
The Misunderstood Saintly Life of a Villainous Scion

Sir_Smurf3 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

All the way to paradise. Big summer goal

 ◇The timeline is before Kyakyaufufu on the private beach◇

"Huh... now we can rest for a while."

 It has already been a month since the turbulent school magic competition.

 During that time, we, the new student council, were hard at work, and it's already a nostalgic memory that we were exhausted every day.

 This is because it was officially announced that the school would suddenly be closed for a long period of time.

A mass murder incident targeting the students of a magic academy caused by [Thunderstruck Furone] as the mastermind. as well as the many tragedies that occurred on Ramdarb Island in the past.

 Since his crimes go beyond that, his heinousness must be beyond the reach of ordinary people.

 Such [Thunderstruck Fronne] reigned as the head of the school at Lishburg Magic Academy.

 Naturally, there will be a thorough investigation by the government.

 It's hard to imagine that that woman left any traces, but I still have no choice.

 To thoroughly search the entire school.

 This is the first reason.

 The other reason is to provide mental care for current students.

 In response to this incident, numerous requests for leave of absence were submitted.

 Naturally, any parent with a righteous mind would avoid leaving their beloved son or daughter in a place where such a mass murderer went to school.

 The impact is particularly strong at Lishburg Magic Academy, where all students are born into aristocratic families.

 It's even possible to hire your own tutor.

 Even though it's inferior to the curriculum that can be taken at a magic academy, I can understand that it is prioritized to not be in danger of life.

 There is no telling when the missing Flowne will return to the academy.

 Due to such circumstances, the school has placed students on long leave. and made the decision to temporarily close the school.

 That's why we, the student council, had just finished our last patrol.

"When we all went around together, I thought again,lishburghereIt's wide. It starts in the morning and lasts until noon…"

 Ahaha, Karen smiles bitterly.

 I'm sure it would have finished a little faster if they had been divided.

 However, at my request, we all moved together.

 The reason is simple.

[Lightning Strike Furone] recognizes me as an enemy.

 From what Reina has said, it seems like he views me as a risk factor and as an enemy.

 In addition to that, I stole a piece raised by someone named Reina.

 Therefore, I don't think it would be surprising if they were attacked at any time.

 At that time, Karen, who is relatively incompetent in combat, would be dangerous. It is foolish to leave one alone.

 If I, Mashiro, and Reina were there, I wouldn't die instantly in the worst case scenario.

"I'm sorry. But this is also due to circumstances."

"Ah, I'm sorry! That's not what I meant, right? Besides, what you said back then made me happy..."


 Karen's voice was twitching, and I couldn't make out the last part.

 I wonder if those words I used back then were what I was saying when I suggested that we all act together.

``Let's all go see it. I don't want anyone to take it away from me.''

 A fluffy classmate who purifies even the stagnant air with her endless brightness.

 My fiance gives off an aura of love even though he understands my preferences.

 Recently, my sister-in-law is a good teaser and has started to enjoy teasing me.

 There's no way I'm going to let Frowne steal it away.

 I'll do whatever it takes to protect what I think is the strongest harem.

 So, I just said what I really thought, and I don't remember saying it in a particularly strange way...

 Well, that's fine. More than that, there is one thing I would like to talk about before we disband.

 I sat down in a chair and turned to Mashiro, who was leaning against the backrest. Wow, that's huge...

 Because she rested her whole body on the chair, her sloping breasts were making an incredible statement.

 It's so tight that the button feels like it's going to pop off.

 I felt sorry for her in uniform because she was bullied by her big breasts...but that wasn't the case.

 I try not to look at her breasts as much as possible - this is impossible. No matter what I do, it gets into my field of vision.

 It is said that children who eat a lot and sleep well will grow up... but perhaps they are growing even more than when they entered school?

 ...it can not be helped. Let's talk more about breasts.

"Mashiro. Did your parents agree to the matter?"

"Yeah~. I received a reply saying thank you."

"...I see. That would be fine."

 My boobs are talking.

 My heart goes up and down just by Mashiro's words... Wait, ventriloquism?

"Hehe, it looks like Mashiro-san is really tired."

 It was Reina who said that and placed a teacup in front of her.

 It must have been brewed while we were talking.

 It still smells good.

"This is for Karen-san... Yes, Ogre-kun please come as well."

"thank you"

 I thanked him, sat down at the student council president's seat and took a sip.

