal!!"

And there you go…

"…It's already my lethal range, Arnia."




Scene transition



"You've become quite pale. But on someone like you, with such a perfect

face, looking a bit bluish suits you."

"Y-You're! the earth spirit…!"

"At this distance, magic won't make it in time."

I pulled my arm back as if preparing to gather power and then struck.

"Gah…! Wha…?!"

My hand as if like a blade, swung out like a quick draw, pierced Arnia's


He couldn't escape the impact and was blown away while falling on his


"I'll return your words from earlier. You're quite the performer, aren't you?

I haven't put in more than a tenth of my full strength."

Even though Alice had said he was stronger than expected… huh?

As if the battle had already been decided,

Arnia's figure lay on the ground covered in dust, with his face kissing the

earth as his rear stuck up.

His momentum had caused his belt to break, revealing half of his buttocks.

Quite an undignified sight.

Laughter, mixed with pity, could be heard from the spectator seats.

While he had successfully become the world's first crown prince to show

off his half-bare bottom, I wouldn't let it end there, of course.

"The humiliation Karen suffered isn't limited to this."

By saying that, I'll make him physically understand how terrible his actions


Through pain, he'll finally start to feel guilty about what he did to her.

The more I inflict pain, the more his feelings of guilt will swell.

I'll engrave it so deeply inside him that it may drive him insane with


And then, Arnia's arrogant heart will shatter.

He'll pray never to experience such humiliation again.

This is my envisioned [Crown Prince's New Game Strategy].

"I'll continue to hurt you. Now, get up! The match is just beginning."


"Hmph, pretending to be unconscious, huh? The one who has royal blood

running through his veins resorts to such sneaky tactics."


"Fine then. I'll do as you wish and make you stand."

With no reaction to my taunts, it seems he's really trying to catch me off


At this point, he must have finally understood the difference in power.

I'll keep hitting him until he no longer has the will to resist or come up with

excuses after losing.

Having taken the bait, I grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up–


Arnia's eyes rolled back, and he foamed at the mouth.

…What? This can't be true.

Because Alice said he was stronger than expected… huh?

Overwhelmed with surprise, my hand lost its grip, and Arnia fell back,

lying on his back.

His pants, which had loosened after I lifted him up, completely came off.

Something as small as a pinkie finger was now exposed.

The bare-bottomed crown prince, defeated in a single blow by a [Dropout],

was exposed to the public.


The air suddenly became lifeless. Under the clear sky, a silence settled in

that wouldn't be expected from a large gathering.

In the midst of it, cold sweat ran down my back.

Hey, hey, hey…!

What's going on… why did he lose consciousness…?

I haven't even executed ten percent of the plan yet!

If I collapse before completely breaking his spirit, the plan won't progress

at all!

"Don't mess with me! This much won't satisfy me!"

I shook him by the collar, but only his neck and the little thing down there


He didn't regain consciousness; he simply lay there, motionless.

"Darn it! If it's come to this, I'll kick him in the crotch to wake him up by


"Stop! The match has already been decided! Step back!"

"What?! Hey, let me go!"

As I raised my arm, several people jumped on me, holding me tightly, and

pulled me away from Arnia.

The medical team began preparing to carry him on a stretcher to the


"Ugh…! Karen… the engagement with Karen…!"

"Huh?! H-He's being dragged away…?!"

"His love for Levezenka…!"

"Perhaps a surge of anger…! Hey! Some of you come this way!"


Dragged by the students trying to stop me, I forcefully try to move forward,

but unfortunately, I can't catch up.

The stretcher carrying the unconscious Arnia keeps getting smaller and

finally disappears outside the venue.

"Darn it! Darn it all!"

I collapse on the spot, pounding the ground with a fist full of frustration.

That one blow should not have been enough to knock Arnia out cold, damn


He'll probably come up with excuses like it was just a bad hit and maintain

his same attitude as always.

If that happens, Karen will undoubtedly won't choose Arnia.

Her passionate determination before the duel was because I believed I could

change him.

But now… but now it's like this…!

"…Don't be so down. You did well."

"We misunderstood you."

"The rumors were indeed true. Leave the rest to us."

Students pat my shoulders and head to the announcer's booth to talk about


What are those guys who were bothering me just a while ago planning


"For now, leave them be."