 Phew... Reina's tea is still delicious... huh?

 I feel uncomfortable with the difference in taste. Is this more bitter than usual? It has a strong bitter taste...

"Wow~. Delicious~"

"Yes, very much. Thank you, Reina-san."

"No, I was just thinking that I would like to take a breather as well."

 There is no difference in the two people drinking the same thing.

 Mashiro was so soft and Karen wasn't trying to control her facial expressions either.

"Oh? What's wrong, Ogre-kun?"

 The culprit was Reina, whose eyes weren't smiling at all.

 ...I noticed that you were staring at Mashiro's breasts. no doubt.

 Do you feel angry about it?

"No, it's nothing."

 I'm all about Reinablack teaXWhen he finishes drinking it, he asks for a refill.

"Can I have another drink?"

"...Okay. I'll brew it with love and care."

 It seems that he has expressed his remorse.

 Judging from what she just said, Reina's delicious tea will probably be brought to her this time.

 There's still a bitter taste in my mouth, but thanks to her, my mind has returned to reality and not my breasts.

"Then, as I told you in advance, Mashiro will guide you to Veret territory. Pack your luggage into the wagon that Alice has arranged."


 I appreciate your cheerful reply.

 Due to other circumstances, Mashiro was left in the care of the Verret family for a while.

 This is because it has become clear that Furone is targeting Mashiro.

 With Reina's testimony, there is no doubt that he wants Mashiro.

 I can't think of a reason for that.


 Just like I took my soul from another world and reincarnated into this world. Fronne is trying to transfer her soul from her current body to a new one.

 And Mashiro Riche was the one who suited him as a new vessel.

 Multiple magic aptitude holderdual magic casterShe has a talent as a student and has been noticed since entering the school.

 This is reliable information obtained from Reina's testimony.

 ...Let's leave the dark story here.

 Even your delicious tea gets cold.

 Besides, I'm sure we'll have to discuss Flone's case in detail someday.

 In any case, with Mashiro in such a dangerous situation, he can't simply return to his hometown.

 If so, where are you going? If asked, the safest place in this world would definitely be Verret territory.

 Moreover, Mashiro is not the only target of protection.

"Now we're all going to gather at Ogre's house. It's going to be like a sleepover and I'm really looking forward to it."

 Karen will also be kept in Verret territory.

 Regarding her, I asked her directly the other day when I visited the Rebezenka family to thank her for protecting Mashiro with her father.

``Please let me protect the life of my precious Karen.''

 Then, I was given permission to do whatever I wanted.

 Karen's father may also be starting to change after the incident with the Crown Prince.

 Anyway, Karen will be kept at our house, and all the student council members will be living with the Verrett family for a while.

 Of course, I also wanted to feel safe by having Karen by my side.

 However, my true aim is something else...Cook-kook.

"Rather than that, it's actually a slumber party. Don't worry about it being weird, just enjoy it like that."

"Yes, yes! The pajama party the other day was fun, and I'd like to chat with everyone again while eating sweets!"

"Sounds good. I'm looking forward to it too."

 Talk is progressing nicely about how they will spend their vacation.

 Seeing the three of them having fun and having fun, I was confident that things were progressing as planned, and I was smiling inwardly.

 There is no concept of four seasons in this world, but the heat has been increasing lately, and we are entering what my previous life called summer.

 It is said that summer makes people feel more open and bold in their actions.

 That's right... In other words, it wouldn't be strange if the fun atmosphere led to that kind of mood.

 At first, I wasn't planning on getting involved until I had expanded my harem.

 If I'm looking for the ultimate, I want all the cute girls in the world to be my women.

 It's because I've been acting with that kind of villain mindset.

 However, it would be no exaggeration to say that now that he has Reina in his family, he has already strayed from that route.

 He always had the overwhelmingly talented Mashiro by his side, got engaged to the only daughter of one of the four great dukes, and made one of the world's leading wizards, known as the "Son of God," his sister-in-law.

 There aren't many people who would want to join the harem as a new member.

 If they exist, they either have a lot of determination like Reina, or they have fanatic feelings for me hidden in their hearts like Alice.

 Either way, it won't be easy to find.

 Lishburg Magic Academy, the place where they met, has also been closed, and everything is close to deadlocked.

 If that's the case, then it might be time to move on to the next relationship.

 Yes, my goal is to become a full-fledged adult this summer...!