"But, but you see, the winner's interview…"

What?! A winner's interview!?

If that takes up time, there won't be a chance for me to explain the situation

to Karen.

If I can convince her, maybe she'll still wait before breaking off the


Of course, I'll take full responsibility for changing Arnia.

For that, I needed some calm time to talk with Karen.

Before getting surrounded again, I'll excuse myself from this place.

"I'm going to see Karen! There's an important talk I need to have with


Shouting the reason for giving up the interview, I leave the arena.

Loud boos and jeers are heard, probably a storm of booing.

But I'll ignore them, just ignore them.

"Karen! Where are you!?"

"Ouga-kun, over here!"

"Lord Ouga, we've been waiting for you. If it's Lady Levezenka, she's

moved to the principal's office."

"I see! Thanks, Alice!"

Frantically searching for her as she couldn't be seen, two people come

down from the spectator seats and tell me where Karen is.

Thanking them, I immediately rush towards the principal's office.

The principal is probably helping with the "post-duel arrangements,"

possibly persuading Karen's father.

Maybe, in my absence, they've already made progress in the discussion.

I didn't ask for that.

Considering her personality, I thought she wouldn't leave my side and

would cheer for me on the spot…

"Haa… Haa…"

Running up the stairs, I arrive at the principal's office.

I catch my breath with my shoulders heaving, but without even calming my

breath, as soon as I try to burst in, the door opens from the other side.

"Ah, Ouga!"

Karen's beaming smile greets me as she jumps into my arms.

I instinctively support her to make sure she doesn't fall, and then a click of

the tongue is heard.

Of course, it's not Karen's.

Following the sound, I find Karen's father, the jerk, standing there with

bulging veins.

The master and apprentice of Millefonti come out of the room, pushing him


"Oh my, things are getting heated. As I thought, you two look good

together. Right, Reina?"

"Yes, as you say, Teacher."

The principal smiles kindly, while Reina continues with her usual blank


They might be a mismatched pair, but that's not the issue right now.

"Principal? I don't understand what's going on…"

"Hehehe. Your wish has been granted."

"My wish?"

That means Karen has decided to reconcile with Arnia–

"–The formal engagement between you and Lady Levezenka has been


"Yay! …Huh?"

Wait? The words I heard were different from what I expected… No, no, I

must have misheard.

There's no way that jerk of a father would approve the engagement with a

zero-magic-aptitude me…

"Yes, these are the documents. Both families' representatives have signed

them properly."

"Let me see that!"

Snatching the documents, I see that it lists some contractual terms about

Karen and my engagement, and at the bottom, there are the names of

Karen's father and my father.

Each family crest is stamped.

But that's not the most shocking part.

For some reason, as a witness, Arnia's father, in other words, the king, has

also signed and sealed it.

"…Eh, ah… huh?"

So, so it means… Karen and my engagement is approved by the king…

…Huh? This is absolutely unbreakable!

And from now on, I'll have to behave as an engaged couple of two dukes,

recognized even by the king.

Why is the king so easily approving his former daughter in law engagement

to someone with zero magic aptitude?

I don't get it… I don't understand what's going on at all…

Unable to keep up with the understanding, I stand still in shock, while

Karen tightens her arms around my waist.

Feeling a softness I couldn't imagine from her silhouette, my gaze

involuntarily shifts towards her.

"Um… even though I'm like this… I'm going to change from now on. I'll

work hard to become a good wife… so please take care of me, Ouga."

Since reuniting with her, no, since I met her, this is the cutest smile I've

seen from her.


Shocked by the reality that my carefree harem life has been pushed further

away, I collapse right there.

I don't get it… I don't understand what's going on at all…

Unable to keep up with the understanding, I stand still in shock, while

Karen tightens her arms around my waist.

Feeling a softness I couldn't imagine from her silhouette, my gaze

involuntarily shifts towards her.

"Um… even though I'm like this… I'm going to change from now on. I'll

work hard to become a good wife… so please take care of me, Ouga."

Since reuniting with her, no, since I met her, this is the cutest smile I've

seen from her.


Shocked by the reality that my carefree harem life has been pushed further

away, I collapse right on the spot.